Android - Application Reversing

How to pwn cocon.apk ?

A CTF Android apk called cocon.apk, and we need to decrypt the hash value (ctf flag). Please prepare a smartphone and install the apk file. If successful, android desktop will show a icon called

Open the app, the main windows as follow, it says “Hello World, cocon!” and “KEY: Key is disable”:


If you want to know the app code structure, please use jadx to reverse the code. View the code, we should modify int key_val = 0; to int key_val = 1;

Android Reversing

Rebuild the apk project, and sign the apk, install it in smartphone.
Pwned, we get the flag key.

cocon.apk pwned

How to decompile a APK file ?

If you can not find jadx in local computer, or remote source, please download, and extract it.

root@sh:~/andriod_security# jadx -d /root/android_security/cocon_jadx/ /root/andriod_security/cocon.apk
22:19:36 INFO  - loading ...
22:19:36 INFO  - processing ...
22:19:37 INFO  - done

If you decompile apk with jadx, you may need [gradle] or [Android Studio] to rebuild the apk. Of couse, apktool can also do it.

root@sh:~/andriod_security# apktool d cocon.apk -o cocon_apktool/
I: Using Apktool 2.2.1-dirty on cocon.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: /root/.local/share/apktool/framework/1.apk
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files...
I: Copying original files...
root@sh:~/andriod_security# ls -l cocon_apktool/
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  549 Dec 12 22:23 AndroidManifest.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  370 Dec 12 22:23 apktool.yml
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Dec 12 22:23 original
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Dec 12 22:23 res
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Dec 12 22:23 smali

How to compile src into a APK file ?

rebuild the apk files extracted by apktool.

root@sh:~/andriod_security# apktool b cocon_apktool -o cocon_pwned.apk
I: Using Apktool 2.2.1
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
I: Building apk file...
I: Copying unknown files/dir...

How to sign APK file ?

If apk is built successfully, we can try to install it in smartphone.

root@sh:~/andriod_security# adb install cocon_pwned.apk
Failed to install cocon_pwned.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1691373271.tmp/base.apk: Attempt to get length of null array]

Every Android .apk needs to be signed if it is going to be installed on a phone, even if you’re not installing through the Market.

root@sh:~/andriod_security# bash cocon_pwned.apk
[+] 1. Generate a new key for android apk sign
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  Google
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  IT
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  Google
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  FF
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  FL
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  US
Is CN=Google, OU=IT, O=Google, L=FF, ST=FL, C=US correct?
  [no]:  yes

Generating 2,048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) with a validity of 1,000 days
    for: CN=Google, OU=IT, O=Google, L=FF, ST=FL, C=US
Enter key password for <at>
    (RETURN if same as keystore password):
Re-enter new password:
[Storing google.key]
[+] 2. Sign android apk
Enter Passphrase for keystore:
   adding: META-INF/AT.SF
   adding: META-INF/AT.RSA
  signing: AndroidManifest.xml
  signing: classes.dex
  signing: res/drawable-hdpi-v4/icon.png
  signing: res/drawable-ldpi-v4/icon.png
  signing: res/drawable-mdpi-v4/icon.png
  signing: res/layout/main.xml
  signing: resources.arsc
jar signed.

No -tsa or -tsacert is provided and this jar is not timestamped. Without a timestamp, users may not be able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2019-09-08) or after any future revocation date.
[+] 3. Verify sign result

s        589 Mon Dec 12 22:13:38 CST 2016 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
         710 Mon Dec 12 22:13:38 CST 2016 META-INF/AT.SF
        1302 Mon Dec 12 22:13:38 CST 2016 META-INF/AT.RSA
sm      1584 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 AndroidManifest.xml
sm      3748 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 classes.dex
sm      3941 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/icon.png
sm      1537 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/icon.png
sm      2200 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/icon.png
sm       816 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 res/layout/main.xml
sm      1584 Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1980 resources.arsc

  s = signature was verified
  m = entry is listed in manifest
  k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
  i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope

jar verified.

This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated.
This jar contains signatures that does not include a timestamp. Without a timestamp, users may not be able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2019-09-08) or after any future revocation date.

Re-run with the -verbose and -certs options for more details.


# If you want to test more times, please update the code.


[[ -z "$APKFILE" ]] && echo "[*] Usage: $0 <apkfile>" && exit 0

echo "[+] 1. Generate a new key for android apk sign"
keytool -genkey -v -keystore $KEYNAME -alias at -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 1000

echo "[+] 2. Sign android apk"
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore "$KEYNAME" "$APKFILE" "$ALIASNAME"

echo "[+] 3. Verify sign result"
jarsigner -verify -verbose "$APKFILE"






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