EKF/UKF Toolbox for Matlab V1.3

Maintainers: Simo SärkkäJouni HartikainenArno Solin


  • 2011-08-16 Published new version of the document.
  • 2011-08-11 Published new version (1.3) with Gauss-Hermite and third order cubature rule based filters and smoothers. The documentation is also updated, and few bug fixes included in the code.
  • 2007-09-04 Published new version (1.2) with few bug fixes and IMM filters and smoothers.
  • 2007-09-04 Published new version (1.1) with fixes in m-file documentation
  • 2007-08-07 First version of toolbox and documentation have been published!


EKF/UKF is an optimal filtering toolbox for Matlab. Optimal filtering is a frequently used term for a process, in which the state of a dynamic system is estimated through noisy and indirect measurements. This toolbox mainly consists of Kalman filters and smoothers, which are the most common methods used in stochastic state-space estimation. The purpose of the toolbox is not to provide highly optimized software package, but instead to provide a simple framework for building proof-of-concept implementations of optimal filters and smoothers to be used in practical applications.

Most of the code has been written by Simo Särkkä in the Laboratory of Computational Engineering. Later Jouni Hartikainen and Arno Solin documented and extended it with new filters and smoothers as well as simulated examples.


This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later); please refer to the file License.txt, included with the software, for details.

Download and Installation guide


The documentation demonstrates the use of software as well as state-space estimation with Kalman filters in general. The purpose is not to give a complete guide to the subject, but to discuss the implementation and properties of Kalman filters.

The methods that are discussed in the current documentation are:

  • Kalman filters and smoothers.
  • Extended Kalman filters and smoothers
  • Unscented Kalman filters and smoothers
  • Gauss-Hermite Kalman filters and smoothers
  • Cubature Kalman filters and smoothers
  • Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) filters and smoothers

Useful background information on the methods can also be found in these lecture notes (slides and exercises are also available).


There are four demonstration programs for the provided filters and smoothers. The code of demonstrations and short introduction to them are given below. All of the demonstration programs are discussed completely in the documentation.

Demonstration programs for linear state-space models: 
2D CWPA-model, 'kf_cpwa_demo' 

Demonstration programs for non-linear state-space models: 
Tracking a random sine signal, 'ekf_sine_demo' 
UNGM-model, 'ungm_demo'
Bearings Only Tracking, 'bot_demo' 
Reentry Vehicle Tracking, 'reentry_demo' 

Demonstration programs for multiple model systems: 
Tracking a Target with Simple Manouvers, 'imm_demo' 
Coordinated Turn Model, 'ct_demo'
Bearings Only Tracking of a Manouvering Target, 'botm_demo' 


EKF/UKF toolbox for Matlab 7.x
Version 1.3, August 12, 2011

Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Simo Särkkä, 
2007-2011 Jouni Hartikainen 
2010-2011 Arno Solin 

12.08.2011 AS/JH Updated for version 1.3
04.09.2007 JH/SS Updated for version 1.1
06.08.2007 JH Updated for version 1.0

This software is distributed under the GNU General Public
Licence (version 2 or later); please refer to the file
Licence.txt, included with the software, for details.

Kalman filtering
KF_PREDICT    Perform Kalman Filter prediction step
KF_UPDATE     Kalman Filter update step
KF_LHOOD      Kalman Filter measurement likelihood
RTS_SMOOTH    Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoother
TF_SMOOTH     Smoother based on combination of two Kalman filters

Extended Kalman filtering
EKF_PREDICT1  1st order Extended Kalman Filter prediction step
EKF_UPDATE1   1st order Extended Kalman Filter update step
EKF_PREDICT2  2nd order Extended Kalman Filter prediction step
EKF_UPDATE2   2nd order Extended Kalman Filter update step
ERTS_SMOOTH1  1st order Extended RTS Smoother
ETF_SMOOTH1   Smoother based on two 1st order extended Kalman filters

Nonlinear transform based filtering
UT_WEIGHTS    Generate weights for sigma points using the summation form
UT_MWEIGHTS   Generate weights for sigma points using the matrix form
UT_SIGMAS     Generate Sigma Points for Unscented Transformation
UT_TRANSFORM  Makes the Unscented Transformation of x and y
UKF_PREDICT1  Nonaugmented UKF prediction step
UKF_UPDATE1   Nonaugmented UKF update step
UKF_PREDICT2  Augmented (state and process noise) UKF prediction step
UKF_UPDATE2   Augmented (state and measurement noise) UKF update step
UKF_PREDICT3  Augmented (state, process and measurement noise) UKF prediction step
UKF_UPDATE3   Augmented (state, process and measurement noise) UKF update step
URTS_SMOOTH1  Nonaugmented unscented RTS-smoother
URTS_SMOOTH2  Augmented unscented RTS-smoother
UTF_SMOOTH1   Smoother based on combination of two unscented Kalman filters
GH_TRANSFORM  Gauss-Hermite transform of random variables
GHKF_PREDICT  Gauss-Hermite Kalman filter prediction step
GHKF_UPDATE   Gauss-Hermite Kalman filter update step
GHRTS_SMOOTH  Additive form Gauss-Hermite Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother
CKF_TRANSFORM Cubature Kalman filter transform of random variables
CKF_PREDICT   Cubature Kalman filter prediction step
CKF_UPDATE    Cubature Kalman filter update step
CRTS_SMOOTH   Additive form cubature Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother

Multiple Model Filtering
IMM_PREDICT   IMM filter prediction step
IMM_UPDATE    IMM filter update step
IMM_SMOOTH    IMM smoothing
EIMM_PREDICT  IMM-EKF filter prediction step
EIMM_UPDATE   IMM-EKF filter update step
UIMM_PREDICT  IMM-UKF filter prediction step
UIMM_UPDATE   IMM-UKF filter update step

GAUSS_PDF     Multivariate Gaussian PDF
GAUSS_RND     Multivariate Gaussian random variables
LTI_INT       Integrate LTI ODE with Gaussian Noise
LTI_DISC      Discretize LTI ODE with Gaussian Noise
RK4           Runge-Kutta integration
DER_CHECK     Check derivatives using finite differences
SCHOL         Positive semidefinite matrix Cholesky factorization


KF_CWPA_DEMO       CWPA model demonstration with Kalman filter

EKF_SINE_F         Dynamic model function (needed by the augmented UKF)
EKF_SINE_H         Measurement model function
EKF_SINE_DH_DX     Jacobian of the measurement model
EKF_SINE_D2H_DX2   Hessian of the measurement model
EKF_SINE_DEMO      Random Sine Signal demonstration

UNGM_F             Dynamic model function
UNGM_DF_DX         Jacobian of the dynamic model
UNGM_D2F_DX2       Hessian of the dynamic model (not used)
UNGM_H             Measurement model function
UNGM_DH_DX         Jacobian of the measurement model
UNGM_D2H_DX2       Hessian of the measurement model (not used)
UNGM_DEMO          UNGM model demonstration

BOT_H               Measurement model function
BOT_DH_DX           1st order derivative of the measurement model
BOT_D2H_DX2         2nd order derivative of the measurement model
BOT_DEMO_ALL        BOT demo with EKF and UKF
EKFS_BOT_DEMO       BOT demo with EKF
UKFS_BOT_DEMO       BOT demo with UKF
GHKFS_BOT_DEMO      BOT demo with GHKF
CKFS_BOT_DEMO       BOT demo with CKF

REENTRY_F          Dynamic model function
REENTRY_DF_DX      Jacobian of the dynamic model
REENTRY_H          Measurement model function
REENTRY_DH_DX      Jacobian of the measurement model
REENTRY_IF         Inverse prediction of the dynamic model
REENTRY_COND       Generates condition numbers for simulation data
MAKE_REENTRY_DATA  Generates the simulation data for reentry dynamics
REENTRY_DEMO       Reentry Vehicle Tracking demonstration

IMM_DEMO           Tracking a Target with Simple Manouvers demonstration

F_TURN             Dynamic model function for the coordinated turn model
F_TURN_DX          Jacobian of the coordinated turn model's dynamic model
F_TURN_INV         Inverse dynamics of the coordinated turn model
CT_DEMO            Coordinated Turn Model demonstration
BOT_H              Measurement model function
BOT_DH_DX          1st order derivative of the measurement model
BOT_D2H_DX2        2nd order derivative of the measurement model
BOTM_DEMO          Bearings Only Tracking of a Manouvering Target Demonstration

Demos currently included in the toolbox, but not documented:

KF_SINE_DEMO       Sine signal demonstration with Kalman filter

See also

评论 1




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