Python STARFM 时空融合



        1. 我的研究区位于江西省,云雨天气较多,先考虑STARFM算法;

        2. 原论文作者Feng Gao提供了C语言版本的程序(Download : USDA ARS),但根据说明文件,是在Linux系统上测试的,最主要的我也不怎么用C语言,除了上大学学了点C++,也不会用C。我还想根据自己的需要做一些外部的修改之类的(如长时间序列自动配对批处理);

        3. 还是偷懒在网上搜Python版本的,在Github上找到一个starfm4py,作者是意大利欧空局的Nikolina Mileva。并正式发表了一篇论文(New tool for spatio-temporal image fusion in remote sensing: a case study approach using Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data)出来,用于做Sentinel-2与Sentinel-3融合的。感觉这个代码比较规范,就开始研究这个代码,作者为了加快处理速度用了Dask包,因为STARFM算法是在移动窗口内执行的,考虑到边缘问题,根据输入的搜索窗口填充了影像边缘。代码条理很清晰,光谱、时间、空间权重、相似像元搜索以及进一步过滤、组合权重以及权重反距离归一化分别用单独的函数写,此外还特地考虑了论文中给出的特例(MODIS影像反射率在2个时期不变;Landsat和MODIS影像反射率在tk时期相同),代码质量很高。但是研究完所有代码,对于filtering函数(进一步根据光谱与时间距离过滤相邻相似像元)里面的写法感觉很困惑,根据原论文以及Nikolina Mileva自己的论文,在这一步过滤时,光谱和时间距离应该一起考虑,但在代码里面,Nikolina Mileva根据一个temp变量(用于判断输入影像对是否大于1对)来判断是否考虑时间距离,我自己反复看原论文以及Nikolina Mileva论文相关部分后,还是觉得她这个地方可能存在问题,我自己觉得不管输入影像对数量是多少,光谱和时间距离都需要同时考虑,里面的区别在于输入多对影像数据时使用Maxmum函数进行取舍,这也是原论文中公式13~16前面有“max”的原因。可能我是个细节控+强迫症,我就在网上找了Nikolina Mileva目前工作单位的邮箱,发了邮件咨询这个问题,但是已经好几天了,没有回信。。。我打算暂时不考虑这个问题,尝试跑一下影像数据看看效果,但是发现这个代码还存在一个问题,也可能是我水平太菜了,没设置好。代码中除了使用Dask并行处理外,还手动写了个分块函数对影像进行分块,还是因为移动窗口的原因,分的块也是相互重叠的。此外,作者还使用了一个.zarr格式来配合Dask包,问题就出在这里,根据原论文,对于异质性较高的区域,作者使用搜索窗口是6000m,A=250m,按照30m分辨率算,搜索窗大小就是200,于是我把搜索窗参数设为200测试,结果发现,我一块大概1000*1400大小的测试影像,它分块后的.zarr格式文件大小居然达到了40多G,而且我自己台式机还报了内存错误,我拿到一台128G服务器跑,还是内存报错,原本是想着就几M大小的影像,服务器怎么也够了,手动分区那里就没有单独去考虑,结果发现不行,然后我将手动分块那里设为79,才能继续跑下去,但是速度很慢,一块跑完要半个小时左右,可能是我设置问题,毕竟没怎么用过Dask包,感觉很难忍,算了,还是手动在她的代码基础上修改下吧;

        4. 我在Nikolina Mileva代码基础上做的修改如下:(1)我目前只使用到一对影像输入的,所以去掉了temp变量,暂时不考虑多对影像输入的(好像修改下也不是太复杂,但是实在没精力去折腾了),紧接着对于filtering函数,同时考虑光谱和时间距离;(2)组合权重comb_distance这块,Nikolina Mileva跟原论文稍微有点出入,主要是考虑到出现被0除,光谱、时间、空间距离都加了1,然后都求了倒数,但是在comb_distance函数里面考虑对数变换时,光谱和时间距离又加了1。我在comb_distance函数里面把多余的1去掉了;(3)在考虑两种特例时(MODIS影像反射率在2个时期不变;Landsat和MODIS影像反射率在tk时期相同),根据对原论文的理解,修改了weighting函数;(4)我没有使用分块,而是用2层for循环来遍历各个移动窗口,针对行循环加了个进度条;(5)光谱、时间、空间距离Nikolina Mileva是在移动窗口计算的,我修改为提前整景影像计算,然后循环时,根据搜索窗直接读入。

        5. 注:我使用的高低分辨率影像都做了几何校正、重采样到30m分辨率并进行栅格对齐、裁剪到相同大小等处理,背景值设为-99;高低分辨率影像不确定性参数,原论文中Feng Gao测试时针对不同地区使用的Landsat和MODIS反射率数据可见光/近红外输入为0.002/0.005、0.01/0.015,Nikolina Mileva测试用的是Sentinel-2和Sentinel-3数据,不确定性设置为0.03(对应于MSI传感器绝对辐射精度3%),原论文都是用于反射率融合的,不确定性会低一些,如果针对产品数据(如ET),不确定性值理论上应该会高很多(曾经好像看到过文章说MODIS ET不确定性大概20%),需要找一下相应的论文作为根据设置,这里,我还是采用了Nikolina Mileva设置的值0.03;经测试,搜索窗大小对结果影像较大,需要根据自己研究区测试。下面是我修改后的代码,有问题的话,欢迎大家批评指正:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2023.7.18
Adapted from starfm4py (Nikolina Mileva;
@author: Mao Huihui
import os
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from osgeo import gdal

## Parameters
# Searching window size (Using Odd Number)
windowSize = 51

# Set to True if you want to decrease the sensitivity to the spectral distance
logWeight = False

# The spatial impact factor is a constant defining the relative importance of spatial distance (in meters)
# Take a smaller value of the spatial impact factor for heterogeneous regions (e.g. A = 150 m)
spatImp = 750

# Increasing the number of classes limits the number of similar pixels
numberClass = 5

# Set the uncertainty value for the fine resolution sensor
# 1) A comprehensive evaluation of two MODIS evapotranspiration products over the conterminous United States:
# Using point and gridded FLUXNET and water balance ET (25% on basin scale;
uncertaintyFineRes = 0.03

# Set the uncertainty value for the coarse resolution sensor
# 1) A comprehensive evaluation of two MODIS evapotranspiration products over the conterminous United States:
# Using point and gridded FLUXNET and water balance ET (25% on basin scale;
uncertaintyCoarseRes = 0.03

# Other global variables
mid_idx = windowSize // 2  # Central Pixel
specUncertainty = np.sqrt(uncertaintyFineRes**2 + uncertaintyCoarseRes**2)
tempUncertainty = np.sqrt(2 * uncertaintyCoarseRes**2)

#  栅格数据访问
class RasterTiff:

    # 读栅格文件
    def read_img(self, filename):
        dataset = gdal.Open(filename)    # 打开文件

        im_width = dataset.RasterXSize   # 栅格矩阵的列数
        im_height = dataset.RasterYSize  # 栅格矩阵的行数
        im_bands = dataset.RasterCount   # 波段数

        im_geotrans = dataset.GetGeoTransform()  # 仿射矩阵,左上角像素的大地坐标和像素分辨率
        im_proj = dataset.GetProjection()  # 地图投影信息,字符串表示
        im_data = dataset.ReadAsArray(0, 0, im_width, im_height)  # 将数据写成数组,对应栅格矩阵

        im_nodata = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

        type(im_data), im_data.shape

        del dataset
        return im_height, im_width, im_bands, im_geotrans, im_proj, im_nodata, im_data

    # 写栅格文件
    def write_img(self, filename, im_proj, im_geotrans, im_nodata, im_data):
        # gdal数据类型包括:gdal.GDT_Byte, gdal.GDT_UInt16, gdal.GDT_UInt32,
        # gdal.GDT_Int32, gdal.GDT_Float32, gdal.GDT_Float64

        # 判断栅格数据的数据类型
        if 'int8' in
            datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte
        elif 'int16' in
            datatype = gdal.GDT_UInt16
            datatype = gdal.GDT_Float32

        # 判断数组维数
        if len(im_data.shape) == 3:
            im_bands, im_height, im_width = im_data.shape
            im_bands, (im_height, im_width) = 1, im_data.shape

        # 创建文件
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')  # 数据类型必须有
        dataset = driver.Create(filename, im_width, im_height, im_bands, datatype)

        dataset.SetGeoTransform(im_geotrans)  # 写入仿射变换参数
        dataset.SetProjection(im_proj)  # 写入投影

        if im_bands == 1:
            dataset.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(im_nodata)  # Nodata
            dataset.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(im_data)  # 写入数组数据
            for i in range(im_bands):
                dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1).SetNoDataValue(im_nodata)  # Nodata
                dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1).WriteArray(im_data[i])

        del dataset

# Calculate the spectral distance
def spectral_distance(fine_img_t0_win, coarse_img_t0_win):
    spec_diff = fine_img_t0_win - coarse_img_t0_win
    spec_dist = np.abs(spec_diff) + 1.0
    # print('Spectral Distance:', spec_dist.shape)
    return spec_diff, spec_dist

# Calculate the temporal distance
def temporal_distance(coarse_img_t0_win, coarse_img_t1_win):
    temp_diff = coarse_img_t1_win - coarse_img_t0_win
    temp_dist = np.abs(temp_diff) + 1.0
    # print('Temporal Distance:', temp_dist.shape)
    return temp_diff, temp_dist

# Calculate the spatial distance
def spatial_distance():
    coord = np.sqrt((np.mgrid[0:windowSize, 0:windowSize] - windowSize // 2)**2)
    spat_dist = np.sqrt(((0 - coord[0])**2 + (0 - coord[1])**2))
    rel_spat_dist = spat_dist / spatImp + 1.0  # relative spatial distance
    # print('Spatial Distance:', rel_spat_dist.shape)
    return rel_spat_dist

# 标准差是根据整景影像计算的,而不是在移动窗口计算的
# Define the threshold used in the dynamic classification process
def similarity_threshold(fine_image_t0):
    fine_image_t0 = np.where(fine_image_t0==-99, np.nan, fine_image_t0)
    st_dev = np.nanstd(fine_image_t0)
    sim_threshold = st_dev*2 / numberClass
    # print('Similarity Threshold:', sim_threshold)
    return sim_threshold

# Define the spectrally similar pixels within a moving window
def similarity_pixels(fine_img_t0_win, sim_thre):
    # possible to implement as sparse matrix
    similar_pixels = np.where(np.abs(fine_img_t0_win - fine_img_t0_win[mid_idx, mid_idx]) <= sim_thre, 1, 0)
    # print('Similarity Pixels:', similar_pixels.shape)
    return similar_pixels

# Apply filtering on similar pixels
def filtering(fine_img_t0_win, spec_dist, temp_dist, spec_diff, temp_diff, sim_thre):
    similar_pixels = similarity_pixels(fine_img_t0_win, sim_thre)
    max_spec_dist  = np.abs(spec_diff)[mid_idx, mid_idx] + specUncertainty + 1
    max_temp_dist  = np.abs(temp_diff)[mid_idx, mid_idx] + tempUncertainty + 1
    spec_filter = np.where(spec_dist < max_spec_dist, 1, 0)
    temp_filter = np.where(temp_dist < max_temp_dist, 1, 0)

    st_filter = spec_filter * temp_filter
    similar_pixels_filtered = similar_pixels * st_filter
    # print('Filtering:', similar_pixels_filtered.shape)
    return similar_pixels_filtered

# Calculate the combined distance
def comb_distance(spec_dist, temp_dist, spat_dist):
    if logWeight:
        # print('logWeight')
        spec_dist = np.log(spec_dist)
        temp_dist = np.log(temp_dist)

    comb_dist = spec_dist * temp_dist * spat_dist
    # print('Comb Distance:', comb_dist.shape)
    return comb_dist

# Calculate weights
def weighting(spec_dist, temp_dist, comb_dist, similar_pixels_filtered):
    # Calculate weights only for the filtered spectrally similar pixels
    weights_filt = comb_dist * similar_pixels_filtered

    # Normalize weights
    reverse_dist_weights = np.divide(1, weights_filt,
                                     where=weights_filt != 0)  # 防止分母为0
    norm_weights = np.divide(reverse_dist_weights, np.sum(reverse_dist_weights),
                             where=(np.sum(reverse_dist_weights) != 0))  # 防止分母为0

    # Assign max weight (1) when the temporal or spectral distance is zero
    if spec_dist[mid_idx, mid_idx] == 1 or temp_dist[mid_idx, mid_idx] == 1:
        norm_weights = np.zeros(shape=comb_dist.shape)
        norm_weights[mid_idx, mid_idx] = 1

    # print('Weighting:', norm_weights.shape)
    return norm_weights

# Main Function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    stime = time.time()
    raster = RasterTiff()

    # Path
    coarse_image_path = r'********************************************'
    fine_image_path   = r'********************************************'
    prediction_output_path = r'********************************************'

    # Image Name
    coarse_image_t0_name = '********************************************'
    coarse_image_t1_name = '********************************************'
    fine_image_t0_name   = '********************************************'

    # Base Image
    # im_height, im_width, im_bands, im_geotrans, im_proj, im_nodata, im_data
    base_image = raster.read_img(os.path.join(fine_image_path, fine_image_t0_name))
    im_nodata = base_image[-2]  # -99
    print('im_nodata:', im_nodata)
    image_shape = base_image[-1].shape
    print('image_shape:', image_shape)

    # Read image
    coarse_image_t0 = raster.read_img(os.path.join(coarse_image_path, coarse_image_t0_name))[-1]
    coarse_image_t1 = raster.read_img(os.path.join(coarse_image_path, coarse_image_t1_name))[-1]
    fine_image_t0   = raster.read_img(os.path.join(fine_image_path, fine_image_t0_name))[-1]

    # Edge Pad With 0
    coarse_image_t0_pad = np.pad(coarse_image_t0, windowSize // 2, mode='constant', constant_values=-99)
    coarse_image_t1_pad = np.pad(coarse_image_t1, windowSize // 2, mode='constant', constant_values=-99)
    fine_image_t0_pad   = np.pad(fine_image_t0, windowSize // 2, mode='constant', constant_values=-99)

    # Spectral Distance
    spec = spectral_distance(fine_image_t0_pad, coarse_image_t0_pad)
    spec_diff = spec[0]
    spec_dist = spec[1]

    # Temporal Distance
    temp = temporal_distance(coarse_image_t0_pad, coarse_image_t1_pad)
    temp_diff = temp[0]
    temp_dist = temp[1]

    # Spatial Distance
    spat_dist = spatial_distance()

    # Similarity Threshold
    sim_threshold = similarity_threshold(fine_image_t0)

    # Perform the prediction with STARFM (One Pair)
    STARFM_prediction = np.zeros(shape=image_shape) + im_nodata
    # for row_idx in range(windowSize // 2, image_shape[0] + windowSize // 2):
    # Progressor
    for row_idx in tqdm(range(windowSize // 2, image_shape[0] + windowSize // 2)):
        for col_idx in range(windowSize // 2, image_shape[1] + windowSize // 2):
            # Searching window
            coarse_image_t0_window = coarse_image_t0_pad[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                                         col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]
            coarse_image_t1_window = coarse_image_t1_pad[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                                         col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]
            fine_image_t0_window = fine_image_t0_pad[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                                     col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]

            # Spectral Distance Window
            spec_dist_window = spec_dist[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                         col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]
            spec_diff_window = spec_diff[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                         col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]

            # Temporal Distance Window
            temp_dist_window = temp_dist[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                         col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]
            temp_diff_window = temp_diff[row_idx - windowSize // 2:row_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1,
                                         col_idx - windowSize // 2:col_idx + windowSize // 2 + 1]

            # Spectrally Similar Pixels
            # 1. Dynamic Classification Process (threshold)
            # 2. Sample Filtering (spectral and temporal)
            # print('1) Spectrally Similar Pixels:')
            similar_pixels = filtering(fine_image_t0_window, spec_dist_window, temp_dist_window, spec_diff_window, temp_diff_window, sim_threshold)

            # Weight
            # print('2) Weight:')
            comb_dist = comb_distance(spec_dist_window, temp_dist_window, spat_dist)
            weights = weighting(spec_dist_window, temp_dist_window, comb_dist, similar_pixels)

            # Prediction
            # print('3) Prediction:')
            pred_image_window = fine_image_t0_window + temp_diff_window
            pred_image_window[pred_image_window < 0] = 0  # Set prediction value less 0 to 0
            weighted_pred_window = np.sum(pred_image_window * weights)
            STARFM_prediction[row_idx - windowSize // 2, col_idx - windowSize // 2] = weighted_pred_window
            # print('\n')

    # Write STARFM prediction image
    # filename, im_proj, im_geotrans, im_nodata, im_data
                     base_image[4], base_image[3], -99, STARFM_prediction)

    etime = time.time()
    print('Processing Time: {ptime} min!'.format(ptime=round((etime - stime) / 60.0, 2)))

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对于STARFMPython算法,我找到了一些相关的资料。根据引用\[1\]中的描述,作者在Nikolina Mileva的代码基础上进行了修改。作者主要做了以下几个方面的改动: 1. 去掉了temp变量,只使用了一对影像输入。 2. 在filtering函数中考虑了光谱和时间距离。 3. 在组合权重comb_distance函数中,去掉了多余的1。 4. 在考虑两种特例时,修改了weighting函数。 5. 使用了两层for循环来遍历各个移动窗口,针对行循环加了一个进度条。 6. 光谱、时间、空间距离的计算是在提前整景影像计算的,然后根据搜索窗口直接读入。 然而,我无法提供具体的Python代码,因为没有找到作者公开发布的Python版本的STARFM算法。但是,你可以尝试在相关的学术论文、研究论坛或开源代码库中寻找STARFMPython实现。引用\[2\]中提到原论文作者Feng Gao提供了C语言版本的程序,你也可以尝试使用该程序作为参考,根据自己的需要进行修改和转换成Python代码。 希望这些信息对你有帮助!如果你有其他问题,请随时提问。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* *3* [Python STARFM 时空融合]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]
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