Machine Learning with Python Part One

In this course, you’ll learn how Machine Learning is used in many key fields and industries.

For example,

in the health care industry, data scientists use Machine Learning to predict whether a human cell that is believed to be at risk of developing cancer, is either benign or malignant.

As such, Machine learning can play a key role in determining a person’s health and welfare.You’ll also learn about the value of decision trees and how building a good decision treefrom historical data helps doctors to prescribe the proper medicine for each of their patients.
You’ll learn how bankers use machine learning to make decisions on whether to approve loan applications. And you will learn how to use machine learning to do bank customer segmentation, where it is not usually easy to run for huge volumes of varied data.In this course, you’ll see how machine learning helps websites such as YouTube, Amazon, or Netflix develop recommendations to their customers about various products or services, such as which movies they might be interested in going to see or which books to buy.

There is so much that you can do with Machine Learning! Here,

you’ll learn how to use popular python libraries to build your model. For example, given an automobile dataset, we use the sci-kit learn (sklearn) library to estimate the Co2 emission of cars using their Engine size or Cylinders.We can even predict what the Co2 emissions will be for a car that hasn’t even been produced yet! And we’ll see how the telecommunications industry can predict customer churn.You can run and practice the code of all these samples using the built-in lab environment in this course.You don’t have to install anything to your computer or do anything on the cloud.All you have to do is click a button to start the lab environment in your browser.The code for the samples is already written using python language, in Jupyter notebooks,and you can run it to see the results, or change it to understand the algorithms better.So,

what will you be able to achieve by taking this course?Well, by putting in just a few hours a week over the next few weeks, you’ll get new skills to add to your resume, such as regression, classification, clustering, sci-kit learn and SciPy.You’ll also get new projects that you can add to your portfolio, including cancer detection,predicting economic trends, predicting customer churn, recommendation engines, and many more.You’ll also get a certificate in machine learning to prove your competency, and shareit anywhere you like online or offline, such as LinkedIn profiles and social media.So let’s get started.


Learning Objectives

In this course you will learn about:

  • How Statistical Modeling relates to Machine Learning and do a comparison of each.
  • Real-life examples of Machine learning and how it affects society in ways you may not have guessed!
  • In the labs: Use Python libraries for Machine Learning, such as scikit-learn.

Explore many algorithms and models:

  • Popular algorithms: Regression, Classification, and Clustering
  • Recommender Systems: Content-Based and Collaborative Filtering
  • Popular models: Train/Test Split, Gradient Descent, and Mean Squared Error
  • Get ready to do more learning than your machine!


Module 1 - Machine Learning

  • Python for Machine Learning
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised
  • Lab & Review

Module 2 - Regression

  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Model Evaluation in Regression Models
  • Non-Linear Regression
  • Lab & Review

Module 3 - Classification

  • K-Nearest Neighbors
  • Decision Trees
  • Evaluation Metrics in Classification
  • Logistic Regression vs Linear Regressin
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  • Lab & Review

Module 4 - Clustering

  • K-Means Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Lab & Review

Module 5 - Recommender Systems

  • Content-Based Recommender Systems
  • Collaborative Filtering
  • Lab & Review



Major machine learning techniques

  •  Regression / Estimation

               Predicting continuous values

  • Classification

              Predicting the item class/category of a case

  • Clustering

            Finding the structure of data : summarization

  • Associations

           Associating frequent co-occuring items/events


Major machine learning techniques

  • Anomaly detection

                   Discovering abnormal and unusual cases

  • Sequence mining

                  Predicting next events;click-stream(Markov Model,HMM)

  • Dimension Reduction

                  Reducing the size of data(PCA)

  • Recommendation systems

                 Recommending items


What is supervised learning ?

  We "teach the model," then with that knowledge,it can predict unknown or future instances.

Learning Objectives

In this lesson you will learn about:

      • Regression Algorithms 

      • Model Evaluation 

      • Model Evaluation: Overfitting & Underfitting

      • Understanding Different Evaluation Models

      • Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression


Lab1:  About this Notebook

In this notebook, we learn how to use scikit-learn to implement simple linear regression. We download a dataset that is related to fuel consumption and Carbon dioxide emission of cars. Then, we split our data into training and test sets, create a model using training set, Evaluate your model using test set, and finally use model to predict unknown value

1.0.1  Importing Needed packages

In [2]:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

1.1  Understanding the Data

1.1.1  FuelConsumption.csv:

We have downloaded a fuel consumption dataset, FuelConsumption.csv, which contains model-specific fuel consumption ratings and estimated carbon dioxide emissions for new light-duty vehicles for retail sale in Canada. Dataset source

  • MODELYEAR e.g. 2014
  • MAKE e.g. Acura
  • MODEL e.g. ILX
  • ENGINE SIZE e.g. 4.7
  • CYLINDERS e.g 6
  • FUEL CONSUMPTION in CITY(L/100 km) e.g. 9.9
  • FUEL CONSUMPTION in HWY (L/100 km) e.g. 8.9
  • FUEL CONSUMPTION COMB (L/100 km) e.g. 9.2
  • CO2 EMISSIONS (g/km) e.g. 182 --> low --> 0

1.2  Reading the data in

In [8]:


# 文件路径
filepath = r'C:\Users\ML Learning\FuelConsumption.csv'

In [10]:


df = pd.read_csv(filepath)
# take a look at the dataset


22014ACURAILX HYBRIDCOMPACT1.54AV7Z6.05.85.948136
32014ACURAMDX 4WDSUV - SMALL3.56AS6Z12.79.111.125255
42014ACURARDX AWDSUV - SMALL3.56AS6Z12.18.710.627244

1.2.1  Data Exploration

Lets first have a descriptive exploration on our data.

In [11]:


# summarize the data



Lets select some features to explore more.

In [12]:





we can plot each of these fearues:

In [13]:



Now, lets plot each of these features vs the Emission, to see how linear is their relation:

In [14]:


plt.scatter(cdf.FUELCONSUMPTION_COMB, cdf.CO2EMISSIONS,  color='blue')

In [15]:


plt.scatter(cdf.ENGINESIZE, cdf.CO2EMISSIONS,  color='blue')
plt.xlabel("Engine size")

1.3  Practice

plot CYLINDER vs the Emission, to see how linear is their relation:

In [ ]:


# write your code here
plt.scatter(cdf.ENGINESIZE, cdf.CO2EMISSIONS,  color='blue')
plt.xlabel("Engine size")

Double-click here for the solution.  Creating train and test dataset

Train/Test Split involves splitting the dataset into training and testing sets respectively, which are mutually exclusive. After which, you train with the training set and test with the testing set. This will provide a more accurate evaluation on out-of-sample accuracy because the testing dataset is not part of the dataset that have been used to train the data. It is more realistic for real world problems.

This means that we know the outcome of each data point in this dataset, making it great to test with! And since this data has not been used to train the model, the model has no knowledge of the outcome of these data points. So, in essence, it is truly an out-of-sample testing.

In [16]:


msk = np.random.rand(len(df)) < 0.8
train = cdf[msk]
test = cdf[~msk]

1.3.1  Simple Regression Model

Linear Regression fits a linear model with coefficients B = (B1, ..., Bn) to minimize the 'residual sum of squares' between the independent x in the dataset, and the dependent y by the linear approximation.  Train data distribution

In [17]:


plt.scatter(train.ENGINESIZE, train.CO2EMISSIONS,  color='blue')
plt.xlabel("Engine size")
plt.ylabel("Emission")  Modeling

Using sklearn package to model data.

In [18]:


from sklearn import linear_model
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
train_x = np.asanyarray(train[['ENGINESIZE']])
train_y = np.asanyarray(train[['CO2EMISSIONS']]) (train_x, train_y)
# The coefficients
print ('Coefficients: ', regr.coef_)
print ('Intercept: ',regr.intercept_)
Coefficients:  [[38.82068777]]
Intercept:  [126.0416523]

As mentioned before, Coefficient and Intercept in the simple linear regression, are the parameters of the fit line. Given that it is a simple linear regression, with only 2 parameters, and knowing that the parameters are the intercept and slope of the line, sklearn can estimate them directly from our data. Notice that all of the data must be available to traverse and calculate the parameters.  Plot outputs

we can plot the fit line over the data:

In [19]:


plt.scatter(train.ENGINESIZE, train.CO2EMISSIONS,  color='blue')
plt.plot(train_x, regr.coef_[0][0]*train_x + regr.intercept_[0], '-r')
plt.xlabel("Engine size")


Text(0, 0.5, 'Emission')  Evaluation

we compare the actual values and predicted values to calculate the accuracy of a regression model. Evaluation metrics provide a key role in the development of a model, as it provides insight to areas that require improvement.

There are different model evaluation metrics, lets use MSE here to calculate the accuracy of our model based on the test set: - Mean absolute error: It is the mean of the absolute value of the errors. This is the easiest of the metrics to understand since it’s just average error. - Mean Squared Error (MSE): Mean Squared Error (MSE) is the mean of the squared error. It’s more popular than Mean absolute error because the focus is geared more towards large errors. This is due to the squared term exponentially increasing larger errors in comparison to smaller ones. - Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). - R-squared is not error, but is a popular metric for accuracy of your model. It represents how close the data are to the fitted regression line. The higher the R-squared, the better the model fits your data. Best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse).

In [20]:


from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
test_x = np.asanyarray(test[['ENGINESIZE']])
test_y = np.asanyarray(test[['CO2EMISSIONS']])
test_y_ = regr.predict(test_x)
print("Mean absolute error: %.2f" % np.mean(np.absolute(test_y_ - test_y)))
print("Residual sum of squares (MSE): %.2f" % np.mean((test_y_ - test_y) ** 2))
print("R2-score: %.2f" % r2_score(test_y_ , test_y) )
Mean absolute error: 21.72
Residual sum of squares (MSE): 826.48
R2-score: 0.71

Multiple Linear Regression

Model Evaluation in Regression Model

Evaluation Metrics in Regression

 Non-Linear Regression




Non Linear Regression Analysis

If the data shows a curvy trend, then linear regression will not produce very accurate results when compared to a non-linear regression because, as the name implies, linear regression presumes that the data is linear. Let's learn about non linear regressions and apply an example on python. In this notebook, we fit a non-linear model to the datapoints corrensponding to China's GDP from 1960 to 2014.

1.0.1  Importing required libraries

In [1]:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Though Linear regression is very good to solve many problems, it cannot be used for all datasets. First recall how linear regression, could model a dataset. It models a linear relation between a dependent variable y and independent variable x. It had a simple equation, of degree 1, for example y = 2*(x) + 3.

In [2]:


x = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
##You can adjust the slope and intercept to verify the changes in the graph
y = 2*(x) + 3
y_noise = 2 * np.random.normal(size=x.size)
ydata = y + y_noise
plt.plot(x, ydata,  'bo')
plt.plot(x,y, 'r') 
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')

Non-linear regressions are a relationship between independent variables 𝑥x and a dependent variable 𝑦y which result in a non-linear function modeled data. Essentially any relationship that is not linear can be termed as non-linear, and is usually represented by the polynomial of 𝑘k degrees (maximum power of 𝑥x).


 𝑦=𝑎𝑥3+𝑏𝑥2+𝑐𝑥+𝑑  y=ax3+bx2+cx+d 

Non-linear functions can have elements like exponentials, logarithms, fractions, and others. For example:


Or even, more complicated such as :


Let's take a look at a cubic function's graph.

In [3]:


x = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
##You can adjust the slope and intercept to verify the changes in the graph
y = 1*(x**3) + 1*(x**2) + 1*x + 3
y_noise = 20 * np.random.normal(size=x.size)
ydata = y + y_noise
plt.plot(x, ydata,  'bo')
plt.plot(x,y, 'r') 
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')

As you can see, this function has 𝑥3x3 and 𝑥2x2 as independent variables. Also, the graphic of this function is not a straight line over the 2D plane. So this is a non-linear function.

Some other types of non-linear functions are:

1.0.2  Quadratic



In [4]:


x = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
##You can adjust the slope and intercept to verify the changes in the graph
y = np.power(x,2)
y_noise = 2 * np.random.normal(size=x.size)
ydata = y + y_noise
plt.plot(x, ydata,  'bo')
plt.plot(x,y, 'r') 
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')

1.0.3  Exponential

An exponential function with base c is defined by


where b ≠0, c > 0 , c ≠1, and x is any real number. The base, c, is constant and the exponent, x, is a variable.

In [5]:


X = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
##You can adjust the slope and intercept to verify the changes in the graph
Y= np.exp(X)
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')

1.0.4  Logarithmic

The response 𝑦y is a results of applying logarithmic map from input 𝑥x's to output variable 𝑦y. It is one of the simplest form of log(): i.e.


Please consider that instead of 𝑥x, we can use 𝑋X, which can be polynomial representation of the 𝑥x's. In general form it would be written as



In [6]:


X = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
Y = np.log(X)
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')
<ipython-input-6-0b6a51fd782b>:3: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  Y = np.log(X)

1.0.5  Sigmoidal/Logistic



In [7]:


X = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
Y = 1-4/(1+np.power(3, X-2))
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')

2  Non-Linear Regression example

For an example, we're going to try and fit a non-linear model to the datapoints corrensponding to China's GDP from 1960 to 2014. We download a dataset with two columns, the first, a year between 1960 and 2014, the second, China's corresponding annual gross domestic income in US dollars for that year.

In [8]:


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#downloading dataset
df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\ML Learning\china_gdp.csv")



Did you know? When it comes to Machine Learning, you will likely be working with large datasets. As a business, where can you host your data? IBM is offering a unique opportunity for businesses, with 10 Tb of IBM Cloud Object Storage: Sign up now for free

2.0.1  Plotting the Dataset

This is what the datapoints look like. It kind of looks like an either logistic or exponential function. The growth starts off slow, then from 2005 on forward, the growth is very significant. And finally, it deaccelerates slightly in the 2010s.

In [9]:


x_data, y_data = (df["Year"].values, df["Value"].values)
plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro')

2.0.2  Choosing a model

From an initial look at the plot, we determine that the logistic function could be a good approximation, since it has the property of starting with a slow growth, increasing growth in the middle, and then decreasing again at the end; as illustrated below:

In [10]:


X = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
Y = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-X))
plt.ylabel('Dependent Variable')
plt.xlabel('Indepdendent Variable')

The formula for the logistic function is the following:


𝑌̂ =11+𝑒𝛽1(𝑋−𝛽2)Y^=11+eβ1(X−β2)

𝛽1β1: Controls the curve's steepness,

𝛽2β2: Slides the curve on the x-axis.

2.0.3  Building The Model

Now, let's build our regression model and initialize its parameters.

In [11]:


def sigmoid(x, Beta_1, Beta_2):
     y = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-Beta_1*(x-Beta_2)))
     return y

Lets look at a sample sigmoid line that might fit with the data:

In [12]:


beta_1 = 0.10
beta_2 = 1990.0
#logistic function
Y_pred = sigmoid(x_data, beta_1 , beta_2)
#plot initial prediction against datapoints
plt.plot(x_data, Y_pred*15000000000000.)
plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'ro')


[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1ebf4a84cd0>]

Our task here is to find the best parameters for our model. Lets first normalize our x and y:

In [13]:


# Lets normalize our data
xdata =x_data/max(x_data)
ydata =y_data/max(y_data)  How we find the best parameters for our fit line?

we can use curve_fit which uses non-linear least squares to fit our sigmoid function, to data. Optimal values for the parameters so that the sum of the squared residuals of sigmoid(xdata, *popt) - ydata is minimized.

popt are our optimized parameters.

In [14]:


from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid, xdata, ydata)
#print the final parameters
print(" beta_1 = %f, beta_2 = %f" % (popt[0], popt[1]))
 beta_1 = 690.451711, beta_2 = 0.997207

Now we plot our resulting regresssion model.

In [15]:


x = np.linspace(1960, 2015, 55)
x = x/max(x)
y = sigmoid(x, *popt)
plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'ro', label='data')
plt.plot(x,y, linewidth=3.0, label='fit')





















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Through exposure to the news and social media, you are probably aware of the fact that machine learning has become one of the most exciting technologies of our time and age. Large companies, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and IBM, heavily invest in machine learning research and applications for good reasons. While it may seem that machine learning has become the buzzword of our time and age, it is certainly not a fad. This exciting field opens the way to new possibilities and has become indispensable to our daily lives. This is evident in talking to the voice assistant on our smartphones, recommending the right product for our customers, preventing credit card fraud, filtering out spam from our email inboxes, detecting and diagnosing medical diseases, the list goes on and on. If you want to become a machine learning practitioner, a better problem solver, or maybe even consider a career in machine learning research, then this book is for you. However, for a novice, the theoretical concepts behind machine learning can be quite overwhelming. Many practical books have been published in recent years that will help you get started in machine learning by implementing powerful learning algorithms. Getting exposed to practical code examples and working through example applications of machine learning are a great way to dive into this field. Concrete examples help illustrate the broader concepts by putting the learned material directly into action. However, remember that with great power comes great responsibility! In addition to offering a hands-on experience with machine learning using the Python programming languages and Python-based machine learning libraries, this book introduces the mathematical concepts behind machine learning algorithms, which is essential for using machine learning successfully. Thus, this book is different from a purely practical book; it is a book that discusses the necessary details regarding machine learning concepts and offers intuitive yet informative explanations of how machine learning algorithms work, how to use them, and most importantly, how to avoid the most common pitfalls. Currently, if you type "machine learning" as a search term in Google Scholar, it returns an overwhelmingly large number of publications—1,800,000. Of course, we cannot discuss the nitty-gritty of all the different algorithms and applications that have emerged in the last 60 years. However, in this book, we will embark on an exciting journey that covers all the essential topics and concepts to give you a head start in this field. If you find that your thirst for knowledge is not satisfied, this book references many useful resources that can be used to follow up on the essential breakthroughs in this field. If you have already studied machine learning theory in detail, this book will show you how to put your knowledge into practice. If you have used machine learning techniques before and want to gain more insight into how machine learning actually works, this book is for you. Don't worry if you are completely new to the machine learning field; you have even more reason to be excited. Here is a promise that machine learning will change the way you think about the problems you want to solve and will show you how to tackle them by unlocking the power of data. Before we dive deeper into the machine learning field, let's answer your most important question, "Why Python?" The answer is simple: it is powerful yet very accessible. Python has become the most popular programming language for data science because it allows us to forget about the tedious parts of programming and offers us an environment where we can quickly jot down our ideas and put concepts directly into action. We, the authors, can truly say that the study of machine learning has made us better scientists, thinkers, and problem solvers. In this book, we want to share this knowledge with you. Knowledge is gained by learning. The key is our enthusiasm, and the real mastery of skills can only be achieved by practice. The road ahead may be bumpy on occasions and some topics may be more challenging than others, but we hope that you will embrace this opportunity and focus on the reward. Remember that we are on this journey together, and throughout this book, we will add many powerful techniques to your arsenal that will help us solve even the toughest problems the data-driven way.




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