tkinter 文件的拖入
tkinter 目前自带有filedialog模块可以实现打开目录选择文件,但是要像我们平时将文件拖入到框内即加载文件就有没有模块加载了,
当然,没有万能的python做不到的,既然源生tkinter 没有,那就借助其他模块喽
引入 tkdnd
- 下载tkdnd windows binary ,我使用的是版本2.8
- 解压后放入python安装目录下的tcl文件夹中,我的是(D:\Program Files\python\tcl\tkdnd2.8)
- 编写tkndn的加载模块,参考
- 定义界面,创建一个Listbox然后 将tkndn绑定到Listbox
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @File :
# @Author: shadow
# @Date : 2020/4/30
# @Desc :
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
import os, re
# 加载tkdnd
class TkDnD:
def __init__(self, tkroot):
self._tkroot = tkroot'package require tkdnd')
# make self an attribute of the parent window for easy access in child classes
tkroot.dnd = self
def bindsource(self, widget, type=None, command=None, arguments=None, priority=None):
'''Register widget as drag source; for details on type, command and arguments, see bindtarget().
priority can be a value between 1 and 100, where 100 is the highest available priority (default: 50).
If command is omitted, return the current binding for type; if both type and command are omitted,
return a list of registered types for widget.'''
command = self._generate_callback(command, arguments)
tkcmd = self._generate_tkcommand('bindsource', widget, type, command, priority)
res =
if type == None:
res = res.split()
return res
def bindtarget(self, widget, type=None, sequence=None, command=None, arguments=None, priority=None):
'''Register widget as drop target; type may be one of text/plain, text/uri-list, text/plain;charset=UTF-8
(see the man page tkDND for details on other (platform specific) types);
sequence may be one of '<Drag>', '<DragEnter>', '<DragLeave>', '<Drop>' or '<Ask>' ;
command is the callback associated with the specified event, argument is an optional tuple of arguments
that will be passed to the callback; possible arguments include: %A %a %b %C %c %D %d %L %m %T %t %W %X %x %Y %y
(see the tkDND man page for details); priority may be a value in the range 1 to 100 ; if there are
bindings for different types, the one with the priority value will be proceeded first (default: 50).
If command is omitted, return the current binding for type, where sequence defaults to '<Drop>'.
If both type and command are omitted, return a list of registered types for widget.'''
command = self._generate_callback(command, arguments)
tkcmd = self._generate_tkcommand('bindtarget', widget, type, sequence, command, priority)
res =
if type == None:
res = res.split()
return res
def clearsource(self, widget):
'''Unregister widget as drag source.''''dnd', 'clearsource', widget)
def cleartarget(self, widget):
'''Unregister widget as drop target.''''dnd', 'cleartarget', widget)
def drag(self, widget, actions=None, descriptions=None, cursorwindow=None, command=None, arguments=None):
'''Initiate a drag operation with source widget.'''
command = self._generate_callback(command, arguments)
if actions:
if actions[1:]:
actions = '-actions {%s}' % ' '.join(actions)
actions = '-actions %s' % actions[0]
if descriptions:
descriptions = ['{%s}'%i for i in descriptions]
descriptions = '{%s}' % ' '.join(descriptions)
if cursorwindow:
cursorwindow = '-cursorwindow %s' % cursorwindow
tkcmd = self._generate_tkcommand('drag', widget, actions, descriptions, cursorwindow, command)
def _generate_callback(self, command, arguments):
'''Register command as tk callback with an optional list of arguments.'''
cmd = None
if command:
cmd = self._tkroot._register(command)
if arguments:
cmd = '{%s %s}' % (cmd, ' '.join(arguments))
return cmd
def _generate_tkcommand(self, base, widget, *opts):
'''Create the command string that will be passed to tk.'''
tkcmd = 'dnd %s %s' % (base, widget)
for i in opts:
if i is not None:
tkcmd += ' %s' % i
return tkcmd
# 将拖入的文件添加到listbox中
def drop(files):
# 拖入文件有特殊符号解决
if isinstance(files, str):
#s = re.compile(r'[{](.*?)[}]').findall(files) # 特殊符号{}过滤
files = re.sub(u"{.*?}", "", files).split() # 通过空格切分多文件,所以文件名中不能有空格
for file in files:
lb.insert("end", file)
# 打开选中的文件
def open_file():
if not lb.curselection():
showerror("ERROR", "Nothing selected!")
file = lb.get(lb.curselection()) # 获取当前选中的文件路径
os.startfile(file) # 打开文件
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
root.title("My tools")
root.geometry('600x200+400+400') # 位置设置
root.wm_resizable(False, False) # 不允许修改长宽
dnd = TkDnD(root)
lb = Listbox(root, height=7, width=60, selectmode=SINGLE)
dnd.bindtarget(lb, 'text/uri-list', '<Drop>', drop, ('%D',))
# 这两个是将文件拖入框内时绑定的事件,可以自己写函数测试
# dnd.bindtarget(lb, 'text/uri-list', '<Drag>', lambda x:x, ('%A', ))
# dnd.bindtarget(lb, 'text/uri-list', '<DragEnter>', drag, ('%A', ))
lb.grid(row=0, rowspan=7, column=1, columnspan=5, padx=20)
Button(root, text="打开文件", width=10, command=open_file).grid(row=7, column=5, padx=10, ipadx=10, pady=10)