




       于是就又有了这个看起来不牛叉,实际上也不牛叉的计算器!We call it Calc-V1



       输入:合法的四则运算表达式,包括:+ - * / () 和取反;识别整数、十六进制数、小数(不包括科学计数法格式)


       要求:正确计算+ - * / () 取反,正确识别整数、小数(不包括科学计数法,因为华联超市的账单上没有使用科学计数法)。不识别不正确的表达式。






Expression >> expression + add-item

Expression >> expression - add-item

Expression >> add-item

Add-item >> add-item * multi-item

Add-item >> add-item / multi-item

Add-tiem >> multi-item

Multi-item >> number

Multi-item >> (expression)

Multi-item >> -(expression)

Multi-item >> +(expression)


Expression >> add-item add-expression

Add-expression >> + add-item add-expression

Add-expression >> - add-item add-expression

Add-expression >> null

Add-item >> multi-item multi-expression

Multi-expression >> * multi-item multi-expression

Multi-expression >> / multi-item multi-expression

Multi-expression >> null

Multi-item >> number

Multi-item >> (expression)

Multi-item >> -(expression)

Multi-item >> +(expression)












#!/usr/bin/perl -w
### tools func ###
$local_debug = 1;
sub Info($){ print "[INFO ]@_\n"; }
sub Die($) { die "@_\n"; }
sub Err($) { print "[ERROR]@_\n"; }
sub De($)  { $local_debug == 0 or print "[DEBUG]@_\n"; }
### end        ###

### global variables
@buf = ();#the string char buffer 
@back = ();# the unused token 
$status = "value";# the status of the operation
@stack = ();# the stack to keep operators and numbers
$base = 0;# the base priority of new tokens
$offset = 3;# the priority of an () will improved
$unary_op = "";# the unary + or -, to support +12, -4.5 
### global variables

### main start
if(@ARGV > 0){#read from cmd line
    $string = join("",@ARGV);
    $res = &calc($string);
    print "=$res\n";
    while(<STDIN>){#read from pipeline or cmd line
        if(/^\s*$/ or /^#/ ){ next; }
        $res = &calc($_);
        print "$res=$_\n";
### main end 
### define
# operator: + - * / +( -( ( )  #
# priority: 0 0 1 1 2  2  2 2  -1
# the '#' is the end of token string
# number: int[12 13 15] float:[0.1 1.1 1. ] hex[0x00 0X0F]
# token attribute: + - op_plus, * / op_multi, ( +( -( op_left, ) op_right, int num_int, float num_float, hex num_hex
### end define

sub calc{
    if( @_ == 0){ return ;}
    my $string = shift@_;

    @buf = split(//, $string);
    $status = "value";# the status transfer table: value -> operator, operator -> value, value -> number -> operator
    @back = ();#buffer the unused token 

    @stack = ();#all operators and numbers are inserted in this stack
    @priority = ();#all token's priority are inserted in this stack 
    $base = 0;
    $unary_op = "";
    while(1){#status transfer machine 
        De "stats: $status";
        my @token = &get_token();
        if( $token[1] eq "ERROR"){ Die "unexpected char:$token[0]"; }
        De "token:@token";
        if($status eq "value"){ &actionValue(@token);}
        elsif($status eq "number"){ &actionNumber(@token); }
        elsif($status eq "operator"){ &actionOperator(@token);}
        elsif($status eq "end"){ last; }
        else{ Die "unexpected status:$status"; }
        De "stack:@stack";
        #De "prior:@priority";
    return $stack[0];
sub get_priority{
    my $a = $_[0];
    if($a eq "+" or $a eq "-"){ return 0; }
    elsif($a eq "*" or $a eq "/"){ return 1; }
    elsif($a =~ /\(/ or $a eq ")" ){ return 2; }
    elsif($a eq "#"){ return -1; }
    else{ Die "bad token to ask for priority:$a"; }
sub actionValue{
    my($token, $attr) = @_;
    if( $attr =~ /^num/ ){
        $token = $attr eq "num_hex" ? hex($token) : 1*$token;
        push@stack, $token;
        push@priority, 0;#the number's priority is ignored
        $status = "operator";
    } elsif ( $token eq "+" || $token eq "-" ){
        $unary_op = $token;# needs a number to build a value, +12,-2.3 etc.
        $status = "number";
    } elsif ( $token eq "+(" || $token eq "-(" || $token eq "("){
        push@stack, $token;
        push@priority, $base+&get_priority($token);
        $base += $offset;#improve the priority
        $status = "value";#alse needs a value 
    }else{ Die "unexpected token: $token, where needs a value or its prefix:+-"; }
sub actionNumber{
    my($token, $attr) = @_;
    if( $attr =~ /^num/ ){
        $token = $attr eq "num_hex" ? hex($token) : 1*$token;
        if($unary_op eq "-"){ $token = -1*$token; }
        elsif($unary_op eq "+"){}
        else{ Die "unexpected unary operator:$unary_op"; }
        push@stack, $token;
        push@priority, 0; # the number's priority is ignored 
        $status = "operator";
        Die "unexpected token: $token, where needs a number for its prefix:$unary_op";
sub actionOperator{
    my($token, $attr) = @_;
    if ( $token eq "+" || $token eq "-" || $token eq "*" || $token eq "/"){
        if(&actionCalc($token) eq "no_action"){# no action means to shift in the token
            push@stack, $token;
            push@priority, $base+&get_priority($token);
            $status = "value";
        }else{ #the action will change the status in the @stack, use the same token try again 
            @back = ($token, $attr);
            $status = "operator";
    } elsif ( $token eq ")" ){
        if(&actionCalc($token) ne "matched"){
            @back = ($token, $attr);
            $base -= $offset;
            $base >=0 or Die "two many ')'";
        $status = "operator";
    } elsif( $token eq "#"){#means the end of the string 
        $base == 0 or Die "unexpected end of calc string, needs more right parentheses";
        if(&actionCalc($token) eq "no_action"){
            @stack == 1 or Die "bad end of stack:@stack";
            $status = "end";
            @back = ($token, $attr);
            $status = "operator";
    }else{ Die "unexpected token: $token, where needs an op"; }
sub actionCalc{
    my $next_operator = $_[0];
    my $next_priority = $base + &get_priority($next_operator);
    $next_priority -= $next_operator eq ")" ? $offset : 0;
    if(@stack < 3){ return "no_action"; }#at least has this pattern: number operator number 
    my $current_priority = $priority[-2];# get the last operator
    if($current_priority >= $next_priority){
            my $value = &oneOPtwo($stack[-3], $stack[-2], $stack[-1]);
            pop@stack;pop@stack;pop@stack;push@stack, $value;
            return "calc";
        }elsif( &is_left_parentheses($stack[-2])){
            my $value = pop@stack;
            my $op = pop@stack;
            $value = $op eq "-(" ? -1*$value : $value;
            push@stack, $value;
            return "matched";
        }else{ Die "bad stack content at:$stack[-2]"; }
    }else{ return "no_action"; }
sub is_binary_op{
    my $op = shift@_;
    return $op eq "+" || $op eq "-" || $op eq "*" || $op eq "/";
sub is_left_parentheses{
    my $op = $_[0];
    return $op eq "+(" || $op eq "-(" || $op eq "(";
sub oneOPtwo{
    my($one, $op, $two) = @_;
    De "calc : $one $op $two";
    my $res = 0;
    if( $op eq "+" ){ $res = $one + $two; }
    elsif( $op eq "-" ){ $res = $one - $two; }
    elsif( $op eq "*" ){ $res = $one * $two; }
    elsif( $op eq "/" ){ $res = $one / $two; }
    else{ Die "bad op : $op"; }
    return $res;
### end 

### token func
sub get_token{
    my @token = ("#", "#");
    if( @back != 0 ){ 
        @token = @back;
        @back = ();
        return @token;
    #ignore whitespace 
    while( @buf > 0 && &is_whitespace($buf[0]) ){ shift@buf; }
    if( @buf > 0){
        my $ch = shift@buf;
        if( $ch eq "+" || $ch eq "-" ){ 
            if( @buf > 0 && $buf[0] eq "(" && $status eq "value"){ 
                @token = ("$ch(", "op_left");
            }else { @token = ($ch, "op_plus"); }
        }elsif( $ch eq "*" ){ @token = qw(* op_multi); }
        elsif( $ch eq "/" ){ @token = qw(/ op_multi); }
        elsif( $ch eq "(" ){ @token = qw%( op_left%; }
        elsif( $ch eq ")" ){ @token = qw%) op_right%; }
        elsif( &is_digit($ch) ){ @token = &get_digit($ch); }
        else { Err "unexpected char: '$ch'"; @token = ($ch, "ERROR");}
    return @token;
sub get_digit{
    my @num = ();
    push@num, $_[0];
    # handle hex-format: 0x00
    if( $num[0]  eq "0" && @buf > 1 && ($buf[0] eq "x" || $buf[0] eq "X") && &is_hexdigit($buf[1]) ){
        @num = qw(0 x);
        while( @buf > 0 && &is_hexdigit($buf[0]) ){ 
            push@num, $buf[0];
        my $token = join "", @num;
        return ($token, "num_hex");
    while( @buf > 0 && &is_digit($buf[0]) ){
        push@num, $buf[0];
    # if is not .
    if( @buf == 0 || @buf > 0 && $buf[0] ne "." ){
        my $token = join "", @num;
        return ($token, "num_int");
    # handle .
    push@num, $buf[0];
    while( @buf > 0 && &is_digit($buf[0]) ){
        push@num, $buf[0];
    my $token = join "", @num;
    return ($token, "num_float");
sub is_whitespace{
    my $ch = $_[0];
    return $ch eq " " || $ch eq "\t" || $ch eq "\n" || $ch eq "\f" || $ch eq "\r" ;
sub is_digit{
    my $ch = $_[0];
    return $ch eq "0" || $ch eq "1" || $ch eq "2" || $ch eq "3" || $ch eq "4" 
        || $ch eq "5" || $ch eq "6" || $ch eq "7" || $ch eq "8" || $ch eq "9";
sub is_hexdigit{
    my $ch = $_[0];
    return $ch eq "0" || $ch eq "1" || $ch eq "2" || $ch eq "3" || $ch eq "4"
        || $ch eq "5" || $ch eq "6" || $ch eq "7" || $ch eq "8" || $ch eq "9"
        || $ch eq "a" || $ch eq "b" || $ch eq "c" || $ch eq "d" || $ch eq "e" || $ch eq "f"
        || $ch eq "A" || $ch eq "B" || $ch eq "C" || $ch eq "D" || $ch eq "E" || $ch eq "F";









评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


