yate学习--yateclass.h--class YATE_API Stream




 * Base class for encapsulating system dependent stream capable objects
 * 封装能够基于系统的流对象的基类
 * @short An abstract stream class capable of reading and writing
 * @short 能够读和写的抽象类
class YATE_API Stream
     * Enumerate seek start position
     * 开寻找位置的枚举
    enum SeekPos {
	SeekBegin,                       // Seek from start of stream
	SeekEnd,                         // Seek from stream end
	SeekCurrent                      // Seek from current position

     * Destructor, terminates the stream
     * 析构函数,结束流
    virtual ~Stream();

     * Get the error code of the last operation on this stream
     * 获取最近操作这个流的错误码
     * @return Error code generated by the last operation on this stream
     * @返回最近操作这个流产生的错误码
    inline int error() const
	{ return m_error; }

     * Closes the stream
     * 关闭这个流
     * @return True if the stream was (already) closed, false if an error occured
     * @返回true,如果流被关闭了(已经被关闭了),false,发生了错误
    virtual bool terminate() = 0;

     * Check if the last error code indicates a retryable condition
     * 检查最近的错误码,表明一个可重操作的条件
     * @return True if error was temporary and operation should be retried
     * @返回true,如果错误是临时的并且可重新操作的
    virtual bool canRetry() const;

     * Check if the last error code indicates a non blocking operation in progress
     * 核查最近的错误码,表明一个正在进行的非阻塞操作
     * @return True if a non blocking operation is in progress
     * @返回true,如果正在进行一个非阻塞的操作
    virtual bool inProgress() const;

     * Check if this stream is valid
     * 检查该流是否为有效的
     * @return True if the stream is valid, false if it's invalid or closed
     * @返回为true,如果该流有效,false,该流无效或者已经关闭
    virtual bool valid() const = 0;

     * Set the blocking or non-blocking operation mode of the stream
     * 设置该流阻塞或者非阻塞模式
     * @param block True if I/O operations should block, false for non-blocking
     * @参数blcok,为true,如果I/O操作是阻塞,false,非阻塞
     * @return True if operation was successfull, false if an error occured
     * @返回true, 如果操作成功, false,发生了错误
    virtual bool setBlocking(bool block = true);

     * Write data to a connected stream
     * 写数据到一个已经连接的流
     * @param buffer Buffer for data transfer
     * @参数buffer,数据传输的缓冲区
     * @param length Length of the buffer
     * @参数length,缓冲区的长度
     * @return Number of bytes transferred, negative if an error occurred
     * @返回已经传输的字节,负数,发生了错误
    virtual int writeData(const void* buffer, int length) = 0;

     * Write a C string to a connected stream
     * 写入一个C的字符串到已经连接的流
     * @param str String to send over the stream
     * @参数str,要发送的字符串
     * @return Number of bytes transferred, negative if an error occurred
     * @返回已经传输的字节,负数,发生了错误
    int writeData(const char* str);

     * Write a String to a connected stream
     * 写字符串到一个已经连接的流
     * @param str String to send over the stream
     * @参数str,要发送的字符串
     * @return Number of bytes transferred, negative if an error occurred
     * @返回已经传输的字节,负数,发生了错误
    inline int writeData(const String& str)
	{ return writeData(str.c_str(), str.length()); }

     * Write a Data block to a connected stream
     * 写数据块到一个已经连接的流
     * @param buf DataBlock to send over the stream
     * @参数buf,要发送的数据块
     * @return Number of bytes transferred, negative if an error occurred
     * @返回已经传输的字节,负数,发生了错误
    inline int writeData(const DataBlock& buf)
	{ return writeData(buf.data(), buf.length()); }

     * Receive data from a connected stream
     * 从一个连接的流中接收数据
     * @param buffer Buffer for data transfer
     * @参数buffer,数据传输的缓冲区
     * @param length Length of the buffer
     * @参数length,缓冲区的长度
     * @return Number of bytes transferred, negative if an error occurred
     * @返回已经传输的字节,负数,发生了错误
    virtual int readData(void* buffer, int length) = 0;

     * Find the length of the stream if it has one
     * 如果流存在,找到该流的长度
     * @return Length of the stream or zero if length is not defined
     * @返回该流的长度,为 0 如果该流的长度没有定义
    virtual int64_t length();

     * Set the stream read/write pointer
     * 设置该流的读/写指针
     * @param pos The seek start as enumeration
     * @参数pos,enumeration 中开始跳转的地址
     * @param offset The number of bytes to move the pointer from starting position
     * @参数offset, 从开始地址移动的指针的字节数
     * @return The new position of the stream read/write pointer. Negative on failure
     * @返回读/写指针的新位置,负数为失败
    virtual int64_t seek(SeekPos pos, int64_t offset = 0);

     * Set the read/write pointer from begin of stream
     * 设置该流的读/写指针从流开始的位置
     * @param offset The position in stream to move the pointer
     * @参数offset, 从开始地址移动的指针的字节数
     * @return The new position of the stream read/write pointer. Negative on failure
     * @返回读/写指针的新位置,负数为失败
    inline int64_t seek(int64_t offset)
	{ return seek(SeekBegin,offset); }

     * Allocate a new pair of unidirectionally pipe connected streams
     * 分配流一对新的单向的管道
     * @param reader Reference of a pointer receiving the newly allocated reading side of the pipe
     * @参数reader,读取的指针
     * @param writer Reference of a pointer receiving the newly allocated writing side of the pipe
     * @参数writer,写入的指针
     * @return True is the stream pipe was created successfully
     * @返回true,流管道创建成功
    static bool allocPipe(Stream*& reader, Stream*& writer);

     * Allocate a new pair of bidirectionally connected streams
     * 分配流一对新的双向
     * @param str1 Reference of a pointer receiving the newly allocated 1st end of the pair
     * @参数str1,第头端的接收引用指针
     * @param str2 Reference of a pointer receiving the newly allocated 2nd end of the pair
     * @参数str2,第尾端的接收引用指针
     * @return True is the stream pair was created successfully
     * @返回true,流创建成功
    static bool allocPair(Stream*& str1, Stream*& str2);

     * Check if operating system supports unidirectional stream pairs
     * 检查操作系统是否支持单向的流
     * @return True if unidirectional pipes can be created
     * @返回true,如果单向管道被创建
    static bool supportsPipes();

     * Check if operating system supports bidirectional stream pairs
     * 检查操作系统是否支持双向的流
     * @return True if bidirectional pairs can be created
    static bool supportsPairs();

     * Default constructor
     * 默认的构造函数
    inline Stream()
	: m_error(0)
	{ }

     * Clear the last error code
     * 清除最后的错误码
    inline void clearError()
	{ m_error = 0; }

    int m_error;

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