Install Mysql MHA On Redhat6.3

MHA performs automating master failover and slave promotion with minimal downtime, usually within 10-30 seconds. MHA prevents replication consistency problems and saves on expenses of having to acquire additional servers. All this with zero performance degradation, no complexity (easy-to-install) and requiring no change to existing deployments.
MHA also provides scheduled online master switching, safely changing the currently running master to a new master, within mere seconds (0.5-2 seconds) of downtime (blocking writes only).
MHA provides the following functionality, and can be useful in many deployments in which high availability, data integrity and near non-stop master maintenance are required.
1.Automated master monitoring and failover
2.Interactive (manually initiated) Master Failover
3.Non-interactive master failover
4.Online switching master to a different host




OS:redhat 6.3

OS:redhat 6.3






yum install perl-DBD-MySQL
yum install perl-Config-Tiny
yum install perl-Log-Dispatch
yum install perl-Parallel-ForkManager


rpm -ivh mha4mysql-node-0.56-0.el6.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh mha4mysql-manager-0.56-0.el6.noarch.rpm


mkdir -p /etc/masterha/app1

[root@zbdba1 masterha]# cat app1.cnf
[server default] 


rpm -ivh perl-DBD-MySQL-4.022-1.el6.rfx.x86_64.rpm


[root@zbdba1 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
f6:86:4a:38:7f:43:ec:d4:1f:d7:04:2e:48:5f:be:c9 root@zbdba1
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|                 |
|          .   o  |
|         . o + . |
|          . o o .|
|       .S.   o = |
|     . .+o. . E .|
|    o .+. o. o   |
|     + .+.  .    |
|      o. .       |
[root@zbdba1 ~]# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@
root@'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'root@'", and check in:


to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

[root@zbdba1 ~]# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@
root@'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'root@'", and check in:


to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

[root@zbdba2 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
19:00:7f:cb:7d:5f:cd:48:3b:08:5a:7f:28:2e:9e:f8 root@zbdba2
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|    ...          |
|     . .         |
|      . o o   .  |
|       o B o + +.|
|        S o = = +|
|         . o o o |
|        . .   .  |
|       o o       |
|      ..E        |
[root@zbdba2 ~]# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@
root@'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'root@'", and check in:


to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

[root@zbdba3 ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
9f:2f:5f:0c:fb:dc:f7:f9:4d:b2:de:48:01:ae:51:d1 root@zbdba3
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|            ..   |
|             .E  |
|            o    |
|           o .   |
|        S . o .  |
|         . + + . |
|          + . = .|
|          .. = B+|
|           oo.*.X|
[root@zbdba3 ~]# ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@
root@'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh 'root@'", and check in:


to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

[root@zbdba1 ~]# masterha_check_ssh --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf 
Tue Feb 10 21:59:19 2015 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.
Tue Feb 10 21:59:19 2015 - [info] Reading application default configuration from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
Tue Feb 10 21:59:19 2015 - [info] Reading server configuration from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
Tue Feb 10 21:59:19 2015 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..
Tue Feb 10 21:59:20 2015 - [debug]
Tue Feb 10 21:59:19 2015 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
Tue Feb 10 21:59:19 2015 - [debug]   ok.
Tue Feb 10 21:59:20 2015 - [debug]
Tue Feb 10 21:59:20 2015 - [debug]  Connecting via SSH from root@ to root@
Tue Feb 10 21:59:20 2015 - [debug]   ok.
Tue Feb 10 21:59:20 2015 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.



[root@zbdba1 masterha]# masterha_check_repl --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf  
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Reading application default configuration from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Reading server configuration from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.56.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] GTID failover mode = 0
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Dead Servers:
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Alive Servers:
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Alive Slaves:
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Current Alive Master:
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Checking slave configurations..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]  read_only=1 is not set on slave
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [warning]  relay_log_purge=0 is not set on slave
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]  binlog_do_db= , binlog_ignore_db=
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info]  Replication filtering check ok.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] GTID (with auto-pos) is not supported
Wed Feb 11 01:20:18 2015 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] Checking MHA Node version..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info]  Version check ok.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication settings on the current master..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] Master MHA Node version is 0.56.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] Checking recovery script configurations on
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info]   Executing command: save_binary_logs --command=test --start_pos=4 --binlog_dir=/var/lib/mysql --output_file=/var/tmp/save_binary_logs_test --manager_version=0.56 --start_file=mysql-bin.000002
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info]   Connecting to root@
  Creating /var/tmp if not exists..    ok.
  Checking output directory is accessible or not..
  Binlog found at /var/lib/mysql, up to mysql-bin.000002
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] Binlog setting check done.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication and checking recovery script configurations on all alive slave servers..
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info]   Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user='root' --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.5.35-log --manager_version=0.56 --relay_log_info=/var/lib/mysql/  --relay_dir=/var/lib/mysql/  --slave_pass=xxx
Wed Feb 11 01:20:19 2015 - [info]   Connecting to root@
  Checking slave recovery environment settings..
    Opening /var/lib/mysql/ ... ok.
    Relay log found at /var/lib/mysql, up to zbdba3-relay-bin.000007
    Temporary relay log file is /var/lib/mysql/zbdba3-relay-bin.000007
    Testing mysql connection and privileges.. done.
    Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.
    Cleaning up test file(s).. done.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [info] Slaves settings check done.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [info] (current master)

Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [info] Checking replication health on
Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [info]  ok.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.
Wed Feb 11 01:20:20 2015 - [info] Got exit code 0 (Not master dead).

MySQL Replication Health is OK.

[root@zbdba1 masterha]# nohup masterha_manager --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf&


Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] MHA::MasterMonitor version 0.56.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [warning] /masterha/app1/ already exists. You might have killed manager with SIGKILL(-9), may run two or more monitoring process for the same application, or use the same working directory. Check for details, and consider setting --workdir separately.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] GTID failover mode = 0
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Dead Servers:
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Alive Servers:
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Alive Slaves:
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Current Alive Master:
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Checking slave configurations..
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]  read_only=1 is not set on slave
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [warning]  relay_log_purge=0 is not set on slave
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]  binlog_do_db= , binlog_ignore_db=
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info]  Replication filtering check ok.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] GTID (with auto-pos) is not supported
Wed Feb 11 02:12:02 2015 - [info] Starting SSH connection tests..
Wed Feb 11 02:12:03 2015 - [info] All SSH connection tests passed successfully.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:03 2015 - [info] Checking MHA Node version..
Wed Feb 11 02:12:03 2015 - [info]  Version check ok.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:03 2015 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication settings on the current master..
Wed Feb 11 02:12:03 2015 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Master MHA Node version is 0.56.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Checking recovery script configurations on
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info]   Executing command: save_binary_logs --command=test --start_pos=4 --binlog_dir=/var/lib/mysql --output_file=/var/tmp/save_binary_logs_test --manager_version=0.56 --start_file=mysql-bin.000002
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info]   Connecting to root@
  Creating /var/tmp if not exists..    ok.
  Checking output directory is accessible or not..
  Binlog found at /var/lib/mysql, up to mysql-bin.000002
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Binlog setting check done.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Checking SSH publickey authentication and checking recovery script configurations on all alive slave servers..
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info]   Executing command : apply_diff_relay_logs --command=test --slave_user='root' --slave_host= --slave_ip= --slave_port=3306 --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.5.35-log --manager_version=0.56 --relay_log_info=/var/lib/mysql/  --relay_dir=/var/lib/mysql/  --slave_pass=xxx
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info]   Connecting to root@
  Checking slave recovery environment settings..
    Opening /var/lib/mysql/ ... ok.
    Relay log found at /var/lib/mysql, up to zbdba3-relay-bin.000007
    Temporary relay log file is /var/lib/mysql/zbdba3-relay-bin.000007
    Testing mysql connection and privileges.. done.
    Testing mysqlbinlog output.. done.
    Cleaning up test file(s).. done.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Slaves settings check done.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] (current master)

Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not defined.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [warning] shutdown_script is not defined.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Set master ping interval 1 seconds.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [warning] secondary_check_script is not defined. It is highly recommended setting it to check master reachability from two or more routes.
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Starting ping health check on
Wed Feb 11 02:12:04 2015 - [info] Ping(SELECT) succeeded, waiting until MySQL doesn't respond..


[root@zbdba1 masterha]# masterha_check_status --conf=/etc/masterha/app1.cnf
app1 (pid:7632) is running(0:PING_OK), master:


[root@zbdba2 database]# service mysql stop
Shutting down MySQL... SUCCESS! 


Wed Feb 11 02:16:49 2015 - [warning] Got error on MySQL select ping: 2006 (MySQL server has gone away)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:49 2015 - [info] Executing SSH check script: save_binary_logs --command=test --start_pos=4 --binlog_dir=/var/lib/mysql --output_file=/var/tmp/save_binary_logs_test --manager_version=0.56 --binlog_prefix=mysql-bin
Wed Feb 11 02:16:49 2015 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:50 2015 - [warning] Got error on MySQL connect: 2013 (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:50 2015 - [warning] Connection failed 2 time(s)..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:51 2015 - [warning] Got error on MySQL connect: 2013 (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:51 2015 - [warning] Connection failed 3 time(s)..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] Got error on MySQL connect: 2013 (Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] Connection failed 4 time(s)..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] Master is not reachable from health checker!
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] Master is not reachable!
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] SSH is reachable.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Connecting to a master server failed. Reading configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf and /etc/masterha/app1.cnf again, and trying to connect to all servers to check server status..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] Global configuration file /etc/masterha_default.cnf not found. Skipping.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Reading application default configuration from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Reading server configuration from /etc/masterha/app1.cnf..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] GTID failover mode = 0
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Dead Servers:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Alive Servers:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Alive Slaves:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Checking slave configurations..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  read_only=1 is not set on slave
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning]  relay_log_purge=0 is not set on slave
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Checking replication filtering settings..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  Replication filtering check ok.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Master is down!
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Terminating monitoring script.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Got exit code 20 (Master dead).
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] MHA::MasterFailover version 0.56.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Starting master failover.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] * Phase 1: Configuration Check Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] GTID failover mode = 0
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Dead Servers:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Checking master reachability via MySQL(double check)...
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  ok.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Alive Servers:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Alive Slaves:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Starting Non-GTID based failover.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] ** Phase 1: Configuration Check Phase completed.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] * Phase 2: Dead Master Shutdown Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Forcing shutdown so that applications never connect to the current master..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not set. Skipping invalidating dead master IP address.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [warning] shutdown_script is not set. Skipping explicit shutting down of the dead master.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] * Phase 2: Dead Master Shutdown Phase completed.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] * Phase 3: Master Recovery Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] * Phase 3.1: Getting Latest Slaves Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] The latest binary log file/position on all slaves is mysql-bin.000002:1355
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Latest slaves (Slaves that received relay log files to the latest):
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] The oldest binary log file/position on all slaves is mysql-bin.000002:1355
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Oldest slaves:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] * Phase 3.2: Saving Dead Master's Binlog Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Fetching dead master's binary logs..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:52 2015 - [info] Executing command on the dead master save_binary_logs --command=save --start_file=mysql-bin.000002  --start_pos=1355 --binlog_dir=/var/lib/mysql --output_file=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.56.161_3306_20150211021652.binlog --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.56
  Creating /var/tmp if not exists..    ok.
Concat binary/relay logs from mysql-bin.000002 pos 1355 to mysql-bin.000002 EOF into /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.56.161_3306_20150211021652.binlog ..
  Dumping binlog format description event, from position 0 to 107.. ok.
  Dumping effective binlog data from /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin.000002 position 1355 to tail(1374).. ok.
Concat succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] scp from root@ to local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.56.161_3306_20150211021652.binlog succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] HealthCheck: SSH to is reachable.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 3.3: Determining New Master Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Finding the latest slave that has all relay logs for recovering other slaves..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] All slaves received relay logs to the same position. No need to resync each other.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Searching new master from slaves..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  Candidate masters from the configuration file:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  Version=5.5.35-log (oldest major version between slaves) log-bin:enabled
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]     Replicating from
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]     Primary candidate for the new Master (candidate_master is set)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  Non-candidate masters:
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  Searching from candidate_master slaves which have received the latest relay log events..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] New master is
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Starting master failover..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
From: (current master)

To: (new master)
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 3.3: New Master Diff Log Generation Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  This server has all relay logs. No need to generate diff files from the latest slave.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Sending binlog..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] scp from local:/masterha/app1/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.56.161_3306_20150211021652.binlog to root@ succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 3.4: Master Log Apply Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] *NOTICE: If any error happens from this phase, manual recovery is needed.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Starting recovery on
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  Generating diffs succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Waiting until all relay logs are applied.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  done.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Getting slave status..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] This slave('s Exec_Master_Log_Pos equals to Read_Master_Log_Pos(mysql-bin.000002:1355). No need to recover from Exec_Master_Log_Pos.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Connecting to the target slave host, running recover script..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Executing command: apply_diff_relay_logs --command=apply --slave_user='root' --slave_host= --slave_ip=  --slave_port=3306 --apply_files=/var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.56.161_3306_20150211021652.binlog --workdir=/var/tmp --target_version=5.5.35-log --timestamp=20150211021652 --handle_raw_binlog=1 --disable_log_bin=0 --manager_version=0.56 --slave_pass=xxx
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Applying differential binary/relay log files /var/tmp/saved_master_binlog_from_192.168.56.161_3306_20150211021652.binlog on This may take long time...
Applying log files succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  All relay logs were successfully applied.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Getting new master's binlog name and position..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  mysql-bin.000003:321
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]  All other slaves should start replication from here. Statement should be: CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_PORT=3306, MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000003', MASTER_LOG_POS=321, MASTER_USER='root', MASTER_PASSWORD='xxx';
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [warning] master_ip_failover_script is not set. Skipping taking over new master IP address.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] ** Finished master recovery successfully.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 3: Master Recovery Phase completed.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 4: Slaves Recovery Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 4.1: Starting Parallel Slave Diff Log Generation Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Generating relay diff files from the latest slave succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 4.2: Starting Parallel Slave Log Apply Phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] All new slave servers recovered successfully.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] * Phase 5: New master cleanup phase..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Resetting slave info on the new master..
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Resetting slave info succeeded.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info] Master failover to completed successfully.
Wed Feb 11 02:16:53 2015 - [info]

----- Failover Report -----

app1: MySQL Master failover to succeeded

Master is down!

Check MHA Manager logs at zbdba1:/masterha/app1/manager.log for details.

Started automated(non-interactive) failover.
The latest slave has all relay logs for recovery.
Selected as a new master. OK: Applying all logs succeeded.
Generating relay diff files from the latest slave succeeded. Resetting slave info succeeded.
Master failover to completed successfully.


这里只是简单演示了MHA的基本用法,可结合其他技术发挥它更大的优势。例如可以配合keepalived VIP使用,从而对应用透明。





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


