
Q:How do you develop confidence when you have nothing to be confident about?

They say "we all have things we're good at and bad at in life. Gifts and obstacles." I disagree. Some people, like me, just have nothing going for them. Only their behavior and nothing external or physical or mental or talent-wise, at all.

How can I develop confidence when I have nothing to be confident about, including looks, height, income, career success, etc? Where would I find a source of self-pride from when there isn't one?

A:I am sorry you feel this way, I’ve had similar issues with myself.  Not exactly the same but I have felt I was good for nothing.  It sucks.   

However, I think you are approaching this the wrong way. You might not like my way, that's fine, but here it is.

I know people who have all the things you mentioned and are not confident.  I know people who have none of those things, but still have confidence.

Confidence does not lie in achievements, looks or skills. Not real confidence. 
There is a difference between;

1) confidence with a qualifier, e.g.,  I’m confident in my looks, I’m confident in my intelligence…etc; and 

2) overall confidence in one’s self, i.e. I’m confident in me.

The former is specific to achievements, looks or skills that come naturally or through work. You can grow to feel confident in them, sure.  But if that is all you do, you might only be confident as long as those things hold up.  In this case your confidence is tied to that thing only, not to you.  That’s not sustainable.  
The latteris a more fundamental feeling of self-trust: no matter what life throws at you, you can handle it – kind of feeling.  
And contrary to most answers here, I think overall confidence is not simply thesummation of qualified confidences.  You might be the most beautiful person in the world AND smart, but that doesn’t mean you will be confident in your self.  I think enough premature celebrity deaths have shown us that.  It has to come from another place.

The reverse, however, is true.  By building your overall confidence, it will overflowand boost confidence in other areas. It’s kinda like saying, “I don’t know how to fish, but I trust myself to figure it out.” Or, “I don’t know if that woman is going to accept my date offer but I’ll survive if she doesn’t.”   

Confident people aren’t more sure about a positive result, they are just not as afraid of failure.  
This is because their sense of self isn’t tied to achievements, skills, or looks. Which leads me to my next point.

How do you improve your overall confidence?  Good question.  

In my personal experience, integrity has been the main driver of real confidence. Integrity embodies compassion, generosity of spirit, honesty, reciprocal actions.  It means treating people kindly, helping others, thinking about the world around you.

You can put yourself through almost anything as long as at the end of the day, you can say: I did the right thing and in so doing, I did right by others. 
This is how you start to get confidence in yourself, practice integrity. 

It doesn’t mean you won’t have self-doubt, or that you won’t fail, or that others won’t disagree.  It will take a while to get there. But you will get through it if you believe in your integrity, and thus yourself. 
If you have nothing else, have that.  If you do, you’re already better than most.

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