
How to Disable Automatic Download and Installation of Store App Updates in Windows 8 and Later?

If you are using Windows 8Windows 8.1 or later Windows version, you might have noticed thatWindows Store automatically downloads and installs updates for all Modern (aka Metro) apps. Whenever new updates are available for installed apps, Windows Store doesn't ask your permission and automatically starts downloading and installing the updates. Also there is no notification given once the apps are updated. So you never have idea when and which Windows Store apps were updated in your computer system.

People who use slow Internet connection, can face slowdown problem in Internet speed when Windows Store is downloading app updates in background. Also think about those people who use limited bandwidth Internet connection. A big amount of their valuable Internet bandwidth can be wasted by Windows Store in downloading these app updates.

Actually Windows users should have complete control over app updates installation. They should receive a confirmation message whether they want to download and install the available app updates or not. Also there should be some kind of notification prompt once the app updates are installed successfully.

Although notification and confirmation prompts are not present in Windows 8 and later but we can do a few things to save our Internet bandwidth and to stop Windows Store from automatically downloading and installing app updates.

Today in this tutorial, we are going to tell you ways to disable automatic download and installation of Store app updates in Windows 8 and later. With the help of this tutorial, you'll be able to restrict Windows Store from automatically updating installed apps without your permission.

If you also want to turn off automatic Windows Store app updating feature, check out following simple solutions:

SOLUTION 1: Using Windows Store Settings

Windows Store allows you to disable apps auto-update functionality using its Settings page:

1. Open Windows Store, press WIN+C keys together to show Charms Bar and then click onSettings.

2. Now click on App updates option present in Settings sidebar.


3. Here you'll find an option responsible for app auto-update. Just set the "Automatically update my apps" option to No.


That's it. It'll immediately disable automatic update functionality for Store apps.

PS: Now you'll need to manually update Store apps whenever you want. Just open Store Settings again and click on Check for updates option present in App updates section.

SOLUTION 2: Using Registry Editor

Above mentioned method can only be used if you are logged in using your Microsoft account (aka Windows Live email ID) in Windows Store. If you are not logged in, you'll not be able to access above mentioned option.

In such case, you can take help of Registry Editor to disable automatic download and installation of Store apps:

1. Type regedit in RUN or Start search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.

2. Now go to following key:


3. In right-side pane look for a DWORD AutoDownload and change its value to 2 to disable automatic app updates.


4. Log off or restart your computer to take effect.

PS: In future, if you decide to re-enable app auto-update feature, just set the DWORD value to 4and it'll allow Windows Store to automatic download and install app updates.

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LTSC是Windows 10的一个版本,它是为特定行业和企业环境设计的长期服务分支。由于LTSC的设计目标是提供稳定和可预测的操作系统,因此它在一些方面与其他版本的Windows 10有所不同。 在LTSC版本中,Win10应用商店(Microsoft Store)并没有预装。这是因为LTSC的目标是为企业提供稳定性,而Microsoft Store中的应用程序可能会有更新和变化,从而导致不稳定或者不一致的问题。因此,Microsoft Store被视为不适用于LTSC用户的功能。 然而,如果你确实需要在LTSC版本中使用Microsoft Store或从中下载应用程序,你可以尝试以下步骤来自动恢复它: 1. 打开开始菜单,点击“设置”图标。 2. 在设置窗口中,点击“应用”选项。 3. 在应用窗口中,点击左侧的“应用和功能”选项。 4. 在右侧窗口中,向下滚动直到找到Microsoft Store应用程序。 5. 点击Microsoft Store应用程序,并选择“先修复,然后重置”选项。 6. 随后系统会自动尝试修复Microsoft Store应用程序的问题,并恢复其正常功能。 请注意,由于LTSC版本的限制,恢复Win10应用商店的自动选项可能不适用于LTSC,因为该功能未经过完全测试,也不是LTSC版本的官方支持功能。如果你确实需要Microsoft Store中的应用程序,可能需要考虑使用其他版本的Windows 10,如Windows 10 Pro或Windows 10 Home,这些版本提供了正式支持Microsoft Store的功能。


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