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原创 【phpEasyVCS】超好用的懒人webdav (based on PHP)个人云服服务搭建软件, 可用于zotero文献同步

IntroductionphpEasyVCS is a simple version control system (VCS) and WebDAV server with minimal hosting requirements:PHP 5.2+No database is needed.Files can be viewed and uploaded with a brow

2015-08-25 11:18:00 2678 1

原创 如何关闭win10应用商店自动更新

How to Disable Automatic Download and Installation of Store App Updates in Windows 8 and Later?If you are using Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or later Windows version, you might have noticed that

2015-08-24 17:51:58 5994

原创 Based on or Basing on, 为何写作多用 Based on?

Basing or Based?up vote1down votefavoriteWhich one of these two sentences is correct? and why?"Many companies judge students based on their teachers' refere

2015-07-15 11:06:11 12728 2

原创 IEEEtran 引文文件中的链接url去除方法 [Remove URL in IEEEtran bibliography]

To disable the printing of URLs for certain entry types -- say, article and book -- while using the IEEEtran bibliography style, just do the following:Locate the file IEEEtran.bst in you

2015-07-06 16:43:19 2075

转载 透过ssh使用VNC(VNC over SSH)

除了SSH,linux平台还可以使用图形化的方式访问远端机器,最流行的当属VNC然而VNC连接并不安全,容易被拦截,监听,所以更安全的方式是透过SSH隧道来使用VNC,SSH的安全性是有保证的。很简单,使用SSH做端口转发终端方式$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 -N -f sshserver_ip_or_name参数-L [bind_add

2015-04-29 15:08:27 9201

原创 chrome 谷歌浏览器命令行大全 (List of Chromium Command Line Switches)

There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the available switches in

2015-03-22 19:40:40 43403 2

转载 [转]彻底解决 error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

1.windows上做Python开发,搭环境还真不比Linux容易。error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat这个错误眼熟吧?凡是安装和操作系统底层密切相关的Python扩展,几乎都会遇到这个错误。比如PIL, Pillow(两个图形库),greenlet以及其基础之上的eventlet, gevent微线程并发库等等。当然了有一些情况下,你不必彻底解决它,你可以选择w

2015-03-21 16:03:23 886

原创 在ubuntu下安装ipa应用

Install iOS Applications From Linux People always liked the free stuff. Although that line hardly explains why people use Ubuntu (or any other linux distributions) to work with, people really like the

2015-03-17 17:15:46 1770

原创 python进度条

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Sun Jan 4 09:24:28 2015@author: ydzhao"""import os import sys import cmd import unicodedata from threading import Thread from time im

2015-01-04 09:59:54 670

转载 What is the difference between a theorem, a lemma, and a corollary?

Definition — a precise and unambiguous description of the meaning of a mathematical term.  It characterizes the meaning of a word by giving all the properties and only those properties that must be

2014-12-17 09:45:39 1021

转载 英文写作笔记--转自知乎

这几天在写论文,发现句子读来读取总是不对,读了微信朋友圈的一篇来自知乎的分享,发现很受益。这里为了方便自己随时阅读,就转了下来,同时也想借花献佛,给同样需要帮助的同学参考参考:part 1 和 part 2 是正常的学术论文写作,part 3 主要讲的是电子邮件,持续更新。。。。感谢 原作者:知乎 的 猪小宝 同学,原文的链接放在文章最后。英语写作笔记 [part.1]

2014-12-13 19:12:02 7338

转载 Git的深入理解与GitHub托管服务的使用


2014-12-13 16:27:56 447

转载 SCI常见经典句型

​Beginning     1. In this paper, we focus on the need for    2. This paper proceeds as follow.    3. The structure of the paper is as follows.    4. In this paper, we shall first briefly intro

2014-12-08 19:02:31 925

原创 变分基本问题及其相互转化

变分基本问题及其相互转化 1、拉格朗日问题: 从容许函数类中求某一函数x(t),使得积分型泛函: J = ∫tft0F(t,x(t),x˙(t))dt取极小的变分问题 2、麦叶尔问题: 使得末值型泛函 J = ψ(x(tf),tf)取极小的变分问题 3、波尔扎问题是指使复合型泛函 J = S(x(tf),tf) + ∫tft0L(t,x(

2014-10-10 10:05:48 2220

原创 First Integral of Dynamical System

给一个函数I(y):Rd→R,我们沿着动力学系统微分方程的解计算函数的数值,对于一些特殊的函数,其数值沿着上述微分方程解保持恒定的数值不变,即为常数,这样的函数被称为first integral函数。定义 1. 对于一个微分方程 dydx= f(y)⁣, y,f∈Rd(1)函数 I(y):R

2014-09-29 11:00:58 865

原创 ubuntu 平台vlc播放器无法播放hevc/H.265视频解决方法

VLC无法播放Reference: https://launchpad.net/~strukturag/+archive/ubuntu/libde265

2014-09-28 10:03:49 12390 2

原创 windows和ubuntu平台python-pip和python-setuptools安装及注意事项

windows平台下安装PIP1.在以下地址下载最新的PIP安装文件:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip#downloads2.解压安装3.下载Windows的easy installer,然后安装:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools4.安装setuptools工具5.命令行工具cd切换到

2014-09-10 19:14:33 1927

原创 Ubuntu 14.04 Adminer安装,替换phpmyadmin的最佳选择

Install Adminer manually on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-08-27 17:08:59 1977

原创 ubuntu环境LAMP环境搭建

一、说明用SAE建站时需要调试,总不能改一下,上传一下SVN,在Ubuntu中仅安装几个软件,进行简单配置即可建立本地调试环境,即LAMP(Linux+Apache+Mysql+Php)二、实现1. 安装Web服务器Apache$ sudo apt-get install apache2安装后在浏览器中打开http://localhost/或者http://127.

2014-08-27 10:03:59 544

转载 向大众推荐的字处理器,TEXMACS


2014-08-22 15:43:08 2650

原创 使用Texmacs帮助您写格式规范统一的BLOG


2014-08-22 11:51:46 2055 1

原创 Texmacs帮助支持字体网站(欢迎页面)

xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:x="http://www.texmacs.org/2002/extensions">  Welcome to GNU TeXmacs (FSF GNU project) c

2014-08-22 11:35:19 1080



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