

多类别分类问题与二元分类问题类似,不同之处在于它有多个离散的输出,而不是只有两个。回顾探测未爆炸的水雷的问题,它的输出只有两种可能性:声纳探测的物体是岩石或者水雷。而红酒口感评分问题根据其化学成分会产生几个可能的输出(其口感评分值是从 3 分到 8 分)。但是对于红酒口感评分问题,口感评分值存在有序的关系。打 5 分的红酒要好于打 3 分的,但是要劣于打 8 分的。对于多类别分类问题,输出结果是不存在这种有序关系的。该节所用数据集根据玻璃的化学成分来判断玻璃的类型,目标是确定玻璃的用途。玻璃的用途包括建筑房间用玻璃、车辆上的玻璃、玻璃容器等。确定玻璃的用途类型是为了鉴证。例如在一个车祸或犯罪现场,会有玻璃的碎片,确定这些玻璃碎片的用途、来源,有助于确定谁是过错方或者谁是罪犯。


import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

target_url = ("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/glass/glass.data")

## 读取数据集
glass = pd.read_csv(target_url,header=None,prefix="V")
glass.columns = ['Id', 'RI', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'K', 'Ca', 'Ba', 'Fe', 'Type']

## 数据集统计
summary = glass.describe()
ncol1 = len(glass.columns)

## 去掉Id列
glassNormalized = glass.iloc[:, 1:ncol1]
ncol2 = len(glassNormalized.columns)
summary2 = glassNormalized.describe()

## 归一化
for i in range(ncol2):
    mean = summary2.iloc[1, i]
    sd = summary2.iloc[2, i]
    glassNormalized.iloc[:,i:(i + 1)] = (glassNormalized.iloc[:,i:(i + 1)] - mean) / sd
## 绘制箱线图
array = glassNormalized.values
plot.xlabel("Attribute Index")
plot.ylabel(("Quartile Ranges - Normalized "))
   Id       RI     Na    Mg    Al     Si     K    Ca   Ba   Fe  Type
0   1  1.52101  13.64  4.49  1.10  71.78  0.06  8.75  0.0  0.0     1
1   2  1.51761  13.89  3.60  1.36  72.73  0.48  7.83  0.0  0.0     1
2   3  1.51618  13.53  3.55  1.54  72.99  0.39  7.78  0.0  0.0     1
3   4  1.51766  13.21  3.69  1.29  72.61  0.57  8.22  0.0  0.0     1
4   5  1.51742  13.27  3.62  1.24  73.08  0.55  8.07  0.0  0.0     1
               Id          RI          Na          Mg          Al          Si  \
count  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000   
mean   107.500000    1.518365   13.407850    2.684533    1.444907   72.650935   
std     61.920648    0.003037    0.816604    1.442408    0.499270    0.774546   
min      1.000000    1.511150   10.730000    0.000000    0.290000   69.810000   
25%     54.250000    1.516523   12.907500    2.115000    1.190000   72.280000   
50%    107.500000    1.517680   13.300000    3.480000    1.360000   72.790000   
75%    160.750000    1.519157   13.825000    3.600000    1.630000   73.087500   
max    214.000000    1.533930   17.380000    4.490000    3.500000   75.410000   

                K          Ca          Ba          Fe        Type  
count  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  
mean     0.497056    8.956963    0.175047    0.057009    2.780374  
std      0.652192    1.423153    0.497219    0.097439    2.103739  
min      0.000000    5.430000    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000  
25%      0.122500    8.240000    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000  
50%      0.555000    8.600000    0.000000    0.000000    2.000000  
75%      0.610000    9.172500    0.000000    0.100000    3.000000  
max      6.210000   16.190000    3.150000    0.510000    7.000000  
               RI          Na          Mg          Al          Si           K  \
count  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000   
mean     1.518365   13.407850    2.684533    1.444907   72.650935    0.497056   
std      0.003037    0.816604    1.442408    0.499270    0.774546    0.652192   
min      1.511150   10.730000    0.000000    0.290000   69.810000    0.000000   
25%      1.516523   12.907500    2.115000    1.190000   72.280000    0.122500   
50%      1.517680   13.300000    3.480000    1.360000   72.790000    0.555000   
75%      1.519157   13.825000    3.600000    1.630000   73.087500    0.610000   
max      1.533930   17.380000    4.490000    3.500000   75.410000    6.210000   

               Ca          Ba          Fe        Type  
count  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  214.000000  
mean     8.956963    0.175047    0.057009    2.780374  
std      1.423153    0.497219    0.097439    2.103739  
min      5.430000    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000  
25%      8.240000    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000  
50%      8.600000    0.000000    0.000000    2.000000  
75%      9.172500    0.000000    0.100000    3.000000  
max     16.190000    3.150000    0.510000    7.000000  




import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

target_url = ("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/glass/glass.data")

## 读取数据集
glass = pd.read_csv(target_url,header=None,prefix="V")
glass.columns = ['Id', 'RI', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'K', 'Ca', 'Ba', 'Fe', 'Type']

glassNormalized = glass
ncols = len(glassNormalized.columns)
nrows = len(glassNormalized.index)
summary = glassNormalized.describe()
nDataCol = ncols - 1

## 归一化
for i in range(ncols - 1):
    mean = summary.iloc[1, i]
    sd = summary.iloc[2, i]
    glassNormalized.iloc[:,i:(i + 1)] = (glassNormalized.iloc[:,i:(i + 1)] - mean) / sd

for i in range(nrows):
    #plot rows of data as if they were series data
    dataRow = glassNormalized.iloc[i,1:nDataCol]
    labelColor = glassNormalized.iloc[i,nDataCol]/7.0
    dataRow.plot(color=plot.cm.RdYlBu(labelColor), alpha=0.5)
plot.xlabel("Attribute Index")
plot.ylabel(("Attribute Values"))


平行坐标图可能对此数据集揭示的信息更多。上图为其平行坐标图,数据根据输出类别用不同的颜色标记(每种颜色代表一种类别,共有6种类别,6 种颜色),有些类别区分度很好。例如,深蓝色的线聚集度很好,在某些属性上与其他类别的区分度也很好。深蓝的线在某些属性上经常处于数据的边缘,也就是说,是这些属性上的异常点。浅蓝的线在某些属性上也与深蓝的线一样,处于边缘地带,但是数量上要比深蓝的少,而且两者都在边缘地带时的所属的属性也不尽相同。棕色的线聚集性也很好,但其取值基本上在中心附近。在多类别分类问题中,平行坐标图颜色的选择与回归问题中的方式类似,将目标类别(标签)除以其最大值,然后再基于此数值选择颜色。


import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

target_url = ("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/glass/glass.data")

## 读取数据集
glass = pd.read_csv(target_url,header=None,prefix="V")
glass.columns = ['Id', 'RI', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'K', 'Ca', 'Ba', 'Fe', 'Type']

## 计算所有实值列(包括目标)的相关矩阵
corMat = DataFrame(glass.iloc[:,1:-1].corr())

## 使用热图可视化相关矩阵
          RI        Na        Mg        Al        Si         K        Ca  \
RI  1.000000 -0.191885 -0.122274 -0.407326 -0.542052 -0.289833  0.810403   
Na -0.191885  1.000000 -0.273732  0.156794 -0.069809 -0.266087 -0.275442   
Mg -0.122274 -0.273732  1.000000 -0.481799 -0.165927  0.005396 -0.443750   
Al -0.407326  0.156794 -0.481799  1.000000 -0.005524  0.325958 -0.259592   
Si -0.542052 -0.069809 -0.165927 -0.005524  1.000000 -0.193331 -0.208732   
K  -0.289833 -0.266087  0.005396  0.325958 -0.193331  1.000000 -0.317836   
Ca  0.810403 -0.275442 -0.443750 -0.259592 -0.208732 -0.317836  1.000000   
Ba -0.000386  0.326603 -0.492262  0.479404 -0.102151 -0.042618 -0.112841   
Fe  0.143010 -0.241346  0.083060 -0.074402 -0.094201 -0.007719  0.124968   

          Ba        Fe  
RI -0.000386  0.143010  
Na  0.326603 -0.241346  
Mg -0.492262  0.083060  
Al  0.479404 -0.074402  
Si -0.102151 -0.094201  
K  -0.042618 -0.007719  
Ca -0.112841  0.124968  
Ba  1.000000 -0.058692  
Fe -0.058692  1.000000  



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GlassFish Server 9.1 帮助手册,包括了bin目录下所有命令的详细用法,是管理、配置glassfish的必备工具!!!!<br><br>例如asadmin start-domain 命令:<br>Name: start-domain – starts a domain<br>Synopsis: start-domain [--domaindir domain-dir]<br> --user admin_user --passwordfile file_name<br> [--terse={true|false}] [ --echo ={true|false}]<br> [ --interactive ={true|false}] [ --verbose ={true|false}]<br> [ --debug ={true|false}] [domain_name]<br>Description: Use the start-domain command to start a domain. If the domain directory is not specified,<br> the domain in the default install_dir/domains directory is started. If there are two or more<br> domains, the domain_name operand must be specified.<br> You can use the start-domain command to upgrade domains of Application Server 8.x or 9.0<br> to Application Server 9.1. Use one of the following ways to upgrade your domain:<br>Options:<br> --domaindir<br> The directory where the domain is to be started. If specified, the path must be accessible in<br> the filesystem. If not specified, the domain in the default install_dir/domains directory is<br> started.<br> -u --user<br> The authorized domain application server administrative username.<br> --passwordfile<br> The file containing the domain application server password associated with the<br> administrative instance. The password is defined in the following form:<br> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password. Where password is the actual administrator password for<br> the domain.<br> -t--terse<br> Indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly<br> sentences and favoring well-formatted data for consumption by a script.Default is false.<br> Name<br> Synopsis<br> Description<br> Options<br> start-domain(1)<br> Sun Java System Application 658 Server 9.1 ReferenceManual ? Last Revised 11 Jul 2007<br> -e --echo<br> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on to the standard output.Default is<br> false.<br> -I --interactive<br> If set to true (default), only the required password options are prompted.<br> --verbose<br> By default this flag is set to false. If set to true, detailed server startup output is displayed.<br> On Windows, press CTRL-Break in the domain's window to print a thread dump. On<br> UNIX, press CTRL-C to kill the server and press CTRL-\\ to print a thread dump.<br> --debug<br><br>。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。<br>更多、更详细的内容请下载该文档查阅。
引用\[1\]:在过去的两个月里,Databricks公司举办了一场会议,将数据团队聚集在一起,共召开220多个会议,有无数机会与同行交流——超过50,000名数据科学家、数据工程师、分析师、商业领袖和其他数据专业人士。 Spark + AI 峰会虚拟环境。 引用\[2\]:本书以数据智能为灵魂,以Spark 2.4.X版本为载体,以Spark+ AI商业案例实战和生产环境下几乎所有类型的性能调优为核心,对企业生产环境下的Spark+AI商业案例与性能调优抽丝剥茧地进行剖析。全书共分4篇,内核解密篇基于Spark源码,从一个实战案例入手,循序渐进地全面解析Spark 2.4.X版本的新特性及Spark内核源码;商业案例篇选取Spark开发中最具代表性的经典学习案例,在案例中综合介绍Spark的大数据技术;性能调优篇覆盖Spark在生产环境下的所有调优技术; Spark+ AI内幕解密篇讲解深度学习动手实践,通过整合Spark、PyTorch以及TensorFlow揭秘Spark上的深度学习内幕。本书适合所有大数据和人工智能学习者及从业人员使用。对于有丰富大数据和AI应用经验的人员,本书也可以作为大数据和AI高手修炼的参考用书。同时,本书也特别适合作为高等院校的大数据和人工智能教材。 问题:spark数据分析实战——奥运会 回答: Spark是一个强大的大数据处理框架,可以用于数据分析和处理。在奥运会数据分析实战中,Spark可以帮助我们处理大规模的奥运会数据,进行数据清洗、转换和分析。通过使用Spark的分布式计算能力和优化技术,我们可以高效地处理大量的奥运会数据,并从中提取有价值的信息。同时,Spark还提供了丰富的数据处理和机器学习库,可以帮助我们进行数据挖掘和建模,以便更好地理解和预测奥运会的趋势和结果。通过结合Spark和AI技术,我们可以实现更深入的奥运会数据分析,并为奥运会的组织者、运动员和观众提供更好的决策支持和用户体验。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [免费参加全球最大的Spark+AI峰会(Databricks 2020年6月22-26日)!免费访问峰会主题演讲及分组会议!](https://blog.csdn.net/duan_zhihua/article/details/106729096)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *3* [热烈祝贺王家林大咖大数据经典传奇著作《Spark大数据商业实战三部曲》 畅销书籍第二版 清华大学出版社发行...](https://blog.csdn.net/duan_zhihua/article/details/106294896)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]
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