Kimbal Musk 介绍:埃隆马斯克的弟弟

埃隆马斯克和特斯拉家喻户晓,但是埃隆的弟弟Kimbal Musk很少有人知道。

Kimbal Musk和埃隆马斯克大学毕业后硅谷合伙创业,顺应互联网的浪潮,创立了zip2公司。后公司被收购后两人都一夜暴富,埃隆继续追逐着他火星的梦想,而他的弟弟Kimbal Musk却成了餐馆老板,在美国建立了著名餐饮连锁The Kitchen,并在城市中建立“菜园”让人们享受种菜和收获的乐趣。

Kimbal Musk可以说是不可或缺的人物,正是有了他埃隆才在早期得以成功,积累起之后创业的资金。可以说正是有了Kimbal Musk,才有后来的特斯拉。而Kimbal Musk对美食的追求也让他成为了一位美食家,他的目标是“让所有人都吃到真正的食物”。


Kimbal Musk1972920日出生于南非,现在是一名加拿大籍美国企业家、风险投资家和环保人士,投资了数家科技与食品公司。他拥有The Kitchen,这是一家位于博尔德、柯林斯堡、丹佛市县、格兰岱尔、芝加哥和孟菲斯等地的社区餐饮连锁。


他合作创建了The Kitchen Community,这是一家给校园和社区带来室外蔬菜花园Learning Gardens的非盈利机构。Musk共同创建了Square Roots,这是一家位于纽约布鲁克林的都市农场。MuskSchwab基金会提名为2017年公益企业家,因为他努力让每个人都能享受到真正的食物。他是特斯拉公司、spacexChipotle Mexican Grill(快餐连锁)的董事。他是亿万富翁埃隆马斯克的弟弟和特斯拉的主要股东。








当哥哥埃隆留在加州时,Kimbal搬到了纽约并参加了纽约的美国国际烹饪学院。20044月,MuskJen LewinHugo Matheson开办了The Kitchen Boulder,一家位于博尔德的社区餐馆。The KitchenFood & Wine和比尔德基金命名为美国最高级的饭馆。


MuskMatheson立即扩展了他们的饭店,开办了The Kitchen Upstairs,这是一家位于The Kitchen Boulder楼上的鸡尾酒酒吧。从2006年到2011Musk任职OneRiotCEO,这是一家移动广告公司。在20119月,沃尔玛收购了OneRiot,交易条款不详。


2011年,Next Door作为一家城市休闲美式餐馆,开办在博尔德的市中心。位置正好在原先Pearl餐馆西边的下一扇门的位置。Next Door位于格兰岱尔市和丹佛联合车站。2012The Kitchen Denver开办在第16大街并扩展到丹佛的社区餐厅。

Growe基金会七年支持在博尔德种植城市花园后,MuskMatheson建立了The Kitchen Community非盈利机构,通过在美国的学校创建Learning Gardens(类似城市种菜族)来帮助孩子吃到真正的食物。Learning Gardens通过将课程和活动融入到现有学校课程(数学、科学、文学)中,教给孩子们理解食物、健康饮食、健康生活方式和环保。

The Kitchen restaurants的每次消费都会按照百分比捐赠资金帮助在当地社区种植Learning Gardens。在2012年,The Kitchen Community在科罗拉多建立26个花园,芝加哥16个,和美国其他地方12个。


201211月,芝加哥市长Rahm Emanuel资助The Kitchen Community 1百万美元在芝加哥的学校建立80座花园。在2015年二月2日,The Kitchen Community庆祝在CNCS建立的第200Learning GardenCNCS是洛杉矶联合学区的一所高中,这也是该区的第一个花园。

2015年末,建立的4年后,The Kitchen Community建立了260Learning Gardens在芝加哥,丹佛、洛杉矶和孟菲斯。

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The Kimball Group Reader, Remastered Collection is the essential reference for data warehouse and business intelligence design, packed with best practices, design tips, and valuable insight from industry pioneer Ralph Kimball and the Kimball Group. This Remastered Collection represents decades of expert advice and mentoring in data warehousing and business intelligence, and is the final work to be published by the Kimball Group. Organized for quick navigation and easy reference, this book contains nearly 20 years of experience on more than 300 topics, all fully up-to-date and expanded with 65 new articles. The discussion covers the complete data warehouse/business intelligence lifecycle, including project planning, requirements gathering, system architecture, dimensional modeling, ETL, and business intelligence analytics, with each group of articles prefaced by original commentaries explaining their role in the overall Kimball Group methodology. Data warehousing/business intelligence industry's current multi-billion dollar value is due in no small part to the contributions of Ralph Kimball and the Kimball Group. Their publications are the standards on which the industry is built, and nearly all data warehouse hardware and software vendors have adopted their methods in one form or another. This book is a compendium of Kimball Group expertise, and an essential reference for anyone in the field. Learn data warehousing and business intelligence from the field's pioneers Get up to date on best practices and essential design tips Gain valuable knowledge on every stage of the project lifecycle Dig into the Kimball Group methodology with hands-on guidance Ralph Kimball and the Kimball Group have continued to refine their methods and techniques based on thousands of hours of consulting and training. This Remastered Collection of The Kimball Group Reader represents their final body of knowledge, and is nothing less than a vital reference for anyone involved in the field. Table of Contents Chapter 1 The Reader at a Glance Chapter 2 Before You Dive In Chapter 3 Project/Program Planning Chapter 4 Requirements Definition Chapter 5 Data Architecture Chapter 6 Dimensional Modeling Fundamentals Chapter 7 Dimensional Modeling Tasks and Responsibilities Chapter 8 Fact Table Core Concepts Chapter 9 Dimension Table Core Concepts Chapter 10 More Dimension Patterns and Considerations Chapter 11 Back Room ETL and Data Quality Chapter 12 Technical Architecture Considerations Chapter 13 Front Room Business Intelligence Applications Chapter 14 Maintenance and Growth Considerations Chapter 15 Final Thoughts
The first edition of Ralph Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit introduced the industry to dimensional modeling, and now his books are considered the most authoritative guides in this space. This new third edition is a complete library of updated dimensional modeling techniques, the most comprehensive collection ever. It covers new and enhanced star schema dimensional modeling patterns, adds two new chapters on ETL techniques, includes new and expanded business matrices for 12 case studies, and more. Authored by Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross, known worldwide as educators, consultants, and influential thought leaders in data warehousing and business intelligence Begins with fundamental design recommendations and progresses through increasingly complex scenarios Presents unique modeling techniques for business applications such as inventory management, procurement, invoicing, accounting, customer relationship management, big data analytics, and more Draws real-world case studies from a variety of industries, including retail sales, financial services, telecommunications, education, health care, insurance, e-commerce, and more Design dimensional databases that are easy to understand and provide fast query response with The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 3rd Edition. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, and Dimensional Modeling Primer Chapter 2. Kimball Dimensional Modeling Techniques Overview Chapter 3. Retail Sales Chapter 4. Inventory Chapter 5. Procurement Chapter 6. Order Management Chapter 7. Accounting Chapter 8. Customer Relationship Management Chapter 9. Human Resources Management Chapter 10. Financial Service Chapter 11. Telecommunications Chapter 12. Transportation Chapter 13. Education Chapter 14. Healthcare Chapter 15. Electronic Commerce Chapter 16. Insurance Chapter 17. Kimball DW/BI Lifecycle Overview Chapter 18. Dimensional Modeling Process and Tasks Chapter 19. ETL Subsystems and Techniques Chapter 20. ETL System Design and Development Process and Tasks Chapter 21. Big Data Analytics


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