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原创 老司机开车记

node.js+jsdom 小爬虫 并不是框架>.解决某些个人问题:利用了dfs搜索"use strict";let https=require('https');let fs=require('fs');let path=require('path');let jsdom=require('jsdom');let visted=[];function isDi

2016-04-30 23:46:47 776

原创 why request event is fired before data event in http modlues of node.js.

if we create a http server normally, the code appearance is like that:"use strict";let http=require('http');let ser=http.createServer().listen(80);ser.on('connection',(s)=>{ let co=1;

2016-04-26 16:04:58 750

原创 JavaScript闭包


2015-12-23 01:54:01 417

原创 Swing 其实比你想象的美

Swing 人们总是对于swing有着这样的那样的误解,觉得swing做UI就是丑,慢,效率低的代名词其实不然,且看这个效果图而且还有动画:比如确认键可以在鼠标悬停的时候,可以向右滑动比如还有半透明的菜单:点击注册之后比如注册键还可以点击后的submit,还有等待的动画:登录时效果动画或许你会说,你是不是用了JNI,不

2015-12-16 20:22:45 1230 1

原创 JavaScript 特殊之-prototype __proto__ class


2015-12-10 19:18:55 909

原创 poj2299


2014-06-06 00:18:12 538

原创 poj 1936

好水啊,子串~#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){ string s,t; while(cin>>s>>t) { bool flag=true; int pos=0; int pos1=-1; for(int i=0;i<s.length()

2014-05-29 22:03:16 543

原创 poj 3080


2014-05-29 00:44:14 630

转载 对于期末考试 "我" (这是个名字)的贪心问题的证明_题型类似于zoj1877

一、问题  在漆黑的夜里,四位旅行者来到了一座狭窄而且没有护栏的桥边。如果不借助手电筒的话,大家是无论如何也不敢过桥去的。不幸的是,四个人一共只带了一只手电筒,而桥窄得只够让两个人同时过。如果各自单独过桥的话,四人所需要的时间分别是1、2、5、8分钟;而如果两人同时过桥,所需要的时间就是走得比较慢的那个人单独行动时所需的时间。问题是,如何设计一个方案,让这四人尽快过桥。  假设这四人分

2014-05-28 01:23:13 915

原创 我的poj第一道数据结构--poj1035


2014-05-28 01:19:16 619

原创 进入我的acm


2014-05-28 01:08:14 639

原创 kmp最小循环节的求法

其实我一直都没有理解严老师的数据结构中对于next函数求法中的一句话next 函数求值可以看作是串的模式匹配问题,这句话我一直我不是很理解,我一直把它的过程理解为一个动态规划的过程(有兴趣的话可以参见上一篇文章),后来学长做的一个软件让我明白了开始的时候,将t串的第一个字母的next值作为0,因为他没有前缀,第二个也是没有后缀,所以他一定是1,但是不能直接将其赋值为1,因为的直接影

2014-02-11 21:32:40 3808 1

原创 数据结构串的学习--next函数递推算法的解释

有人对next函数的递推算法只是处于会敲的状态但是却不理解,下面我来解释一下next函数递推算法的原理在讲next函数递推算法的之前我们先回顾一下kmp算法的总体int kmp(char  *t char *p)//t是主传,p是匹配串{i=1  ;     j=1  ;while(    i{if(   j==0 || t[ i ]==p[ j ] ){   i++;

2014-02-10 21:24:39 2268

原创 数据结构第二天----名词意思的探索篇


2014-01-26 18:37:59 827

原创 数据结构的学习过程第一天


2014-01-26 03:00:17 833

原创 数据结构实验之栈四:括号匹配

数据结构实验之栈四:括号匹配 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 65536K 题目描述 给你一串字符,不超过50个字符,可能包括括号、数字、字母、标点符号、空格,你的任务是检查这一串字符中的( ) ,[ ],{ }是否匹配。输入 输入数据有多组,处理到文件结束。 输出 如果匹配就输出“yes”,不匹配输出“no”

2014-01-18 19:49:59 704

原创 实况球员综合能力大比拼

实况球员综合能力大比拼 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 65535K 题目描述大家都应该听说过实况足球吧,如果这个没听说过的话,大家应该听说过中国足球吧,无人不知无人不晓的神一样的队伍。    其实我们今天要讨论的话题主要是实况足球这个游戏,模拟的是整个足球界的所有球队,当然对于开发者能够把中国足球加进去表示非常感激。

2014-01-18 19:40:22 1353

原创 结构体

今天作业 1.定义一个acmer结构体,包括以下信息:姓名,学号,手机号,做题数,出生日期,其中出生日期date也是一个结构体,包括年、月、日2.建立结构体数组,实现对多个同学的信息输入,输出 3.实现简单的统计功能,比如统计做题数大于150的同  学并输出其完整信息 4.实现查找功能,包括按姓名、学号查找 5.实现信息修改功能 6.按做题数目进行排序(选作) 7.

2014-01-14 19:57:41 636

原创 第一天集训


2014-01-14 19:27:47 778

原创 后天努力的意义到底有多大?


2014-01-07 02:24:51 1589

原创 作为一个acmer的期末难受


2013-12-25 23:54:15 971

原创 The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat Background(An homage to Theodore Seuss Geisel) The Cat in the Hat is a nasty creature,But the striped hat he is wearing has a rather nifty feature. With one fl

2013-12-22 21:20:35 810

原创 Box of Bricks

Box of Bricks Little Bob likes playing with his box of bricks. He puts the bricks one upon another and builds stacks of different height. ``Look, I've built a wall!'', he tells his older s

2013-12-22 20:40:42 595

原创 The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem

The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem The problemGiven the following formula, one can set operators '+' or '-' instead of each '?', in order to obtain a given k? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = kFor

2013-12-22 20:38:20 821

原创 Secret Research

Secret Research At a certain laboratory results of secret research are thoroughly encrypted. A result of a single experiment is stored as an information of its completion:`positive

2013-12-22 20:24:56 551

原创 Cube painting

Cube painting We have a machine for painting cubes. It is supplied with three different colors: blue, red and green. Each face of the cube gets one of these colors. The cube's faces are nu

2013-12-22 20:17:17 1617

原创 Problem A.Ant on a Chessboard

Problem A.Ant on a Chessboard Background  One day, an ant called Alice came to an M*M chessboard. She wanted to go around all the grids. So she began to walk along the chessboard accordi

2013-12-22 20:07:43 496

原创 If We Were a Child Again

Problem CIf We Were a Child AgainInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputTime Limit: 7 seconds “Oooooooooooooooh!If I could do the easy mathematics like my school days!!I

2013-12-15 04:44:53 629

原创 Palindromes

A regular palindrome is a string of numbers or letters that is the same forward as backward. For example, the string"ABCDEDCBA" is a palindrome because it is the same when the string is read from le

2013-12-13 20:24:28 547

原创 Where's Waldorf?

Given a m by n grid of letters, ( ), and a list of words, find the location in the grid at which the word can be found. A word matches a straight, uninterrupted line of letters in the grid. A word c

2013-12-13 19:19:17 574

转载 runtime error

最近做uva的string类题目老是出现runtime error 哪错了都不知道。一下是常见的原因可是我发现我程序貌似没有一下问题还是error,9命啊ACCESS_VIOLATION 您的程序想从一些非法的地址空间读取或向其中写入内容。一般例如指针、数组下标越界都会造成这个错误的。ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED 您的程序试图访问一个超出硬件支持范围的数组单元。FLO

2013-12-13 18:03:21 664

原创 12.11


2013-12-11 21:24:05 695 2

原创 - 播放器

F - 播放器Crawling in process...Crawling failedTime Limit:1000MS    Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uSubmitStatus Practice FZU 2091 Descriptionshadow喜

2013-12-08 05:57:26 814

原创 Linear Cellular Automata

Linear Cellular Automata (注意红笔哦)A biologist is experimenting with DNA modification of bacterial colonies being grown in a linear array of culture dishes. By changing the DNA, he is a

2013-12-08 05:54:02 666

原创 Hangman Judge

Hangman Judge In ``Hangman Judge,'' you are to write a program that judges a series of Hangman games. For each game, the answer to the puzzle is given as well as the guesses. Rules are the

2013-12-08 05:45:51 673

原创 The Collatz Sequence

The Collatz Sequence An algorithm given by Lothar Collatz produces sequences of integers, and is described as follows:Step 1:Choose an arbitrary positive integer A as the first item in the seq

2013-12-06 00:47:02 803

原创 Triangle Wave

In this problem you are to generate a triangular wave form according to a specified pair of Amplitude and Frequency.Input and OutputThe input begins with a single positive integer on

2013-12-06 00:46:38 700

原创 Marvelous Mazes

Marvelous Mazes Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is to create a maze drawing program. A maze will consist of the alphabetic characters A-Z, * (asterisk), and spaces.In

2013-12-06 00:45:43 976

原创 Rotating Sentences

Rotating Sentences Rotating Sentences In ``Rotating Sentences,'' you are asked to rotate a series of input sentences 90 degrees clockwise. So instead of displaying the input sentences from

2013-12-06 00:44:27 895

原创 Machined Surfaces

An imaging device furnishes digital images of two machined surfaces that eventually will be assembled in contact with each other. The roughness of this final contact is to be estimated.

2013-12-06 00:43:57 7453

英语单词词典数据库 mysql版

单词数据库,用于mysql的sql文件 在开始之前要先创建一个数据库,类型按照SQL文件自己填写



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