ural 1026. Questions and Answers 查询

1026. Questions and Answers

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The database of the Pentagon contains a top-secret information. We don’t know what the information is — you know, it’s top-secret, — but we know the format of its representation. It is extremely simple. We don’t know why, but all the data is coded by integers from 1 up to 5000. The size of the main base (we’ll denote it be  N) is rather big — it may contain up to 100 000 those numbers. The database is to process quickly every query. The most often query is: "Which element is  i-th by its value?"— with  i being an integer in a range from 1 to  N.


Your program is to play a role of a controller of the database. In the other words, it should be able to process quickly queries like this.


Input of the problem consists of two parts. At first, a database is written, and then there’s a sequence of queries. The format of database is very simple: in the first line there’s a number  N, in the next  N lines there are numbers of the database one in each line in an arbitrary order. A sequence of queries is written simply as well: in the first line of the sequence a number of queries K (1 ≤  K ≤ 100) is written, and in the next  K lines there are queries one in each line. The query "Which element is  i-th by its value?" is coded by the number  i. A database is separated from a sequence of queries by the string of three symbols "#".


The output should consist of  K lines. In each line there should be an answer to the corresponding query. The answer to the query "i" is an element from the database, which is  i-th by its value (in the order from the least up to the greatest element).


input output
Problem Author: Leonid Volkov
Problem Source: Ural State University Internal Contest October'2000 Junior Session

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new Task().solve();

class Task {
	InputReader in = new InputReader(System.in) ;
	PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
	class Query implements Comparable<Query>{
		int idx ;
		int num ;
		Query(int idx , int num) {
			this.idx = idx ;
			this.num = num ; 
		public int compareTo(Query other) {
			return Integer.compare(this.num , other.num) ;

	void solve() {
		int n = in.nextInt() ;
		int[] cnt = new int[5001] ;
		Arrays.fill(cnt , 0) ;
		while(n-- > 0){
			cnt[in.nextInt()]++ ;
		int[] sum = new int[5001] ;
		sum[0] = 0 ;
		for(int i = 1 ; i <= 5000 ; i++){
			sum[i] = sum[i-1] + cnt[i] ;
		in.next() ;
		int k = in.nextInt() ;
		Query[] query = new Query[k] ;
		for(int i = 0 ; i < k ; i++){
			query[i] = new Query(i , in.nextInt()) ;
		Arrays.sort(query) ;
		int idx = 0 ;
		int[] result = new int[k] ;
		for(int v = 1 ; v <= 5000 ; v++){
			if(cnt[v] == 0){
				continue ; 
			while(idx < k && sum[v-1] < query[idx].num && query[idx].num <= sum[v]){
				result[query[idx].idx] = v ;
				idx++ ;

class InputReader {  
    public BufferedReader reader;  
    public StringTokenizer tokenizer;  
    public InputReader(InputStream stream) {  
        reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768);  
        tokenizer = new StringTokenizer("");  
    private void eat(String s) {  
        tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s);  
    public String nextLine() {  
        try {  
            return reader.readLine();  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
            return null;  
    public boolean hasNext() {  
        while (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {  
            String s = nextLine();  
            if (s == null)  
                return false;  
        return true;  
    public String next() {  
        return tokenizer.nextToken();  
    public int nextInt() {  
        return Integer.parseInt(next());  
    public int[] nextInts(int n){  
        int[] nums = new int[n] ;  
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){  
            nums[i] = nextInt() ;  
        return nums ;  
    public long nextLong() {  
        return Long.parseLong(next());  
    public double nextDouble() {  
        return Double.parseDouble(next());  
    public BigInteger nextBigInteger() {  
        return new BigInteger(next());  

上帝王牌 Description The database of the Pentagon contains a top-secret information. We don't know what the information is — you know, it's top-secret, — but we know the format of its representation. It is extremely simple. We don't know why, but all the data is coded by the natural numbers from 1 up to 5000. The size of the main base (we'll denote it be N) is rather big — it may contain up to 100 000 those numbers. The database is to process quickly every query. The most often query is: "Which element is i-th by its value?"— with i being a natural number in a range from 1 to N. Your program is to play a role of a controller of the database. In the other words, it should be able to process quickly queries like this. Input The standard input of the problem consists of two parts. At first, a database is written, and then there's a sequence of queries. The format of database is very simple: in the first line there's a number N, in the next N lines there are numbers of the database one in each line in an arbitrary order. A sequence of queries is written simply as well: in the first line of the sequence a number of queries K (1 <= K <= 100) is written, and in the next K lines there are queries one in each line. The query "Which element is i-th by its value?" is coded by the number i. A database is separated from a sequence of queries by the string of three symbols "#". Output The output should consist of K lines. In each line there should be an answer to the corresponding query. The answer to the query "i" is an element from the database, which is i-th by its value (in the order from the least up to the greatest element). Sample Input 5 7 121 123 7 121 ### 4 3 3 2 5 Sample Output 121 121 7 123




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