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原创 BAPC2014 J&&HUNNU11590:Jury Jeopardy
题意:一个迷宫,人一开始处在出口位置,要求遍历一次迷宫之后,回到初始位置,现在给出行走的方案,要出画出迷宫人一开始面向右边F:往前走一步R:右转并往前走一步L:左转并往前走一步B:后转并往前走一步思路:直接模拟即可#include #include #include #include #include #include #includ
2015-08-13 00:07:51 3746
原创 BAPC2014 G&&HUNNU11587:Growling Gears
题意:给出N个开口向下的抛物线的a,b,c,要求输出顶点最高的抛物线是哪一条思路:直接抛物线公式算得#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespac
2015-08-13 00:04:04 2186
原创 BAPC2014 K&&HUNNU11591:Key to Knowledge(中途相遇法)
2015-08-12 23:59:08 2134
原创 BAPC2014 I&&HUNNU11589:Interesting Integers
题意:对于我们已知的斐波那契数列,现在给出一个n,要我们求出一个新的斐波那契数列起始项,使得n能在新的斐波那契数列中,要求起始项y最小思路:我们知道a3 = a1+a2a4 = a1+2*a2a5 = 2*a1+3*a2a6 = 3*a1+5*a2可以得到an = fib[n-2]*a[1]+fib[n-1]*a[2]然后我们只需要枚举就可以
2015-08-12 23:44:37 1560
原创 BAPC2014 E&&HUNNU11585:Excellent Engineers(线段树)
2015-08-12 23:37:21 1698
原创 BAPC2014 C&&HUNNU11583:Citadel Construction(几何)
2015-08-12 23:32:05 1380 1
原创 BAPC2014 B&&HUNNU11582:Button Bashing(BFS)
题意:给出n,m,代表微波炉有n个按钮,要求达到总时间为m然后给出n个数,代表n个按钮能增加的时间,问最少几步,能够使得按出的总时间大于等于要求的时间,并且相差最小输出最小的步数与相差的最小值要求,当总时间小于0时,时间为0,大于3600时,时间为3600思路:直接暴力BFS,用VIS记录步数#include #include #include #
2015-08-12 23:17:05 1511
原创 HNU13383:The Big Painting
Problem descriptionSamuel W. E. R. Craft is an artist with a growing reputation. Unfortunately, the paintings he sells do not provide him enough money for his daily expenses plus the new suppl
2015-08-10 19:57:00 12391
原创 HNU13377:Book Club(DFS)
Problem descriptionPorto’s book club is buzzing with excitement for the annual book exchange event! Every year, members bring their favorite book and try to find another book they like that is
2015-08-10 19:50:42 1882 1
原创 HNU11376:Golf Bot
Problem descriptionInputThe first line has one integer: N, the number of different distances the Golf Bot can shoot. Each of the following N lines has one integer, ki, the di
2015-08-10 19:47:31 1498
Problem descriptionWe want to have a great SWERC at Porto this year and we approached this challenge in several ways. We even framed it as a word addition problem, similar to the classic SEND+
2015-08-10 19:41:48 1861 1
原创 hunnu11562:The Triangle Division of the Convex Polygon(第n个卡特兰数取模)
Problem description A convex polygon with n edges can be divided into several triangles by some non-intersect diagonals. We denote d(n) is the number of the different ways to divide the convex
2015-08-08 21:03:46 1802
原创 HDU5363:Key Set
Problem Descriptionsoda has a set S with n integers {1,2,…,n}. A set is called key set if the sum of integers in the set is an even number. He wants to know how many nonempty subsets of S are
2015-08-07 11:36:43 1780 1
原创 HDU5353:Average(贪心)
Problem DescriptionThere are n soda sitting around a round table. soda are numbered from 1 to n and i-th soda is adjacent to (i+1)-th soda, 1-st soda is adjacent to n-th soda.Each so
2015-08-07 11:30:58 2669
原创 HDU4647:Another Graph Game(贪心)
Problem DescriptionAlice and Bob are playing a game on an undirected graph with n (n is even) nodes and m edges. Every node i has its own weight Wv, and every edge e has its own weight We.They
2015-07-17 16:34:11 1843
原创 HDU4649:Professor Tian(概率)
Problem DescriptionTimer took the Probability and Mathematical Statistics course in the 2012, But his bad attendance angered Professor Tian who is in charge of the course. Therefore, Professor Tia
2015-07-17 16:30:27 1394
原创 HDU4634:Swipe Bo(BFS+状压)
Problem Description“Swipe Bo” is a puzzle game that requires foresight and skill. The main character of this game is a square blue tofu called Bo. We can swipe up / down / left / right to move B
2015-07-14 12:19:30 1400
原创 HDU4638:Group(线段树离线处理)
Problem DescriptionThere are n men ,every man has an ID(1..n).their ID is unique. Whose ID is i and i-1 are friends, Whose ID is i and i+1 are friends. These n men stand in line. Now we select an
2015-07-14 12:14:15 1821
原创 HDU4642:Fliping game
Problem DescriptionAlice and Bob are playing a kind of special game on an N*M board (N rows, M columns). At the beginning, there are N*M coins in this board with one in each grid and every coin ma
2015-07-14 12:12:13 1670
原创 HDU4639:Hehe
Problem DescriptionAs we all know, Fat Brother likes MeiZi every much, he always find some topic to talk with her. But as Fat Brother is so low profile that no one knows he is a rich-two-generatio
2015-07-14 12:04:15 1640
原创 HDU4630:No Pain No Game(线段树)
Problem DescriptionLife is a game,and you lose it,so you suicide.But you can not kill yourself before you solve this problem:Given you a sequence of number a1, a2, ..., an.They are also a perm
2015-07-05 23:36:42 1638
原创 HDU4622:Reincarnation(后缀数组,求区间内不同子串的个数)
Problem DescriptionNow you are back,and have a task to do:Given you a string s consist of lower-case English letters only,denote f(s) as the number of distinct sub-string of s.And you have som
2015-07-05 23:32:17 4553
原创 Codeforces554E:Love Triangles
There are many anime that are about "love triangles": Alice loves Bob, and Charlie loves Bob as well, but Alice hates Charlie. You are thinking about an anime which has n characters. The characters
2015-06-26 21:29:17 1940 2
原创 Codeforces554D:Kyoya and Permutation
Let's define the permutation of length n as an array p = [p1, p2, ..., pn] consisting of n distinct integers from range from 1 to n. We say that this permutation maps value 1 into the value p1,
2015-06-26 18:06:31 1805
原创 Codeforces554C:Kyoya and Colored Balls(组合数学+费马小定理)
Kyoya Ootori has a bag with n colored balls that are colored with k different colors. The colors are labeled from 1 to k. Balls of the same color are indistinguishable. He draws balls from the bag
2015-06-26 15:07:29 2898
原创 Codeforces554B:Ohana Cleans Up
Ohana Matsumae is trying to clean a room, which is divided up into an n by n grid of squares. Each square is initially either clean or dirty. Ohana can sweep her broom over columns of the grid. Her
2015-06-26 14:57:35 1610
原创 Codeforces554A:Kyoya and Photobooks
Kyoya Ootori is selling photobooks of the Ouran High School Host Club. He has 26 photos, labeled "a" to "z", and he has compiled them into a photo booklet with some photos in some order (possibly with
2015-06-26 14:54:49 1506
原创 POJ3321:Apple Tree(树状数组)
DescriptionThere is an apple tree outside of kaka's house. Every autumn, a lot of apples will grow in the tree. Kaka likes apple very much, so he has been carefully nurturing the big apple tree.
2015-06-25 11:16:06 6955 4
原创 POJ2155:Matrix(二维树状数组,经典)
DescriptionGiven an N*N matrix A, whose elements are either 0 or 1. A[i, j] means the number in the i-th row and j-th column. Initially we have A[i, j] = 0 (1 We can change the matrix in the f
2015-06-24 12:17:51 4511 4
原创 SGU180:Inversions(树状数组)
There are N integers (1A[j].InputThe first line of the input contains the number N. The second line contains N numbers A1...AN.OutputWrite amount of such pairs.Sample test(s)
2015-06-24 09:46:00 1222
原创 POJ2029:Get Many Persimmon Trees(二维树状数组)
DescriptionSeiji Hayashi had been a professor of the Nisshinkan Samurai School in the domain of Aizu for a long time in the 18th century. In order to reward him for his meritorious career in educa
2015-06-23 22:18:29 1420
原创 POJ3067:Japan(树状数组求逆序对)
DescriptionJapan plans to welcome the ACM ICPC World Finals and a lot of roads must be built for the venue. Japan is tall island with N cities on the East coast and M cities on the West coast (M <
2015-06-23 21:38:11 3428
原创 POJ2481:Cows(树状数组)
DescriptionFarmer John's cows have discovered that the clover growing along the ridge of the hill (which we can think of as a one-dimensional number line) in his field is particularly good.
2015-06-23 20:22:04 2166
原创 CSU1657: Ways
Description有一个n*n的正整数矩阵,要你求一条从第一行第一列的格子到第n行第n列的路,使得你走过的格子里面的数乘起来的值末尾的零的个数最小。输出最小个数。Input第一行包含1个数n。接下来n行每行n个数字。Output一个数字表示末尾零最小个数。Sample Input31 2 34 5 67
2015-06-22 22:03:09 781
原创 CSU1661: Query Mutiple
DescriptionOne day,Little-Y saw many numbers standing in a row. A question suddenly appeared in her mind, ”From the L-th number to the R-th number, how many of them is a mutiple of P ? (P is a p
2015-06-22 21:58:52 1011
原创 CSU1660: K-Cycle
DescriptionA simple cycle is a closed simple path, with no other repeated vertices or edges other than the starting and ending vertices. The length of a cycle is the number of vertices on it. Gi
2015-06-22 21:54:39 1444 3
原创 CSU1664: 防水堤坝
2015-06-22 21:51:47 2407
原创 CSU1656: Paper of FlyBrother(后缀数组)
DescriptionFlyBrother is a superman, therefore he is always busy saving the world. To graduate from NUDT is boring but necessary for him. Typically We need to post an paper to get Graduate Cer
2015-06-22 21:46:21 1042
原创 CSU1659: Graph Center(最短路)
DescriptionThe center of a graph is the set of all vertices of minimum eccentricity, that is, the set of all vertices A where the greatest distance d(A,B) to other vertices B is minimal. Equival
2015-06-22 21:44:14 1240
原创 POJ1195:Mobile phones(二维树状数组)
DescriptionSuppose that the fourth generation mobile phone base stations in the Tampere area operate as follows. The area is divided into squares. The squares form an S * S matrix with the rows an
2015-06-21 21:19:12 3555
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