* testavl.cpp
#include "avltree.h"
int main()
AvlTree T;
Position P;
int i, j;
T = MakeEmpty(NULL);
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 50; ++i, j = (j + 7) % 50)
T = Insert(j, T);
for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
if ((P = Find(i, T)) == NULL || Retrieve(P) != i)
printf("Error at %d\n", i);
printf("Min is %d, Max is %d\n", Retrieve(FindMin(T)),
return 0;
* avltree.cpp
#include "fatal.h"
#include "avltree.h"
struct AvlNode
ElementType Element;
AvlTree Left;
AvlTree Right;
int Height;
AvlTree MakeEmpty(AvlTree T)
if (T != NULL)
return NULL;
Position Find(ElementType X, AvlTree T)
if (T == NULL)
return NULL;
if (X < T->Element)
return Find(X, T->Left);
else if (X > T->Element)
return Find(X, T->Right);
return T;
Position FindMin(AvlTree T)
if (T == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (T->Left == NULL)
return T;
return FindMin(T->Left);
Position FindMax(AvlTree T)
if (T == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (T->Right == NULL)
return T;
return FindMax(T->Right);
static int Height(Position P)
if (P == NULL)
return -1;
return P->Height;
static int Max(int Lhs, int Rhs)
return Lhs > Rhs ? Lhs : Rhs;
/* Case 1(left-left):
* This function can be called only if K2 has a left child.
* Perform a rotate between a node(K2) and its left child.
* Update heights, then return new root.
static Position SingleRotateWithLeft(Position K2)
Position K1;
K1 = K2->Left;
K2->Left = K1->Right;
K1->Right = K2;
K2->Height = Max(Height(K2->Left), Height(K2->Right)) + 1;
K1->Height = Max(Height(K1->Left), K2->Height) + 1;
return K1; /* New root */
/* Case 4(right-right)
* This function can be called only if K1 has a right child.
* Perfrom a rotate between a node(K1) and its right child.
* Update heights, then return new root.
static Position SingleRotateWithRight(Position K1)
Position K2;
K2 = K1->Right;
K1->Right = K2->Left;
K2->Left = K1;
K1->Height = Max(Height(K1->Left), Height(K1->Right)) + 1;
K2->Height = Max(Height(K2->Right), K1->Height) + 1;
return K2; /* New root */
/* Case 2:
* This function can be called only if K3 has a left child
* and K3's left child has a right child.
* Do the left-right double rotation.
* Update heights, then return new root.
static Position DoubleRotateWithLeft(Position K3)
/* Rotate between K1 and K2 */
K3->Left = SingleRotateWithRight(K3->Left);
/* Rotate between K3 and K2 */
return SingleRotateWithLeft(K3);
/* Case 3:
* This function can be called only if K1 has a right child
* and K1's right child has a left child.
* Do the right-left double rotation.
* Update heights, then return new root.
static Position DoubleRotateWithRight(Position K1)
/* Rotate between K3 and K2 */
K1->Right = SingleRotateWithLeft(K1->Right);
/* Rotate between K1 and K2 */
return SingleRotateWithRight(K1);
AvlTree Insert(ElementType X, AvlTree T)
if (T == NULL)
/* Create and return a one-node tree */
T = (AvlTree)malloc(sizeof(struct AvlNode));
if (T == NULL)
FatalError("Out of space!");
T->Element = X;
T->Height = 0;
T->Left = NULL;
T->Right = NULL;
else if (X < T->Element)
T->Left = Insert(X, T->Left);
if (Height(T->Left) - Height(T->Right) == 2)
if (X < T->Left->Element)
T = SingleRotateWithLeft(T);
T = DoubleRotateWithLeft(T);
else if (X > T->Element)
T->Right = Insert(X, T->Right);
if (Height(T->Right) - Height(T->Left) == 2)
if (X > T->Right->Element)
T = SingleRotateWithRight(T);
T = DoubleRotateWithRight(T);
/* Else X is in the tree already; we'll do nothing */
T->Height = Max(Height(T->Left), Height(T->Right)) + 1;
return T;
AvlTree Delete(ElementType X, AvlTree T)
printf("Sorry: Delete is unimplemented; %d remains\n", X);
return T;
ElementType Retrieve(Position P)
return P->Element;