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原创 ROS学习笔记-2: 编写服务端与客户端
定义srv服务roscd beginner_tutorialsmkdir srvcd srvtouch AddTwoInts.srvrosed beginner_tutorials AddTwoInts.srv (使用rosed需要安装vim)srv文件分为请求和响应两部分,由'---‘分隔。在AddTwoInts.srv中输入代码:int64 Aint
2017-07-19 13:33:17 613
原创 ROS学习笔记-1: 构建工作空间-创建catkin包-编写发布器与订阅器
1.ROS文件系统介绍http://wiki.ros.org/cn/ROS/Tutorials/NavigatingTheFilesystem2.Installing catkinhttp://wiki.ros.org/catkin#Installing_catkin3.转书《ROS开源机器人控制基础》P25:2)catkin工作空间4.Creating a w
2017-07-18 17:36:31 817
转载 Tensorflow-2: 迁移学习程序编写
转载至:http://blog.csdn.net/nnnnnnnnnnnny/article/details/70244232 此例程出自《TensorFlow实战Google深度学习框架》6.5.2小节 卷积神经网络迁移学习。 数据集来自http://download.tensorflow.org/example_images/flower_photos.tgz ,及谷歌提供的Incep
2017-07-11 21:00:30 1664
原创 BlueROV-17: Install Python Virtual Environment & Github
1. Install Python Virtual Environment:http://liuzhijun.iteye.com/blog/1872241At a proper path(/home/pi/)Install:sudo apt-get install python-virtualenvBuild a new virtual environment named
2017-07-11 19:12:03 503
转载 Python实现决策树算法ID3
#coding=utf-8# 构造数据集def createDataSet(): dataSet = [[1,1,'yes'],[1,1,'yes'],[1,0,'no'],[0,1,'no'],[0,1,'no']] features = ['no surfacing','flippers'] return dataSet,features #
2017-07-04 17:23:01 363
原创 BlueROV-16: Solve the initialization problem
Group meeting: Reactive Control of Autonomous Drones.Bharath taught me how to debug a python project for the whole afternoon. Learned a lot!Try to solve the initialization problem by using:
2017-06-30 18:09:41 734
原创 BlueROV-14: Analysis of Communication Protocol MAVlink
1. The basic structure of APM codes:Basic knowledge: http://dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/learning-the-ardupilot-codebase/Description: http://dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/learning-ardupilot-introduction/
2017-06-05 14:23:36 878
原创 BlueROV-13: Configuring Parameters in QGroundControl
Everything is changed apart from THR_MIN, there is no such parameter in the qgroundcontrol at all. The only one similar is:Calibrate the radio using the joystick, and finish setting the flight
2017-05-24 18:03:36 593
原创 BlueROV-12: Install Raspbian and ssh Connection
We can change the arming check like this. The GPS/SINS/BARO integrated system can provide high dynamic and accuracy navigation for UAV flight.The battery is damaged because it is over-discharg
2017-05-21 15:25:46 473
原创 BlueROV-11: Full Flight Control and Mission Planning with QGroundControl
1. Pixhawk Initial Configuration using qgroundcontrol:http://dev.px4.io/starting-initial-config.htmlCalibrate the sensors first:Download the xbox 360 driver: http://www.tweaking4all.com/os-t
2017-05-15 17:52:33 845
原创 BlueROV-10: Mission Command
1. Mission Command Overview:There are three types of commands: NAVigation commands (MAV_CMD_NAV_*) are used to control vehicle movement, including takeoff, moving to and around waypoints, chan
2017-05-14 11:18:20 425
转载 Cocos Creator v1.5.0 内测版发布帖(5月5日更新 beta.3)
等了两个月,1.5版本终于出现了!Cocos Creator v1.5.0-beta.3 内测版发布:v1.5.0-beta.3.2 Mac 下载105v1.5.0-beta.3.2 Win 下载233v1.5.0-beta.3.2 文档下载143重点功能整合 box2d 物理引擎,请下载专用范例 Physics Example292 进行测试增加外部编
2017-05-12 12:52:33 723
原创 BlueROV-9: Driving Control
Home location:http://python.dronekit.io/guide/vehicle_state_and_parameters.htmlThe Home location isset when a vehicle first gets a good location fix from the GPS. The location isused as the targ
2017-05-12 12:29:36 1392
原创 BlueROV-8: Functions to Drive the Vehicle
Some functions like goto function or speed setting function are limited because they are GPS dependent. GPS is not available for an underwater robot. If I change the vehicle mode to "ALT_HOLD", the ar
2017-05-09 13:29:41 505
原创 BlueROV-7: Keep Learning Dronekit
The motors can spin now by using the following program:from dronekit import connect,VehicleModeimport sysimport time # Connect to UDP endpoint (andwait for default attributes to accumulate)
2017-05-07 13:12:02 1023
原创 BlueROV-6: Quick Start of Dronekit and Connect Dronekit to the Vehicle
Quick Start of Dronekit(Simulator): http://python.dronekit.io/guide/quick_start.htmlsudo pip install dronekit or sudo -H pip install dronekitsudo pip install dronekit-sitl or sudo -H pip
2017-05-04 18:44:02 564
原创 Tensorflow-1: csv文件读写与分批训练
今天尝试了一下读写csv文件并使用tensorflow训练数据,很方便。程序训练的一个单隐藏层的网络,程序中所用到的m3c_data_train.csv和m3c_data_test.csv文件都是由17列若干行的数据组成,17列包括输入12列、输出4列和用来打乱数据用的随机列。# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import tensorflow as tfimport nu
2017-04-29 22:28:23 6461 3
原创 BlueROV-5: Install APM Planner 2 on Rasberry Pi
Install APM Planner 2 on the rasberry pi systemhttp://plane.ardupilot.com/planner2/docs/installation-for-linux.htmlhttp://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/download-latest-apm-planner-2-0-20-and-other-r
2017-04-29 01:00:52 769
原创 BlueROV-4: DroneKit, MAVLink and Companion Computers
http://python.dronekit.io/About DroneKit:DroneKit-Pythonallows developers to create apps that run on an onboardcompanioncomputer and communicate with the ArduPilot flightcontroller using a low
2017-04-27 12:33:40 1313
原创 BlueROV-3: Fathom-S Tether Interface Board Set and Batteries
Fathom-S Tether Interface Board Set is for connecting the fathom and camera chip.https://www.bluerobotics.com/store/electronics/fathom-s-r1/ Finished this step:Searched the typ
2017-04-26 15:08:15 1133
原创 BlueROV-2: Basic ESC Documentation: Speed Controller
http://docs.bluerobotics.com/besc/Quick Start:Connect the three motor wires to the motor. The order of connections does not matter, however, switching any two wires will change the d
2017-04-25 11:34:04 819
原创 BlueROV-1: Meeting Notes and List of Things We Need
Two high level goals:Autonomy Autonomy with inertial tracking of the robotSpecifics:Figure out power supply for the thrustersUPS? Power supply for the electronicsAvoi
2017-04-25 11:27:32 611
Selected Applications of Convex Optimization
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