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  1. 《INCA_Manual_R7.1_EN.pdf》

1&2 Introduction & New Feeatures in INCA V7

手册一二章节的目录如下,简单看下目录,且要稍微看一下1.6.4 Using this Manual

1.6.4 Using this Manual

List of Abbreviations

• INCA – INtegrated Calibration and Acquisition Systems
• ECU – Electronic Control Unit
• ETK – Emulator-Tastkopf (emulator test probe)
• CAN – Bus System for Data Communication (Controller Area Network)
• CCP – CAN Calibration Protocol, standard protocol based on MCD-1a
• DPRAM – Dual-Port-RAM (also DPR)
• CEBRA – Common ETAS Backplane for Remote Tool Access
• CDM – Calibration Data Manager
• WS – Work Space
• DBM – Database Manager
• EE – Experiment Environment
• HWC Editor – Hardware Configuration Editor
• MDA – Measure Data Analyzer
• EXP – Experiment
• WP – Working Page
• RP – Reference Page
• XCP – eXtended Calibration Protocol

3 Getting Started

3.1 Introduction

The following briefly explains the major abbreviations used here.
• CDM – Calibration Data Manager
• WS – Workspace
• DB – Database
• DBM – Database Manager
• EE – Experiment Environment
• EXP – Experiment
• HWC – Hardware Configuration

The following sections give a brief overview of the individual working steps, separately by program user interfaces.
DBM (see „Working with the Database Manager – Preparations“ on page 17):
• Creating a New Database, Folder, Workspace, and Experiment
• Setting up a Project
• Setting up the Workspace: Assign project and dataset, select project hardware, allocate experiment
HWC Editor (see „Working in the Hardware Configuration Editor“ on page 22):
• Adding, Configuring and Initializing Hardware
• Matching Data Versions Between the PC and ECU
EE (see „Working in the Experiment Environment“ on page 24):
• Selecting Measure and Calibration Variables
• Configuring the Display
• Using Layers in an Experiment
• Configuring Measure Data Recording
• Performing a Measurement
• Performing Calibrations in the Editors
• Saving Datasets
CDM (see „Editing Datasets with the CDM“ on page 32):
• Selecting Datasets and Calibration Variables
• Executing the List, Compare, or Copy Action
• Analyzing Result and Output Files
DBM (see „Data Processing and Data Exchange in the DBM“ on page 35):
• Working with Database Items
• Exchanging Data Using the Import/Export Function
• Working with Databases

3.2 Working with the Database Manager – Preparations

The following data are managed in the database:
• Workspaces (including hardware configuration)
• Experiments
• ECU projects (A2L) and datasets
• CDM configurations
• Calibration Scenario Configurations
• Measure catalogs
• ECU documentation or link to ECU documentation
• AUTOSAR system templates
• CAN DB descriptions
• CAN Message Lists
(available only if the component CAN MessageSending has been
• FIBEX files with configurations for communication via the Flexray bus
(Flexray functionality requires the INCA-FLEXRAY add-on)
• LDF files with configurations for communication via the LIN bus
(LIN functionality requires the INCA-LIN add-on)
• ODX project files for diagnostic issues
(Diagnostic functionality requires the ODX-LINK add-on)
• ODX Flash project files with configurations for flashing via the ODX interface
(ODX flashing functionality requires the ODX-FLASH add-on)
The following types of data are not managed in the database:
• measure files (.dat)
• Custom user interfaces (
• *.a2l and *.dbc files
• *.hex and *.s19 files

3.2.1 Creating a New Database, Folder, Workspace, and Experiment

  1. 默认数据库存放地址:x:\ETASData\INCA7.1\Database,其中的x为当初安装的盘符。
  2. ·Save as...,存放自己选择的地址

3.2.2 Setting up a Project


  1. the project description file (*.a2l);
  2. the hex file (*.hex, *.s19; Intel hex or Motorola format也就是 .mot);
  3. 注意当添加a2l文件后,会自动弹出窗口让你再选择.s19/.mot文件。

Prerequisites for calibrating with INCA are creating a memory image of the control unit and storing the information in the form of datasets in INCA. This requires the following files: the project description file (*.a2l) with the physical description of the data and the hex file (*.hex, *.s19; Intel hex or Motorola format) containing the control unit program consisting of the code and the data. The different datasets of the working page and reference page are stored separately in INCA as the working dataset and the read-only reference dataset. Readonly datasets are identified by a red frame.

3.2.3 Adding Bus Descriptions and Further Database Items

If you want to exchange information via a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN), you also need bus description files defining the system topology and/or the bus communication.


3.2.4 Setting up the Workspace

When you create a workspace (WS) in the DBM, it is initially “empty”, i.e., it still
contains no references to other database items. To give life to this workspace,
you have to assign a project to it, select the appropriate project hardware and
allocate an experiment.

3.3 Working in the Hardware Configuration Editor

Essentially, the Hardware Configuration Editor enables you to manage and configure the hardware for the active workspace.

You can use the Memory Page Manager integrated in the HWC Editor to match different data versions between the PC and ECU.

3.3.1 Adding, Configuring and Initializing Hardware

When you add hardware components manually, the hardware still needs to be initialized.

3.3.2 Matching Data Versions Between the PC and ECU

INCA provides the Memory Page Manager to manage different datasets (working and reference datasets). This is a versatile tool which you can use to copy memory contents in any direction.

For example, it allows you to read data versions into and from the control unit or copy data from the working data version to the reference data version or vice versa, save working datasets or write-protect them as an “intermediate result” and change reference datasets for the current project.

The Memory Page Manager is opened automatically if different data versions are detected during the initialization of the control unit.

You can call the Memory Page Manager both from the HWC Editor and the Experiment Environment by pressing < SHIFT > + < F8 >.

在实际的工作中,一般选择2 Enhanced-->Upload-->Doit,后面的几步,直接回车确认即可。

3.4 Working in the Experiment Environment

The Experiment Environment mainly contains the functionality required to perform a measurement and calibration task and used when preparing the individual partial tasks.
It is used to select measure and calibration variables and their arrangement in various windows, such as oscilloscope, bar display, and table or graphical calibration editors.

3.4.1 Selecting Measure and Calibration Variables

Depending on the hardware configuration used in the workspace, the experiment only provides the measure and calibration variables for selection which aredefined in the connected hardware.

  1. 红色的一般为:Measure 信号,即观测信号;
  2. 蓝色的一般为:Calibration信号:即标定信号。

3.4.2 Configuring the Display

For configuring the representation of measure and calibration variables, you have a range of measure and calibration instruments with the associated display options at your disposal. You can either select the adequate instrument for each variable individually or accept the instrument suggested by the program as a default.


Display Configuration 各部件功能
1. Add Layer


2. Measure Window


1. Datarepresentation:Phys,Hex,Dec,Bin
2. Show unit:Yes,No;是否显示单位
3. Background color:背景颜色
4. Character Color:字体颜色
5. Display type:Numeric Display,Horizontal Bar,Bit Dispaly,Gauge,Message bOX,Alert,每个都需要自己 尝试。
3. Calibration Window


4. Oscilloscope
  1. 添加一个YT Oscilloscope,并添加一个动态观测信号

  2. 默认的示波器显示,注意这里是动图

  3. 可以选择信号显示的方式,包括物理值、十六进制、十进制、二进制等

  4. 改变示波器波形颜色

  5. 还有线型、粗细、符号、符号大小等可以设置

  6. 示波器上的功能

1.Play / Pause
2.Zoom in:x 坐标变小,即从 1 秒/次-->0.01秒/次
3.Zoom out x 坐标变大,即从 0.01秒/次-->1秒/次
4.Zoom to fit:将示波器调整为合适的管擦尺寸
5.Copy to clipboard:将当前示波器视图复制到 Clipboard
7.Sace as Image
7. Scroll Mode:Scrolling;Wrap Around Clear;Wrap Around Curtain,XY;这几个需要自己都试试,才能看到效果。
8. Zoom Mode:Zoom Time Only,Zoom Values Only:Zoom Box,Move Signal,Pin,同样需要自己尝试。
9. Legend Position:Left,Right,Top,Bottom,Hide Legend;Legend的显示位置。

3.4.3 Configuring the Usage of Variables

Apart from setting how the variables are displayed in the experiment, you can
also set their raster, the recording status and whether they shall be used at all in
the experiment.
It can be useful to set variables to inactive; they will still be saved in the experiment, but temporarily not used in the experiment, thus not filling the raster. They can easily be reactivated later, with the previous properties and instrument assignment being saved.

3.4.4 Using Layers in an Experiment

To improve the display of all measure and calibration instruments required in an
experiment, INCA allows you to distribute the instruments to different layers.
This is useful especially when working with small screens. You can create any
number of layers and delete them as required. For example, you can define one layer for the measure instruments and another one for the calibration instruments.

3.4.5 Configuring Measure Data Recording

INCA provides extensive and convenient methods in a dedicated configuration
window to prepare for and configure the storage of measured data. You can use them to specify the storage of the measure file by setup options such as storage location, storage name, format (ETAS binary file, ASCII, Matlab M-File, FAMOS, DIADEM and MDF) and other individual information.

To automate the start, repetition, and end of measure data recording, you can
define trigger conditions (with pretrigger time and posttrigger time, if required)
which trigger the desired event.

You can choose whether you just use one easy-to-use default recorder; as an
alternative, you can individually configure different recorders that can be run
separately from each other and that can be used for background recording.



1. Create New Recorder
2. Delete Recorder
3. Add Variables to the Selected Recorder
4. Find a recorder by name
5. Toggle the Variables view on/off:就是展开/关闭右栏的变量
6. Enable All Recorders
7. Disable All Recorders
8. Open the Recorder Event Viewer
9. Open Recorder Configuration
10.Un Delete 
1. 设置
  1. 使用事件作为文件名称,并且转换为 Matlab 的 m 文件保存。
  2. 选择一个信号作为 test,点击开始记录
  3. 找到保存数据的文件地址,如下:
    共 6 个文件:
1.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08.dat     // 数据存储存放
2.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08.m       // 后文解析,该文件中的内容包含了  3,4,5 文件中的内容
3.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_1.m     // 后文解析,该文件独立,但内容为 2 文件中的第二部分
4.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_2.m     // 后文解析,该文件独立,但内容为 2 文件中的第三部分
5.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_3.m     // 后文解析,该文件独立,但内容为 2 文件中的第四部分
6.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_MeasureWindow.xda   // 对工程、文件的一些说明记录(2021.2.4写)
  1. 使用 Matlab 打开文件,对 measure2021-02-04 14_50_08.m 文件进行分析

4.1 文件的开头 8 行,如下:

%Matlab MFile		L4.0.10
% to load the data execute  "run d:\ETASData\INCA7.1\Measure\measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_3.m" in the Matlab workspace
% the values assigned to aSignalName are indices into the Group array
% 	the "/" of the internal ascetSD or inca name is replaced by "qr"
% 	leading "_" are removed
% the Group array contain all data of this group arranged in one line for each sample(->record)
% access to a single element will be
% Group_n  ( recordNumber,signalName) 

第一行:是说为 Matlab mfILE
第二行:如何在 Matlab 中加载该数据
第三行:用索引的方式将数值分配给 aSignalName ,并放在成组的数组中
第四行:存储器的索引"/"或者 inca 的名字都被替换为 "qr"在文件中存在
第七、八行:每个信号被命名为 Group_n 的形式

4.2 每个文件的组织行大同小异,用于解释数据组织形式:

第九行:sampleCnt 为该 m 文件采集到多少个数据;
第十行:recordFormat =xx xx 为每组数组的格式,分别有`(f8 f4)、(f8 u32 u8)、(f8 u32)等
第十一行: time = 1,,暂时不明白(2021.2.4 写)

1.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08.m

sampleCnt = 783                  ; 
recordFormat = 'f8 f4 '
time = 1 ; 
copt_VMS_LifeCounter3qiCCPqj2 = 2 ; //信号名称

2.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_1.m

sampleCnt = 783                  ; 
recordFormat = 'f8 f4 '
time = 1 ; 
copt_VMS_LifeCounter3qiCCPqj2 = 2 ; //信号名称

3.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_2.m

sampleCnt = 2                    ; 
recordFormat = 'f8 u32 u8 '
time = 1 ; 
qRCalibrationLogqiCCPqj2 = 2 ; 
qRActiveCalibrationPageqiCCPqj2 = 3 ; 

4.measure2021-02-04 14_50_08_3.m

sampleCnt = 1                    ; 
recordFormat = 'f8 u32 '
time = 1 ; 


3.4.6 Performing a Measurement


3.4.7 Performing Calibrations in the Editors

The various calibration instruments display the calibration variables (scalars,
curves, and maps) in the form of tables or graphics.

The calibration instruments are also used as editors you can use to change the values of calibration variables directly in the visualization.

INCA also assists you in operations such as offset, breakpoint and block calibrations. With curve and map editors, you can display the current process point of the engine.


3.4.8 Saving Datasets

INCA provides several means to save the current program version. To make your modified data available to other users, you can save the working dataset as a new HEX file in the file system. In INCA, you can save the current working dataset under a different name, to backup an intermediate version.
You can also copy the current data of the working dataset to a new reference dataset. The current reference dataset is write-protected and therefore cannot be replaced directly. Instead, you are prompted to enter a name for the new reference dataset.

### 回答1: 要打开InCA的标定窗口,可以按照以下步骤操作: 1. 首先,确保已经成功安装了InCA软件并正确连接了要进行标定的设备。 2. 打开InCA软件,可以在主界面上找到“标定窗口”选项,通常该选项位于菜单栏的顶部,鼠标点击该选项即可进入标定窗口。 3. 在标定窗口中,可以选择要进行标定的设备。一般情况下,InCA会自动检测到已连接的设备并显示在设备列表中,你可以从列表中选择需要进行标定的设备。 4. 选择设备后,可以在标定窗口中设置标定参数。这些参数通常与设备的特性、性能和功能相关。你可以根据需要调整这些参数,以满足标定的要求。 5. 设置完标定参数后,可以点击标定窗口中的“开始标定”按钮,这将启动标定过程。在标定过程中,InCA会根据设定的参数对设备进行自动标定,并实时显示标定结果。 6. 标定完成后,InCA会生成标定报告,其中包含设备的标定结果、误差分析等信息。你可以保存该报告以备后续查阅或分享。 综上所述,通过按照以上步骤,在InCA软件中可以轻松打开标定窗口,并对设备进行标定。标定窗口提供了多种设置选项和可视化显示,帮助用户进行设备的精确标定和性能优化。 ### 回答2: Inca是一个汽车诊断仪器软件,它提供了标定窗口来对车辆进行校准和调节。下面是如何打开Inca标定窗口的步骤: 1. 首先,确保你已经正确安装了Inca软件并将其连接到你要进行标定的车辆上。 2. 运行Inca软件。通常,在计算机的桌面或开始菜单中会有Inca的图标。单击该图标以启动软件。 3. 一旦Inca软件启动,你将看到一个主界面。这个界面显示了与车辆进行通信和诊断所需的各种选项。 4. 在主界面中,你可以看到一个名为“测量和校准”的选项。这是你打开标定窗口的方式。 5. 将鼠标悬停在“测量和校准”选项上,然后单击鼠标右键。这将显示一个下拉菜单。 6. 在下拉菜单中,你会看到“标定”选项。单击“标定”选项将打开标定窗口。 7. 标定窗口打开后,你可以看到许多标定参数和选项,可以根据需要进行调整和校准。 请注意,上述步骤可能会因不同版本的Inca软件而有所不同。此外,在进行标定之前,建议仔细阅读Inca软件的用户手册或参考Inca官方文档以获得更详细的指导。 ### 回答3: Inca是一款用于汽车发动机和车辆控制单元(ECU)的测试、诊断和校准软件,它的标定窗口提供了对ECU参数进行调整和优化的功能。 要打开Inca的标定窗口,首先需要确保正确连接了ECU和计算机,并且已经成功启动了Inca软件。接下来,按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 在Inca的主界面上,选择“标定”(Calibration)选项。这个选项通常位于界面的顶部菜单栏中,可能会有一个图标或者文字标签来表示。 2. 在标定菜单中,点击“打开标定窗口”(Open Calibration Window)选项。这个选项通常会在菜单的下拉列表中,也可能会有一个快捷键可以直接点击。 3. 选择要打开的ECU的相关信息。通常,Inca会列出所有已连接的ECU,您可以从列表中选择您要打开的ECU。根据具体的Inca版本和配置,您可能还需要选择ECU的型号、版本或者其他相关信息。 4. 点击“确定”(OK)按钮,Inca会打开标定窗口,显示出ECU各个参数的列表。 在标定窗口中,您可以通过手动输入数值、拖动滑块或者其他界面控件来调整ECU参数的值。为了保证调整的准确性和稳定性,标定窗口通常还提供了实时监测和数据记录功能。 总之,通过以上步骤,您就可以成功打开Inca的标定窗口,并进行相应的ECU参数调整和优化工作了。需要注意的是,具体操作步骤可能会因为不同的Inca版本或配置而有所差异,请根据具体情况进行操作。




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