

The most influential women in tech history

Tech is a notoriously male-dominated space. According to a recent Statista survey, more than 90% of software developers identified as male as of 2021, and fewer than 6% identified as female. But don’t let these disheartening stats fool you. Despite being underrepresented in STEM professions, women have made some massive contributions to technology over the years.
技术领域是一个众所周知的男性主导的空间。根据 Statista 最近的一项调查,截至 2021 年,超过 90% 的软件开发者是男性,而女性不到 6%。但不要被这些令人沮丧的统计数据所迷惑。尽管在 STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)职业中代表性不足,但多年来女性对技术做出了一些巨大的贡献。

For Women’s History Month, we wanted to highlight a few of these influential women, and showcase how their contributions to the world have changed things for themselves, those who came after them, and society at large.

Annie Easley, 1933-2011 安妮·伊斯利,1933-2011


Computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist 计算机科学家、数学家和火箭科学家

Annie Easley worked for the Lewis Research Center (which is now referred to as the Glenn Research Center). She also worked with NASA and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) that came before NASA. One of Easley’s most notable accomplishments was her work on the Centaur project, which helped make future space travel possible.
安妮·伊斯利(Annie Easley)曾在刘易斯研究中心(Lewis Research Center,现在称为格伦研究中心)工作。她还曾与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的国家航空咨询委员会(NACA)合作。Easley最引人注目的成就之一是她在半人马座项目上的工作,该项目使未来的太空旅行成为可能。

Her work contributed to the 1997 Cassini Probe, and she also worked to help other African Americans register to vote. She even studied battery-powered vehicles long ago, back before companies like Tesla and Rivian were well-known names.

Ada Lovelace, 1815-1852 艾达·洛夫莱斯,1815-1852 年

Donaldson Collections/Getty Images

Creator of the first computer algorithm 第一个计算机算法的创造者

Ada Lovelace made her mark on the world in the mid-1800s, during a time when it was not only highly uncommon for a woman to learn STEM disciplines, but computers as we know them today didn’t even exist yet.
Ada Lovelace 在 1800 年代中期在世界上留下了自己的印记,在那个时代,女性学习 STEM 学科不仅非常罕见,而且我们今天所知道的计算机甚至还不存在。

Lovelace was fascinated with the brain and by other science and technology disciplines. In 1833, she met a man named Charles Babbage, who had created an early computing machine called the Analytical Engine. Lovelace translated one of Babbage’s lectures into English and added notes. In her notes, she included an algorithm that allowed Babbage’s engine to compute Bernoulli numbers and, as it turns out, this was the first time a computer algorithm had ever been published.
洛夫莱斯对大脑和其他科学技术学科着迷。1833年,她遇到了一个名叫查尔斯·巴贝奇(Charles Babbage)的人,他创造了一种名为分析引擎的早期计算机。洛夫莱斯将巴贝奇的一篇演讲翻译成英文,并添加了注释。在她的笔记中,她包括了一种算法,该算法允许巴贝奇的引擎计算伯努利数,事实证明,这是计算机算法首次发布。

Because of her published algorithm, Lovelace is often considered to be the first ever computer programmer.
由于她发表的算法,Lovelace 通常被认为是有史以来第一位计算机程序员。

Hedy Lamarr, 1914-2000 海蒂·拉玛,1914-2000

Image used with permission by copyright holder

The mother of Wi-Fi Wi-Fi之母

When some people think of Hedy Lamarr, they often think only of a beautiful actress. But there’s so much more to Lamarr than meets the eye. Hedy, along with another inventor (named George Antheil), developed a radio-based torpedo guidance system that was immune to jamming. Initially, few people took the actress seriously, and her patent eventually expired without being used in the real world. However, Lamarr and Antheil’s technology went on to eventually be used in many of our essential technologies today, including Wi-Fi and GPS.
当一些人想到海蒂·拉玛时,他们往往只会想到一位美丽的女演员。但是,拉玛的意义远不止眼前所见。海蒂与另一位发明家(名叫乔治·安泰尔)一起开发了一种基于无线电的鱼雷制导系统,该系统不受干扰。最初,很少有人认真对待这位女演员,她的专利最终在没有在现实世界中使用就过期了。然而,Lamarr 和 Antheil 的技术最终被用于我们今天的许多基本技术中,包括 Wi-Fi 和 GPS。

In 2014, Lamarr and Antheil were inducted into the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame.
2014 年,Lamarr 和 Antheil 入选国家发明家名人堂。

Reshma Saujani, 1975-present Reshma Saujani,1975年至今

Founder of Girls Who Code Girls Who Code的创始人

Girls who Code is an organization committed to diversity and inclusion in tech. The organization has served almost a half a million girls, and reached 500 million people since its inception.
Girls who Code 是一个致力于科技多元化和包容性的组织。该组织已为近五十万女孩提供服务,自成立以来已惠及 5 亿人。

Reshma Saujani is the founder of Girls Who Code, but she’s also an activist and attorney, working to close the gender pay gap. With all of the young women Reshma has helped, she absolutely deserves a spot on our list of the most influential women in tech.
Reshma Saujani 是 Girls Who Code 的创始人,但她也是一名活动家和律师,致力于缩小性别薪酬差距。在Reshma帮助过的所有年轻女性中,她绝对应该在我们最具影响力的科技女性名单上占有一席之地。

Susan Wojcicki, 1968-present 苏珊·沃西基,1968年至今

Image used with permission by copyright holder

Former YouTube CEO YouTube前首席执行官

Since it hit the scene in 2005, YouTube has fundamentally changed the way we consume content on the web. It has allowed regular people to become stars, influencers, and helpful tutors on everything from relationship advice to cosmetic tips.
自 2005 年问世以来,YouTube 从根本上改变了我们在网络上消费内容的方式。它让普通人成为明星、影响者和乐于助人的导师,从关系建议到美容技巧,无所不包。

Susan Wojcicki was previously a senior vice president at Google and was one of the company’s early employees, but the Harvard grad eventually became the CEO of YouTube in 2014. She’s an inspiration to young women everywhere based on her hard work, tenacity, and success in the tech industry.
苏珊·沃西基(Susan Wojcicki)曾是谷歌的高级副总裁,也是该公司的早期员工之一,但这位哈佛大学毕业生最终在2014年成为YouTube的首席执行官。她凭借自己的努力工作、坚韧不拔和在科技行业的成功,激励着世界各地的年轻女性。

Radia Perlman, 1951-present Radia Perlman,1951年至今


Creator of the spanning tree protocol 生成树协议的创建者

Radia Perlman attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1960s and early ’70s. During this time, few women were in these STEM programs, so it’s quite impressive that she managed to make her mark.
Radia Perlman 于 1960 年代末和 70 年代初就读于麻省理工学院。在这段时间里,很少有女性参加这些 STEM 项目,所以她成功地留下了自己的印记,这令人印象深刻。

Perlman’s work has made a significant impact on the tech field — particularly on how networks move data and organize themselves. Her most notable creation is the spanning tree protocol (STP): A set of rules for network design that helped improve the internet. Others have expanded on the technology since Perlman invented it, but it was her creation that paved the way for the modern, ultrafast networks that we enjoy today.
Perlman的工作对科技领域产生了重大影响,特别是在网络如何移动数据和组织自身方面。她最引人注目的创作是生成树协议(STP):一套有助于改善互联网的网络设计规则。自 Perlman 发明这项技术以来,其他人已经扩展了这项技术,但正是她的创造为我们今天享受的现代超高速网络铺平了道路。

Karen Sparck-Jones, 1935-2007 凯伦·斯帕克-琼斯,1935-2007

University of Cambridge

Computer scientist 计算机科学家

Karen Sparck-Jones was a self-taught computer programmer during a time when there were very few female programmers in the field. Her most notable contributions centered around inverse document frequency and index-term weighting — two big concepts that helped create the modern search engines we have today.
凯伦·斯帕克-琼斯(Karen Sparck-Jones)是一名自学成才的计算机程序员,当时该领域的女性程序员很少。她最引人注目的贡献集中在反向文档频率和索引词权重上——这两大概念帮助创建了我们今天拥有的现代搜索引擎。

Each time you Google search a recipe, ask Google what the best Thai restaurant is, or search which robot vacuum you should buy, Sparck-Jones’ work helps ensure that the search results you see are helpful.






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