Stibo Systems(思迪博) 致中国客户及合作伙伴的一封信

Stibo Systems(思迪博) 致中国客户及合作伙伴的一封信:

尊敬的客户和合作伙伴,2020年我们与全世界所有国家和地区的企业实体共同经历了也正在经历着这场全球疫情对我们的考验。今日立秋时节悄然来到,Stibo Systems(思迪博)及母公司Stibo A/S集团全体员工祝福您:合家安康,秋意延绵,Stibo Systems(思迪博)将与中国客户及合作伙伴休戚与共!


回顾——Stibo Systems(思迪博)隶属于丹麦Stibo A/S集团,公司自1976年成立以来一直专注于发展主数据管理和数字化应用相关的解决方案,传达的是一种匠人精神,聚焦世界的每一方寸变化对行业企业的挑战,谦卑的思迪博员工永远抱有以客户价值为导向的心锁,诚信守约让我们赢得了全球600+家跨行业客户的青睐,自2012年我们进入中国市场以来,得到了众多中国企业对我们的产品、服务以及团队的认可,得益于此,我们于2019年在深圳建立了Stibo Systems首家全球创新中心,展现了思迪博对中国市场的信心和共同发展的战略。未来的前进道路上,思迪博都会陪伴在您的身边,互相扶植,共谋发展!(Stibo A/S集团成立于1794年)

2020让我们攻坚克守!Stibo Systems(思迪博)

Dear valued customers and partners:

2020 has been a year of many challenges. Together with people and businesses around the world, we have all experienced and been tested by an unprecedented global epidemic.

Today quietly marks the beginning of autumn. At this time, we would like to extend best wishes from Stibo A/S group dedicated employees all over the world to our distinguished customers across China: may autumn bring your family good health, and may our distinguished relationship last forever. We stand here beside you, ready to support you through good times or bad.

Recently, with foreign private-equity funded enterprises reorganizing their approach to global markets, many of our customers and partners have expressed concern about our enterprise development strategy in China. Stibo Systems sincerely promises We will continue to increase investment in the Chinese market, and fully cooperate with enterprises in the Chinese market in sales, technical support, product innovation and other aspects. This is not simply because of our sincere commitment to our customers, but also because of Stibo Systems’ long-term corporate culture, which emphasizes humility, collaboration and trust.

Stibo Systems is a subsidiary of the Stibo A/S group, founded in Denmark in 1976 (Stibo A/S group founded in 1794). We have been focused on the development of master data management and governance solutions, on conveying a spirit of craftsmanship, and on empowering our customers to address the challenges and changes facing businesses and industries worldwide. Our commitment to driving customer value has won the favor of more than 600+ companies across industries around the world. What’s more gratifying is that Since we entered the Chinese market in 2012, we have been recognized by many Chinese enterprises for our products, services and teams. Thanks to this, we set up the first global innovation center of Stibo Systems in Shenzhen in 2019, demonstrating the confidence of Stibo Systems in the Chinese market and the common development strategy. On the way forward in the future, Stibo Systems will accompany you, support each other and seek common development!

Let’s conquer the challenges ahead in 2020!

Stibo Systems(思迪博)





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