1026. Table Tennis

using namespace std;
const int INF=1<<30,K=103;
struct node{
  int come,cost,vip,serve,done;
  node(int a,int b,int c,int d,bool e):come(a*3600+b*60+c),
typedef const node& cnr;
int n,k,m,cnt[K],vip[K];

void prtime(int k){
  printf("%02d:%02d:%02d ",k/3600,(k%3600)/60,k%3600%60);}
void play(node&he,int nth){
  int began=max(he.come,fre[nth]);
  he.done=true; ++cnt[nth]; he.serve=began;
int main(){
  scanf("%d",&n); man.reserve(10006);
  for(int i=0,a,b,c,d,e;i<n;++i){
    man.emplace_back(a,b,c,d,e); }
  sort(man.begin(),man.end(),[](cnr x,cnr y){return x.come<y.come;});
  scanf("%d%d",&k,&m);  fre.assign(k,8*3600);
  for(int i=0,no;i<m;++i){ scanf("%d",&no); vip[no-1]=true; }

  for(int cur=0;cur<man.size();++cur){
    auto &he=man[cur];  if(he.done)continue;
    int line=max(he.come,*min_element(fre.begin(),fre.end())); if(line>=21*3600)break;
    int vipt=-1,vipu=-1,vopt=-1;
    for(int i=0;i<k;++i) if(fre[i]<=line){
  	if(vopt==-1) vopt=i;
    for(int i=cur;i<n&&man[i].come<=line;++i)
      if(man[i].vip&&vipu==-1&&!man[i].done) vipu=i; 
    if(vipu!=-1 &&vipt!=-1){ play(man[vipu],vipt);--cur; }
    else play(he,vopt);
  }//for(int cur...
  sort(man.begin(),man.end(),[](cnr x,cnr y){return x.serve<y.serve;});
  for(auto &x:man) if(x.serve!=INF){
      prtime(x.come); prtime(x.serve); cout<<(x.serve-x.come+30)/60<<endl;}
  for(int i=0;i<k;++i) cout<<(i?" ":"")<<cnt[i];

窗口排队的题首先都按用户到达时间排序,如果不插队的话,每个窗口记录自己的时间,只要不断用队头用户刷新窗口的记录时间即可。每次轮到队头用户时,可能有一些窗口空闲,可以选空闲窗口编号最小的,也可以选空闲窗口中释放时间最早的,都不影响结果;也可能没有窗口空闲,此时只能选释放时间最早的,因此一般题目不断用队头用户刷新释放时间最早的窗口的时间记录即可。例如advance level的1014 waiting in line 和1017 queueing at bank和数据结构题集里的8-05. 银行排队问题之“多队列多窗口”版 。   

这个题如果分情况讨论的话很麻烦。分配一张桌子呢肯定是既有等待的用户又有空闲的桌子的时候,即max( 队头到达时间,min( 各窗口释放时间 ) ),以此时间为分界只有一种情况需要插队,即既有等待的vip用户又有空闲的vip桌子,让vip与vip先配对即可。否则让最先来的队头用户与最先释放的桌子配对即可。

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The following is the data that you can add to your input file (as an example). Notice that the first line is going to be a line representing your own hobbies. In my case, it is the Vitaly,table tennis,chess,hacking line. Your goal is to create a class called Student. Every Student will contain a name (String) and an ArrayList<String> storing hobbies. Then, you will add all those students from the file into an ArrayList<Student>, with each Student having a separate name and ArrayList of hobbies. Here is an example file containing students (the first line will always represent yourself). NOTE: eventually, we will have a different file containing all our real names and hobbies so that we could find out with how many people each of us share the same hobby. Vitaly,table tennis,chess,hacking Sean,cooking,guitar,rainbow six Nolan,gym,piano,reading,video games Jack,cooking,swimming,music Ray,piano,video games,volleyball Emily,crochet,drawing,gardening,tuba,violin Hudson,anime,video games,trumpet Matt,piano,Reading,video games,traveling Alex,swimming,video games,saxophone Roman,piano,dancing,art Teddy,chess,lifting,swimming Sarah,baking,reading,singing,theatre Maya,violin,knitting,reading,billiards Amy,art,gaming,guitar,table tennis Daniel,video games,tennis,soccer,biking,trumpet Derek,cooking,flute,gaming,swimming,table tennis Daisey,video games,guitar,cleaning,drawing,animated shows,reading,shopping Lily,flute,ocarina,video games,baking Stella,roller skating,sudoku,watching baseball,harp Sophie,viola,ukulele,piano,video games
Based on the given information, I would suggest creating a class called Student with two instance variables: a String for the student's name and an ArrayList<String> for their hobbies. Then, to read the data from the file and add it to an ArrayList<Student>, you could do something like this: 1. Create an empty ArrayList<Student>. 2. Read the first line of the file and split it into a String for the name and an ArrayList<String> for the hobbies. 3. Create a new Student object with the name and hobbies from the first line and add it to the ArrayList. 4. Use a loop to read the rest of the lines from the file, create a new Student object for each one, and add it to the ArrayList. 5. Once you have read all the lines from the file, you should have an ArrayList<Student> containing all the students and their hobbies. Here's some example code to help you get started: ``` import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class Student { private String name; private ArrayList<String> hobbies; public Student(String name, ArrayList<String> hobbies) { this.name = name; this.hobbies = hobbies; } // Getters and setters for name and hobbies public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>(); try { File file = new File("students.txt"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); // Read and process the first line String[] firstLine = scanner.nextLine().split(","); String name = firstLine[0]; ArrayList<String> hobbies = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 1; i < firstLine.length; i++) { hobbies.add(firstLine[i]); } students.add(new Student(name, hobbies)); // Read and process the rest of the lines while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String[] line = scanner.nextLine().split(","); name = line[0]; hobbies = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 1; i < line.length; i++) { hobbies.add(line[i]); } students.add(new Student(name, hobbies)); } scanner.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("File not found!"); } // Now you have an ArrayList<Student> containing all the students and their hobbies } } ```


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