Introductionto Modern Cryptograph 第四章部分课后题答案(下)

致敬Katz J, Lindell Y. Introduction to modern cryptography[M]. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2014. 推荐该书正版。

4.10 Provide formal definitions for second pre-image resistance and pre-image resistance. Formally prove that any hash function that is collision resistant is second pre-image resistant, and that any hash function that is second pre-image resistant is pre-image resistant.

The second pre-image finding experiment:

  • A key s s s is generated by running G e n ( 1 λ ) \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda) Gen(1λ). Pick x ← X x \gets \mathcal{X} xX uniformly at random.
  • The adversary A \mathcal{A} A is given s s s and x x x and outputs x ′ x' x.
  • A \mathcal{A} A wins the game iff x x x x ′ x' x and H s ( x ) = H s ( x ′ ) H^s(x) = H^s(x') Hs(x)=Hs(x).

(Definition). A hash function Π = ( G e n , H ) \Pi = (\mathsf{Gen}, H) Π=(Gen,H) is second pre-image resistant if for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries A \mathcal{A} A there exists a negligible function n e g l \mathsf{negl} negl such that
P r [ A  wins ] ≤ n e g l ( λ ) . \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins} ] \leq \mathsf{negl}(\lambda). Pr[A wins]negl(λ).
注意,上述定义使用定义域符号 X \mathcal{X} X代替 { 0 , 1 } ∗ \{0, 1\}^* {0,1}或者 { 0 , 1 } ℓ ′ ( λ ) \{0, 1\}^{\ell'(\lambda)} {0,1}(λ),不关心 Π \Pi Π是定长输入还是不定长输入。其次, s s s的值已经给予 A \mathcal{A} A,它可以自己计算 H s ( ⋅ ) H^s(\cdot) Hs(),无需额外提供谕言机 O \mathcal{O} O

The pre-image finding experiment:

  • A key s s s is generated by running G e n ( 1 λ ) \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda) Gen(1λ). Pick y ← { 0 , 1 } ℓ ( λ ) y \gets \{0, 1\}^{\ell(\lambda)} y{0,1}(λ) uniformly at random.
  • The adversary A \mathcal{A} A is given s s s and y y y and outputs x x x.
  • A \mathcal{A} A wins the game iff H s ( x ) = y H^s(x) = y Hs(x)=y.

(Definition). A hash function Π = ( G e n , H ) \Pi = (\mathsf{Gen}, H) Π=(Gen,H) is pre-image resistant if for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries A \mathcal{A} A there exists a negligible function n e g l \mathsf{negl} negl such that
P r [ A  wins ] ≤ n e g l ( λ ) . \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins} ] \leq \mathsf{negl}(\lambda). Pr[A wins]negl(λ).


4.11 Let ( G e n 1 , H 1 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_1, H_1) (Gen1,H1) and ( G e n 2 , H 2 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_2, H_2) (Gen2,H2) be two hash functions. Define ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H) so that G e n \mathsf{Gen} Gen runs G e n 1 \mathsf{Gen}_1 Gen1 and G e n 2 \mathsf{Gen}_2 Gen2 to obtain keys s 1 s_1 s1 and s 2 s_2 s2, respectively. Then define H s 1 , s 2 ( x ) = H s 1 ( x ) ∥ H s 2 ( x ) H^{s_1, s_2}(x) = H^{s_1}(x) \| H^{s_2}(x) Hs1,s2(x)=Hs1(x)Hs2(x).

  • Prove that if at least one of ( G e n 1 , H 1 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_1, H_1) (Gen1,H1) and ( G e n 2 , H 2 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_2, H_2) (Gen2,H2) is collision resistant, then ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H) is collision resistant.
  • Determine whether an analogous claim holds for second pre-image resistance and pre-image resistant, respectively. Prove your answer in each case.

假设 ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)不能抗碰撞,则有 ( x , x ′ ) (x, x') (x,x)使得 H 1 s 1 ( x ) ∥ H 2 s 2 ( x ) = H 1 s 1 ( x ′ ) ∥ H 2 s 2 ( x ′ ) H_1^{s_1}(x) \| H_2^{s_2}(x) = H_1^{s_1}(x') \| H_2^{s_2}(x') H1s1(x)H2s2(x)=H1s1(x)H2s2(x),即 H 1 s 1 ( x ) = H 1 s 1 ( x ′ ) H_1^{s_1}(x) = H_1^{s_1}(x') H1s1(x)=H1s1(x) H 2 s 2 ( x ) = H 2 s 2 ( x ′ ) H_2^{s_2}(x) = H_2^{s_2}(x') H2s2(x)=H2s2(x),这相当于找到 ( G e n 1 , H 1 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_1, H_1) (Gen1,H1)的一对碰撞与 ( G e n 2 , H 2 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_2, H_2) (Gen2,H2)的一对碰撞,该结论与题设矛盾,故假设不成立,即 ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)是抗碰撞的。

P r [ A  wins ] ≤ P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( H 1  抗碰撞 ) ] + P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( H 2  抗碰撞 ) ] ≤ n e g l 1 ( λ ) + n e g l 2 ( λ ) , \mathrm{Pr}[ \mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins} ] \leq \mathrm{Pr}[ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (H_1 ~ \text{抗碰撞}) ] + \mathrm{Pr}[ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (H_2 ~ \text{抗碰撞}) ] \leq \mathsf{negl}_1(\lambda) + \mathsf{negl}_2(\lambda), Pr[A wins]Pr[(A wins)(H1 抗碰撞)]+Pr[(A wins)(H2 抗碰撞)]negl1(λ)+negl2(λ)

假设 ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)不满足抗第二原象性,则给定 x x x能够找到 x ′ x' x使得 H 1 s 1 ( x ) ∥ H 2 s 2 ( x ) = H 1 s 1 ( x ′ ) ∥ H 2 s 2 ( x ′ ) H_1^{s_1}(x) \| H_2^{s_2}(x) = H_1^{s_1}(x') \| H_2^{s_2}(x') H1s1(x)H2s2(x)=H1s1(x)H2s2(x),这相当于给定 x x x能够找到 ( G e n 1 , H 1 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_1, H_1) (Gen1,H1)的第二原象与 ( G e n 2 , H 2 ) (\mathsf{Gen}_2, H_2) (Gen2,H2)的第二原象,该结论与题设矛盾,故假设不成立,即 ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)是满足抗第二原象性的。

P r [ A  wins ] ≤ P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( H 1  抗第二原象 ) ] + P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( H 2  抗第二原象 ) ] ≤ n e g l 1 ( λ ) + n e g l 2 ( λ ) , \mathrm{Pr}[ \mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins} ] \leq \mathrm{Pr}[ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (H_1 ~ \text{抗第二原象}) ] + \mathrm{Pr}[ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (H_2 ~ \text{抗第二原象}) ] \leq \mathsf{negl}_1(\lambda) + \mathsf{negl}_2(\lambda), Pr[A wins]Pr[(A wins)(H1 抗第二原象)]+Pr[(A wins)(H2 抗第二原象)]negl1(λ)+negl2(λ)

先证明 P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( H 1  抗第二原象 ) ] ≤ n e g l 1 ( λ ) \mathrm{Pr}[ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (H_1 ~ \text{抗第二原象}) ] \leq \mathsf{negl}_1(\lambda) Pr[(A wins)(H1 抗第二原象)]negl1(λ),假设有一个PPT敌手 A 1 \mathcal{A}_1 A1试图赢得 H 1 H_1 H1抗第二原象性挑战游戏,其编码如下,

  • C 1 \mathcal{C}_1 C1处得到 s 1 s_1 s1,计算 s 2 ← G e n 2 ( 1 λ ) s_2 \gets \mathsf{Gen}_2(1^\lambda) s2Gen2(1λ),随机挑选 x ← X x \gets \mathcal{X} xX,将 s 1 s_1 s1 s 2 s_2 s2 x x x交予 A \mathcal{A} A
  • A \mathcal{A} A处得到 x ′ x' x,若 x ′ x' x不等于 x x x H 1 s 1 ( x ) = H 1 s 1 ( x ′ ) H_1^{s_1}(x) = H_1^{s_1}(x') H1s1(x)=H1s1(x),则将 x ′ x' x提交给 C 1 \mathcal{C}_1 C1,否则输出 ⊥ \perp

假设 A \mathcal{A} A以不可忽略概率赢得 H H H抗第二原象性挑战游戏,分析 A 1 \mathcal{A}_1 A1赢得 H 1 H_1 H1抗第二原象性挑战游戏的概率:因定义域为 { 0 , 1 } ℓ ′ ( λ ) \{0, 1\}^{\ell'(\lambda)} {0,1}(λ),而值域为 { 0 , 1 } ℓ ( λ ) \{0, 1\}^{\ell(\lambda)} {0,1}(λ),由鸽巢原理可知,随机挑选的 x x x至少以 1 − 2 ℓ ( λ ) − ℓ ′ ( λ ) 1 - 2^{\ell(\lambda) - \ell'(\lambda)} 12(λ)(λ)概率存在第二原象,令 y = H 1 s 1 ( x ) y = H_1^{s_1}(x) y=H1s1(x),其对应有 c y c_y cy个原像,又由于 x x x是随机挑选,这 c y c_y cy个原像被抽中的概率相同,则 P r [ x = x ′ ] = 1 / c y \mathrm{Pr} [ x = x'] = 1 / c_y Pr[x=x]=1/cy,则 A \mathcal{A} A不会输出 ⊥ \perp 的概率至少为
( 1 − 2 ℓ ( λ ) 2 ℓ ′ ( λ ) ) ⋅ c y − 1 c y , (1 - \frac{2^{\ell(\lambda)}}{2^{\ell'(\lambda)}}) \cdot \frac{c_y - 1}{c_y}, (12(λ)2(λ))cycy1
上述式子乘以不可忽略函数仍然是不可忽略函数,已假设 A \mathcal{A} A以不可忽略概率赢得 H H H抗第二原象性挑战游戏,则 A 1 \mathcal{A}_1 A1以不可忽略概率赢得 H 1 H_1 H1抗第二原象性挑战游戏,这与条件 H 1 H_1 H1抗第二原象相矛盾,故假设不成立, A \mathcal{A} A赢得 H H H抗第二原象性挑战游戏的概率可忽略。

同样易证 P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( H 2  抗第二原象 ) ] ≤ n e g l 2 ( λ ) \mathrm{Pr}[ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (H_2 ~ \text{抗第二原象}) ] \leq \mathsf{negl}_2(\lambda) Pr[(A wins)(H2 抗第二原象)]negl2(λ)


4.12 Let ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H) be a collision-resistant hash function. Is ( G e n , H ^ ) (\mathsf{Gen}, \hat{H}) (Gen,H^) defined by H ^ s ( x ) = set H s ( H s ( x ) ) \hat{H}^s(x) \overset{\text{set}}{=} H^s(H^s(x)) H^s(x)=setHs(Hs(x)) necessarily collision resistant?

假设 ( G e n , H ^ ) (\mathsf{Gen}, \hat{H}) (Gen,H^)不能抗碰撞,则能够找到 ( x 1 , x 2 ) (x_1, x_2) (x1,x2)使得 H ^ s ( x 1 ) = H ^ s ( x 2 ) \hat{H}^s(x_1) = \hat{H}^s(x_2) H^s(x1)=H^s(x2)。记 h 1 = H s ( x 1 ) h_1 = H^s(x_1) h1=Hs(x1) h 2 = H s ( x 2 ) h_2 = H^s(x_2) h2=Hs(x2),此时分为两种情况:(1) h 1 h_1 h1 h 2 h_2 h2要么相等;(2) h 1 h_1 h1 h 2 h_2 h2要么不相等。对于情形(1),意味着 ( x 1 , x 2 ) (x_1, x_2) (x1,x2) ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)的一对碰撞;对于情形(2),意味着 ( h 1 , h 2 ) (h_1, h_2) (h1,h2) ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)的一对碰撞。上述无论哪一种情形,都能找到 ( G e n , H ) (\mathsf{Gen}, H) (Gen,H)的一对碰撞,与题设相矛盾,故假设不成立。

P r [ A  wins ] = P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( h 1  is equal to  h 2 ) ] + P r [ ( A  wins ) ∧ ( h 1  isn’t equal to  h 2 ) ] ≤ n e g l 1 ( λ ) + n e g l 2 ( λ ) 。 \begin{aligned} \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins} ] &= \mathrm{Pr} [ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (h_1 ~ \text{is equal to} ~ h_2)] + \mathrm{Pr} [ (\mathcal{A} ~ \text{wins}) \land (h_1 ~ \text{isn't equal to} ~ h_2)] \\ &\leq \mathsf{negl}_1(\lambda) + \mathsf{negl}_2(\lambda)。 \end{aligned} Pr[A wins]=Pr[(A wins)(h1 is equal to h2)]+Pr[(A wins)(h1 isn’t equal to h2)]negl1(λ)+negl2(λ)

4.15 For each of the following modifications to the Merkle-Damgard transform, determine whether the result is collision resistant or not. If yes, provide a proof; if not, demonstrate an attack.

  • Modify the construction so that the input length is not included at all (i.e., output z B z_B zB and not z B + 1 = h s ( z B ∥ L ) z_{B+1} = h^s(z_B \| L) zB+1=hs(zBL)).
  • Modify the construction so that instead of outputting z = h s ( z B ∥ L ) z=h^s(z_B \| L) z=hs(zBL), the algorithm outputs z B ∥ L z_B \| L zBL.
  • Instead of using a fixed I V IV IV, choose I V ← { 0 , 1 } n IV \gets \{0, 1\}^n IV{0,1}n and define z 0 : = I V z_0 := IV z0:=IV. Then set the output to be I V ∥ h s ( z B ∥ L ) IV \| h^s(z_B \| L) IVhs(zBL).
  • Instead of using an I V IV IV, just start the computation from x 1 x_1 x1. That is, define z 1 : = x 1 z_1 := x_1 z1:=x1 and then compute z i : = h s ( z i − 1 ∥ x i ) z_i := h^s(z_{i-1} \| x_i) zi:=hs(zi1xi) for i = 2 , … , B + 1 i=2, \dots, B+1 i=2,,B+1 and output z B + 1 z_{B+1} zB+1 as before.
  • Instead of using a fixed I V IV IV, set z 0 : = L z_0 := L z0:=L and then compute z i : = h s ( z i − 1 ∥ x i ) z_i:=h^s(z_{i-1}\|x_i) zi:=hs(zi1xi) for i = 1 , … , B i=1,\dots, B i=1,,B and output z B z_B zB.

技巧点. THEOREM 4.14的证明分为2种情形:① L L L不等于 L ′ L' L;或② L L L等于 L ′ L' L

第(1)小题,留意哈希值没有包含长度 L L L的任何信息,即直接输出 z B z_B zB。当 L L L不等于 L ′ L' L时,失去了 h s ( z B ∥ L ) = h s ( z B ′ ∥ L ′ ) h^s(z_B \| L) = h^s(z'_B \| L') hs(zBL)=hs(zBL)这一关键点,Case 1无法正确规约(回顾书中原文),直觉上该方案是无法抗碰撞的。接下来具体分析,为何该方案无法抗碰撞。留意当 m m m长度不足 n n n的倍数时是需要用 0 0 0进行填充的,当没有约定长度 L L L时, m = 0 ℓ ( n ) − 1 m=0^{\ell(n)-1} m=0(n)1 m ′ = 0 ℓ ( n ) m'=0^{\ell(n)} m=0(n)的哈希值 z B z_B zB z B ′ z'_B zB是一样的(若加上 z B + 1 z_{B+1} zB+1,因长度 L L L的不同,最终两者的哈希值不同)。

第(2)小题,方案是抗碰撞的,注意THEOREM 4.14的证明分为2种情形,当将 L L L作为哈希值的一部分直接输出时,敌手的攻击只能对应THEOREM 4.14证明的第二种情形,即 L = L ′ L = L' L=L(第一种情形直接不用再考虑,两个长度不同的消息,该方案生成的哈希值必然不同,该情形不会产生碰撞),已知该情形敌手成功伪造的概率可忽略,故该方案抗碰撞。该方案虽然抗碰撞,但是长度是原方案的2倍。

第(3)小题,方案是抗碰撞的,证明类似THEOREM 4.14的证明(书中原文已经提示The value z 0 z_0 z0 used in step 2 of Construction 4.13 is arbitrary and can be replaced by any constant.)。该方案虽然抗碰撞,但是生成随机变量太耗时了(密码学意义上的随机变量生成算法很耗时间)。

第(4)小题,方案是抗碰撞的,证明类似THEOREM 4.14的证明。

① 当 L L L不等于 L ′ L' L时,若 z 1 = z 1 ′ z_1 = z'_1 z1=z1,直接找到 h h h的碰撞;否则,必存在 z i z_i zi不等于 z i ′ z'_i zi z i + 1 z_{i+1} zi+1等于 z i + 1 ′ z'_{i+1} zi+1,从而找到 h h h的碰撞,这与 h h h是抗碰撞的前提相矛盾。
② 当 L L L等于 L ′ L' L时,必存在 x i x_i xi不等于 x i ′ x'_i xi,对于 j ≥ i − 1 j\geq i-1 ji1,必然存在 z j z_j zj不等于 z j ′ z'_j zj z j + 1 z_{j+1} zj+1等于 z j + 1 ′ z'_{j+1} zj+1,从而找到 h h h的碰撞。
该方案抗碰撞,并且对于 h : { 0 , 1 } 2 ℓ ( n ) → { 0 , 1 } ℓ ( n ) h:\{0,1\}^{2\ell(n)}\to\{0,1\}^{\ell(n)} h:{0,1}2(n){0,1}(n)貌似 H H H少了1次哈希运算,相比原方案会更优。但考虑如下情形:哈希函数 h h h的定义域为 { 0 , 1 } ℓ ( n ) + c \{0,1\}^{\ell(n)+c} {0,1}(n)+c,而 c > ℓ ( n ) c > \ell(n) c>(n),此时原方案对比新方案,可以处理长度更大的消息,即 x i x_i xi的比特串长度为 c c c,并且总长度 L L L的编码比特串长度为 c c c

4.17 Before HMAC was invented, it was quite common to define a MAC by M a c k ( m ) = H s ( k ∥ m ) \mathsf{Mac}_k(m) = H^s(k\|m) Mack(m)=Hs(km) where H H H is a collision-resistant hash function. Show that this is not a secure MAC when H H H is constructed via Merkle-Damgard transform.
Hint. Use M a c k ( m ) \mathsf{Mac}_k(m) Mack(m) to construct a valid tag on a particular longer message m ′ m' m. Note that Merkle-Damgard appends the length of the message to the end of the (padded) input string, you’ll need to figure out how to get around that.


访问谕言机 O M a c ( ⋅ ) \mathcal{O}_{\mathsf{Mac}}(\cdot) OMac()得到消息 x = x 1 ∥ … ∥ x B x = x_1 \| \dots \| x_B x=x1xB的标签 τ x \tau_x τx,由于 s s s公开,接下来可以对任意消息 m ∗ = x ∥ L x ∥ y m^* = x \| L_x \| y m=xLxy计算一个有效的伪造 τ ∗ \tau^* τ(其中 y = y 1 ∥ … ∥ y c y=y_1 \| \dots \| y_c y=y1yc)。HMAC通过在最后一层Hash中加入 k ⊕ o p a d k \oplus \mathsf{opad} kopad,使得这样的攻击不存在。

5.13 Show how to find a collision in the Merkle tree construction if t t t is not fixed. Specifically, show how to find two sets of inputs x 1 , … , x t x_1, \dots, x_t x1,,xt and x 1 ′ , … , x 2 t ′ x'_1, \dots, x'_{2t} x1,,x2t such that M T t ( x 1 , … , x t ) = M T 2 t ( x 1 ′ , … , x 2 t ′ ) \mathcal{MT}_t(x_1, \dots, x_t) = \mathcal{MT}_{2t}(x'_1, \dots, x'_{2t}) MTt(x1,,xt)=MT2t(x1,,x2t).


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