

algorithm2e 宏包中,要使用 while 循环,您可以使用 \While\EndWhile 命令来定义循环的开始和结束。以下是如何使用 while 循环的示例:



\caption{使用 \textbf{while} 循环的示例}
$sum \leftarrow 0$\;
$i \leftarrow 1$\; % 初始化计数器
\While{$i \leq n$}{ % 开始 while 循环
    $sum \leftarrow sum + i$\;
    $i \leftarrow i + 1$\; % 更新计数器



在上述示例中,我们使用 \While 命令来定义一个 while 循环。循环的条件是 $i \leq n$,表示当计数器 $i$ 的值小于或等于 $n$ 时,循环会继续执行。在循环体内,我们累加了 $i$ 的值到 $sum$,然后更新了计数器 $i$ 的值。

请注意,algorithm2e 使用的是伪代码风格,因此您可以在算法伪代码中使用标准的数学和逻辑运算符来编写条件和操作。

在实际使用时,请根据您的算法逻辑和需要自定义 while 循环的条件和操作。

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形状匹配 医学图像 Skuller A Volumetric Shape Registration Algorithm for Modeling Skull Deformities Medical Image Analysis Yusuf Sahilliog˘lu Ladislav Kavan We present an algorithm for volumetric registration of 3D solid shapes. In comparison to previous work on image based registration, our technique achieves higher efficiency by leveraging a template tetrahedral mesh. In contrast to point- and surface-based registration techniques, our method better captures volumetric nature of the data, such as bone thickness. We apply our algorithm to study pathological skull deformities caused by a particular condition, i.e., craniosynostosis. The input to our system is a pair of volumetric 3D shapes: a tetrahedral mesh and a voxelized object represented by a set of voxel cells segmented from computed tomography (CT) scans. Our general framework first performs a global registration and then launches a novel elastic registration process that uses as much volumetric information as possible while deforming the generic template tetrahedral mesh of a healthy human skull towards the underlying geometry of the voxel cells. Both data are high-resolution and differ by large non-rigid deformations. Our fully-automatic solution is fast and accurate, as compared with the state of the arts from the reconstruction and medical image registration fields. We use the resulting registration to match the ground-truth surfaces extracted from the medical data as well as to quantify the severity of the anatomical deformity
Cryptographic mechanisms are often used to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data that is sensitive, has a high value, or is vulnerable to unauthorized disclosure or undetected modification during transmission or while in storage. A cryptographic mechanism relies upon two basic components: an algorithm (or cryptographic methodology) and a variable cryptographic key. The algorithm and key are used together to apply cryptographic protection to data (e.g., to encrypt the data or to generate a digital signature) and to remove or check the protection (e.g., to decrypt the encrypted data or to verify a digital signature). This is analogous to a physical safe that can be opened only with the correct combination. Two types of cryptographic algorithms are in common use today: symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. Symmetric key algorithms (sometimes called secret key algorithms) use a single key to both apply cryptographic protection and to remove or check the protection. Asymmetric key algorithms (often called public key algorithms) use a pair of keys (i.e., a key pair): a public key and a private key that are mathematically related to each other. In the case of symmetric key algorithms, the single key must be kept secret from everyone and everything not specifically authorized to access the information being protected. In asymmetric key cryptography, only one key in the key pair, the private key, must be kept secret; the other key can be made public. Symmetric key cryptography is most often used to protect the confidentiality of information or to authenticate the integrity of that information. Asymmetric key cryptography is commonly used to protect the integrity and authenticity of information and to establish symmetric keys. Given differences in the nature of symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography and of the requirements of different security applications of cryptography, specific key management requirements and methods necessarily vary fr
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