

驱动 drive

天赋和兴趣 talents and interests    

追求 pursue pursuit   

真的 genuine/real  

需求 demand    

主张建议 proposition/assertion/claim/propose/advocate    

同意 concede/concur

全面的 comprehensive   

广泛的 extensive    

考虑到 take…into account/considering/account of/in consideration of/take into consideration of    

促进 facilitate/catalyze/promote/advance/stimulate/accelerate    

正好 just right    

寻求 seek    

吸引 attractive    


掌握 grasp    

描述说明 present   

能够 be able to/be capable of    

利用 tap/exploit/take advantage of/utilize   

潜能 potential(n.v.)    

花费时间 take up    

充满 be full of/be filled with    

遭遇面对 encounter/face/confront/meet with/suffer from   

苦难困难 suffering/misery/difficulty/dilemma/tribulation    

热情 enthusiasm     

有益的 favorable/conductive/beneficial    

发掘 explore/excavate/seek/discover  

联系 be associated with    

观点 point of view/viewpoint/standpoint   

前者 the former    

后者 the latter    

最大程度地的 furthest   

实现人生价值 realize the value of life/achieve the worth of one`s life    

证明 testify/attest/certify/substantiate/demonstrate    

表明 manifest    

在…过程中 in the process of/in the course of    

烦躁 agitated/in a fret/fidget/fidgety   

提出 put forward/raise/propose


可笑的 absurd/ridiculous/preposterous

喜欢 love/be fond of

成就 achievement/accomplishment

现实的 practical/realistic/actual

情况 circumstance/environment/situation

社会服务人员 social service personnel    

和…一致 be in accord with    

适得其反be counterproductive to

只需 need…no further than…    

无意义的 meaningless    

争相 vie to do    

优点 merits
合理的 rational/reasonable    

主要地 primarily/basically/mainly/chiefly   

愿意 be willing to    

坚持 stand to/persist in/persevere in/insist on    

无论在…反面 whether at…, …, or…level    

指责 rebuke/censure/blame/criticize/reproach/reprove/accuse    

监督 supervise/monitor    

稍微有点 somewhat   

在大多数情况下 in most cases/upon most occasions   

 行为 behavior/action/conduct/deed    

激发 arouse/inspire/motivate/incite    

产生 produce/engender/emerge/come into being    

承认 admit/acknowledge/recognize    

赞扬 approbation/praise    

自大的 arrogant    

与…有关 have to do with…    

除去 apart from/without except/aside from    

下属 subordinate/underling    

重视 pay attention to/value/attach importance to    

逐渐 gradually/grow to    

怨恨 resent    

奉献 devote to doing    

全心全意地 wholeheartedly    

任务 mission/assignment/task    

限制 restrict/limit/thwart/restrain    

杰出的 excellent/outstanding/eminent

世界性的 cosmopolitan    

放弃give up/abandon/renounce/    

灭绝die out/extinct    

用完 run out/exhaust/use up    

效率 efficiency/productivity(生产力)    

分配 allocate/assign    

性情 disposition/temperament    

高考 college entrance examination    

谚语 proverb/aphorism    

小过失 peccadillo    

畏惧的 timid/afraid/fear    

常见的 common    

指引 guide/direct    

危害 jeopardize     

措施 measure    

沉溺于 be addicted to    

妨碍 hinder/impede/obstruct/hamper/interfere    

解雇 dismiss    

仁慈 benevolence   

致使 cause/result in/bring about/lead/render    

在古代 in ancient times    

方式 pattern/mode/way    

实时地 in real-time    

不断地 ceaselessly/constantly/continually/endlessly    

启示 inspiration/enlightenment    

相比之下 by contrast/by comparison    

前沿的 cutting-edge/the most advanced   

获得 gain/acquire/obtain    

随时随地 whenever and wherever possible/anywhere at any time    

熟人 acquaintance    

经济匮 financial poverty/economic deprivation    

体会到 feel/experience    

魅力 charm/glamour/charisma    

忽视 ignore/overlook    

围绕 around    

表面上 superficial/ostensible/seeming/apparent    

孤独的 solitary/alone/forlorn    

不利于 go against/count against/make against    

传播 transmission/spread    

迟早 sooner or later    

拜访 visit/call on    

替代 substitute for/supersede/replace    

承认 admit/acknowledge/recognize/accept    

拒绝 refuse/decline/reject    

否认 deny/repudiate/disavow    

热衷于 be keen on    

长期的 long-term    

结果 consequence/outcome/aftermath/result    

探索 explore/dig into/delve into/probe    

合适的 appropriate/suitable    

推测 infer/conjecture/reckon     

以为前提 on the hypothesis that/prerequisite    

大多数 overwhelming/vast/great majority    

必须的 indispensable/integral/prerequisite/integrant    

几乎 almost/nearly/practically    

在过去的 in the last/past    

程度 degree    

模式 mode/pattern    

耐用的 durable/endurable    

制造出 develop/work out   

一旦 in case/once/as soon as    

侵蚀 erode/corrode/encroach    


制定 draw up/constitute/formulate/draft    

一系列 a series of    

收集 collect/glean/gather/amass    

倾向 tendency/preference/inclination/trend    

全面的 comprehensive/overall/general    

详尽的 detailed/elaborate    

片面的 one-sided/unilateral    

源于 come from/stem from/driven/originated from/derive from/draw from    

草率 cursory/curt/curtly/haste    

公平性 equity/fairness    

事情 affair/matter/incident    

制度 institution/system    

保持 maintain/keep/hold/sustain    

社会秩序 social order    

保证 pledge/ensure/assure/guarantee    

公正 fair/just/equity/impartial    

平息 subside/appease     

调整 adjust/regulate    

平日的 daily/usual    

各种各样的 all sorts of/all kinds of/various/a wide variety of/multifarious

带来 bring about/cause    

贪污的 corrupt/venal    

强迫 compel/enforce/coerce    

不同的 different/diverse   

饥饿 hunger/famine/starvation    

方面 respect/aspect    

根深蒂固的 ingrained    

改变 change/transform/convert    

推理的 inferential    

合理的 reasonable/rational    

缺点 defect/fault/shortcoming/blemish/weakness    

树立 set up/establish/erect/build up    

典范 exemplar/paragon    

玷污 stain/sully/smear/tarnish/smudge/befoul    

宣传声明 promulgate/announce/publish/propagate/disseminate/declare/proclaim/pronounce    

抹杀 obliterate/erase/expunge    

提前 in advance    

不择手段 Machiavellian/by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/without scruple/unscrupulously    

嫉妒 envy/jealousy    

天生 born/inherently/innately/inborn    

博学的 erudite    

既然 since/now that    

不可避免 inevitable/ineluctable    

揭露 disclose/uncover/expose/reveal/bare   

改善 improve/ameliorate    

钻研 delve into/dig into    

遗迹 vestige/relic/remains    

深奥的 recondite/elusive    

对于至于 with regard to/as for/as to   

负责 be responsible to    

推断 infer/deduce    

说明 illustrate/state    

默认地 by default/acquiescently    

前景 prospect/perspective/vista    

确定地 surely/certainly/doubtless

习惯于 be accustomed to doing    

害怕畏惧 be afraid of/dread/fear    

成立的 tenable    

衡量/ weigh/measure/ponder

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