12C ORA 错误汇总19




                KUP-00552: internal XAD package failed to load
Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to initialize the XAD package.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters
Cause: The parser detected a syntax error.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-00561: invalid length for binary integer field string
Cause: An integer field was specified with an invalid length. The only supported
lengths for binary integer fields are 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Action: None
KUP-00562: unknown escape sequence
Cause: An unknown escape sequence was specified to the parser. An escape
sequence is a backslash followed by a character.
Action: Consult documentation for list of allowable control characters.
KUP-00600: internal error, arguments [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: An internal XAD error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-00601: fatal XAD error
Cause: A fatal error has occurred.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-01006: error signalled during parse of access parameters
Cause: An error was signalled during parsing of the access parameters.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-01007: at line number column number
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the line and column where a
syntax error was detected.
Action: None
36-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
KUP-01008: the bad identifier was: string
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the identifier token that
caused a syntax error.
Action: None
KUP-02000: wrong message file version (msg number not found)
Cause: The kupxx.msb file is not the correct version.
Action: Check that the installation was done correctly.
KUP-02001: unrecognized punctuation symbol "string"
Cause: An illegal punctuation character was encountered.
Action: Remove the illegal character.
KUP-02002: unexpected end of input file reached
Cause: This is probably caused by failure to supply the closing quote for a quoted
Action: Correct the input.
KUP-02003: unrecognized character: string
Cause: An input character that is neither an alpha, digit, or punctuation was
Action: Remove the character.
KUP-02004: quoted string too big
Cause: A quoted string longer than 2000 bytes was encountered.
Action: This may be caused by a missing close quote. If so, add the missing quote,
otherwise shorten the string.
KUP-02005: token too big
Cause: A token longer than 1000 bytes was encountered
Action: Tokens must be separated by whitespace or punctuation. Either add the
missing whitespace or punctuation, or shorten the token.
KUP-02006: script line too long
Cause: a line longer than 500 bytes was encountered
Action: break the line up into shorter lines
KUP-03001: fatal error during library cache pre-loading
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
KUP-03002: end position (number) <= start position (number) for field: string
Cause: Error in specifying position for the specified field in the access
Action: Check that the specified end position is greater than the specified start
KUP-03003: absolute end(number) - start(number) != fieldlength (number) for field
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-3
Cause: The number of bytes occupied by the field as specified by the starting
offset and ending offset of the field is not the same as the number of bytes
specified for the datatype of the field.
Action: Verify the absolute begin/end position(s) specified match the length of
the field.
KUP-03004: absolute end (number) specified with relative start (number) for field
Cause: The position of field was specified with a relative start and an absolute
Action: Use relative end with relative start
KUP-03005: relative end (number) specified does not match fieldlen(number) for
field string
Cause: The number of bytes specified by the relative end position for the field
does not match the number of bytes in the datatype.
Action: Correct either the datatype length or the relative end position.
KUP-03006: error initializing handle for character set string
Cause: Error attempting to retrieve information for the character set.
Action: Verify that the character set name is valid.
KUP-03007: end position (number) is less than start position (number) for range
Cause: A byte range specified a start position that comes after the end position.
Action: Verify the start and end positions are correctly specified.
KUP-03008: OCI error getting column parameters.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain column parameters.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03009: OCI error getting column name.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain column name.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03010: OCI error getting database column type.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03011: OCI error getting database column size.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column size.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03012: OCI error getting database column precision.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column precision.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03013: OCI error getting database column scale.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column scale.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03014: OCI error getting datetime fsprecision.
36-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain a datetime column precision
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03015: OCI error getting datetime lfprecision.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column precision.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03016: length specified for FIXED records must be greater than 0
Cause: A record format of FIXED was specified with a length of 0.
Action: None
KUP-03017: length specified for VARIABLE records must be greater than 0
Cause: A record format of VARIABLE was specified with a length of 0.
Action: None
KUP-03018: invalid date mask "string" specified for column string
Cause: The date mask for the specified column is invalid.
Action: None
KUP-03019: directory object not specified in LOBFILE clause for field string
Cause: A LOBFILE clause was specified for the field, but no directory object was
specified. When no directory object is specified, then the default directory
specified for the external table is used, but no default directory was specified.
Action: Specify a directory object in the LOBFILE clause or specify a default
directory for the external table.
KUP-03020: empty delimiter specified for record
Cause: An empty delimiter string was specified for a record delimiter.
Action: Specify the string used to delimiter records.
KUP-03021: clause references unknown field string
Cause: A WHEN, NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause referenced a field that doesn't
exist in the data file.
Action: None
KUP-03022: lob data could not be found for field string
Cause: The field specified in the data source that contains the name of the lob file
for the record could not be identified.
Action: None
KUP-03023: string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for record is
longer than maximum number
Cause: The string value for a TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause is
longer than the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the character set of the data
file is different than the character set of the database, the string will be converted
to the character set of the data file. If the length of the converted string is too large,
then this error will also be returned.
Action: Use shorter delimiters in the data file and the access parameters.
KUP-03024: string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for column
string is longer than maximum number
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-5
Cause: The string value for a TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for the
columns is longer than the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the character set
of the data file is different than the character set of the database, the string will be
converted to the character set of the data file. If the length of the converted string
is too large, then this error will also be returned.
Action: Use shorter delimiters in the data file and the access parameters.
KUP-03025: For CSV format files, field string is not delimited.
Cause: The comma-delimited value (CSV) format files did not have all delimited
fields. CSV format files must have all delimited fields so that the access driver can
process the fields.
Action: Make all of the fields delimited or remove the CSV specification and retry.
KUP-03026: For FIELD NAMES, field string is not delimited.
Cause: The data files with a FIELD NAMES record did not have all delimited
fields. Data files with a FIE
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