12C ORA-错误汇总17 NZE-43000 to ORA-56974




                NZE-43000: pkcs11 library not found
Cause: The PKCS11 library could not be found.
Action: Make sure that the pkcs11 library is at the location specified in the wallet.
NZE-43001: pkcs11 token not found
Cause: The PKCS11 token could not be found.
Action: Make sure that a token with correct label is present in slot.
NZE-43002: pkcs11 passphrase is wrong
Cause: The PKCS11 passphrase is wrong.
Action: Make sure that the token passphrase specified is correct.
NZE-43005: pkcs11: No tokens present
Cause: a token is not present in the slot
Action: Place a pkcs11 token in the slot
NZE-43011: pkcs11: Token login failed
Cause: To login to the pkcs11 token a correct passphrase is needed
Action: Check the token passphrase.
NZE-43014: pkcs11: finding private key on token error
Cause: error occurred while finding private key on token
Action: Make sure the private key corresponding to the certificate in wallet is on
the token. Check trace message
NZE-43015: pkcs11: key pair gen error
Cause: error occurred while generating key pair using HSM
Action: Check trace message
NZE-43017: pkcs11: No certificate found on the smart card/HSM
Cause: No certificate was found on the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to populate the smart
card/HSM with certificate.
NZE-43018: pkcs11: No user certificate found on the smart card/HSM
Cause: No user certificate was found on the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to populate the smart
card/HSM with certificate and private key.
24-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
NZE-43019: pkcs11: No certificate found on smart card/HSM label with given cert
Cause: There were no certificate labels on the smart card/HSM that matched the
certificate label specified in the wallet.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to set certificate label in
smart card/HSM.
NZE-43020: pkcs11: Multiple certificates found on smart card/HSM with given cert
Cause: Certificates with identical labels were found in the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor documentation to assign unique
certificate labels to certificates.
NZE-43021: pkcs11: Certificate with given cert label is not a user cert
Cause: The certificate with the specified certificate label did not have a matching
private key in the smart card/HSM.
Action: Follow smart card/HSM vendor instructions to create credentials
(certificate/private key) in smart card/HSM.
ORA-43750: invalid or illegal combination of COMMIT WRITE options
Cause: invalid or illegal combination of options provided to COMMIT WRITE
SQL statement.
Action: Provide a valid combination of options for COMMIT WRITE statement
ORA-43751: invalid value for parameter string
Cause: invalid or illegal value provided for parameter.
Action: Provide a valid value for the parameter
ORA-43807: indexes on ORA_ROWSCN not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index that refers to the ORA_ROWSCN
pseudo-column, either directly or in an expression.
Action: Do not use ORA_ROWSCN to define an index on a table.
ORA-43814: DROP INDEX is invalid for hash cluster index
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an index defined on a hash cluster. Hash
cluster indexes cannot be dropped.
Action: Do not attempt to drop an index defined on a hash cluster.
ORA-43850: Advanced Compression Option parameter is required to be enabled
Cause: An Advanced Compression Option (ACO) feature was specified without
enabling the ACO parameter.
Action: Set or Update the ACO parameter (enable_option_advanced_
compression) to TRUE.
ORA-43852: SECUREFILE and BASICFILE cannot be used together
Cause: SECUREFILE and BASICFILE were both specified.
Action: Modify the SQL statement to specifiy only one of SECUREFILE or
ORA-43853: SECUREFILE lobs cannot be used in non-ASSM tablespace "string"
Cause: SECUREFILE lobs require ASSM
Action: Specify an ASSM tablespace for SECUREFILE lobs. 43854, 0000,
ORA-43856: Unsupported LOB type for SECUREFILE LOB operation
Cause: A LOB that is not a SECUREFILE was used in a SQL statement or in a call
where a SECUREFILE LOB was expected.
25-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Convert the LOB to a SECUREFILE LOB or do not use this keyword or
ORA-43857: Parameter Error
Cause: Attempt to modify a LOB with an invalid parameter.
Action: Fix paramters and retry the operation.
ORA-43859: CONTENTTYPE string too long
Cause: Length of CONTENTTYPE string exceeded the defined maximum.
Action: Modify length of CONTENTTYPE string and retry operation.
ORA-43862: CONTENTTYPE buffer length incorrect
Cause: Length of CONTENTTYPE buffer less than defined constant.
Action: Modify length of CONTENTTYPE buffer and retry operation.
ORA-43878: LOB feature unsupported below compatible setting 11.2.0
Cause: An 11.2 LOB feature was specified when the database was operating at a
compatible setting lower than "11.2.0".
Action: Upgrade the database compatible setting to "11.2.0" or higher to enable
the desired new features.
ORA-43883: SECUREFILE LOBs delta update invalid operation
Cause: Invalid delta update operation was issued on LOB. This includes
operation beyond LOB length; move operation with destination offset inside move
Action: Check operation parameters for validity.
ORA-44001: invalid schema
Cause: The schema for the given schema name did not exist.
Action: Provide a valid schema name.
ORA-44002: invalid object name
Cause: The input parameter string was not a qualified SQL identifier of an
existing SQL object.
Action: Make sure the string matches an existing SQL object that is accessible by
the current schema.
ORA-44003: invalid SQL name
Cause: The input parameter string was not a valid simple SQL name.
Action: Check with the DBMS_ASSERT spec to verify that the parameter string is
a valid simple SQL name.
ORA-44004: invalid qualified SQL name
Cause: The input parameter string was not a valid qualified SQL name.
Action: Check with the DBMS_ASSERT spec to verify that the parameter string is
a valid qualified SQL name.
ORA-44101: invalid priority
Cause: The priority level given by the user was invalid.
Action: See UTL_MAIL for valid priority values and change the priority
parameter accordingly.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-3
ORA-44102: unknown or unsupported algorithm
Cause: An unknown or unsupported authentication or compression algorithm
was encountered.
Action: Check the authentication or compression algorithm. Use one that is
supported by Oracle.
ORA-44203: timeout waiting for lock on cursor
Cause: A timeout occured while waiting for a cursor to be compiled. This is
usually caused by the SQL parse requiring access to system resources which are
locked by concurrently executing sessions.
Action: Investigate possible causes of resource contention. If neccessary, contact
support for additional information on how to diagnose this problem.
ORA-44204: library cache object string.string found in an in-flux state
Cause: The pseudo-cursor depends on a table which was found to be obsolete due
to metadata invalidation of the library cache object.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for additional information.
ORA-44301: NULL service name is not permitted
Cause: The service name argument was found to be NULL.
Action: Provide a non-NULL service name.
ORA-44302: NULL network name is not permitted
Cause: The network name argument was found to be NULL.
Action: Provide a non-NULL network name.
ORA-44303: service name exists
Cause: This service name was already in existence.
Action: Provide a new unique service name.
ORA-44304: service string does not exist
Cause: The specified service was not in existence.
Action: Provide a valid service name.
ORA-44305: service string is running
Cause: The specified service was running.
Action: This message is informational only.
ORA-44306: service name exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The service name was too long.
Action: Use a shorter service name.
ORA-44307: network name too long
Cause: The network name, excluding the domain, was too long.
Action: Use a shorter network name.
ORA-44310: maximum number of services exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of services has been reached.
Action: None
ORA-44311: service string not running
25-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified service was not running.
Action: This message is informational only.
ORA-44312: database closed
Cause: The database was closed.
Action: Open the database and retry the operation.
ORA-44313: instance name invalid
Cause: The instance name argument was not valid.
Action: Provide a valid instance name.
ORA-44314: network name already exists
Cause: The network name was already in existence.
Action: Use an alternate network name.
ORA-44315: all service attributes null
Cause: All attributes specified were null.
Action: At least one attribute must be non-null.
ORA-44316: invalid argument
Cause: Invalid argument supplied.
Action: Supply a valid argument.
ORA-44317: database open read-only
Cause: The database is open read-only.
Action: Close the database and reopen it read/write before trying again.
ORA-44318: exceeded maximum SERVICE_NAMES length
Cause: The total length of all running service network names exceeded the
maximum allowable length.
Action: Stop another service to start this one.
ORA-44319: Cannot delete AQ service
Cause: Specified AQ service belonged to a queue.
Action: Delete the queue.
ORA-44320: cannot modify global service
Cause: Could not modify the global service because of insufficient privileges or
you were trying to modify the global service attribute.
Action: Use global service management to modify a global service.
ORA-44321: cannot read command line from trace file string
Cause: Trace file could not be read.
Action: Make sure trace file exists and contains valid raw trace data.
ORA-44322: invalid file name 'string'
Cause: A NULL or zero length file name was specified.
Action: Correct the file name to be a nonzero length string.
ORA-44323: negative <count> 'string' to string option
Cause: The given count was a nonpositive number.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-5
Action: Provide a positive count number.
ORA-44324: no <count> argument to string option
Cause: Count number was missing for the option.
Action: Provide a count number to the option.
ORA-44325: no entry points found in trace file string
Cause: The given trace symbol was not found.
Action: None
ORA-44326: no <symbol> argument to string option
Cause: <symbol> argument to -[un]trace option was missing.
Action: Provide <symbol> argument to -[un]trace option.
ORA-44327: no <filename> argument to string option
Cause: <filename> argument to the option was missing.
Action: Provide <filename> argument to the option.
ORA-44328: unsupported version number: string
Cause: Version of the trace file was not supported.
Action: Provide supported version of trace file.
ORA-44403: invalid value specified for flag parameter
Cause: Mutually exclusive values were specified for the flag parameter.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-44404: upicui2 client function requires Oracle server of 10.2 or higher
Cause: A 10.2 or higher client is being used with an older Oracle server.
Action: Use an Oracle server with the same version as the client.
ORA-44411: Invalid ACL: START_DATE cannot be larger than END_DATE for all
Cause: The END_DATE was smaller than the START_DATE in one of the ACE's
in this ACL.
Action: Set all END_DATE to be larger than or equal to the START_DATE in each
of the ACE's in this ACL.
ORA-44412: Invalid ACL: Cyclic ACL inheritance is not allowed
Cause: A cycle was formed by ACL inheritance.
Action: Check the ACL inheritance and break the cycle by removing some ACL
inheritance.GG function exceeds system limits.
ORA-44413: Invalid ACL: Security class of parent ACL must be an ancestor of
security class of child ACL
Cause: Security class of parent ACL was not an ancestor of security class of child
Action: Change the security class of parent ACL to be an ancestor of security class
of child ACL.
ORA-44414: Invalid ACL: Parent ACL 'string' does not exist
Cause: The path to the parent ACL was not a valid resource.
25-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Change the parent ACL of this resource or create the parent ACL at the
specified location.
ORA-44415: Invalid ACL: Undefined privileges
Cause: An undefined privilege was found in an ACE in the ACL.
Action: Make sure the privilege is defined in the security class as specified in the
ORA-44416: Invalid ACL: Unresolved principal 'string'
Cause: An unresolved principal is found in an ACE in the ACL.
Action: Make sure the principal is a valid user or role in the system.
ORA-44417: Invalid ACL: Invalid ACLID
Cause: The specified ACLID did not point to a valid ACL document.
Action: Make sure the ACLID points to a valid ACL document.
ORA-44418: Invalid ACL: string
Cause: The specified ACL did not meet the validation requirements of the
constraining ACL.
Action: Ensure ACL meets the validation requirements of the constraining ACL.
ORA-44421: cannot DISALLOW NONSCHEMA without a SCHEMA clause
Cause: If no SCHEMA clause (explicit schema or ANYSCHEMA) was specified,
nonschema data cannot be disallowed.
Action: Remove DISALLOW NONSCHEMA or add some SCHEMA clause.
ORA-44422: nonschema XML disallowed for this column
Cause: An attempt was made to insert nonschema based XML documents in a
binary XML column that disallows nonschema data.
Action: Insert only schema-based documents or alter the column to ALLOW
ORA-44423: XML Schema registered for BINARY cannot be used for
Cause: An attempt was made to use a XML Schema registered for binary usage as
part of a CLOB or OBJ-REL clause.
Action: Specify a schema registered for CLOB or OBJ-REL use. Else specify
BINARY XML storage for column.
ORA-44424: BINARY XML storage requires XML Schema registered for BINARY
Cause: An attempt was made to specify BINARY XML storage using an XML
schema not registered for BINARY.
Action: Specify a schema registered for BINARY usage. Else specify CLOB or
OBJ-REL storage for column.
ORA-44425: XML DB needs to be installed for creating an XMLType table or
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XMLType table or column with out
XML DB installed.
Action: Install XML DB.
ORA-43750 to ORA-45907 25-7
ORA-44501: QMEL: Too much concurrency.
Cause: Too much concurrency
Action: Transient error, try again.
ORA-44502: QMEL: Lock not found.
Cause: Lock not found
Action: Check arguments
ORA-44503: QMEL: Lock Denied.
Cause: Lock denied
Action: None
ORA-44504: Resource Locked by Implicit Lock
Cause: The resource is locked by an implicit lock
Action: Implicit locks are normally caused by NFS locks. Refer to XDB Protocol
guide for removing/obtaining information about implicit locks.
ORA-44505: QMEL: Invalid arguments.
Cause: Arguments to QMEL are not correct.
Action: None
ORA-44607: Archive logging must be enabled.
Cause: Archive logging was not enabled.
Action: Enable archive logging on the database.
ORA-44700: Language 'string' is not a valid language for a translation
Cause: Invalid language.
Action: The language must conform to IETF RFC 3066.
ORA-44701: Language not found for translation
Cause: The document had multiple translations and one of them did not have the
xml:lang attribute.
Action: All translations must have the xml:lang attribute when multiple
translations are present.
ORA-44702: Multiple translations found for language 'string'
Cause: The document had multiple translations for a language.
Action: The document must contain only one translation per language for every
translated element.
ORA-44703: Multiple source language translations found
Cause: The document had multiple source language translations.
Action: The document must contain only one source language translation for
every translated element.
ORA-44704: XPath 'string' does not uniquely identify a translated element
Cause: The given XPath pointed to multiple translated elements.
Action: The given XPath must uniquely identify a translated element.
ORA-44705: Must have xdb:maxOccurs='1' for translated elements
Cause: The value of xdb:maxOccurs was not '1' for a translated element.
25-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: The value of xdb:maxOccurs must be '1' for a translated element.
ORA-44706: Must have xsd:maxOccurs='unbounded' for translated elements
Cause: The value of xsd:maxOccurs was not 'unbounded' for a translated element.
Action: The value of xsd:maxOccurs must be 'unbounded' for a translated
ORA-44707: No source language translation found
Cause: The document had no source language translation for a translated
Action: The document must contain exactly one source language translation for
every translated element.
ORA-44708: Translations not supported for object relational storage
Cause: The storage type of the schema was object relational.
Action: Register the schema with storage type as clob or binary xml.
ORA-44709: Invalid schema definition for translated element
Cause: The schema definition for a translated element was invalid.
Action: A translated element must be a complex type with simple content which
is a restriction or extension of xs:string.
ORA-44710: Malformed XLIFF document: string
Cause: The XLIFF document was malformed.
Action: Fix the error and try again.
ORA-44711: XPath refers to an untranslatable element
Cause: XPath pointed to an untranslatable element.
Action: XPath for this operation must refer to a translatable element.
ORA-44712: Invalid XPath in XLIFF document used for merging
Cause: XPath within trans-unit/id attribute was invalid.
Action: XPath within trans-unit/id attribute must point to a set of translations,
not to a particular translation.
ORA-44713: XPath does not select all translations
Cause: XPath did not select all translations for a particular element.
Action: XPath must point to a set of translations, not to a particular translation.
ORA-44717: First 7 positions (0-6) in the XDB repository is reserved for fusion
Cause: An attempt was made to add or add a resource to the XDB repository at a
position reserved for fusion security.
Action: Give a position other than 0 to 6.
ORA-44718: Po




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