

Debates among educators in the responsibilities of university is help students establish boarder knowledge base or explore more thoroughly in a specific area.


形成基础lay a foundation

职能 the main function

争执 … have been long divided whether … or …

… is to …

注意探索的介词用 explore on

Educators have been long divided whether the main function of universities is to help students lay a boarder knowledge foundation or to help them explore on specific area more thoroughly.


From my perspective, learning widely is more advantageous in their job choices and work performances.

Career 替换job 替换work

词组修饰的手法 A wide range of 凑字数
考虑到什么 in terms of

Personally, I believe that a wide range of study is more beneficial in terms of future careers choices and job performances.


First, a wide range of knowledge plays an important role in the career choices of students.

知识基础knowledge base

A wide knowledge base 替换 a wide range of study

First, a wide knowledge base plays a significant role in students career choices.


From my personal experience, fresh graduates, from my perspective, tend to know little about the real world and what kinds of work existing in various workplace.

在个人的经历中 介词用in my own personal experience


不知道 have little knowledge of

What … is like and what … do 小并列

各种职业的人 people in each profession

In my own personal experience, I have seen how(这里理解成, 如何) many university students tend to have little knowledge of what real world is like and what people in each profession actually do.


So, they are usually not fully aware of where their interests and capacities lie in.


天赋 aptitude

凑字数 + own

Thus, they are generally not fully aware of where their own interests and aptitudes lie.


If they were restricted to be focused on a specific area without chances to explore other exotic things, they may end up choosing a career which they have no interests at all, and even a disgust one.

注意在某种情况下的表达in a scenario where

被迫 be forced to

特定的field , in one narrowly focused field

其他 curiosities

很有可能 could very well 替换most likely be 替换have a great likelihood of

没兴趣 hold no fascination for them


In a scenario where they are forced to specialize in one narrowly focused field without the opportunity to explore other curiosities, they could very well end up in professions which hold no fascination for them, and even bore them.


The finally result may have a reversable harmful effect on their personal happiness and career achievements.

Detrimental 有害

Significant 重要

Quality 质量

The end result will most likely be an irreversible detrimental impact on their personal happiness and the quality of their careers.


Therefore, requiring students have a wide range of subjects is beneficial for students.

上课take classes

处于谁的利益 in the best interest of

Therefore, it is in the best interest of students for universities to require them to take classes in a wide range of subjects.

As a result, students are more likely to find the most appropriate work and become wiser when choosing a career.

Aptitude 替换 identifying their own social niches

明智的选择 make informed choices

Social niches 替换 future career

这里加入their future 凑字数

注意使用小动词并列 identify 和make

在这种情况 in a scenario where 替换in this way

In this way, students have a greater likelihood of identifying their own social niches and making informed choices about their future careers.



Additionally, for most careers, it is a necessity for students to be talented in a wide range of fields in order to distinguish themselves from others in their professions and in their future.

多才多艺 versatile

突出 excel in

Additionally, for most professions, students need to become more versatile in order to excel in their majors and in their future careers.


Works, nowadays, are elaborately divided into very specific ones, which mostly have a strong relation with each other.

有…特点 characterized by

Specific division of labor 劳动的细分

相互依赖关联 interdependent and interrelated

表示程度 overwhelmingly

Today’s workforce is characterized by very specific divisions of labor, overwhelmingly interdependent and interrelated.

In a scenario 替换in that respect替换considering this

Because of this, people need professional knowledge in other fields in order to be an excellent one in their own careers.

Profession替换in a specific specialized area

Excel in 替换preeminence

了解a certain amount of expertise

In that respect, preeminence in a specific specialized area requires a certain amount of expertise in others.

For instance, a student majoring in economy need not only learn subjects like math or economy but also are expected to master knowledge related with international relationship, law, and even psychology in order to establish a precise model to make evaluations of economic trends.

Economics majors 替换literature students

注意期待 be expected to


注意这种让to 并列的写法


Politics 政治

Legislation 法律

有能力 competently有前提

建模 build models



经济的倾向economic predictions or trends

For example, economic majors are expected to master not only math and economics but also to comprehend international politics, legislation, and even psychology before they can competently build accurate models to show economic predictions or trends.


A student who takes literature as a major, rather than simply requiring to be fluent in using writing techniques like metaphor, they also need to be equipped with knowledge related with history and logic in order to understand many classic works and write the excellent ones themselves.

More than 替换not only … but also

文学学生能做的事 writing skills and rhetorical tools

排比 parallelism

哲学 philosophy

前提 be requisite for

The great literacy works 经典文学作品

Literature students need more than just a command of writing skills and rhetorical tools like metaphor and parallelism. (这里重写了一个句子) A strong background in history, philosophy and logic are also requisite for them to truly comprehend many of the great literacy works or to write something themselves that bears reading.


In a conclusion, a narrow understanding of an area would not make them to be excellent in academic and profession.

简单的讲simply put

Understanding 替换comprehend

不可能by no means 前提 be requisite for

Competent enough替换competently

Excellent名词化写法 give excellent performance

这类似之前的 give successful interviews

Excellent 替换excel in替换preeminence

Simply put, students’ understanding of one narrow area by no means makes them competent enough to give excellent performance either academically and professionally.

这篇文章喜欢用comprehend, competent,


Thus, I believe students need a wider range of courses in order to have better choices and place themselves in a more positive position in the future competitions.

更广泛的课 generalized courses

注意选择 a choice

Better competitors更好的竞争者

Therefore, I believe that students need more generalized courses in order to a have better choice and make them better competitors in the future.

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