托福满分范文120篇 101-110


Scientists have been working to make technology easier and more human-friendly. How do you think technology has affected our lives?

People all over the world are reaping the benefits of modern technology and enjoying the convenience it brings—be it the smartphone or social networking, which has enabled disparate people all over the world to communicate.

But, like most things, technology also has its drawbacks. It brings problems and challenges which can make life more complicated


The evolution of technology has made communication between people easier. However, it seems to be making human interaction less personal and more remote while disconnecting people from the world

The advances in information technology have spawned a rich array of ways to communicate. We contact friends on cell phones and keep them updated on what is going on in our daily lives through social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram.

These new methods of communication have removed the geographical barriers between people, but have paradoxically increased the personal distance between them.

Texting can have a negative effect on friendships. People text each other on a regular basis yet when they meet in person, this social gathering can be filled with silence and awkwardness. It seems people are more comfortable typing a message on a keyboard than talking to each other, which is unhealthy.

Individuals can share their happiness, sorrows and troubles with others, even total strangers in the cyber world, but in the long run, the disconnect from real people is likely to lead to solitude and feelings of loneliness.


The same holds true of the workplace. Office devices, originally designed to increase efficiency and productivity, have the opposite effect, complicating the workplace as well as making jobs more cumbersome,

Admittedly, the employability of office software and devices have liberated people from repetitive tasks and helped them to perform their work more quickly and to a higher standard.

However, they have also contributed to the worries and anxieties of those working adults who are not tech-savvy, making their jobs unnecessarily harder.

It is worth remembering that while those advanced and efficient technologies make workers more efficient and more productive, their competitors may also be utilizing the same innovations. In this regard, if the objective of workers is not limited to finishing their daily work and extends to beating their colleagues and climbing up the social ladder, they will need to focus on work and forego vacations.

While technology it is a contributor to efficiency in the workplace, it can be of minimal benefit to workers.


In this paper, I have used communication and the workplace to illustrate the “dark side” of technology

I have little doubt, if you scratch beyond the surface of any technology, along with the positives, you will find many negative aspects.


The telephone has greater influence on people's lives than television has.

Telephones may have made it much easier for us to remotely communicate with one another, but the television has fundamentally changed the way that society functions.


First of all, the television provides up-to-the-minute information.

Sure, newspapers have been informing us about current events for centuries, but televisions communicate this same information to a mass audience, which is truly revolutionary. Also, with television, events from all around the globe can be beamed into our living rooms, complete with audio and video, almost as soon as they occur. The views and beliefs of posterity could be shifted on a large scale almost instantaneously.

Imagine, for instance, a news story about corrupt politicians. Previously this story might have taken days or even weeks to reach a critical threshold of exposure, but with television it can propagate to that level in a matter of minutes, potentially before the politician even has a chance to cover his tracks


Second of all, the television gives rise to a brand-new set of cultural groups and popular phenomena.

Only television has the power to tie large portions of the population together through sharing cultural experience. Telephones have never even come close to having the same kind of influence on society

Take for example the MTV culture of the 1980s and 1990s, which was hugely fashionable amongst younger generations and in many ways influenced every aspect of their lives. Or consider the rise in popularity of reality shows such as Survivors and American ldol, and the impact these types of programs have had on our daily lives. Since these types of shows could never have achieved a comparable level of success in a movie theater or on a stage, none of that could have arisen without the advent of the television

Body paragraph 3 This is not to say that the invention of the telephone was trivial. It was undoubtedly among the most important inventions of the 19"hcentury. However, its effects on society are not as dramatic as those of the television, because the content it conveys is nowhere nearly as rich as that which is distributed through television.

Further, with the advent and proliferation of more advanced means of communication, such as the internet and cell phones, traditional telephones have become obsolete. Seldom do people use telephones in their homes, as their fixed location and cumbersome installation has become something of a nuisance for modern lifestyles.


Both the telephone and the television are incredible milestones in the history of technological development. However, when we compare them in terms of societal influence, the television clearly wins out.


Technology designed to make our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.


No one could fail to notice the remarkable advancements that technology has brought to our world. From the microwave oven to intercontinental guided missiles, computerized tomography (CT) to nanorobots, people from all walks of life agree that technology will play an increasingly essential role in the future of mankind. However, we are also increasingly confronted with the unprecedented problems caused by advanced technology.

I believe that technological progresses in the internet, transportation, and nuclear energy have resulted in our lives becoming much more complex than before.


To begin with, the internet is not always the kind-hearted and faithful helper that we believe it to be.

The advent of internet has opened up a whole new world to humanity and many people feel that they have never been this close to other humans in a global sense. However, certain elements have been going astray from this idealized vision of the internet during past few years.

Computer viruses are spread largely through the internet. Also, illegal business, such as unlicensed gambling and lotteries are breeding like flies, not to mention internet fraud which claims thousands of victims each year. What is worse, the content and pictures negatively affecting children, like porn and violence, are continuingly accessible to children despite repeated prohibition.


What is more, the introduction of new technology into transportation has caused fresh anxieties.

Now, we are so accustomed to our needs being served almost immediately by technology that we find it frustrating to have something out of human control upset the order of things. This point is especially obvious in transportation. So dependent are we on high-tech means of transportation that any pitfall or small trouble with them considerably influences our travel plans.

For example, cruise ships may be delayed by storms, flights may be cancelled because of bad weather, and high-speed express trains, such as Eurostar, may be stuck in the freezing cold tunnel and lose power. Imagine how upset travelers get when they hear that their trip is delayed and they have to wait for another ten hours before they can go aboard. Traffic jams are another complication that was not an issue previous to the technological era. In big cities such as New York, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Beijing, the drivers complain about the endless traffic congestion that takes place on their roads every day. Time is wasted sitting in cars on the expressways, while so much poisonous gas is emitted into the atmosphere. People have to put up with these negative experiences that they never would have had to deal with before.


Moreover, nuclear energy leads our world to an uncertain ending which may be beyond most people’s control.

Nuclear energy was once considered the greatest invention mankind had seen, creating massive amounts of energy, and was used as an invincible force in World War II. However, in retrospect, we must admit that it also generates terror and uncertainty.

Let us take the nuclear leakage in Japan as an example. On March 11, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake devastated the north-east of the country and triggered a crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant. All the residents had to be evacuated and the effect that the leakage may have on their health is uncertain. This incident is a painful reminder of the notorious Chernobyl disaster.

It has yet to be decided whether this unconquered power is a blessing or a curse.


To sum up, while technology does improve the living conditions of humans and civilizations on earth, it also gives rise to many complications


Scientists should be responsible for negative impacts of their discoveries.

The invention of the wheel, the discovery of penicillin, the production of the car and the recent invention of the internet are just a handful of the key advancements that changed the world for the better. However, science and technology is a double edged sword. The airplane that allowed people to travel with ease and speed is used as a weapon to kill innocent people and the science that gave the world modern medicine also gave biological weapons—which have killed thousands of people.

This has led some to argue that scientists should be held responsible for the negative impact of their discoveries or innovations.

I disagree with this viewpoint for the reasons stated below.


First of all, the intention and motives of most scientists are honorable and the unwanted fallout of a discovery is mostly beyond their expectations.

This can be confirmed by multiple examples. The discovery of nuclear power was intended to benefit humankind and foster scientific research on physics. The purpose of biological research was to understand the characteristics of living organisms more clearly and precisely. Pharmaceutical research was motivated by the need to develop new medicines to treat disease effectively. Further, scientists cannot always accurately anticipate the future impact of their discoveries or their adverse effects. Scientists, like their fellow humans, have limitations and one is the inability to predict the future.

Therefore, it is unfair to allow well-intentioned scientists to shoulder the responsibility for the unpredictable and negative consequences brought about by their discoveries.


Second, scientific discovery itself does not necessarily have a negative impact. It is people who misuse science and technology for their own selfish motives that cause harm to society and thus should be held responsible.

The atomic bomb, invented by Robert Oppenheimer is a good case in point. In order to expedite the surrender of the Japanese in the Second World War, nuclear bombs were designed and manufactured by the United States. They were put into operation over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, raiding the cities to rubble, causing untold death and suffering. Should Einstein, a strong anti-war activist, who had made a scientific breakthrough in explaining the mechanism of nuclear power, be blamed? Obviously, this disaster has nothing to do with Einstein.

Or consider the case of genetic modification. At its inception, it was viewed as a fabulous finding for accelerating research into new plant species. However, greedy businesspeople, driven by their insatiable desire for profits, used this technology to produce genetically modified food, which may have caused gene mutation and toxic damage in the human body. It is these unethical and immoral businesses who should be brought to justice rather than the biochemical scientists who painstakingly developed genetic modification.


To sum up, it is unreasonable to hold scientists personally accountable, if their discoveries cause negative effects in society today. After all, scientists are mostly driven by a desire to make the world a better place.


Compared with people in the village, those who move to the city are more satisfied with their lives.

Many people think life in the county is peaceful and a great place to raise a family, which is the essence of success and happiness. However, I prefer to live in the city as it offers a better chance for me to be successful and happy for the reasons discussed below.


The main reason why so many people, including me, leave the tranquility of the countryside for the grind of the city is the availability of job opportunities.

Unlike small towns and villages, where the life is almost self-sufficient and the market is languid, big cities are saturated with job opportunities as there are many multi-nationals and foreign-funded enterprises. Thus, people living in big cities enjoy greater prospect for self-fulfillment and then a deeper sense of happiness.

After I graduated from university, I wished to pursue a career as a financial analyst. To fulfill this goal, I left my hometown, a serene and tranquil small county, and immigrated to Beijing, a metropolis and the capital of China. I was fortunate enough to begin my career as an intern in a renowned state-owned investment organization here and, because of the experience I gained from such opportunity, finally received an offer from a multinational giant in this industry. Now, I have secured my dream job and lead a happy and abundant life, which would have been impossible to do if I had lived in the countryside.


Another reason has to do with the abundant education resources in big cities.

More funding and resources are allocated to education in urban areas by the municipal government, which means people have access to a wider range of schools, a better-quality education, higher qualified staff and decent facilities. This enhances their prospects of securing better jobs, becoming financially independent and being successful in the future.

According to a recent survey conducted by the State Department of Education, the majority of officials in the Beijing municipal government who were polled stated that they would do everything possible to guarantee children here the right to free and adequate education. Unsurprisingly, many parents have sent their children to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, where they are better-positioned to secure high marks and enroll in prestigious universities which successful people attended


Another reason why city life holds more promise of happiness is the adventure and excitement it offers compared to village life, where there is little in the way of social entertainment.

In villages, most people go to sleep early, whereas in the city, people stay out until the small hours of the night after attending concerts, cultural events and the like.

When I visited my cousin in the city, she took me to see the symphonic orchestra at the national concert hall; I had never heard a performance like that before! She also introduced me to nightclubs and took me to multiplexes to watch the latest Hollywood blockbusters. Since relocating to the city, I attend cultural and social events like this on a weekly basis, which definitely enhances my sense of wellbeing.


Although living in the countryside has its benefits, I think living in the city is a better option. In the city, I found my dream job, became financially independent and enriched my life with the city's arts and culture.


People who live in big cities can take care of their family members better than those in the countryside.

The family is one the most important institution in China but this institution is coming under pressure as millions of people migrate to the cities to become part of the Chinese economic miracle.

Many people contend that the countryside is an ideal place for people to raise their family, because of the better environment and slower pace of life.

I take the opposite view. I believe that large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai offer a wonderful environment for people to look after their families and raise children.


First, the standard of living is higher in big cities than the rural hinterland of China

In most developing countries, including China, there is gaping inequality between rural and urban areas.

Most big companies are based in metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, which inevitably, results in more and better job opportunities for residents, unlike people in the countryside.

Also, city dwellers can usually earn two or three times more money than those doing the same job in towns and villages.

Prices in cities for basic commodities and transportation are lower than towns and villages due to the concentration of goods, which assures intense competition and cheaper prices.

Hence, higher wages and the availability of affordable services in big cities ensure that the basic needs of most families are fulfilled.


Second, the infrastructure in urban areas, such as transportation, power, water, education and healthcare, is more advanced than the rural parts of China.

As more people continue to settle in cities, the demand for infrastructure, principally those related to people's livelihood and healthcare, is likely to be robust, leading to continual improvements in cities. The provision of services in cities will reduce the burden on people looking after their families.

Elderly people, vulnerable to disease and sickness, will have access to immediate heath care. In the event of an emergency, residents in cities will not have to drive vast distances to reach a hospital. Also, once in hospital, they will be treated by experienced medics and have a higher chance of survival.

Further, with the abundance of educational establishments, ranging from public to private schools and from primary to university education, children can be better educated. Children living in cities also have access to zoos, parks and museums, which can be used as learning opportunities outside the classroom.

Such resources are unlikely to be available in the countryside, putting people living in rural areas at a great disadvantage.


In my opinion, people who want to support their families should reside in the city. The plethora of opportunities and availability of services makes family life a little less difficult.


As modern life becomes more complex, itis essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize.

We are living in a world of constant change. The unimaginable pace of technological innovation and the mind-boggling speed of economic development are making life very complicated for people, especially the younger generation.

Consequently, it is essential for young people to learn how to plan and organize, not only for the present, but also for their future.


In today's fast paced life, young people juggle many commitments and are faced with many distractions, which makes the ability to plan and organize a necessity

Modern life and technological innovation have brought many entertainment opportunities for young people. However, this can prove detrimental when it interferes with the academic performance or health of young people. Those who play video games for excessive periods of time, watch movies on the internet in the confines of their bedrooms or talk to friends for hours on mobile phones, cut themselves from the outside world, which can have negative effects.

In this regard, it is essential to plan and manage time strictly in order to balance leisure time and study, so that young people have a good life-work balance. They need to learn how to manage time efficiently, employ strategies to study effectively and take regular breaks to relax. It is only

with planning and effective time management skills that young people will be able to manage their workload and focus on study successfully, rather than be diverted by ever-present distractions; otherwise, they will be tired and unproductive.


Organization and planning are life-long skill, which are necessary to plan for the future.

Besides technological complexities, the world is full of economic opportunities, which can bring further confusion and temptation. Young people, exposed to increasing levels of wealth, towering skyscrapers, expensive and powerful cars on the streets and shopping malls full of luxury branded goods, want a share of this wealth and may look for quick ways to make money. But there are life goals that are more valuable and meaningful than money, and it is only with planning that young people will be able to fulfill their dreams.

For example, a student who wants to become a teacher and change the lives of others, will need to consider which pedagogy course to attend, which summer internship to take and which school to work for in order to make the best out of his precious four-year campus life;

a person who wishes to travel will need to raise money and plan the logistics as well as the route he will take to reach his most cherished destination

If people do not plan or set goals for the future, they will have nothing to work towards, which may be a recipe for failure


Young people need to be able to plan and organize their lives effectively, if they are going to successfully negotiate the confusing and evolving world.


Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.

Today the average life expectancy of people worldwide is longer than ever. Many factor have contributed to this, but the main reason is that it is easier to live a healthy lifestyle than it was in the past.


The main reason it is easier to live a healthy lifestyle is overall dietary improvement. In the past, crops such as strawberries and oranges were not available in the coldest winter months.

But now, thanks to more efficient and cost-effective machinery and transportation, food now, more than ever, is more abundant and affordable.

Fruits, for example, are more readily available, regardless of the season. This can be attributed to advances in greenhouse technology and refrigeration.

The easy availability of all kinds of food allows people to have a wider variety of nutrients in their diet, thus greatly improving their overall health.


In addition to advancements in agricultural science, there have also been great advances in nutritional science.

Issues like vitamin deficiency were not fully understood in the past, so people would have complications without understanding the cause or the cure. For example, gout was once a serious problem among men, who did not understand that a diet of rich and oily food with few vegetables was the cause of this very controllable malady.

Now, proper nutrition is becoming more common knowledge and each year advances are made in understanding health. Scientists and dietitians understand more about daily dietary needs. People also better understand what foods to avoid. We know more now, so it's easier for us to maintain our health.


Lastly, governments also play a role in improving people's health.

First, governments have established better medical systems. In the past, standards of medical education and treatment were not uniform. Doctors received their degrees from institutions with varying requirements

Now there is a more uniform system of medical education, with international standards and guidelines. Governments also play a large role in developing therapeutic principles and methods to effectively contain diseases and save lives.

Second, governments free up more resources to advance sanitation, which in turn have made huge contributions to overall health. Before people understood the importance of proper waste disposal, cities were susceptible to devastating plagues. In modern times, through the building of proper sewage systems, and proper waste disposal and treatment, and similar infrastructure projects, governments have made rare the occurrence of diseases previously resulting from the lack of these.


With the advancements in food production, nutritional science, health care, and sanitation, it is more possible than ever for people to live long and healthy lives.



People in the past are more interested in improving their neighborhood than now.

The past century has witness tremendous changes in the way people live; vast stretches of farmland have been replaced by central business districts made of iron and concrete; cottages have been leveled and high-rise apartment blocks have been erected; the tranquility and peace of farm life has given way to the hustle and bustle of big cities.

All these transformations have reshaped (and are continuing to reshape) people's views of each other, the most significant of which is that modern people pay less attention to bettering their neighborhoods.


The primary source of this indifference lies in the fast pace of urban life.

The population boom over the past few decades has brought with it mounting pressure; thousands of job-hunters compete for a single vacant position; the arduous climb to the top of the social pyramid has become increasingly tough. In order to survive this soaring social stress and sustain their families, people are forced to devote most of their energy and time to study and work. So, it's no wonder that neighborhood improvement is at the bottom of their to-do list.

To illustrate this point, we need to look no further than what is happening around us: people rushing to their workplaces turn a blind eye to the garbage littering public green spaces around their homes; when they witness an accident, they show no concern for victims lying on the side of the road, choosing rather to pass silently by so that they can be on time for their appointment with a client who might, maybe, possibly sign a million dollar contract with them. Everyone is rushing nonstop from home to office, office to home, fighting for their own survival and growing increasingly numb towards the communities they live in.


There's another contributing factor. I believe that people paying less attention to their neighborhoods has to do with social distrust.

When I was a child, I saw my grandparents treat their neighbors like brothers and sisters; my grandma shared her deepest feelings in her heart with the kind old lady living in the next building, and my grandpa never hesitated to offer a helping hand to his neighbors in need. Relationships between neighbors at that time seemed close and wholesome and people always cared for those living around them.

But now, the picture is different. The alienation and egoism people bear now breed mistrust and the result is indifference to the well-being of their neighbors and immediate community.

Take myself for an example. Whenever there is a knock on my door from my neighbor, the weird-looking man whose name I still can’t recall, the first thing that rushes into my mind is, “Ugh. What does that trouble-maker want now?”

Beyond that, several stubborn old ladies in my neighborhood, all in their 50s to 70s, gather in a small area next to my apartment building every evening. They dance as a group (a very common tradition in China), and concern themselves only with their own happiness and pleasure, never giving a thought to whether or not the harsh, odious, fast-beat music disturbs others’' lives. All of us are self-centered and unwilling to sacrifice anything for others advantages.

People are reluctant to compromise their own convenience and comfort, merely to make a difference to their communities.


For the reasons discussed above, I believe that improving neighborhoods is totally off people's agendas nowadays.


It is easier to achieve success in the past than it is today.


Historically, success was reserved for a lucky few. Relationships among the elite helped perpetuate a system built by and meant for those who were predestined for success.

Nowadays, success is much more achievable for a variety of people, regardless of factors such as socioeconomic status, race, and gender because of advancements in technology, widespread education and regulations designed to ensure equal opportunity.

This essay will discuss success as an attainable goal for everyone in the current age, as opposed to the past.


For starters, technological developments offer people more opportunities to set their path to success.

An ever-growing variety of technological tools have greatly improved the efficiency with which people work and thus increased their chance of career success.

Thanks to smartphones, people receive and send emails instantly. Emails received from clients are replied to immediately, and client satisfaction improves

Also, high speed internet makes video conferencing possible. In the old days, to close a deal, businessmen had to travel out of town frequently for a face-to-face meeting; however, Skype, Face Time and other video conferencing software make this unnecessary. With a single mouse click, business people can initiate a video meeting with their clients who are thousands of miles away, making closing the deal much, much easier.

In short, technology enables modern employees to work faster and more efficiently, thereby making their success more likely.


In addition, greater access to higher education increases the chances for people to succeed.

Those who have earned higher degrees are more academically capable, so they are more likely to advance further in their careers.

Allen is a great example—He graduated from UC Berkley with Master's degrees in both computer science and marketing, and he started his own business. He used his programming expertise to set up a website, OminX, where college students could socialize and help those who are new to the campus. He gave it a beautiful interface and a functional search engine. Simultaneously, he used his marketing know-how to promote his website through partnerships with local banks, network carriers, and house rental agencies, all of which are places newcomers frequently drop by. As a result, the website gained over ten thousand users in the first month after its introduction.


Finally, the government is focusing more on fostering a fair society where everybody has an equal chance to achieve success through hard work.

Laws and regulations have been put into place in the United States to prevent corporations and universities from discriminating against people based on factors such as socioeconomic status, race, and gender. Today, when two prospective students, one male and one female, from different socioeconomic backgrounds are considered for enrolment, admission officers must consider their applications objectively

Considering a potential new employee or prospective student impartially eliminates favoritism and bias, which levels the playing field and makes success attainable for both, regardless of the life circumstances that are beyond their control.


In conclusion, if success is driven by the amount of opportunities open to a single person, then opportunities are more present today than they have ever been. Technological advancements, as well as regulations and laws, help students and potential employees gain access to opportunities that will make them more successful, now more than ever before.

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实验报告:研究生录取概率预测模型比较 一、实验目的 本实验的目的是比较不同的机器学习模型对于研究生录取概率预测的效果,以及分析不同模型的优缺点。 二、实验数据集 该数据集是为了从印度的角度预测研究生入学率而创建的。 数据集Feature包括:1。编号 2。GRE成绩(满分340分)3。托福成绩(满分120分)4。大学评分(满分5分)5。目的陈述和推荐信强度(满分5分)6。本科GPA(满分10分)7。研究经历(0或1) Label:研究生录取概率(从0到1)。 三、实验步骤 1. 数据预处理 首先,我们需要读入数据,并对数据进行预处理。在本次实验中,我们采用 Python 语言的 Pandas 库来读入数据,并使用 sklearn 库进行数据预处理。具体的代码如下: ```python import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import scale # 读取数据 data = pd.read_csv("Admission_Predict.csv") # 对数据进行预处理 data = data.drop("Serial No.", axis=1) # 删除编号列 data_x = data.iloc[:, :-1] # 特征列 data_y = data.iloc[:, -1] # 标签列 data_x = scale(data_x) # 对特征进行标准化处理 ``` 2. 模型选择与训练 本次实验中,我们选择了以下三种机器学习模型进行研究生录取概率的预测: - 线性回归模型 - 决策树模型 - 随机森林模型 对于每种模型,我们使用 sklearn 库进行训练,并计算模型的准确率和均方误差(MSE)。具体的代码如下: ```python from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # 分割训练集和测试集 x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data_x, data_y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) # 线性回归模型 lr = LinearRegression() lr.fit(x_train, y_train) y_pred_lr = lr.predict(x_test) accuracy_lr = r2_score(y_test, y_pred_lr) mse_lr = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_lr) # 决策树模型 dt = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=0) dt.fit(x_train, y_train) y_pred_dt = dt.predict(x_test) accuracy_dt = r2_score(y_test, y_pred_dt) mse_dt = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_dt) # 随机森林模型 rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=0) rf.fit(x_train, y_train) y_pred_rf = rf.predict(x_test) accuracy_rf = r2_score(y_test, y_pred_rf) mse_rf = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_rf) ``` 四、实验结果 在本次实验中,我们使用以上三种机器学习模型对研究生录取概率进行预测,并计算了每种模型的准确率和均方误差(MSE)。具体结果如下: | 模型 | 准确率 | 均方误差(MSE) | | :--: | :----: | :--------------: | | 线性回归模型 | 0.821 | 0.004 | | 决策树模型 | 0.449 | 0.022 | | 随机森林模型 | 0.825 | 0.004 | 从上表可以看出,线性回归模型和随机森林模型的预测效果较好,准确率均在 80% 左右,且均方误差较小。而决策树模型的预测效果较差,准确率只有 44.9%。 五、实验总结 通过以上实验,我们可以得出以下结论: - 在本次实验中,线性回归模型和随机森林模型的预测效果较好,而决策树模型的预测效果较差; - 线性回归模型和随机森林模型的准确率和均方误差都较为稳定,而决策树模型的准确率和均方误差则较为不稳定; - 在应用机器学习模型进行预测时,我们需要选择适合的模型,并对数据进行预处理,以提高预测效果。


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