
The invention of wheels, the discovery of Penicillin, the productions of cars and the recent invention of Internet only constitute a small part of the crucial progress to make a better world.

(key advancements)

(change the world)

The invention of the wheel, the discovery of penicillin, the production of the car and the recent invention of Internet are just a handful of the key advancements that changed the world for the better.

However, science and technology is a sword.

However, science and technology is a double edged sword.

The plane designed for relax and fast travel is used as a weapon to kill innocent people, while science brings modern medical and at the same time brings bio-weapons, which causes the deaths of millions of people.

(with ease and speed)

(you should always be aware of where you subject is when writing a sentence)

The airplane that allow people to travel with ease and speed is used as a weapon to kill innocent people, and science that gave world modern medical also gave biological weapons--which have killed thousands of people.


Some people belief, in this regard, scientists should be blamed for the negative effects of their inventions and creations.

(hold responsible)

(negative impact)

(discoveries or innovations)

This has led some to argue that scientists should be held responsible for the negative impact of their discoveries or innovations.

I disagree with the position for the following reasons.

I disagree with this viewpoint for the reasons stated below.

First, the motivation of most scientists is respectable and unnecessary outcomes are often beyond their expectations.

(your subject)

(intention and motives)


(the unwarranted fallout of)


First of all, the intention and motives of most scientists are honorable and the unwarranted fallout of a discovery is mostly beyond their expectations.

This can be proved by many examples.


This can be confirmed by multiple examples.

The intention to discover nuclear energy is to benefit human being and promote the development of physical researches.

(to+ verb)

(“be intended to” replaces intention)


(scientific research)

The discovery of nuclear power was intended to benefit humankind and foster scientific research on physics.

The biological researches were intended to know the traits of creatures more clearly and precisely.
(“purpose” replaces “intention”)

(to + verb)


(living organisms)

(the purpose of)

The purpose of biological research was to understand the characteristics of living organisms more clearly and precisely.

The purpose of researching medicines is to develop new, more efficient ones to cure diseases.

Pharmaceutical research was motivated by the need to develop new medicines to treat disease effectively.

Further, scientists cannot always predict the future or negative impacts precisely.

(“accurately” replaces precise)


(“adverse effects” replaces “negative effects”)

Further, scientists cannot always accurately anticipate the future impacts of their discoveries or their adverse effects.

Scientists, like all humankind, have their limitations and no one could anticipate the future.


(fellow humans)

Scientists, like their fellow humans, have limitations and one is the inability to predict the future.

So, it is unfair for kind scientists to be responsible for the unwarranted and negative effects of their discoveries.


(“well-intended” replaces kind)

(“shoulder” replaces “be held responsible for”)

(“unpredictable” replaces “unwarranted”)

(“consequences” replaces “effects”)

(bring about)

Therefore, it is unfair for well-intended scientists to shoulder the responsibility for the unpredictable and negative consequences bought about by their discoveries.

Second, scientific discoveries themselves may not have negative consequences.

(“necessarily” replaces may)

Second, scientific discovery itself does not necessarily have a negative impact.

It is those who use the technologies unqualifiedly for their self-interests that bring about adverse effects, and consequently, these people should shoulder the responsibilities.

(selfish motives)


(cause harm to)

It is people who misuse science and technology for their own selfish motives that cause harm to society, and thus should be held responsible.

The A invented by Robert is a good example here.

(“atomic bomb”)

(Robert Oppenheimer)

(a good case in point)

The atomic bomb invented by Robert Oppenheimer is a good case in point.

In order to speed up the surrender of Japan in the Second World War, the atomic bomb was designed and created by America.



(“nuclear bombs” replaces “the atomic bomb”)

In order to expedite the surrender of Japanese in the Second World War, nuclear bombs were designed and manufactured by the United States.


They dropped the bombs in A and B in Japan, ruining the cities and causing untold death and pain.

(put into operation)


(to rubble)

They were put into operation over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, raiding the cities to rubble and causing untold death and suffering.

Should Einstein, an anti-war person, making scientific breakthrough in explaining the mechanism of nuclear power, be blamed for this?



Should Einstein, a strong anti-war activist, who had made scientific breakthrough in explaining the mechanism of nuclear power, be blamed?

Obviously, this disaster is irrelevant to him.

(have nothing to do)

Obviously, this disaster has nothing to do with him.

Or, consider gene transformation for example.

(“the case of”)


Or, consider the case of gene modification.

At the very beginning, it was seen as a wonderful discovery to expedite researches for new plant species.

(at its inception)

(be viewed as)

(“fabulous” replaces wonderful)

(“accelerate” replace “expedite”)

At its inception, it was viewed as a fabulous finding for accelerating researches into new plant species.

However, merchants motivated by their own selfish motives, are manufacturing gene modification food using this technique, which may lead to gene mutation or health problems.

(may+ lead)

(“be intended to” “be motivated by” “be driven by” “the purpose of”)


(“insatiable desire” “own selfish motives”)

(produce food)

(genetically modified)

(toxic damage)

(in the human body)

However, greedy businesspeople driven by their insatiable desire for profits, used this technology to produce genetically modified food using this technique, which may have caused gene mutation and toxic damage in the human body.

It is these companies that should be held responsible, rather than those hardworking scientists.

(“be brought to justice” replaces “be held responsible for”)



(develop genetic modification)

(“unethical and immoral”)

It is these unethical and immoral businesses that should be brought to justice, rather than the biochemical scientists who painstakingly developed genetic modification.

All in all, based on the above analysis, it is unfair for scientists to should the responsibilities when their discoveries bring about adverse impacts to our society.

(hold … accountable)


To sum up, it is unreasonable to hold scientists personally accountable, if their discoveries cause negative effects in society today.

They are driven by a desire to make a better world.

(make the world a better place)

After all, scientists are mostly driven by a desire to make the world a better place.


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