TOEFL Sample Essays 0-3

TOEFL Sample Essays

Posted in TOEFL Samples

TOEFL Sample Essays:


Learning to write well is a skill, like any other. This ability is important not only in the TOEFL, but also in their academic and professional career. TOEFL writing section consists of two parts:


Integrated newsroom, which includes reading, listening and then write an article summary / comparison of 250 words in 20 minutes

Freelance writing, which is to write an essay of four to five paragraph of 300-350 words in 30 minutes.


The following tests TOEFL free sample illustrating how to get a high score on the writing section of the iBT independent. In reading through the essays, you can learn to:

  • Develop any topic into a well organized, the logical answer
  • Use synonyms to paraphrase the question
  • Use a variety of sentence structures and grammatical forms
  • Start with a simple introduction, strong
  • Creating body paragraphs which flow logically
  • Develop unity by linking the body paragraphs
  • End to a memorable conclusion

Try to write an essay every day. Added practice allowed to complete an essay strong, with ease, confidence and speed.

Sample Essay 1:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People should sometimes do things that they donot enjoy doing.

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

Life is challenging. In order to be happy and successful, we need to prepare ourselves on many fronts. Although participating in enjoyable activities is always desirable, in my view it is also necessary at times to do things we do not enjoy. The bases for my view are personal, social and financial.

Personally, doing things we don’t care for builds character and helps us mature. For instance, when parents have their first baby they are forced to give up their freedom in order to look after the child. There are times when parents barely get enough sleep and still have to get up and go to work in the morning. Similarly, when students are in school and university, they need to spend a lot of time studying. In spite of being tempted to go out with friends and attend parties, those who have self-control and keep their priorities straight are the ones who get high grades. Through such life experiences people become stronger, wiser and more responsible.

From a social perspective, we live in an interdependent world which imposes its obligations on us. Each person belongs to diverse social groups and plays various social roles. Each of us has to attend birthday parties, weddings and funerals to show we care about our fellow human beings. Participating in events for the sake of others teaches us to go beyond our own selfish needs and to share in the joys and sorrows of others.

Financially-speaking, people need to work - and spend - to keep the local, national and international economy growing. We need to support our own family in particular and our community in general. In fact, most of us work many more hours than we would like to work. What propels us to continue working is our financial needs, commitments and obligations. Only in this way are we able to live comfortable lifestyles and save for our retirement days.

In conclusion, life places huge demands on us. By participating in a wide variety of activities, both pleasant and unpleasant, we can discover more about our unique selves and live fuller lives.


TOEFL Sample Essay 2:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

It is said that money makes the world go round. We spend the majority of our waking hours at work - earning a living, providing for our families and saving for our retirement. Although money no doubt plays a critical role in determining the quality and nature of our lifestyles, in my opinion, the size of one’s paycheque is not a measure of one’s success in life. The bases of my views are philosophical, social and personal.

Philosophically, success can be defined in myriad ways. For some, success is an external concept to be measured in terms of high income, huge bank balances, fancy cars, expensive mansions, luxurious holidays and so on. However, in my view, success is a reflection of internal human qualities, such as compassion, kindness, honesty, understanding and more. By this definition, the mere fact of earning a high income does not determine or define success.

Socially, success depends on how we treat other human beings. Do we regard others with respect or do we impose our will on them? Are we mindful of their needs and desires or do we behave selfishly? Do we encourage and support our friends, family and communities or do we insist they only follow the path we think best? It is clear that a critical aspect of success lies in the answers to such questions for they reveal the quality of relationships we share with our fellow human beings.

Personally, success can only be self-defined. My idea of success may not be the same as another person’s vision. This is as it should be. Each of us is a product of diverse social, cultural, economic, political, religious and ideological influences. When we add to that mix the free will that each of us exercises, we can understand clearly how each of us fashions his / her own aspirations for what we consider to be success in our own lives.

In conclusion, success is a concept which can be interpreted in a million different ways.Each individual’s version adds to the richness of our world and makes our planet a more delightful, amazing and colourful place to live.


TOEFL Sample Essay 3:

Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

Pursuing higher studies abroad has become a popular choice for students from around the globe. Each year, young people spend thousands of dollars to travel, live and study in universities, colleges and schools overseas. In my view, this life-changing decision is based on the premise that education is an investment in one’s future. My opinion is based on academic, professional and personal reasons.

In my opinion, the primary reason for studying abroad is academic. Students wish to reap the benefits associated with attending a reputable educational institute. In addition, gaining admission to prestigious college or university is often regarded as an achievement in itself. The quality of the academic programs, the level of specialized instruction and the availability of professional resources are all high. It is no wonder that students long to graduate from well-known instituFrom a professional viewpoint, graduating from foreign universities is often a gateway to a successful career. The connection is direct and provides strong motivation for young people to study abroad. The hope is that such graduates have an added advantage over their peers in a highly competitive job market. In some cases, top students from prestigious universities land job offers even before completing their studies. Furthermore, well-known corporations vie to attract the fresh new talent, who will help achieve corporate profitability in the future.

From a personal angle, studying abroad enables young people to mature quickly and develop independence. For instance, joining a foreign academic institution is often the first experience students have of living away from parents, siblings and friends. In one’s home country, this strong nexus provides support, assistance and guidance. However, while abroad, students must overcome the initial homesickness and culture shock, conform to a different teaching style, adapt to unfamiliar social and cultural expectations and develop proficiency in a new language. These challenging tasks enable youngsters to emerge with greater maturity and self-confidence.

In conclusion, the desire to study abroad is based on several concrete benefits for students in terms of the present and the future. This is why most students would gladly accept an opportunity to go abroad and would work quite diligently to turn this opportunity into a resounding success.

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### 回答1: 在大学时期的浪漫关系一直是一个备受争议的话题。一些人认为,大学时期是探索爱情和建立长期关系的重要时期,而另一些人则认为,大学应该是专注于学业和职业发展的时期,而不是浪漫关系的场所。以下是基于大学时期的浪漫关系的两篇论文,分别代表两种不同的观点: 论文一:大学时期的浪漫关系是有益的 大学时期是年轻人开始探索爱情和建立长期关系的重要时期。在大学中,学生们可以结识不同背景和兴趣爱好的人,这对于他们的成长和发展是很有益的。在恋爱关系中,他们可以学会如何处理冲突、沟通和相互支持。这些技能不仅有助于他们的人际关系,也有助于他们的职业生涯和未来的婚姻生活。 此外,大学时期的浪漫关系可以增加学生的社交生活,让他们更加融入大学社区。这有助于他们建立支持网络,减轻心理压力,促进身心健康。通过参加情侣活动和社交聚会,学生们可以与同龄人分享彼此的经历和想法,这有助于他们扩展视野,丰富生活经验。 因此,大学时期的浪漫关系对于学生的成长和发展是有益的。当然,学生们需要理性对待自己的感情,不要让浪漫关系干扰自己的学业和职业发展。 论文二:大学时期应该专注于学业而非浪漫关系 大学时期是一个学习和成长的阶段,学生应该将精力集中在学业和职业发展上。浪漫关系虽然可以给学生带来快乐和满足感,但如果让浪漫关系成为主要关注的对象,很容易分散学生的注意力,影响他们的学习成果和职业前途。 此外,大学时期的浪漫关系可能会带来许多心理压力和情感波动。学生们常常会陷入情感纠葛、嫉妒和失落中,这会影响他们的身心健康和学习效率。一些浪漫关系可能还会带来意想不到的后果,比如失去 ### 回答2: 大学期间的浪漫关系是一个常见的话题,值得进行辩论。以下将从积极和消极两个方面进行讨论。 积极方面来看,大学期间的浪漫关系可以成为我们成长的机会之一。首先,与他人建立深入的感情联系可以帮助我们更好地了解自己。通过与伴侣相处,我们可以了解自己的优点和缺点,并通过彼此的支持和鼓励来改进自己。这种互动可以帮助我们形成健康的自尊心和自我认知。 其次,浪漫关系可以提供情感支持和安慰。大学生活充满了各种压力和挑战,与他人建立恋爱关系可以让我们有一个可以倾诉和分享的伙伴。在情感上得到满足的同时,我们还可以携手面对学术上和生活上的困难。这种支持帮助我们增强自信心,并克服困难。 然而,大学期间的浪漫关系也有消极的一面。首先,它可能分散我们的注意力。大学是一个学习和成长的重要时期,但投入过多的时间和精力在浪漫关系上可能导致我们忽略了学业和其他机会。与此同时,如果我们对感情投入过多,可能会忽视个人成长和独立性。 此外,大学期间的浪漫关系也可能导致情感压力和痛苦。青春期和大学时期本身就充满挑战和不确定性,加上浪漫关系中的冲突和失望,可能会给我们带来额外的压力。而且,分手可能会对我们的情感和学业产生消极的影响。 综上所述,大学期间的浪漫关系有积极和消极两个方面。我们应该意识到这种关系对我们的影响,并在追求浪漫关系时保持平衡。通过建立健康的关系,我们可以从中获得情感支持和成长的机会,但也要注意避免过度投入和对学业的负面影响。




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