TOEFL Sample Essay 4

TOEFL Sample Essay 4:

Some people think that family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence in young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.

Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

As social beings, we are naturally influenced by those we meet in the course of our lives. This is particularly true for young people, whose character and personality are still malleable. Although friends play a central role in the lives of teenagers, in my opinion, it is the family which has a greater impact on young people. My view is based on psychological, intellectual and financial reasons.

Psychologically, the family is the central grounding factor for a young person, because the parents, brothers and sisters are the ones who actually love him or her. It is through thousands of life situations and family discussions that norms, values, customs, traditions and expectations are passed on to the youngster. The depth of relationship, developed over the years through shared joys and sorrows, place family members in an incomparably close bond which cannot easily be replicated by friends or anyone else.

Intellectually, the family impacts the young person’s ability to think. Parents create the intellectual climate in the home. Whether children develop the habit of reading, studying hard or striving to achieve their goals depends largely on the parents' example. Whether youngsters agree or disagree with their parents’ political or religious views, the family remains a reference point against which young people develop their individuality. In Asian cultures, where respect for elders is an important value, the family plays an even more central role in shaping the young person's world view.

Financially, the family influences the youngster by providing a certain type of lifestyle. Home, school, friends, hobbies, clothes, holidays and material possessions - all of these are impacted by the family's prosperity. The same holds true for the youngster growing up in a poor family- a totally different reality will surround that young person. No friend could have this powerful or tangible an influence on the teenager.

In conclusion, though friends can have a strong influence on a young person, it is finally the family which provides the more powerful backdrop in a young person’s life. The family's influence is permanent, unforgettable and inescapable.

TOEFL Sample Essay 5:

Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Other believe that going p classes should be optional. Which point og view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

Going to university is a coveted goal for most students around the world. Many parents dream of their children having the opportunity to receive a university education, as a gateway to a successful future. Although it is possible to receive a degree without attending classes, in my view, attendance plays a critical part in the university experience. The bases for my views are educational, social and intellectual.

From an academic standpoint, attending classes simply enables students to learn more. After all, professors do not simply parrot what is written in university textbooks; they add to this knowledge from their own professional experience, reading and research. This provides an opportunity for students to receive key perspectives, as well as relevant and up to date information in their specialized fields. Since acquiring knowledge and developing critical thinking skills are important goals of higher education, attendance at classes should be considered a mandatory requirement for graduation.

Socially, university life offers young people the opportunity to form meaningful friendships, relationships and connections, some of which last for life. One can make good friends or even meet a future life partner while in college or university. In addition, one’s classmates may become the “movers and shakers” of tomorrow’s corporations and industries. These important contacts are also made while attending university classes, studying and partying together.

Lastly, from an intellectual perspective, a student can gain tremendously by matching wits with other bright students from around the world. In the context of classes, students can discuss issues, exchange views, explore ideas, solve problems and develop cross-cultural skills through interaction with international students. This can be a critical experience that helps students define themselves and their political and ideological place in the world.

In summary, attending university classes benefits students in myriad ways. Broadly speaking, it enables students to make the best of their years in university. Therefore, it should be regarded as a desirable and meaningful means to achieving various important life goals.

TOEFL Sample Essay 6:

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at an early age and should most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?

 Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

Childhood is one of the most important and memorable periods of our lives. We come into the world innocent and unaware and in just a few short years make great physical and mental progress. Although play is an important component of our young lives, in my view, there are significant benefits to be gained from beginning formal education at an early age. My view is based on intellectual and social reasons.

Intellectually, the period from birth to six years is the most significant for brain growth. A child who is surrounded by a rich multi-sensory environment develops infinitely more connection between brain cells, which are the basis of what we call “intelligence”. In this connection, the process of learning to read is of particular significance because it has such a strong positive influence on neural development. Although parents can provide this early intellectual stimulation, in most cases working parents find it difficult to do so. This strengthens the case for enrolling children in a formal education system, which can provide the necessary resources and trained personnel to bring out the best in the child.

Socially, being in a school environment teaches children both how to behave themselves and also how to get along with other children and adults. These lessons in human behaviour are as important as the formal subjects a child must study. By learning how to follow rules, take turns and be respectful a child becomes a part of the social nexus to which we all belong. The formal academic experience, in an objective context, away from the family structure, also satisfies the child’s growing sense of independence. Most children often “play school” in any case, particularly if they have older siblings.

In conclusion, early education offers children a host of benefits at different levels. A child can always play after coming home; in the meantime, the school experience sets the child on a path to success and self-confidence in a competitive, demanding world.


TOEFL Sample Essay 7:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample TOEFL essay answer: 

We are born into a complex, demanding world. From infancy to adulthood lies a period in which we must prepare for the responsibilities and obligations of communal living. Although childhood should be a period of relative freedom, in my view it also needs to provide a strong preparation for the future. From this perspective, assigning household tasks to children is beneficial from a personal, social and economic point of view.

Personally, children need to learn the value of responsibility. Parents should involve children in household chores such as dusting furniture, raking leaves, washing dishes and so on. By including youngsters in this way, parents acknowledge the children’s ability to contribute meaningfully to the smooth running of the home. What’s more, such tasks teach them about being reliable, working efficiently and developing integrity. This early training strengthens their self-images and self-confidence.

Socially, young people need to be absorbed into the social nexus. While developing independence is a desirable trait, it is equally important to realize that we live in an interdependent world. Our decisions, choices and actions affect others around us. When a child sets the table he / she not only learns how to create an aesthetically pleasing dining environment, but also that guests are to be honoured and appreciated. Such experiences are a part of the socialization process whereby social and cultural norms are passed on to future generations.

Economically, children need to understand the connection between effort and reward. Initially, when children are young the “compensation” for their efforts may be in the form of a warm hug, a word of praise or a public compliment. Later, parents may link pocket money to the performance of household duties. This arrangement allows youngsters to realize that by exchanging their free time for work, they can earn money to buy the things they like. In this way, young people develop a strong sense of the financial realities that await them.

In conclusion, participating in household duties and chores is beneficial at myriad levels. Most important, it enables children and youngsters to understand the philosophical equation that to receive, we must also give.

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