
无老师优秀范例:To begin with, few of us would deny that students are constrained to their text books and hardly encouraged to acknowledge, analyze and discuss heated global issues. On the first stage, teachers’ points offer them a general information of the current happening events. Also, common sense informed me that it’s kind of impossible to deliver the content without any personal stand. It’s not uncommon that when teachers try to share the latest social events, they add their comprehensions unconscientiously. But it still opens up studentsoutlooks.




First, only a few people can deny that students are limited in the books, and they would not be encouraged to know, analyze and discuss the world’s news. First, teachers’ opinion can give basic information of what had happened. And, the common sense can tell us that when we want to give some information, we cannot give it without our opinion. And we always watch things like this, when a teacher wants to share the latest news, they may add some own opinions without knowing it. But it still open students’ view.





首先第一句,优秀范例写的是:To begin with, few of us would deny that students are constrained to their text books and hardly encouraged to acknowledge, analyze and discuss heated global issues.对比平庸范例First, only a few people can deny that students are limited in the books, and they would not be encouraged to know, analyse and discuss the world’s news.首先优秀范例以固定搭配To begin with来作为开头,标准的加分点。接下来,你如果,自己在不看优秀范例的情况下,自己写出平庸范例,然后返回来再来对比优秀范例的话。你就会发现优秀范例里面的,其实用到了few of us would deny双重否定来表示肯定的这种表达方式,这样的句式写的就很漂亮啦,加分加分加加分呢!对于我们来说,也可以当做一个作文模板来用,什么都不要想啊马上记到小本子上对不对!接下来只要你对比平庸范例are limited in the books,你就会发现优秀范例are constrained to their text books这里面写的constrain和text books,其实是写的很有讲究的,因为平庸范例的limit很多时候指的是数量上的有限和限制,因此这里用了constrain就略微抽象一点点,也就是更好一点,不过其实差别不大,其实说constrain显得比limit更书面一点才更合适。至于text book就特指课本,显然就比泛指的books显得更准确,同时词汇量也就更大。接下来优秀范例的否定形式也写得很巧妙,他并没有用not,而是用了hardly来进行否定,词汇量,棒!加分!接下来优秀范例又祭出了并列结构acknowledge, analyze and discuss这个百试不爽的大棒!加分!以及在最后的heated global issues,对比一下平庸范例的the world’s news顿时觉得,写的棒!词汇量也是没谁了!


To begin with, few of us would deny that students were constrained in books and hardly encouraged to acknowledge, analyze and discuss heated global issues.

第二句优秀范例写的是On the first stage, teachers’ points offer them a general information of the current happening events. 对比平庸范例First, teachers’ opinion can give basic information of what had happened. 在这里优秀范例没有像平庸范例一样继续用First来作为逻辑连接词,而是用了On the first stage,更为书面一点,而且也避免了重复。接下来当想表达“教师的观点”的时候,优秀范例也是用的替换的方法,写了teachers’ points,同样也是为了避免重复。接下来,通过简单的对比其实就可以发现,优秀范例的offer比平庸范例的give更强调1对多的输出,更准确。当然在这个里面最漂亮的,还是优秀范例在最后写的a general information of the current happening events,首先在这里,优秀范例在表达“全球热点新闻”这个概念的时候,没有再次用heated global issues,而是用了替换的方法,而且写的同样漂亮。而且作者还用a general information进行了进一步的限定,就显得作者的写作内容很有深度而且写得很准确,当然,与此同时也展现出来自己的词汇量是很丰富的!


On the first stage, teachers’ opinions offer them a general information of the current happening events.


第三句,优秀范例Also, common sense informed me that it’s kind of impossible to deliver the content without any personal stand. 对比平庸范例And, the common sense can tell us that when we want to give some information, we cannot give it without our opinion. 一开篇优秀范例的作者就马上通过common sense展示自己的词汇量,而且作者觉得还不够,马上用了一个inform,这里只要简单对比平庸范例的tell,就会发现,在这里优秀范例用到的inform,其实是非常正式也非常书面化的,加分!接下来优秀范例的两个点,其实写的是非常漂亮的,首先第一个点是为了让自己的说话更准确更严密,而用了kind of来限定impossible,接下来作者完全跳出了之前的inform,offer这种表达形式,而使用出了更正式的也更准确的deliver,来表达“传递信息”这个概念,也就是在表达同一个概念的时候,作者其实是有非常大的词汇量的储备的,这显然给考官的印象非常好,那么也会获得相应的加分!尤其是在最后,当表达“个人观点”这个概念的时候,优秀范例没有像平庸范例那样用opinion这样的词汇,而是用到了personal stand,这个很显然也是非常书面化,非常正式的表达方式,妥妥的加分!



Also, common sense informed me that it’s impossible to deliver the content without any personal stand.


第四句话,优秀范例用到了It’s not uncommon that when teachers try to share the latest social events, they add their comprehensions unconscientiously.对比平庸范例And we always watch things like this, when a teacher want to share the latest news, they may add some own opinions without knowing it. 作者在这里首先又用出了not uncommon双重否定,也是完全可以当做模板来进行使用的,直接记下来。加分!请就本篇的内容来说,其实作者真的写得不够深刻,很显然,在本句话又表达出了相同的概念“最新的社会新闻”,但是优秀分队的作者靠的是什么?之所以有高分靠的就是自己词汇量非常好,因此在本句话作者又甩出了一个新的表达方式the latest social events,虽然写的没有之前的,书面和正式,但是人家单词量大呀!别想了,加分吧!至于后半句话,那就又成了作者单词量的一个展示舞台,comprehensions和unconscientiously,对比平庸范例的some own opinions without knowing it,就能展现出平庸范例到底有多么的啰嗦,以及单词量到底有多么的匮乏。优秀范例两个词搞定的事情,平庸范例用的6个词,而且写的还没有优秀范例准确,因此毫无疑问优秀范例就应该得到高分!



It’s not uncommon that when teachers try to share latest social events, they add their comprehensions unconsciously.

第五句话,优秀范例But it still opens up students’ outlooks.对比平庸范例But it still open students’ view.优秀范例的作者写的顺啊!opens up固定搭配,用的准确!最后outlooks,毫无疑问,我们优秀范例的作者又在秀自己的单词量了,因为outlook还有“人生观”,“价值观”这层含义,用到这里,就显得非常应景了!乖乖的加分吧!



But it still opens up students’ outlooks.





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