gre 填空1-12

section 1 easy

2.My grandma has a strong belief in all things _____: she insists, for example, that the house in which she lived as a child was haunted.


3. The (i)_____ of molecular oxygen on Earth-sized planets around other stars in the universe would not be (ii)_____ sign of life: molecular oxygen can be a signature of photosynthesis (a biotic process) or merely of the rapid escape of water from the upper reaches of a planetary atmosphere (an abiotic process). 

9. In a book that inclines to _____, an epilogue arguing that ballet is dead arrives simply as one more overstatement. 

section 2 easy

1.Among the Meakambut people of Papua New Guinea, legends are associated with specific caves in the Sepik region, and these legends are _____: only the cave owner can share its secrets.

A. impenetrable

B. immutable

C. proprietary

D. didactic

E. self-perpetuating


4. Although trains may use energy more (i)_____ than do automobiles,


the latter move only when they contain at least one occupant,

这一句说 automobiles 好,所以前一句应该train 更优


whereas railway carriages spend a considerable amount of time running up and down the tracks (ii)_____, or nearly so.



6. Within the culture as a whole, the natural sciences have been so successful that the word “scientific” is often used in (i)_____ manner: it is often assumed that to call something “scientific” is to imply that its reliability has been (ii)_____ by methods whose results cannot reasonably be (iii)_____.

这个that 一样暗示了选什么

10. The professor’s habitual air of _____ was misleading front, concealing amazing reserves of patience and a deep commitment to his students’ learning.

 section 3 easy

3. The great (i)_____ of most books that examine the American presidency is their ideological bias, 这里说的是一个问题

but for most part, this volume on the presidency maintains an impressive degree of (ii)_____.bias 的对立面

5. Just because, as a photographer, Friedlander (i)_____ places that most people consider ugly does not mean that he is out to prove they are beautiful.

这里说并不意味着 表示前边就是表达的后面这个意思

Instead, his work suggests that the photographer simply cannot ignore so much of the built American landscape but is obligated to (ii)_____ what we pass through day in and day out, regardless of (iii)_____.


8. The laboratory maze has grown ever less _____ since it was first invented instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth; today’s scientists design mazes to elicit a few simple, easily measured behaviors.


9. In mathematics, judgments about the validity of proofs are mediated by peer-reviewed journals; to ensure _____, reviewers are carefully chosen by journal editors, and the identity of scholars whose papers are under consideration are kept secret.

A. timelessness

B. originality

C. fairness

D. comprehensiveness

E. objectivity

F. novelty

section 4 easy

1.In the last two hundred years, the practice of archaeology has changed greatly, from digging up ancient artifacts for use by wealthy individuals as art objects to analyzing the detritus of everyday life in the laboratory, and thus from _____ to data collection.

这里对应的这个treasure hunting


2. History teaches us that science is not _____ enterprise; indeed, it is quite the opposite, a motley assortment of tools designed to safeguard researchers against their own biases. 这是不受偏见影响的意思


4. Despite having only recently learned to walk, toddlers make the most (i)_____ dance students.

Their joy in movement is so pure, so complete, and so (ii)_____.


6. Unambiguous texts can allow their readers to (i)_____ them quickly, but ambiguous texts can have the attractive (ii)_____ of multiple possible interpretations, all of which can be considered equally (iii)_____, and none of which is the single true meaning.


10. Edited collections of scholarly essays generally tend to be somewhat uneven: they suffer from the _____ subject matter of the various essays, the lack of an overarching and consistent thesis, and the variable quantity of the contributions.


section 5 easy

3. Mr. Stevens found that home schooling, far from representing (i)_____ philosophy, (ii)_____ some of the most widely accepted education ideas: that children should be treated as individuals, taught in small numbers, and given a measure of discretion over their own learning.

5. Computers make it spectacularly easy to search for particular pieces of information in downloaded texts. And doing research in this strategic, targeted manner can feel (i)_____. Instead of (ii)_____ the organizing logic of the book you are reading, you can approach the book with your own questions and (iii)_____. You, not the author, are the master. 注意不要看错空的位置

section 6 easy

1. One view of historicism holds that systems of belief prevalent during different periods in history are _____ and therefore cannot be understood except in their own term. 

4. So (i)_____ is the reputation of the city’s police force for (ii)_____ that whenever a new police chief take office,相当于新上任

 he or she routinely promises to clean up the force. 势力

 5. Scientists said that cosmology was the field where the ratio of theory to data was (i)_____: there was an abundance of theories, but almost no data. Recently, however, that ratio has flipped. A huge and ever-increasing amount of data has (ii)_____ all theories but one. 只留下一种可能

7. Since it was committed to the idea of science as an international, politically neutral enterprise, the Royal Society of London refused to _____ members from enemy nations during world wars of the twentieth century.

8. Coagulation factors are useful proteins whose simple names—many are known only by Roman numerals—_____ their importance and the specificity of their roles in the thinning and clotting of blood. 

section 7 easy

1. The artist’s career was remarkable partly because it was so _____: she died, with only a few
paintings to her credit, while still in her twenties.
A. felicitous
B. prolific
C. enduring
D. conventional
E. abbreviated

3. Scholars have marveled over the (i)_____ that Shakespeare displays in his works, noting that such broad learning is all the more remarkable given that books were relatively (ii)_____ in Shakespeare’s time.

6. The writer argues that jewelry-grade diamonds, because they are both (i)_____ and (ii)_____, prove one of two conclusions; their purchasers have so much money they can spend it on goods that (iii)_____, or their purchasers are so committed to making others think they have such wealth that they are willing to go into debt to do so. 


section 8 easy

1.Parker’s model of human reflects a _____ outlook, in stark contrast to the generally pessimistic analyses of her colleagues in the economics department.

section 9 easy

5. It would be (i)_____ not to (i)_____ these tabloid journalists for thriving in hard times: they deserve credit for doing well in a profession in financial straits.

section 10 easy

2. Among the Meakambut people of Papua New Guinea, legends are associated with specific caves in the Sepik region, and these legends are _____: only the cave owner can share its secrets(proprietary

3. It would be imprecise to characterize her scholarship as (i) arcane: though(说的是前一个空的特点) her etymological discussion is necessarily esoteric, there is nothing(所以这一空与前面的含义一致) (ii) obscure about the conclusions she derives from it. 

5. Attending with equal (i)_____to any question that presents itself, the sociologist’s work has strengths and weaknesses that flow from this energetically (ii)_____ approach.


section 11 easy

1.The title of her final and unfinished film, Escape, was _____: indeed while shooting it(正评价与前空一致), she was preoccupied with thoughts of desertion.

3. The national bank has been uncommonly powerful in comparison to its counterparts in other nations. It retains this potency partly because its control of the nation’s banking system is (i)_____ governmental interference, and thus its actions remain largely (ii)_____. 

5. At Cerro Portezuelo, the task of separating grinding tools from the larger collection of excavated stone objects was (i)_____ the ancient practice of recycling grinding tool fragments(这里是表示由于这个变复杂了) for building materials, hammer stones, and other purposes that (ii)_____ their original use. 

9. When the atmosphere over the city is at its best, it is peculiarly _____, and this clarity seems to distill this very special beauty of the place. 

10. The book brings together many valuable reports on conservation projects, but with less variety than might have been wished: nearly half the contributions are from the same state, and consequently, the case studies are similarly _____ geographically. 


section 12 easy

3. Tagore had a sharply defined sense of the (i)_____ of scientific inquiry. The fact that science dealt in statistics and numbers, that its logic was probabilistic, meant that the domain of moral questions (ii)_____ it: moral questions, for Tagore, required certainties, not probabilities.

这里讲了scientific inquiry与scientific inquiry的范围

4. The author suggests that cinema archives should become more like museums, justifying their existence by selecting, grouping and commenting on important films. By thus(这个空是上一句的同义替换) (i)_____ films, archives would not only serve as repositories but would provide (ii)_____ as well.

5. Although Professor Pearson’s colleagues often complained that he was (i)_____, his friends were quick to defend him from this charge(指控) of (ii)_____.


7. For those of us who have been intoxicated by the power and potential of mathematics, the mystery isn’t why that fascination developed but why it (指代fascination)isn’t (这里应该填一个正向词,与develop有些对应)_____.

10. Taking to the mountains to escape the chaos occasioned by the collapse of the ruling dynasty, artists looked to nature for _____ and a serenity not evident in human society. 

评论 2




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