tensorflow基本算法(2):最近邻算法nearest neighbor



  • k-NN分类中,输出是一个分类族群。一个对象的分类是由其邻居的“多数表决”确定的,k个最近邻居(k为正整数,通常较小)中最常见的分类决定了赋予该对象的类别。若k = 1,则该对象的类别直接由最近的一个节点赋予。
  • k-NN回归中,输出是该对象的属性值。该值是其k个最近邻居的值的平均值。



无论是分类还是回归,衡量邻居的权重都非常有用,使较近邻居的权重比较远邻居的权重大。例如,一种常见的加权方案是给每个邻居权重赋值为1/ d,其中d是到邻居的距离。









如何选择一个最佳的K值取决于数据。一般情况下,在分类时较大的K值能够减小噪声的影响, 但会使类别之间的界限变得模糊。一个较好的K值能通过各种启发式技术(见超参数优化)来获取。














import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# Import MINST data
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/data/", one_hot=True)

Xtr, Ytr = mnist.train.next_batch(5000) #5000 for training (nn candidates)
Xte, Yte = mnist.test.next_batch(200) #200 for testing

# tf Graph Input
xtr = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 784])
xte = tf.placeholder("float", [784])

# Nearest Neighbor calculation using L1 Distance
# Calculate L1 Distance
distance = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tf.add(xtr, tf.negative(xte))), reduction_indices=1)
# Prediction: Get min distance index (Nearest neighbor)
pred = tf.argmin(distance, 0)

accuracy = 0.

# Initialize the variables (i.e. assign their default value)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# Start training
with tf.Session() as sess:

    # loop over test data
    for i in range(len(Xte)):
        # Get nearest neighbor
        nn_index = sess.run(pred, feed_dict={xtr: Xtr, xte: Xte[i, :]})
        # Get nearest neighbor class label and compare it to its true label
        print("Test", i, "Prediction:", np.argmax(Ytr[nn_index]), \
            "True Class:", np.argmax(Yte[i]))
        # Calculate accuracy
        if np.argmax(Ytr[nn_index]) == np.argmax(Yte[i]):
            accuracy += 1./len(Xte)
    print("Accuracy:", accuracy)


Test 0 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 1 Prediction: 9 True Class: 4
Test 2 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 3 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 4 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 5 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 6 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 7 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 8 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 9 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 10 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 11 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 12 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 13 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 14 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 15 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 16 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 17 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 18 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 19 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 20 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 21 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 22 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 23 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 24 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 25 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 26 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 27 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 28 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 29 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 30 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 31 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 32 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 33 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 34 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 35 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 36 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 37 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 38 Prediction: 8 True Class: 4
Test 39 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 40 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 41 Prediction: 9 True Class: 7
Test 42 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 43 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 44 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 45 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 46 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 47 Prediction: 7 True Class: 2
Test 48 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 49 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 50 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 51 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 52 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 53 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 54 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 55 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 56 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 57 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 58 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 59 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 60 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 61 Prediction: 7 True Class: 2
Test 62 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 63 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 64 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 65 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 66 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 67 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 68 Prediction: 7 True Class: 0
Test 69 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 70 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 71 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 72 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 73 Prediction: 3 True Class: 8
Test 74 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 75 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 76 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 77 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 78 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 79 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 80 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 81 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 82 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 83 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 84 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 85 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 86 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 87 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 88 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 89 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 90 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 91 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 92 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 93 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 94 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 95 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 96 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 97 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 98 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 99 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 100 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 101 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 102 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 103 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 104 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 105 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 106 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 107 Prediction: 5 True Class: 3
Test 108 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 109 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 110 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 111 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 112 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 113 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 114 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 115 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 116 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 117 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 118 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 119 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 120 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 121 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 122 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 123 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 124 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 125 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 126 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 127 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 128 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 129 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 130 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 131 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 132 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 133 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 134 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 135 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 136 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 137 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 138 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 139 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 140 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 141 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 142 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 143 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 144 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 145 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 146 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 147 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 148 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 149 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 150 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 151 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 152 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 153 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 154 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 155 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 156 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 157 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 158 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 159 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 160 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 161 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 162 Prediction: 3 True Class: 2
Test 163 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 164 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 165 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 166 Prediction: 2 True Class: 2
Test 167 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 168 Prediction: 9 True Class: 4
Test 169 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 170 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 171 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 172 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 173 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 174 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 175 Prediction: 4 True Class: 4
Test 176 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 177 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 178 Prediction: 9 True Class: 4
Test 179 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 180 Prediction: 5 True Class: 8
Test 181 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 182 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 183 Prediction: 6 True Class: 6
Test 184 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 185 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 186 Prediction: 1 True Class: 3
Test 187 Prediction: 9 True Class: 9
Test 188 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 189 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 190 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 191 Prediction: 7 True Class: 7
Test 192 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 193 Prediction: 0 True Class: 0
Test 194 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 195 Prediction: 5 True Class: 5
Test 196 Prediction: 3 True Class: 3
Test 197 Prediction: 1 True Class: 1
Test 198 Prediction: 8 True Class: 8
Test 199 Prediction: 1 True Class: 6
Accuracy: 0.9300000000000007






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