apache-comnons系列之commons-email1.4 学习笔记
- The base class for all email messages. This class sets the
- sender’s email & name, receiver’s email & name, subject, and the sent date.
- Subclasses are responsible for setting the message body.
- This class is used to send simple internet email messages without attachments.
- A multipart email.This class is used to send multi-part internet email like messages with attachments.
- To create a multi-part email, call the default constructor and then you can call setMsg() to set the message and call the different attach() methods.
- This class models an email attachment. Used by MultiPartEmail.
- An HTML multipart email.
- This class is used to send HTML formatted email. A text message can also be set for HTML unaware email clients, such as text-based email clients.
- Small wrapper class on top of HtmlEmail which encapsulates the required logic to retrieve images that are contained in “<img src=../>” elements in the HTML
- code. This is done by replacing all img-src-elements with “cid:”-entries and embedding images in the email.
- Utility methods used by commons-email.
- org.apache.commons.mail.EmailTest
- MimeMessage message—-The email message to send.
- Object content—-The content.
- MimeMultipart emailBody—-An attachment
- send
- Sends the email. Internally we build a MimeMessage which is afterwards sent to the SMTP server.
- buildMimeMessage
- Does the work of actually building the MimeMessage. Please note that a user rarely calls this method directly and only if he/she is interested in the sending the underlying MimeMessage without commons-email.
- this.message = this.createMimeMessage(this.getMailSession());
- if (this.content != null)—-else if (this.emailBody != null)
- sendMimeMessage
- Sends the previously created MimeMessage to the SMTP server.
- Transport.send(this.message);
- org.apache.commons.mail.MultiPartEmailTest
- MimeMultipart container—-Body portion of the email
- BodyPart primaryBodyPart—The message container.
- boolean initialized
- init
- Initialize the multipart email.
- container = createMimeMultipart();
- super.setContent(container);
- this.emailBody = aMimeMultipart;
- setMsg
- Set the message of the email.
- final BodyPart primary = getPrimaryBodyPart();
- getPrimaryBodyPart
- primaryBodyPart = createBodyPart();
- getContainer().addBodyPart(primaryBodyPart, 0);
- attach
- Attach a file.
- final BodyPart bodyPart = createBodyPart();
- bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(ds));
- getContainer().addBodyPart(bodyPart);
- buildMimeMessage
- Does the work of actually building the MimeMessage. Please note that a user rarely calls this method directly and only if he/she is interested in the sending the underlying MimeMessage without commons-email.
- final BodyPart body = this.getPrimaryBodyPart();
- super.buildMimeMessage();—-这里与init时候的super.setContent(container);呼应上
- org.apache.commons.mail.HtmlEmailTest
- String text
- Text part of the message. This will be used as alternative text if the email client does not support HTML messages.
- String html
- Html part of the message.
- inlineEmbeds = new HashMap String, InlineImage ();
- Embedded images Map where the key is the user-defined image name.
- embed
- Attempts to parse the specified
as a URL that will then be embedded in the message. - final MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();
- mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSource));
- final InlineImage ii = new InlineImage(encodedCid, dataSource, mbp);
- this.inlineEmbeds.put(name, ii);
- Attempts to parse the specified
- build
- bodyContainer.addBodyPart(msgHtml, 0);
- bodyEmbedsContainer.addBodyPart(image.getMbp());
- bodyContainer.addBodyPart(msgText, 0);
- String text
- org.apache.commons.mail.ImageHtmlEmailTest
- REGEX_IMG_SRC—-Regexp for extracting tags
- REGEX_SCRIPT_SRC–regexp for extracting tags
- String temp = replacePattern(super.html, IMG_PATTERN);
- temp = replacePattern(temp, SCRIPT_PATTERN);
- setHtmlMsg(temp);