英语语法篇 - 查漏补缺


直接宾语与间接宾语 - 双及物动词



  • 间接宾语由名词或宾格代词充当。
  • 直接宾语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式充当。



  • 一般情况下,间接宾语总是位于直接宾语之前。

    • He passed me an apple. 他递给我一个苹果。 (me 为间接宾语,apple 为直接宾语)
    • Her husband sent him a gift. 她的丈夫送了她一件礼物。 (him 为间接宾语,gift 为直接宾语)
    • Peter bought himself a bicycle. 彼得给自已买了辆自行车。(himself 为间接宾语, bicycle 为直接宾语)
  • 若将间接宾语和直接宾语的位置调换,必须在间接宾语前加介系词(to、for、of、on)


    • v + sb. + sth. = v + sth. + to + sb.

      • to 意思为‘把某个东西给某人,也就代表本人需有此物品,才可以给人。
      • to 表示“到达;给予;向”,强调空间关系,从a到b的移动。
    • v + sb. + sth. = v + sth. + for + sb.

      • for 为了某人而去做某事情
      • for表示“为了;代劳;付出了劳力”,强调动作是“为了谁”
    • v + sb. + sth. = v + sth. + of + sb.

      • of 表示所属关系

      The question was [once] asked of a highly successful businessman.

      • of a highly successful businessman:充当什么句子成分?充当什么类型的状语?
      • I asked (a highly successful businessman) (the question).
      • I asked the question to a highly successful businessman.


      What exactly is required of a receptionist?


  1. 有些双宾动词(如award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell等)在变为被动语态时,既可把间接宾语(指人)变为被动语态的主语,而把直接宾语(指事物)保留下来(称为保留宾语);也可把直接宾语(指事物)变为被动语态的主语,而把间接宾语改为介词to 或for引起的状语(到底用to还是for,与所搭配的动词有关)。

    • He gave her some money. 他给她一些钱。

      → She was given some money by him.间接宾语(指人)变为被动语态的主语

      →Some money was given to her.直接宾语(指事物)变为被动语态的主语

    • He bought her a watch. 他给她买了一块表。

      →She was bought a watch by him.

      → A watch was bought for her.

  2. 有些双宾动词(如bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write等)通常用直接宾语(指事物)作被动语态主语,而将间接宾语用作保留宾语(其前根据情况用介词to或for):

    • Father made me a doll.

      → A doll was made for me.

    • He wrote her a letter.

      → A letter was written to her.

  3. 有些双宾动词(如answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spare等)通常用间接宾语(指人)作被动语态的主语,而将直接宾语用作保留宾语

    • He answered me that question.

      → I was answered that question by him.



  • I like to get up early. 我喜欢早起。(不定式作宾语)
  • They prefer going with me. 他们更喜欢和我一起去。(动名词作宾语)
  • Give me a reason (for doing it). 给我一个做这件事的理由。(动名词作for介词宾语)
    • for doing it:作定语修饰reason
    • it 作为动词doing的宾语
复合宾语(宾语补足语)- 复杂及物动词


He asked me to lend him (some) money.

  • asked:谓语动词,复杂及物动词
  • to lend:不定式作宾补,lend是双宾动词,him是lend的间接宾语,money是lend的直接宾语
1. 名词(代词) + 形容词 (即形容词作宾语补语)

Do you think his idea wrong? 你认为他的意见错了吗?

We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教室清洁。

2. 名词(代词) + 名词 (即名词作宾语补语)

We call him Jack. 我们叫他杰克。

He considers himself an expert (on the subject). 他认为自己是这门学科的专家。

3. 名词(代词) +现在分词(即现在分词作宾语补语)

I saw them playing football. 我看见他们正在踢足球。

When he awoke, he found himself being looked after by a pretty young nurse. 当他醒来后, 他发现一个年轻漂亮的护士在照料他。

  • being looked after:现在分词的被动语态充当宾语补足语
4. 名词(代词) +过去分词(即过去分词作宾语补语)

I had my bike stolen. 我的自行车被偷了。

I saw the ground covered with snow. 我看到地上覆盖着雪。

5. 名词(代词) + 介词短语(即介词短语作宾语补语)

We found everything in good order. 我们发现一切井然有序。

He awoke [to find] the house on fire. 他醒来时发现房子着了火。

  • to find:结果状语

When I called on Tom, I found him at his desk. 我拜访汤姆时,发现他在伏案工作。

We have him as our good friend. 我们把他视为好朋友。

6. 名词(代词) + 副词 (即副词短语作宾语补语)

Send them back. 把它们退回去。

I can’t get the nail out. 我没法把这个钉子拔出。

Please turn the light off [before you leave]. 离开前请关灯。

7. 名词(代词) + 不定式(即不定式作宾语补语)
  • 带to 的不定式作宾语补语

    We invited him to come to our school. 我们邀请他来我们学校。

    We can’t allow them to do that. 我们不能容许他们那样做。

    I warn you not to believe a word he says. 我提醒你, 对他讲的话一句也不要信。

    • warn:主句的谓语
    • not to believe:宾语you的补足语
    • a word:动词believe的宾语
    • he says:省略了that的定语从句修饰word
  • 有些动词只跟不带to的不定式作宾语补语

    I often hear him read English in his room. 我常听见他在房间里读英语。

    Please let me do it. 请让我做。

    They made me repeat the story. 他们逼我又把那事讲了一遍.

    I saw him put the key in the lock. 我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔.

    She watched him repair the bicycle. 她看着他修理单车。

    Did you notice anyone come in? 你注意到有人进来了吗?

  • 动词help 可以跟带to 的不定式作宾语补语,也可以跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。但被动时则要加to。

    She sometimes helps her mother (to) wash clothes. 她有时帮她妈妈洗衣服。

    I helped him (to) find his things. 我帮他找东西.

    They were helped to complete the project. 他们得到帮助完成项目。

    • We help them to complete the project.
1. 副词补足语提前

He took off his coat immediately. 他立即脱下外套。

It is difficult to sort out the lies from the truth. 很难从事实中区分出谎言。

Can you make out {who is [over there] talking [with our teacher]}? 你能认出那边正和我们老师谈话的人是谁吗?

2. 形容词补足语提前

The improvement in technology made possible the rise of production. 技术的改进使产量增加成为可能。

The teacher made clear the difference between the two words. 老师清楚地说明了两个词的区别。

In recent years, China has continuously made public its military expenditure through * white paper. 近年来中国连续以白皮书的形式向世界公布了自己的军费开支情况。

I beg you to keep secret what we talked here. 我求你对这里所谈的话保密。

3. 现在分词和过去分词作补足语有时也可以被移到宾语前。

She found sitting on the desk a guy (dressed like a student). 她见到一个学生打扮的小伙子坐在桌子上。

He found hidden behind the rock a plant (which he had never seen before). 他发现一棵从未见过的植物隐藏在岩石后边。

三、介词宾语的宾语补足语 (with/without复合结构)

介词with/without 的宾语也常可有宾语补足语,构成复合结构, 表示方式、补充说明、伴随动作、 时间、 条件或原因等。

1. with/without + n. + 现在分词

[with the boy leading the way], we quickly found the house. 有男孩带路,我们很快找到那所房间。

  • with the boy leading the way:作原因状语
  • with是介词,与the boy构成介宾短语,leading 现在分词作the boy的宾补,the way 作动词lead的宾语

The English class ended with all students singing an English song. 英语课以全体学生合唱一首英语歌而结束。

  • with all students singing:作方式状语,修饰ended,表示以是什么方式结束这堂英语课的
  • an English song:分别作动词sing的间接宾语和直接宾语
    • sing an English song
    • sing a song on English

I can’t move about in the city without everybody knowing. 在这座城市我的行踪无法不让大家知道。

  • without everybody knowing:条件状语从句
2. with/without + n. + 过去分词

With a lot of problems settled, the newly-elected president is having a good time. 解决了许多问题之后,新上任的总统有一个好的时光。

With the homework finished, he was allowed to watch the football match. 完成作业之后,他被允许看足球赛。

3. with/without + n. + 形容词

Before he came here, my father used to sleep with his eyes open. 我父亲来这儿之前,常常睁着眼睛睡觉。

It was cold outside, the boy ran into the room with his nose red. 外面天气很冷,那个男孩跑进了屋子时,鼻子红红的。

4. with/without + n. + 介词短语

The teacher came [into the classroom] with a book in his hand. 老师手里拿着本书走进了教室。

  • came:谓语,不及物动词

  • into the classroom:充当目的状语,说明came的目的方向

  • with a book in his hand:复合结构

    • with:介词
    • a book:与介词with构成介宾短语
    • in his hand:介宾短语构成来充当a book宾语的宾语补足语

He was asleep with his head on his arms. 他头放在手臂上睡着了。

5. with/without + n. + 副词

He was standing there with nothing on. 他一丝不挂地站在那里。

We went home with our work over. 我们工作做完就回家了。

  • 英语中看动词后面可否直接跟宾语,可以把动词分成两种:及物动词vt不及物动词vi
及物动词vt - 可直接跟宾语。


  • 常见的及物动词:

  • 及物动词后面必须跟宾语。可以用于:“主+谓+宾”;“主+谓+双宾”;"主+谓+宾+宾补"结构。

  • 单及物动词:主+谓+宾

    He reached Paris [the day before yesterday].


  • 双及物动词:主+谓+双宾

    Please hand me the book [over there].


    the book:直接宾语

    over there:充当状语修饰the book

  • 复杂及物动词:主+谓+宾+宾补

    They asked me to go fishing [with them].


    to go:不定式作宾语补足语

    fishing:充当状语?什么类型的状语,fishing不是go的宾语,是和go构成固定用法,go fishing 去钓鱼

    with them:方式状语修饰go

  • 两用且意义不同的动词


    beat vi.跳动 vt.敲,揍,打grow vi.生长 vt.种植play vi.玩耍 vt.打(牌、球),演奏
    smell vi.发出(气味) vt.嗅ring vi.(电话、铃)响 vt.打电话speak vi.讲话 vt.说(语言)
    hang vi.悬挂 vt.绞死operate vi.动手术 vt.操作……
不及物动词vi - 后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)

若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如 to , of , at,如此方可跟上宾语(介宾)。




在英语语法错误中,“及物动词+ 介词 +宾语”,是常见的一种。




  • :The children are listening the music.

    :The children are listening to the music.

    :She is laughing the crippled man.

    :She is laughing at the crippled man.

  • 第一,要把“及物动词+宾语”和“不及物动词+介词+宾语”划分清楚

    • I did not answer him./ I did not reply to him.
    • He reached London yesterday./ He arrived in London yesterday.
  • 第二,把及物动词转化为名词,然后加上适当的介词和宾语

    • Don’t approach such a person.
    • Is oral practice a good approach to language teaching?
  • go shopping中的go是不是及物动词?

    不及物动词和及物动词的区别是能否接宾语,接宾语的是及物动词,不能接宾语的是不及物动词,而这里go shopping中的shopping又不是作go的宾语,只是和go连用构成固定用法,去做某件事情


英语中有一类特殊的词叫副词小品词,如off, up, in, on, over, out 等。这类词既有副词的特征,词形又与介词相同。


1. 单独作状语

He had never been in love before. 他以前从未谈过恋爱。
Besides, it’s made of pure wool, so it’s very soft. 此外,这是纯羊毛的,因此手感柔和。

  1. 作表语

Time is up. Please put your pen down. 时间到了。请停止写。
When the infection is over, antibodies remain in the blood. 感染过后,抗体仍留在血液中。
The lights are all off now. 现在灯全部都关掉了。

3. 作定语

The shops around are all closed. 附近的商店都关了。

4. 作宾语补足语

We don’t want to let him in. 我们不想让他进来。

5. 构成成语动词
  1. 不及物动词 + 小品词

The rebels were forced to give in. 叛乱者被迫投降。
The server broke down last night. 昨晚服务器瘫痪了。

  1. 及物动词 + 小品词

I forget to turn off the gas. 我忘了关煤气。
He put forward a very good suggestion in yesterday’s meeting. 他在昨天的会议上提出了一个很好的建议。

He felt a bit cold and put his jacket on again. 他感觉到有点冷,重新穿上了夹克。

The meeting will be put off until tomorrow.

  1. 不及物动词 + 小品词 + 介词

    He’s never come up against such serious competition. 他从未遇到如此严峻的竞争.
    She cannot put up with her noisy roommates. 她受不了吵闹的室友。



  • The furniture (in the room) is [quite] old. room 是介词宾语,in the room充当后置定语修饰The furniture


  1. 特殊疑问句中,当提问的焦点是介词短语中的介词宾语时。如对于句子This book is for Peter. (这本书是给彼得的。),当我们要问这本书给谁时,我们提问的对象就是介词短语中的宾语Peter。写成疑问句为 Who is this book for? (这本书是给谁的?)。下面是更多例句:

    What are they talking about? 他们在谈什么?
    What do we go there for? 我们去那里干什么?
    Whom did you travel with last week? 上周你和谁一起去?

  2. 名词性从句中,如:
    The teacher asked who this gift was for. 老师问这礼物是给谁的。(宾语从句)
    Please let us know which train you will arrive on. 请告诉我们你将坐哪一班车到达。(宾语从句)
    I wonder what to live on in the desert. 我想知道在沙漠中靠什么生存。 (“疑问词 + 不定式”的宾语从句)
    Whose daughter he fell in love with is none of your business. 他喜欢上谁的女儿与你无关。 (主语从句)

  3. 定语从句中,如:
    He is a man whom you can trust in. 他是一个值得你信任的人。
    This is an issue that we all need to pay attention to. 这是个我们都需要引起注意的问题。

  4. 被动语态中,如:
    She was not heard of since then. 自那以后她再也没有音讯了。
    The matter is urgent and must be dealt with at once. 这件事很紧急,必须马上处理。

  5. 在不定式中,如:
    There is nothing to worry about. 没有什么可以担心的。
    Please pass me a chair to sit on. 请递给我一张椅子坐。

  6. 此外,有时由于表达的需要,特别是在口语中,介词短语的宾语会被提前说出来进行强调,如:
    This matter, I will never talk about! 我再也不会谈起这件事!
    These new-fashioned ideas, we don’t care for. 像这些新玩意儿,我们一点都不感兴趣。


介词通常后加名词形成介词短语(如, in school, before the war 等),但介词也可以加不定式

**1. **只有少数几个介词可以加不定式

包括 save, but, except, other than 和 than等。其中save, but, except 和 other than 都表示“除……之外”的意思。than 则用于表示比较。

  1. but 除……以外

    She had no alternative but to ask for a few days’ leave. 她没有别的办法,只好请几天假。
    We had no choice but to leave. 我们只好选择离开。

  2. save 除……之外

    What did she do save to talk nonsense? 她除了讲废话还会讲什么?
    Do anything, save to lie down and die! 你做什么都可以,只要不倒下死掉!

  3. except 除了……之外

    She has no other wish except to pass the examination. 她除了要通过考试之外,没有其他心愿。
    He never calls me except to borrow money. 除了借钱,他从来不给我打电话。

  4. other than 除了……之外

    There is no solution to this problem other than to obtain better tools. 除了获取更好的工具之外,没有其他办法可以解决这个问题。

  5. than 表示比较,意为“而不是,而不该,与其”。

    You should know better than to behave like that. 你应该明白事理,不该那样做。
    It is better to marry than to burn. 与其欲火攻心,倒不如结婚为妙。

2. 这些介词后边的不定式可以是省列to的不定式,如:

He had nothing to do except watch TV at home. 除了看电视之外,他没有别的事情可做。
She’d sooner share a house with other students than live at home with her parents. 她宁愿和其他学生合住,也不愿意跟父母住在家里。 (注: would sooner…than 意思为“宁愿……而不愿……”)

3. 介词短语还可以有“介词 + 疑问词 + 不定式”的格式。这种情况中的“疑问词 + 不定式”部分语法上是一个名词性从句

I couldn’t think of where to buy the printer. 我不能想到去哪儿买打印机。
The problem of what to do is difficult to settle. 很难解决该做什么的问题。
That depends on which method to use. 这取决于所使用的方法。
This course solves a series of problems regarding how to sell your products. 本课程解决如何销售产品的一系列问题。



1) of + 名词

of 加名词可以说是最常见的介词短语作定语的情况,这种情况表示“所有”关于,即表示“……的”。
the four legs of table 桌子的四条腿 the year of 1978 1978年

2) 其他介词短语修饰名词也很常见

The tension in the room had lessened. 屋里的紧张气氛有所减缓。
It is a book about the history of South Africa. 它是一本有关南非历史的书。
Your answer to the question is not correct. 你对这个问题给出的答案不正确。
The local government has come out with a new plan for traffic control 地方政府已出台了一个交通管制的新计划。

3) 一些名词已与某些介词形成固定搭配

He has no interest in art. 他对艺术不感兴趣。
We should abandon complex interface and give user easy access to more functions. 我们应放弃复杂的界面,让用户更容易访问更多的功能。

access to ……的入口;(有使用…)的权利
addition to 增加,加
apology to 道歉
action on 对……的作用
appeal to 呼吁,恳求
attempt (to/at) 试图,尝试
balance between 平衡
belief in信仰,信赖
concern for/about/over 担心
consent to 同意
contribution to贡献
decrease/increase in 减少,下降/上升,增加
defence against防御,保卫
demand for 对……需求
desire for渴望
effect on效应,效果
emphasis on 强调
envy of忌妒; 羡慕
glance at瞥一眼,看一下
guess at猜,估计
impact on巨大影响
improvement (in/on) 提高,改善
introduction to介绍,入门
interest in 兴趣
preparation for 准备
protest against 抗议
reason for 原因
reference to 提及,参考
reply to回答
request for要求
research on/into 研究,调查
response to 回答,反应
responsibility for 责任,负责
trust in 信任,信赖
wish for 愿望



1) 表时间

Appropriate growth was seen in money supply in 2015. 货币供应量在2015年有适度增长。
During the winter holidays I stayed at my grandma’s for over a week. 寒假期间我在外祖母家呆了一个多星期。
The battle lasted throughout the night. 战斗持续了整整一个晚上。
The two kids are eager to see their gifts on Christmas Eve. 圣诞前夕两个小孩迫切希望见到自己的礼物。

2) 表地点、方位

There was a garage at the back. 后边有一个车库。
They all sit in the middle of the room. 他们都坐在房子中间。
Don’t leave that bread on the table. 别把面包放在桌子上。

3) 表原因

During the war, many people died of famine. 战争中许多人死于饥荒。
For this reason, he is not the best man for the project. 由于这个原因,他并不是这个项目最合适的人选。
Production has come to a halt this month, owing to the lack of workers. 由于缺少工人,这个月生产已陷入停顿。

4) 表方式

It is more economical to go there by train. 坐火车去那里更经济一些。
I know that you will all play your part with courage. 我知道你们都会勇敢地各尽其责。

5) 表程度

Everything is being done to meet in full the needs of the people. 正在采取一切措施充分满足人民的需要。
The girl has been frightened to death. 那个小女孩被吓死了。
Our endurance was tested to the utmost. 我们的忍耐已达极限。

6) 表条件

The police refused to act without more evidence. 如果没有更多的证据,警方拒绝受理。
But for the sun’s light and heat, life would be impossible on the earth. 要是没有太阳的光和热,地球上就不可能有生命。

7) 表结果、目的

As a result, out production has increased by 30% this year. 结果,今年我们的产量提升了30%。
We left an hour early for fear of missing the train. 我们提前1小时动身以免误了火车。

8) 放于句首修饰整条句子

In my opinion, we must cut our budget in half. 我认为我们应该让预算减半。
In brief, your paper doesn’t focus on the topic. 简言之,你的论文没有集中反映主题。

9) 起连接作用

We need money and time. In addition, we need more trained workers. 我们需要钱和时间,此外我们还需要受过训练的工人。
This is not typically a linear process. In particular, steps 3-5 may be swapped around. 这并不一定是线性过程。尤其是第3至5步可以交换顺序。


介词在句中不能单独存在, 而是必须以介词短语的形式存在.。介词短语的构成如下 (其中 “介词 + 名词” 短语结构最常见)

1) 介词 + 名词

Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough demand for our product. 不幸的是,我们的产品市场需求不大。
There is a real need for discipline in this class. 这个班级,没纪律不行。

2) 介词 + 代词

He always carried the photo with him.他总是随身带着那张相片。
He is not interested in that at all. 他根本对那个不感兴趣。

3) 介词 + 动名词

He entered the room without taking off his shoes.他没有脱掉鞋就进了房间。
He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩看待。

4) 介词 + 数词

She is a mother of two. 她是一位有两个儿子的母亲。
It is half past six. 现在是6点半。

5) 介词 + 形容词或副词

Your plan is far from perfect.你的计划远没有那么完美。
I heard someone calling me from below. 我听见有人在下面叫我。

6) 介词 + 另一个介词 + 名词

I saw her from across the street. 我从街对面看到她。
We never play bridge until after dinner. 我们只在晚饭后打桥牌。

7) 介词 + 名词性从句

The exercise are well done expect that some words are misspelled. 除了有些拼写错误之外,这些练习做得不错。
The car stopped only a few inches from where I stood. 汽车在离我站的地方仅几英寸处停下来 了。
He gave a lesson on how to improve soil. 他讲了一课如何改进土壤。

8) 介词 + 复合结构

I had no objection to Jenny marrying him. 我不反对詹妮和他结婚。
He sat in his room with no light on. 他坐在他的房间里, 没有开灯。
He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他亮着灯睡着了。

9) 介词 + 动词不定式

I had no alternative but to walk out. 我别无他法只好走出去。
She can do everything except cook. 她什么都会,就是不会做饭。

1) 作状语

His parents work on a farm. 他父母在农场工作。
He arrived in Washington at five o’clock in the morning. 他早晨五点到达华盛顿。
Mary came back because of the rain. 玛丽因为下雨回来了。

2) 作定语

The book on the desk is very interesting. 书桌上的那本书很有趣。
It is the best way of doing it. 这是做这件事的最好方法。

3) 作表语

This book will be of great use to you. 这本书对你会有很大的用处。
This is against the law. 这是违法的。

4) 作宾语补足语

I found everything in good condition.我觉得一切都很好。
The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand. 老师手里拿着本书走进了教室。





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