uC/OS-II 源代码中文注释详解: OS_MEM.C




*                                                uC/OS-II

*                                          The Real-Time Kernel

*                                            MEMORY MANAGEMENT


*                        (c) Copyright 1992-1998, Jean J. Labrosse, Plantation, FL

*                                           All Rights Reserved


*                                                  V2.00


* File : OS_MEM.C

* By   : Jean J. Labrosse





#include "software\includes.h"






*                                         LOCAL GLOBAL VARIABLES




static  OS_MEM      *OSMemFreeList;            /* Pointer to free list of memory partitions            */

static  OS_MEM       OSMemTbl[OS_MAX_MEM_PART];/* Storage for memory partition manager                 */




*                                        CREATE A MEMORY PARTITION


* Description : Create a fixed-sized memory partition that will be managed by uC/OS-II.


* Arguments   : addr     is the starting address of the memory partition


*               nblks    is the number of memory blocks to create from the partition.


*               blksize  is the size (in bytes) of each block in the memory partition.


*               err      is a pointer to a variable containing an error message which will be set by

*                        this function to either:


*                        OS_NO_ERR            if the memory partition has been created correctly.

*                        OS_MEM_INVALID_PART  no free partitions available

*                        OS_MEM_INVALID_BLKS  user specified an invalid number of blocks (must be >= 2)

*                        OS_MEM_INVALID_SIZE  user specified an invalid block size 

*                                             (must be greater than the size of a pointer)

* Returns    : != (OS_MEM *)0  is the partition was created 

*              == (OS_MEM *)0  if the partition was not created because of invalid arguments or, no

*                              free partition is available.




OS_MEM *OSMemCreate (void *addr, INT32U nblks, INT32U blksize, INT8U *err) reentrant


    OS_MEM  *pmem;

    INT8U   *pblk;

    void   **plink;

    INT32U   i;



    if (nblks < 2) {                                  /* Must have at least 2 blocks per partition      */

        *err = OS_MEM_INVALID_BLKS;

        return ((OS_MEM *)0);




    if (blksize < sizeof(void *)) {                   /* Must contain space for at least a pointer      */

        *err = OS_MEM_INVALID_SIZE;

        return ((OS_MEM *)0);





    pmem = OSMemFreeList;                             /* Get next free memory partition                */


    if (OSMemFreeList != (OS_MEM *)0) {               /* See if pool of free partitions was empty      */

        OSMemFreeList = (OS_MEM *)OSMemFreeList->OSMemFreeList;





    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                        /* See if we have a memory partition             */

        *err = OS_MEM_INVALID_PART;

        return ((OS_MEM *)0);



    plink = (void **)addr;                            /* Create linked list of free memory blocks      */

    pblk  = (INT8U *)addr + blksize;





    for (i = 0; i < (nblks - 1); i++) {

        *plink = (void *)pblk;

        plink  = (void **)pblk;

        pblk   = pblk + blksize;






    pmem->OSMemAddr     = addr;                       /* Store start address of memory partition       */

    pmem->OSMemFreeList = addr;                       /* Initialize pointer to pool of free blocks     */

    pmem->OSMemNFree    = nblks;                      /* Store number of free blocks in MCB            */

    pmem->OSMemNBlks    = nblks;

    pmem->OSMemBlkSize  = blksize;                    /* Store block size of each memory blocks        */



    *err   = OS_NO_ERR;

    return (pmem);






*                                          GET A MEMORY BLOCK


* Description : Get a memory block from a partition


* Arguments   : pmem    is a pointer to the memory partition control block


*               err     is a pointer to a variable containing an error message which will be set by this

*                       function to either:


*                       OS_NO_ERR           if the memory partition has been created correctly.

*                       OS_MEM_NO_FREE_BLKS if there are no more free memory blocks to allocate to caller


* Returns     : A pointer to a memory block if no error is detected

*               A pointer to NULL if an error is detected




void *OSMemGet (OS_MEM *pmem, INT8U *err) reentrant


    void    *pblk;





    if (pmem->OSMemNFree > 0) {                       /* See if there are any free memory blocks       */


        pblk                = pmem->OSMemFreeList;    /* Yes, point to next free memory block          */


        pmem->OSMemFreeList = *(void **)pblk;         /*      Adjust pointer to new free list          */


        pmem->OSMemNFree--;                           /*      One less memory block in this partition  */



        *err = OS_NO_ERR;                             /*      No error                                 */


        return (pblk);                                /*      Return memory block to caller            */



    } else {


        *err = OS_MEM_NO_FREE_BLKS;                   /* No,  Notify caller of empty memory partition  */

        return ((void *)0);                           /*      Return NULL pointer to caller            */







*                                    INITIALIZE MEMORY PARTITION MANAGER


* Description : This function is called by uC/OS-II to initialize the memory partition manager.  Your

*               application MUST NOT call this function.


* Arguments   : none


* Returns     : none




void OSMemInit (void) reentrant


    OS_MEM  *pmem;

    INT16U   i;



    pmem = (OS_MEM *)&OSMemTbl[0];                    /* Point to memory control block (MCB)           */


    for (i = 0; i < (OS_MAX_MEM_PART - 1); i++) {     /* Init. list of free memory partitions          */

        pmem->OSMemFreeList = (void *)&OSMemTbl[i+1]; /* Chain list of free partitions                 */

        pmem->OSMemAddr     = (void *)0;              /* Store start address of memory partition       */

        pmem->OSMemNFree    = 0;                      /* No free blocks                                */

        pmem->OSMemNBlks    = 0;                      /* No blocks                                     */

        pmem->OSMemBlkSize  = 0;                      /* Zero size                                     */




    OSMemTbl[OS_MAX_MEM_PART - 1].OSMemFreeList = (void *)0;


    OSMemFreeList                               = (OS_MEM *)&OSMemTbl[0];






*                                         RELEASE A MEMORY BLOCK


* Description : Returns a memory block to a partition


* Arguments   : pmem    is a pointer to the memory partition control block


*               pblk    is a pointer to the memory block being released.


* Returns     : OS_NO_ERR         if the memory block was inserted into the partition

*               OS_MEM_FULL       if you are returning a memory block to an already FULL memory partition

*                                 (You freed more blocks than you allocated!)




INT8U OSMemPut (OS_MEM  *pmem, void *pblk) reentrant




    if (pmem->OSMemNFree >= pmem->OSMemNBlks) {  /* Make sure all blocks not already returned          */


        return (OS_MEM_FULL); 



    *(void **)pblk      = pmem->OSMemFreeList;   /* Insert released block into free block list         */


    pmem->OSMemFreeList = pblk;


    pmem->OSMemNFree++;                          /* One more memory block in this partition            */




    return (OS_NO_ERR);                          /* Notify caller that memory block was released       */





*                                          QUERY MEMORY PARTITION


* Description : This function is used to determine the number of free memory blocks and the number of 

*               used memory blocks from a memory partition.


* Arguments   : pmem    is a pointer to the memory partition control block


*               pdata   is a pointer to a structure that will contain information about the memory

*                       partition.


* Returns     : OS_NO_ERR         Always returns no error.




INT8U OSMemQuery (OS_MEM *pmem, OS_MEM_DATA *ppdata) reentrant




    ppdata->OSAddr     = pmem->OSMemAddr;

    ppdata->OSFreeList = pmem->OSMemFreeList;

    ppdata->OSBlkSize  = pmem->OSMemBlkSize;

    ppdata->OSNBlks    = pmem->OSMemNBlks;

    ppdata->OSNFree    = pmem->OSMemNFree;




    ppdata->OSNUsed    = ppdata->OSNBlks - ppdata->OSNFree;


    return (OS_NO_ERR);      





\SOFTWARE The main directory from the root where all software-related files are placed. \SOFTWARE\BLOCKS The main directory where all ‘Building Blocks’ are located. With μC/OS-II, I included a ‘building block’ that handles DOS-type compatible functions that are used by the example code. \SOFTWARE\BLOCKS\TO This directory contains the files for the TO utility (see Appendix E, TO). The source file is TO.C and is found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\SOURCE directory. The DOS executable file (TO.EXE) is found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\EXE directory. Note that TO requires a file called TO.TBL which must reside on your root directory. An example of TO.TBL is also found in the \SOFTWARE\TO\EXE directory. You will need to move TO.TBL to the root directory if you are to use TO.EXE. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II The main directory where all μC/OS-II files are located. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX1_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #1 (see section 1.07, Example #1) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX2_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #2 (see section 1.08, Example #2) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\EX3_x86L This directory contains the source code for EXAMPLE #3 (see section 1.09, Example #3) which is intended to run under DOS (or a DOS window under Windows 95). \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\Ix86L This directory contains the source code for the processor dependent code (a.k.a. the port) of μC/OS-II for an 80x86 Real-Mode, Large Model processor. \SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE This directory contains the source code for processor independent portion of μC/OS-II. This code is fully portable to other processor architectures.




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