The NSTextContainer class defines a region in which text is laid out.
An NSTextContainer object defines rectangular regions, and you can define exclusion paths inside the textcontainer'sboundingrectanglesothattextflowsaroundtheexclusionpathasitislaidout.
An NSLayoutManager object coordinates the layout and display of characters held in an NSTextStorage object. It maps Unicode character codes to glyphs, sets the glyphs in a series of NSTextContainer objects, and displays them in a series of text view objects.
NSTextStorage is a semiconcrete subclass of NSMutableAttributedString that manages a set of client NSLayoutManagerobjects,notifyingthemofanychangestoitscharactersorattributessothattheycanrelay and redisplay the text as needed.
- CGRect textViewRect = CGRectInset(self.view.bounds, 10.0, 20.0);
- // NSTextContainer
- NSTextContainer *container = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithSize:CGSizeMake(textViewRect.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)]; // new in iOS 7.0
- container.widthTracksTextView = YES; // Controls whether the receiveradjusts the width of its bounding rectangle when its text view is resized
- // NSLayoutManager
- NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init]; // new in iOS 7.0
- [layoutManager addTextContainer:container];
- // NSTextStorage subclass
- self.textStorage = [[TextStorage alloc] init]; // new in iOS 7.0
- [self.textStorage addLayoutManager:layoutManager];
- // UITextView
- UITextView *newTextView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:textViewRect textContainer:container];
- newTextView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
- newTextView.scrollEnabled = YES;
- newTextView.keyboardDismissMode = UIScrollViewKeyboardDismissModeOnDrag;
- // newTextView.editable = NO;
- newTextView.font = [UIFont fontWithName:self.textStorage.fontName size:18.0];
- newTextView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;
- self.textView = newTextView;
- [self.view addSubview:self.textView];
- [_textStorage beginEditing];
- [_textStorage endEditing];
- [_textStorage beginEditing];
- NSDictionary *attrsDic = @{NSTextEffectAttributeName: NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle};
- UIKIT_EXTERN NSString *const NSTextEffectAttributeName NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0); // NSString, default nil: no text effect
- NSMutableAttributedString *mutableAttrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Letterpress" attributes:attrsDic];
- NSAttributedString *appendAttrString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@" Append:Letterpress"];
- [mutableAttrString appendAttributedString:appendAttrString];
- [_textStorage setAttributedString:mutableAttrString];
- [_textStorage endEditing];
- [_textStorage beginEditing];
- /* Dynamic Coloring Text */
- self.textStorage.bookItem = [[BookItem alloc] initWithBookName:@"Dynamic Coloring.rtf"];
- self.textStorage.tokens = @{@"Alice": @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor redColor]},
- @"Rabbit": @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor greenColor]},
- DefaultTokenName: @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor blackColor]}
- };
- [_textStorage setAttributedString:_textStorage.bookItem.content];
- [_textStorage endEditing];
- NSString *const DefaultTokenName;
- @interface TextStorage : NSTextStorage
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *fontName;
- @property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *tokens; // a dictionary, keyed by text snippets(小片段), with attributes we want to add
- @property (nonatomic, strong) BookItem *bookItem;
- @end
- #import "TextStorage.h"
- NSString *const DefaultTokenName = @"DefaultTokenName";
- @interface TextStorage ()
- {
- NSMutableAttributedString *_storingText; // 存储的文字
- BOOL _dynamicTextNeedsUpdate; // 文字是否需要更新
- }
- @end
- // get fontName Snell RoundHand
- -(NSString *)fontName
- {
- NSArray *fontFamily = [UIFont familyNames];
- NSString *str = fontFamily[2];
- // NSLog(@"%@", str);
- return str;
- }
- // initial
- -(id)init
- {
- self = [super init];
- if (self) {
- _storingText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init];
- }
- return self;
- }
- // Must override NSAttributedString primitive method
- -(NSString *)string // 返回保存的文字
- -(NSDictionary *)attributesAtIndex:(NSUInteger)location effectiveRange:(NSRangePointer)range // 获取指定范围内的文字属性
- // Must override NSMutableAttributedString primitive method
- -(void)setAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attrs range:(NSRange)range // 设置指定范围内的文字属性
- -(void)replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withString:(NSString *)str // 修改指定范围内的文字
- // Must override NSAttributedString primitive method
- // 返回保存的文字
- -(NSString *)string
- {
- return [_storingText string];
- }
- // 获取指定范围内的文字属性
- -(NSDictionary *)attributesAtIndex:(NSUInteger)location effectiveRange:(NSRangePointer)range
- {
- return [_storingText attributesAtIndex:location effectiveRange:range];
- }
- // Must override NSMutableAttributedString primitive method
- // 设置指定范围内的文字属性
- -(void)setAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attrs range:(NSRange)range
- {
- [self beginEditing];
- [_storingText setAttributes:attrs range:range];
- [self edited:NSTextStorageEditedAttributes range:range changeInLength:0]; // Notifies and records a recent change. If there are no outstanding -beginEditing calls, this method calls -processEditing to trigger post-editing processes. This method has to be called by the primitives after changes are made if subclassed and overridden. editedRange is the range in the original string (before the edit).
- [self endEditing];
- }
- // 修改指定范围内的文字
- -(void)replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withString:(NSString *)str
- {
- [self beginEditing];
- [_storingText replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:str];
- [self edited:NSTextStorageEditedAttributes | NSTextStorageEditedCharacters range:range changeInLength:str.length - range.length];
- _dynamicTextNeedsUpdate = YES;
- [self endEditing];
- }
- // Sends out -textStorage:willProcessEditing, fixes the attributes, sends out -textStorage:didProcessEditing, and notifies the layout managers of change with the -processEditingForTextStorage:edited:range:changeInLength:invalidatedRange: method. Invoked from -edited:range:changeInLength: or -endEditing.
- -(void)processEditing