《牛津字典精华总结》- 初阶系列 - 字母 - M

the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --M  

Phrases and Idioms

l Main course 主菜

n Make do with sth. 将就、凑合

n Make up 捏造或虚构; 和解或和好

l Managing director (大企业的)

n Be meant to 应该;据说

l I’m by no means certain that… 绝不;一点儿都不

l In the meantime (at one time, meanwhile)

l The media 大众传媒

n Mental illness

n Be at the mercy of sb./sth. 任由摆布;无力对抗

l Be in a mess/muddle 不整齐;有困难

n Mess about/around 闲玩(该工作时)

n Electricity meter 电表

n Be in the middle of (be busy with)

n Middle-aged (age of 40-60)

l The Middle Ages (中世纪,欧洲历史1100-1500)

l Mineral water

l In a minute/moment (at once)

n Miss out two questions未放进或未包括;

l By mistake 错误地;并非有意地

l A mixed salad什锦色拉; a mixed class 男女合班

l Be in the mood for sth.

n More or less 差不多

n In the morning 明晨或今晨

l Let’s make the most of it. 充分利用某事

n Get a move on (hurry)

n The movies( cinema)

l Muddle / mix / mess up

l Multi-storey 多层的

Catch Phrase

n Make me stay at home. 迫、逼使

n I make it six o’clock. 我的表6

n I can’t make the meeting. 能去某处

l Talk in a calm manner

n Prefer manual work or office work?

l March through the town shouting ‘X’.示威中行进

n Wipe your feet on the doormat before going in.

l Struck a match

n Wear a skirt and matching jacket. A good match!

l Carry a maximum of 150 people

n I meant to phone you, but I forget.

n the room measures 6 meters across.

n He is of medium height.

n Have you met Anne? 结识;第一次见X并谈话

n Can you meet me at the airport? 去接某人

n The two rivers meet in Oxford. X聚集到一起

l Asked the king for mercy

n I’m merely asking how much… 只不过问问价钱

n My hair is a mess.

l A mighty ocean浩瀚海洋

n This cheese has a mild taste. 很淡;不冷不热

l Milky coffee

n Have a very quick mind 头脑敏锐

n I’ve got a lot on my mind at the moment.

n Only a minority of the students speak E.

n Minus ten degrees. (below 0)

l The fields were covered in mist

n I mistook you for my cousin.

l In my job, I mix with a log different people.交往

l Air is a mixture of gases.

n He was moaning with pain.

l Kate modelled swimsuits at fashion show.

n Cook over a moderate heat. 文火

l The moral of the story is that…

n He was ill for most of last week. 病好几天

n A mound of newspaper 一堆;小丘

l A mouthful of food.

l A mug of tea 一缸子茶

n ‘I love you,’ she murmured in his ear.

l The murmur of the wind in the trees. 萧萧飒飒

n Can you read music? 乐谱

l A very musical child.

Differentiation and Mnemonics

l Machinery 机器的部件;机器总称

l Madness 精神病

l Root: (mag, maj, max) ->big

n Maize (corn)

n Mammal 哺乳动物

l Root: man -> hand

l Marmalade 果酱

l Marsh (swamp, morass)

n Mate 交配的一个动物n.; 交配(动物)v.

n Mean 不友好的;小气的

n Mermaid 美人鱼

l Mill 磨粉厂

l Mime 用动作把某事告诉某人

l Minister 牧师

n Minute 极小的;极少的

l Mitten 连指手套

n Moor 漠泽;高沼;停泊v.

l Mould 霉菌;模子;铸模

l Mourn 悲痛;哀悼v.

n Mug 拦路抢钱; 圆筒形大杯子

Fallibility and Cacoepy

n Magician 男巫 / E5dV /

l Maintenance

n Man 人类 (无复数) / A /

l Man-made 人造的

l Manageress / 5re /

l Mantelpiece 炉架

l Margarine 人造黄油 / dVE5ri:n/

l Masculine / skju /

n Mature / 5tj /

l Mauve 紫色的 / Eu /

n Mayor / eE /

l Meadow / e /

n Measles麻疹 /5mi:zlz /

n Measure / V /

n Mechanic 技工 / mE5kAnik/

n Medieval / 5i /

l Melody / E /

l Memorial / mE5mC:riEl/ n. a.

l Mere / iE /

n Merit / e /

l Miaow 猫叫声() / 5au /

l Microphone

l Microscope / Eu /

l Mild / ai /

l Military / E /

n Mince / i /

n Mineral / i /

n Minority

n Miracle/ i5rE / , miraculous / i5rAkju/

n Mislead / 5li/

n Missionary / nr /

l Moaning/ Eu /, morning

l Momma / a E /

n Monarch / k /

l Monk / QN /

n Mop / C /

n Moped 摩托自行车 / Eu e/

n Mortgage / gi /

n Moslem/ E /, Muslim /u/

n Mosque 真寺/ k /

n Mosquito / E5 /

l Moss/ C /, moth

n Mound ,一堆/ au /

l Mourn / C: /

n Moustache / E5staF /

l Mrs. / misiz/; Ms. / miz/

l Museum / mju(:)5ziEm /

n Mysterious/ 5stiE /; mystery

l Myth/ i /, miss

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