《牛津字典精华总结》- 初阶系列 - 字母 - O

the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --O  

Phrases and Idioms

n Be obsessed with sb. 一直想着某人、物

n It occurred to me that… 想到、起

n The odd one out 与从不同的;落单的

n Odds and ends = cats and dogs. 琐碎物品

l Take offence (unhappy, angry)

n Off-licence 卖洒的铺子;酒店

n Every so often (sometimes)

l Oil rig 石油钻塔

l Old age 晚年

l Old-age pension

n On and on 不停、断地 (off and on断续地)

n Can’t do two things at once. 同时.

n An only child 独生子女

n Only just 差一点儿没;刚刚

l In the open [air] 露天的、户外的

n As opposed to sth. 谈某事而不是其他事

n Be opposed to sth. 反对某事

n Out of the ordinary (strange, odd)

l Organic chemistry 有机化学

n Haven’t told anybody other than you.除了

n Some… or other (无把握词)
put them somewhere or other

l Owing to (because of)

n Get your own back on sb. (revenge)

l Of your own 属于自己的

n I live on my own 独自;无人帮助

n Own up 承认有错

Catch Phrase

l I took an oath.

n Make porridge from oats

n I object to the plan.

n You are my obsession. (puzzle)

l Been to Paris on 3 or 4 occasions.

l The house is for occupation.

n This work keeps me occupied.

n Is this seat occupied?

n The bathroom is off the bedroom. 与相连

n The milk is off. 不新鲜

l The news is now official.

l Fry the onions in oil.

n A book on cars. 关于

n What’s on at the cinema? 发生

n This house was once a school. 曾经

n Take the ones you want. 随便拿几本吧 pron.

n The book lay open on the table.

l She opened the new hospital. 宣布开始、准备好

l There are two options, A or B.

l Waiter came and took our order.

l An ornamental pond 装饰的;观赏

n …, but otherwise it’s very nice. 除此以外

n …, but she thought otherwise. 不同地

n The sun is out. The flowers are out.

n Live in outer London. 远离中心的

n Nine out of ten people think that… 从某数目中

n Helped us out of kindness (because of)

l A plane flew overhead.

n Done a lot of overtime.

Differentiation and Mnemonics

l Occupation 居住;消遣、工作

l Omelette煎蛋(打匀后煎的)

l Opening 洞;开口;通道;开端

l Ouch

n Outskirts 市郊

n Overboard 越过船舷进入水中

n Overlook 未看到或注意到

Fallibility and Cacoepy

l Oasis 绿洲(沙漠)/ Eu5eisis /

n Oats 燕麦 / Eu /

l Obligation / C /

l Oblong / C /

l Observation / C /

l Obsess

n Obstacle / E /

l Obstinate (stubborn

l Occasion / V /

n Olive / 5C /

l Operator

l Opponent / E /

l Optimism/ i /; optimist

l Orchestra / 5kistrE /

n Ordeal 严峻考验;苦难经历

n Ordinary / dn /

l Organ / E /

l Organic 自然生长的(不用化肥) / 5gA /

n Original / E /

n Orphan 孤儿 / 5C:fEn/

n Ostrich 鸵鸟 / tF /

l Oval / Eu /

n Ozone / Eu /

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