
  1. If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.


  1. Always being honest can be harmful in some case. Comunicating with other organization or member. Require us to consider their feeling, in that case, may tell lies to protect their feeling.

Ie: once I failed in one concert, my performance are bad, I know and lead to audience’ s disappoint ,but my leader tell me that I am good, our team’s failure are not my fault actually, after that , I gain confidence again and do well in the next performance.

  1. Comparing to honesty, leadership is more crucial. One have strong leadership can arrange subjects in order. When start a team, there a lot of thing ought to be done, in such short time, it is necessary to find someone can schedule all the things and manage team member to finish those things without hesitation  

What’s more, they are able to seize more opportunities for team. Leadership not only means lead the team itself very well, but also means can keep a harmonious relationship with outside-> have more activities together-> leave a good impression->remind our team at first time.

  1. honesty is important, get team’s truth. If one lose truth, unreliable, no one can give thing to him without hesitation. 


  2. As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:


  1) students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study.


  2) students must volunteer to work in the city where the university is located or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.



  1. Borden horizon. When volunteering, work with others, can not only think their own feeling, but also consider others’ feeling. Beneficial things from our aspect can be a harmful thing to others.

Ie: help old person cross road, I think she need my help, but it really heart her, since she are not so old and have a strong body.

  1. Volunteering can relax themselves from both physical and psychological  . What’s more comparing to boring study, it definitely inspired their mental pleasure.

Ie: study a major which are not like, boring and meaningless, no interest, learn nothing, bad mood; yet, volunteering can meet a lot of person, feel their personality and own charm, attractive, helping bring a sense of pleasure as well.

The way a person is dressed is a good indication of his personality or character.


  1. jobs require them to wear uniform, however, they are different person while taking off those clothing.

Ie:my sister, work in bank, seems conservative, however, is energetic girl. Celebrities wear splendid and decent clothing when attend ceremony, however, we know, their private life are always messy and tearful.

  1. decent clothing are not be afford by low-salary person. They wear worn and dirty clothing not due to their personality but for their living condition.

Ie:Poor people can not buy expensive clothing, they do many beneficial thing to the society. On the contrary, wealthy wear up-market clothes, may less humane



  1. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.


  1. Cultivate their self-learning ability. Parent help them do, they heavily rely on their parent, for a long time, they can not improve their self-learning, even lose this skill.

Ie: research, most children do their homework by themselves do well in their future life and can learn a new technic independently in a high speed. Others can do nothing without others’ help.

  1.  The best way to teach children responsibility. Home work is in order to check children’s learning in class, in that case, it is child’s responsibility to finish this without anyone’s assistance.

Ie:my neighbor, one are strict parent, never help homework, and teach him to do thing by self, he make his bed, wearing shoes and washing face by himselves

  1. absorb knowledge well.

Ie:math teacher would assign problems related to applying the formula which she mentioned in class. If kids let them parents do, they would never master those formula and theory. 


  5. You have long been friend with someone. If they do something that you dont like, should you still be friends with him or her?

Will be

It depends on specific condition, but in most case, I would be friends with him.

First, anyone have different thought and standard to view thing, in that case, it would be a common phenomenon that others do something you are not like even you are friends. You don’t like does not equal to he is wrong

Ie: he do like sport, he always invite you to go hiking and swimming, however, you are disgust about exercise, but we are still friends, we can talk about same topic together, can shopping and eating together, despise he do thing that I don not like.

Secondly, some situation force him to do that. Not from his inner, situation need him to do, we should try to understand it rather than leave him.

Ie: my friend once borrow money from many friends and sell his expensive items. In my opinion, it is a unlike thing, and at first, I think he use money for entertainment, since he hardly use up his living expenses so quickly. Know his mother sick, and operation need a lot of money, I understand his anxious and borrow money. We are still best friends now.


6. It is better for people to have friends who are intelligent than to have friends who have a good sense of humor.


  1. intelligent help us to increase our thinking. Learn Brilliant ideas, what’s more during long term communication, our thinking method would change as well.


  1. high efficient in our cooperation.do thing smart and save a lot of time

ie: one project, friends think some smart idea which can deal with problems easily, what’s more he know how to manage the project, she cut it into several part and assign to all of us respectively. On the contrary, other team, full of laughing and joking all the time, they spend a pleasure time doing project, however, when deadline coming soon, they just done half and fail to finish it.


  7. At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.



8. Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of ones own family


  1. choose our interesting thing.

Ie:friend, chose to work in an art department rather than her restaurant, like art, if in fimiliy, she only can be a manage of restaurant, yet working in other company, she have chance to find her insterst area.

  1. beneficial for our social skills  meet many people and keep a relationship with them.

Ie: parents and relatives would help you ,when enter to unfamiliar environment, deal with problems by self. What’s more, complex relationship with co-worker stimulate our development.

  9. A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18)improve their teaching. It is considering two plans:


  1) Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school.


  2) Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually.


10. Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?

1.for kids, benefit their study

2. for teacher, require they to major in one specific area rather than have superficial understanding of various fields.



 11. If one of your friends has the opportunity to study in either one of two majors, which one of the following majors you will recommend:


  1) A major that would allow your friend to complete studies and get a degree faster (so that he or she can get a full time job sooner)


2) A major that would require longer time to study, but can make it more likely to get better employment opportunities and job offers in the future.



  12. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?


  1) Get ready for some of the major courses they want to study in College


  2) Led by the teacher to visit museums or historical sites, and then write paper

1. being interested when entering university->take course provide their background knowledge about their own major->learn major knowledge in advance can leave a deep impression to students about their research area and inspire their interest and curiosity.


ie:a survey conducted by Oxford university, 70 percent of students would like to learn course before.

2.accomodate new enviorment-> taking course let them meet many similiar students and can experience university life in advance; during that time, if somebody feel uncomfortable, there are plenty time for him to adjust his own living habit or even choose another school before entering college.

ie: once I have a summer vocation, live in the Peking university; taking course with future teacher; living in the dormitory; cooperate with classmates; all of that make me feel pleasant-> think i made a right choice; leaving a good impression-> eager to study in this university, increase my passion to academic->good grade.


  13. High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?


  1. inspire their creativity. communicate bring new thoughts, are more likely to create brilliant ideas

ie: do project in team, all discuss, express own feeling, not only take advantage of others’ idea, but also come up with some new ideas. What' more, comparing to tranditonal teaching method, I feel totally relax.

  1. absorb knowledge. Relax, have time to review what others’ talk about, have time to think by ourselves.

Ie:teacher speak quickly, just write down what he said without thinking, do not remember anything after class, if  have not record clearly, ca n not learn anything from this class.

Express, think more time, have chance to express pwn thought, during those prosess, students have deep impression about what they learn and talk.


  14. Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What's your opinion?



15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.



  1. it is their right to use money in different way, people should not stress people to do charity. What’s more, negative effect

ie:  celebrity, charity, under public stress, did false charity, report give away 50 million, but only give away 10million, bad influence to citizen, especially teenager, who hold up as a exemplary.

  1. Use its money to do investment. Inspire society’s economic development.

Ie:Jack Ma, Alibaba, huge profit, boost China,even world economy. if he use much money to charity before, no money to invest new area, no such power. After success, still can do charity.



  16. Which one do you think is the most important for high school teacher (age from 15 to 18)


  1) the ability to give students advice to plan for their future;


  2) the ability to find which students need help and provide them with help;


3) the ability to encourage students to learn on themselves outside of the classroom


  1. beneficial for future life
  2. absorb knowledge totally


  17. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


The most important ways to improve the people's health is to clean the environment.


  1. another way, most vital is to keep a healthy eating habit. Once develop a health eating habit, eating health without outside stress.

Ie:Amy, like eating junk food, eating healthy after, don not have appetite for fired food,

  1. no clear connection Many people have sick not because bad environment.

Ie: living in a beautiful, air is fresh, countryside, but have high rate of illness/. On the contrary, living nearby smelly river, hardly have trees, people are longevity. Can not find any obvious relationship.


  18. If your friend wants to reduce living expenses, which one would you suggest?


  1) Find a roommate that can share the living expenses.


2) Buy the new technology products (cell phone) less frequently



  1. living expenses cost more money than cell phone. Pay living fee every month, a little money can become a huge burden during a long time.

Ie: Beijing cost 5000 money to rent a house for a month, which equal to one new Iphone’s price, if share it with others, just need pay half or one-third of that. Reduce living stress.

  1. have a roommate not only cut off expense, but also have someone to company.

Ie:I live in a dorm, I find it is interesting living together, shopping, joking and making dinner. All of that I can’t feel from past solitary life.

19. Students should arrive school early in the morning. Recently some students need to arrive school at the early time in the morning. Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning, while other people think that starting school day at the later time is a good approach to support learning."



  1. lack of sleep, can not concentrate on their study.
  2. In addition, students who start school day in a late time will obviously avoid being stuck in traffic jam and thus have a better mood in the morning. Undoubtedly, under the drive of a cheerful frame of mind, children will raise their efficiency of study to a large extent. The experience of my cousin, Tom, can serve as a good example to shed some lights on the above reasoning. Tom, a student in a middle school of Beijing, used to be required to arrive school at 8 a.m. every morning in order to prepare better for the National Examination of College Admission. However, the problem is that according to the regulations of most companies, employees also have to start work at 8 a.m. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the subways, buses and taxis are crowded with people in the morning. According to Tom’s recounting, no one will feel good after such a experience, let alone immediately devoting him/herself to study.


20. High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.

1. three or four, relax, not stressful, good to their health, not cause mental problem

Ie: research, high proportion for students have psychological problems. Reason is too many course and little sleep.

  1. absorb knowledge well, have enough time to review course.

Ie: math teacher math problem, need time to consider carfully, no time -> as an task to finish-> not go deeply into the problem-> forget how to solve quickly, while would remember those tasks thinking for several times for a long time and with clear impression.





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