

  • void setup_ipsm()
  • void destroy_ipsm()
  • u32 get_state_index(u32 state_id)
  • void expand_was_fuzzed_map(u32 new_states, u32 new_qentries)
  • u32 get_unique_state_count(unsigned int *state_sequence, unsigned int state_count)
  • u8 is_state_sequence_interesting(unsigned int *state_sequence, unsigned int state_count)
  • void update_region_annotations(struct queue_entry* q)
  • u8* choose_source_region(u32 *out_len)
  • void update_fuzzs()
  • u32 update_scores_and_select_next_state(u8 mode)
  • unsigned int choose_target_state(u8 mode)
  • struct queue_entry *choose_seed(u32 target_state_id, u8 mode)
  • void update_state_aware_variables(struct queue_entry *q, u8 dry_run)
  • int send_over_network()

void setup_ipsm()

/* Initialize the implemented state machine as a graphviz graph */
void setup_ipsm()
  ipsm = agopen("g", Agdirected, 0);

  agattr(ipsm, AGNODE, "color", "black"); //Default node colr is black
  agattr(ipsm, AGEDGE, "color", "black"); //Default edge color is black

  khs_ipsm_paths = kh_init(hs32);

  khms_states = kh_init(hms);


/* Hash table/map and list */
klist_t(lms) *kl_messages;
khash_t(hs32) *khs_ipsm_paths;
khash_t(hms) *khms_states;

由于C语言没有list、hash map的数据结构,所以导入了klist.h和khash.h来使用list和hash map,保存消息序列的变量kl_messages使用了list,记录状态序列路径的变量和状态集合用hash table。

void destroy_ipsm()

/* Free memory allocated to state-machine variables */
void destroy_ipsm()

  kh_destroy(hs32, khs_ipsm_paths);

  state_info_t *state;
  kh_foreach_value(khms_states, state, {ck_free(state->seeds); ck_free(state);});
  kh_destroy(hms, khms_states);



u32 get_state_index(u32 state_id)

/* Get state index in the state IDs list, given a state ID */
u32 get_state_index(u32 state_id) {
  u32 index = 0;
  for (index = 0; index < state_ids_count; index++) {
    if (state_ids[index] == state_id) break;
  return index;


void expand_was_fuzzed_map(u32 new_states, u32 new_qentries)

/* Expand the size of the map when a new seed or a new state has been discovered */
void expand_was_fuzzed_map(u32 new_states, u32 new_qentries) {
  int i, j;
  //Realloc the memory
  was_fuzzed_map = (char **)ck_realloc(was_fuzzed_map, (fuzzed_map_states + new_states) * sizeof(char *));
  for (i = 0; i < fuzzed_map_states + new_states; i++)
    was_fuzzed_map[i] = (char *)ck_realloc(was_fuzzed_map[i], (fuzzed_map_qentries + new_qentries) * sizeof(char));

  //All new cells are marked as -1 -- meaning UNREACHABLE
  //Keep other cells untouched
  for (i = 0; i < fuzzed_map_states + new_states; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < fuzzed_map_qentries + new_qentries; j++)
       if ((i >= fuzzed_map_states) || (j >= fuzzed_map_qentries)) was_fuzzed_map[i][j] = -1;

  //Update total number of states (rows) and total number of queue entries (columns) in the was_fuzzed_map
  fuzzed_map_states += new_states;
  fuzzed_map_qentries += new_qentries;


char **was_fuzzed_map = NULL; /* A 2D array keeping state-specific was_fuzzed information */
u32 fuzzed_map_states = 0;
u32 fuzzed_map_qentries = 0;


u32 get_unique_state_count(unsigned int *state_sequence, unsigned int state_count)

/* Get unique state count, given a state sequence */
u32 get_unique_state_count(unsigned int *state_sequence, unsigned int state_count) {
  //A hash set is used so that no state is counted twice
  khash_t(hs32) *khs_state_ids;
  khs_state_ids = kh_init(hs32);

  unsigned int discard, state_id, i;
  u32 result = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < state_count; i++) {
    state_id = state_sequence[i];

    if (kh_get(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id) != kh_end(khs_state_ids)) {
    } else {
      kh_put(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id, &discard);

  kh_destroy(hs32, khs_state_ids);
  return result;

如注释所说,使用了hash map来保证每一个状态不会被计算两次。

u8 is_state_sequence_interesting(unsigned int *state_sequence, unsigned int state_count)

/* Check if a state sequence is interesting (e.g., new state is discovered). Loop is taken into account */
u8 is_state_sequence_interesting(unsigned int *state_sequence, unsigned int state_count) {
  //limit the loop count to only 1
  u32 *trimmed_state_sequence = NULL;
  u32 i, count = 0;
  for (i=0; i < state_count; i++) {
    if ((i >= 2) && (state_sequence[i] == state_sequence[i - 1]) && (state_sequence[i] == state_sequence[i - 2])) continue;
    trimmed_state_sequence = (u32 *)realloc(trimmed_state_sequence, count * sizeof(unsigned int));
    trimmed_state_sequence[count - 1] = state_sequence[i];

  //Calculate the hash based on the shortened state sequence
  u32 hashKey = hash32(trimmed_state_sequence, count * sizeof(unsigned int), 0);
  if (trimmed_state_sequence) free(trimmed_state_sequence);

  if (kh_get(hs32, khs_ipsm_paths, hashKey) != kh_end(khs_ipsm_paths)) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    int dummy;
    kh_put(hs32, khs_ipsm_paths, hashKey, &dummy);
    return 1;


void update_region_annotations(struct queue_entry* q)

/* Update the annotations of regions (i.e., state sequence received from the server) */
void update_region_annotations(struct queue_entry* q)
  u32 i = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < messages_sent; i++) {
    if ((response_bytes[i] == 0) || ( i > 0 && (response_bytes[i] - response_bytes[i - 1] == 0))) {
      q->regions[i].state_sequence = NULL;
      q->regions[i].state_count = 0;
    } else {
      unsigned int state_count;
      q->regions[i].state_sequence = (*extract_response_codes)(response_buf, response_bytes[i], &state_count);
      q->regions[i].state_count = state_count;


u32 messages_sent = 0;


u8* choose_source_region(u32 *out_len)

/* Choose a region data for region-level mutations */
u8* choose_source_region(u32 *out_len) {
  u8 *out = NULL;
  *out_len = 0;
  struct queue_entry *q = queue;

  //randomly select a seed
  u32 index = UR(queued_paths);
  while (index != 0) {
    q = q->next;

  //randomly select a region in the selected seed
  if (q->region_count) {
    u32 reg_index = UR(q->region_count);
    u32 len = q->regions[reg_index].end_byte - q->regions[reg_index].start_byte + 1;
    if (len <= MAX_FILE) {
      out = (u8 *)ck_alloc(len);
      if (out == NULL) PFATAL("Unable allocate a memory region to store a region");
      *out_len = len;
      //Read region data into memory. */
      FILE *fp = fopen(q->fname, "rb");
      fseek(fp, q->regions[reg_index].start_byte, SEEK_CUR);
      fread(out, 1, len, fp);

  return out;


void update_fuzzs()

/* Update #fuzzs visiting a specific state */
void update_fuzzs() {
  unsigned int state_count, i, discard;
  unsigned int *state_sequence = (*extract_response_codes)(response_buf, response_buf_size, &state_count);

  //A hash set is used so that the #paths is not updated more than once for one specific state
  khash_t(hs32) *khs_state_ids;
  khint_t k;
  khs_state_ids = kh_init(hs32);

  for(i = 0; i < state_count; i++) {
    unsigned int state_id = state_sequence[i];

    if (kh_get(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id) != kh_end(khs_state_ids)) {
    } else {
      kh_put(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id, &discard);
      k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, state_id);
      if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
        kh_val(khms_states, k)->fuzzs++;
  kh_destroy(hs32, khs_state_ids);


kh_get(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id) != kh_end(khs_state_ids)


u32 update_scores_and_select_next_state(u8 mode)

/* Calculate state scores and select the next state */
u32 update_scores_and_select_next_state(u8 mode) {
  u32 result = 0, i;

  if (state_ids_count == 0) return 0;

  u32 *state_scores = NULL;
  state_scores = (u32 *)ck_alloc(state_ids_count * sizeof(u32));
  if (!state_scores) PFATAL("Cannot allocate memory for state_scores");

  khint_t k;
  state_info_t *state;
  //Update the states' score
  for(i = 0; i < state_ids_count; i++) {
    u32 state_id = state_ids[i];

    k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, state_id);
    if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
      state = kh_val(khms_states, k);
      switch(mode) {
        case FAVOR:
          state->score = ceil(1000 * pow(2, -log10(log10(state->fuzzs + 1) * state->selected_times + 1)) * pow(2, log(state->paths_discovered + 1)));
        //other cases are reserved

      if (i == 0) {
        state_scores[i] = state->score;
      } else {
        state_scores[i] = state_scores[i-1] + state->score;

  u32 randV = UR(state_scores[state_ids_count - 1]);
  u32 idx = index_search(state_scores, state_ids_count, randV);
  result = state_ids[idx];

  if (state_scores) ck_free(state_scores);
  return result;


u32 state_id = state_ids[i];

    k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, state_id);
    if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
      state = kh_val(khms_states, k);


/* Return the index of the "region" containing a given value */
u32 index_search(u32 *A, u32 n, u32 val) {
  u32 index = 0;
  for(index = 0; index < n; index++) {
    if (val <= A[index]) break;
  return index;
/* Generate a random number (from 0 to limit - 1). This may
   have slight bias. */

static inline u32 UR(u32 limit) {

  if (unlikely(!rand_cnt--)) {

    u32 seed[2];

    ck_read(dev_urandom_fd, &seed, sizeof(seed), "/dev/urandom");

    rand_cnt = (RESEED_RNG / 2) + (seed[1] % RESEED_RNG);


  return random() % limit;



unsigned int choose_target_state(u8 mode)

/* Select a target state at which we do state-aware fuzzing */
unsigned int choose_target_state(u8 mode) {
  u32 result = 0;

  switch (mode) {
    case RANDOM_SELECTION: //Random state selection
      selected_state_index = UR(state_ids_count);
      result = state_ids[selected_state_index];
    case ROUND_ROBIN: //Round-robin state selection
      result = state_ids[selected_state_index];
      if (selected_state_index == state_ids_count) selected_state_index = 0;
    case FAVOR:
      /* Do ROUND_ROBIN for a few cycles to get enough statistical information*/
      if (state_cycles < 5) {
        result = state_ids[selected_state_index];
        if (selected_state_index == state_ids_count) {
          selected_state_index = 0;

      result = update_scores_and_select_next_state(FAVOR);

  return result;

这个应该是重点,上面那个还没有分析啥时候会被使用到,但是这个明确说是在state-aware 状态下选取目标状态的函数。

struct queue_entry *choose_seed(u32 target_state_id, u8 mode)

/* Select a seed to exercise the target state */
struct queue_entry *choose_seed(u32 target_state_id, u8 mode)
  khint_t k;
  state_info_t *state;
  struct queue_entry *result = NULL;

  k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, target_state_id);
  if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
    state = kh_val(khms_states, k);

    if (state->seeds_count == 0) return NULL;

    switch (mode) {
      case RANDOM_SELECTION: //Random seed selection
        state->selected_seed_index = UR(state->seeds_count);
        result = state->seeds[state->selected_seed_index];
      case ROUND_ROBIN: //Round-robin seed selection
        result = state->seeds[state->selected_seed_index];
        if (state->selected_seed_index == state->seeds_count) state->selected_seed_index = 0;
      case FAVOR:
        if (state->seeds_count > 10) {
          //Do seed selection similar to AFL + take into account state-aware information
          //e.g., was_fuzzed information becomes state-aware
          u32 passed_cycles = 0;
          while (passed_cycles < 5) {
            result = state->seeds[state->selected_seed_index];
            if (state->selected_seed_index + 1 == state->seeds_count) {
              state->selected_seed_index = 0;
            } else state->selected_seed_index++;

            //Skip this seed with high probability if it is neither an initial seed nor a seed generated while the
            //current target_state_id was targeted
            if (result->generating_state_id != target_state_id && !result->is_initial_seed && UR(100) < 90) continue;

            u32 target_state_index = get_state_index(target_state_id);
            if (pending_favored) {
              /* If we have any favored, non-fuzzed new arrivals in the queue,
                 possibly skip to them at the expense of already-fuzzed or non-favored
                 cases. */
              if (((was_fuzzed_map[target_state_index][result->index] == 1) || !result->favored) && UR(100) < SKIP_TO_NEW_PROB) continue;

              /* Otherwise, this seed is selected */
            } else if (!result->favored && queued_paths > 10) {
              /* Otherwise, still possibly skip non-favored cases, albeit less often.
                 The odds of skipping stuff are higher for already-fuzzed inputs and
                 lower for never-fuzzed entries. */
              if (queue_cycle > 1 && (was_fuzzed_map[target_state_index][result->index] == 0)) {
                if (UR(100) < SKIP_NFAV_NEW_PROB) continue;
              } else {
                if (UR(100) < SKIP_NFAV_OLD_PROB) continue;

              /* Otherwise, this seed is selected */
        } else {
          //Do Round-robin if seeds_count of the selected state is small
          result = state->seeds[state->selected_seed_index];
          if (state->selected_seed_index == state->seeds_count) state->selected_seed_index = 0;
  } else {
    PFATAL("AFLNet - the states hashtable has no entries for state %d", target_state_id);

  return result;


case FAVOR:
        if (state->seeds_count > 10) {
          //Do seed selection similar to AFL + take into account state-aware information
          //e.g., was_fuzzed information becomes state-aware
          u32 passed_cycles = 0;
          while (passed_cycles < 5) {
            result = state->seeds[state->selected_seed_index];
            if (state->selected_seed_index + 1 == state->seeds_count) {
              state->selected_seed_index = 0;
            } else state->selected_seed_index++;

            //Skip this seed with high probability if it is neither an initial seed nor a seed generated while the
            //current target_state_id was targeted
            if (result->generating_state_id != target_state_id && !result->is_initial_seed && UR(100) < 90) continue;

            u32 target_state_index = get_state_index(target_state_id);
            if (pending_favored) {
              /* If we have any favored, non-fuzzed new arrivals in the queue,
                 possibly skip to them at the expense of already-fuzzed or non-favored
                 cases. */
              if (((was_fuzzed_map[target_state_index][result->index] == 1) || !result->favored) && UR(100) < SKIP_TO_NEW_PROB) continue;

              /* Otherwise, this seed is selected */
            } else if (!result->favored && queued_paths > 10) {
              /* Otherwise, still possibly skip non-favored cases, albeit less often.
                 The odds of skipping stuff are higher for already-fuzzed inputs and
                 lower for never-fuzzed entries. */
              if (queue_cycle > 1 && (was_fuzzed_map[target_state_index][result->index] == 0)) {
                if (UR(100) < SKIP_NFAV_NEW_PROB) continue;
              } else {
                if (UR(100) < SKIP_NFAV_OLD_PROB) continue;

              /* Otherwise, this seed is selected */
        } else {
          //Do Round-robin if seeds_count of the selected state is small
          result = state->seeds[state->selected_seed_index];
          if (state->selected_seed_index == state->seeds_count) state->selected_seed_index = 0;


void update_state_aware_variables(struct queue_entry *q, u8 dry_run)

/* Update state-aware variables */
void update_state_aware_variables(struct queue_entry *q, u8 dry_run)
  khint_t k;
  int discard, i;
  state_info_t *state;
  unsigned int state_count;

  if (!response_buf_size || !response_bytes) return;

  unsigned int *state_sequence = (*extract_response_codes)(response_buf, response_buf_size, &state_count);

  q->unique_state_count = get_unique_state_count(state_sequence, state_count);

  if (is_state_sequence_interesting(state_sequence, state_count)) {
    //Save the current kl_messages to a file which can be used to replay the newly discovered paths on the ipsm
    u8 *temp_str = state_sequence_to_string(state_sequence, state_count);
    u8 *fname = alloc_printf("%s/replayable-new-ipsm-paths/id:%s:%s", out_dir, temp_str, dry_run ? basename(q->fname) : "new");
    save_kl_messages_to_file(kl_messages, fname, 1, messages_sent);

    //Update the IPSM graph
    if (state_count > 1) {
      unsigned int prevStateID = state_sequence[0];

      for(i=1; i < state_count; i++) {
        unsigned int curStateID = state_sequence[i];
        char fromState[STATE_STR_LEN], toState[STATE_STR_LEN];
        snprintf(fromState, STATE_STR_LEN, "%d", prevStateID);
        snprintf(toState, STATE_STR_LEN, "%d", curStateID);

        //Check if the prevStateID and curStateID have been added to the state machine as vertices
        //Check also if the edge prevStateID->curStateID has been added
        Agnode_t *from, *to;
		    Agedge_t *edge;
		    from = agnode(ipsm, fromState, FALSE);
		    if (!from) {
          //Add a node to the graph
          from = agnode(ipsm, fromState, TRUE);
          if (dry_run) agset(from,"color","blue");
          else agset(from,"color","red");

          //Insert this newly discovered state into the states hashtable
          state_info_t *newState_From = (state_info_t *) ck_alloc (sizeof(state_info_t));
          newState_From->id = prevStateID;
          newState_From->is_covered = 1;
          newState_From->paths = 0;
          newState_From->paths_discovered = 0;
          newState_From->selected_times = 0;
          newState_From->fuzzs = 0;
          newState_From->score = 1;
          newState_From->selected_seed_index = 0;
          newState_From->seeds = NULL;
          newState_From->seeds_count = 0;

          k = kh_put(hms, khms_states, prevStateID, &discard);
          kh_value(khms_states, k) = newState_From;

          //Insert this into the state_ids array too
          state_ids = (u32 *) ck_realloc(state_ids, (state_ids_count + 1) * sizeof(u32));
          state_ids[state_ids_count++] = prevStateID;

          if (prevStateID != 0) expand_was_fuzzed_map(1, 0);

		    to = agnode(ipsm, toState, FALSE);
		    if (!to) {
          //Add a node to the graph
          to = agnode(ipsm, toState, TRUE);
          if (dry_run) agset(to,"color","blue");
          else agset(to,"color","red");

          //Insert this newly discovered state into the states hashtable
          state_info_t *newState_To = (state_info_t *) ck_alloc (sizeof(state_info_t));
          newState_To->id = curStateID;
          newState_To->is_covered = 1;
          newState_To->paths = 0;
          newState_To->paths_discovered = 0;
          newState_To->selected_times = 0;
          newState_To->fuzzs = 0;
          newState_To->score = 1;
          newState_To->selected_seed_index = 0;
          newState_To->seeds = NULL;
          newState_To->seeds_count = 0;

          k = kh_put(hms, khms_states, curStateID, &discard);
          kh_value(khms_states, k) = newState_To;

          //Insert this into the state_ids array too
          state_ids = (u32 *) ck_realloc(state_ids, (state_ids_count + 1) * sizeof(u32));
          state_ids[state_ids_count++] = curStateID;

          if (curStateID != 0) expand_was_fuzzed_map(1, 0);

        //Check if an edge from->to exists
		    edge = agedge(ipsm, from, to, NULL, FALSE);
		    if (!edge) {
          //Add an edge to the graph
			    edge = agedge(ipsm, from, to, "new_edge", TRUE);
          if (dry_run) agset(edge, "color", "blue");
          else agset(edge, "color", "red");

        //Update prevStateID
        prevStateID = curStateID;

    //Update the dot file
    s32 fd;
    u8* tmp;
    tmp = alloc_printf("%s/", out_dir);
    fd = open(tmp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600);
    if (fd < 0) {
      PFATAL("Unable to create %s", tmp);
    } else {
      ipsm_dot_file = fdopen(fd, "w");
      agwrite(ipsm, ipsm_dot_file);

  //Update others no matter the new seed leads to interesting state sequence or not

  //Annotate the regions

  //Update the states hashtable to keep the list of seeds which help us to reach a specific state
  //Iterate over the regions & their annotated state (sub)sequences and update the hashtable accordingly
  //All seed should "reach" state 0 (initial state) so we add this one to the map first
  k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, 0);
  if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
    state = kh_val(khms_states, k);
    state->seeds = (void **) ck_realloc (state->seeds, (state->seeds_count + 1) * sizeof(void *));
    state->seeds[state->seeds_count] = (void *)q;

    was_fuzzed_map[0][q->index] = 0; //Mark it as reachable but not fuzzed
  } else {
    PFATAL("AFLNet - the states hashtable should always contain an entry of the initial state");

  //Now update other states
  for(i = 0; i < q->region_count; i++) {
    unsigned int regional_state_count = q->regions[i].state_count;
    if (regional_state_count > 0) {
      //reachable_state_id is the last ID in the state_sequence
      unsigned int reachable_state_id = q->regions[i].state_sequence[regional_state_count - 1];

      k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, reachable_state_id);
      if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
        state = kh_val(khms_states, k);
        state->seeds = (void **) ck_realloc (state->seeds, (state->seeds_count + 1) * sizeof(void *));
        state->seeds[state->seeds_count] = (void *)q;
      } else {
        //XXX. This branch is supposed to be not reachable
        //However, due to some undeterminism, new state could be seen during regions' annotating process
        //even though the state was not observed before
        //To completely fix this, we should fix all causes leading to potential undeterminism
        //For now, we just add the state into the hashtable

        state_info_t *newState = (state_info_t *) ck_alloc (sizeof(state_info_t));
        newState->id = reachable_state_id;
        newState->is_covered = 1;
        newState->paths = 0;
        newState->paths_discovered = 0;
        newState->selected_times = 0;
        newState->fuzzs = 0;
        newState->score = 1;
        newState->selected_seed_index = 0;
        newState->seeds = NULL;
        newState->seeds = (void **) ck_realloc (newState->seeds, sizeof(void *));
        newState->seeds[0] = (void *)q;
        newState->seeds_count = 1;

        k = kh_put(hms, khms_states, reachable_state_id, &discard);
        kh_value(khms_states, k) = newState;

        //Insert this into the state_ids array too
        state_ids = (u32 *) ck_realloc(state_ids, (state_ids_count + 1) * sizeof(u32));
        state_ids[state_ids_count++] = reachable_state_id;

        if (reachable_state_id != 0) expand_was_fuzzed_map(1, 0);

      was_fuzzed_map[get_state_index(reachable_state_id)][q->index] = 0; //Mark it as reachable but not fuzzed

  //Update the number of paths which have traversed a specific state
  //It can be used for calculating fuzzing energy
  //A hash set is used so that the #paths is not updated more than once for one specific state
  khash_t(hs32) *khs_state_ids;
  khs_state_ids = kh_init(hs32);

  for(i = 0; i < state_count; i++) {
    unsigned int state_id = state_sequence[i];

    if (kh_get(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id) != kh_end(khs_state_ids)) {
    } else {
      kh_put(hs32, khs_state_ids, state_id, &discard);
      k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, state_id);
      if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
        kh_val(khms_states, k)->paths++;
  kh_destroy(hs32, khs_state_ids);

  //Update paths_discovered
  if (!dry_run) {
    k = kh_get(hms, khms_states, target_state_id);
    if (k != kh_end(khms_states)) {
      kh_val(khms_states, k)->paths_discovered++;

  //Free state sequence
  if (state_sequence) ck_free(state_sequence);


/* Initialize the implemented state machine as a graphviz graph */
void setup_ipsm()
  ipsm = agopen("g", Agdirected, 0);

  agattr(ipsm, AGNODE, "color", "black"); //Default node colr is black
  agattr(ipsm, AGEDGE, "color", "black"); //Default edge color is black

  khs_ipsm_paths = kh_init(hs32);

  khms_states = kh_init(hms);

/* Free memory allocated to state-machine variables */
void destroy_ipsm()

  kh_destroy(hs32, khs_ipsm_paths);

  state_info_t *state;
  kh_foreach_value(khms_states, state, {ck_free(state->seeds); ck_free(state);});
  kh_destroy(hms, khms_states);




int send_over_network()

/* Send (mutated) messages in order to the server under test */
int send_over_network()
  int n;
  u8 likely_buggy = 0;
  struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
  struct sockaddr_in local_serv_addr;

  //Clean up the server if needed
  if (cleanup_script) system(cleanup_script);

  //Wait a bit for the server initialization

  //Clear the response buffer and reset the response buffer size
  if (response_buf) {
    response_buf = NULL;
    response_buf_size = 0;

  if (response_bytes) {
    response_bytes = NULL;

  //Create a TCP/UDP socket
  int sockfd = -1;
  if (net_protocol == PRO_TCP)
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  else if (net_protocol == PRO_UDP)
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

  if (sockfd < 0) {
    PFATAL("Cannot create a socket");

  //Set timeout for socket data sending/receiving -- otherwise it causes a big delay
  //if the server is still alive after processing all the requests
  struct timeval timeout;
  timeout.tv_sec = 0;
  timeout.tv_usec = socket_timeout_usecs;
  setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout));

  memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr));

  serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  serv_addr.sin_port = htons(net_port);
  serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(net_ip);

  //This piece of code is only used for targets that send responses to a specific port number
  //The Kamailio SIP server is an example. After running this code, the intialized sockfd 
  //will be bound to the given local port
  if(local_port > 0) {
    local_serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    local_serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    local_serv_addr.sin_port = htons(local_port);

    local_serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
    if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &local_serv_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)))  {
      FATAL("Unable to bind socket on local source port");

  if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
    //If it cannot connect to the server under test
    //try it again as the server initial startup time is varied
    for (n=0; n < 1000; n++) {
      if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) == 0) break;
    if (n== 1000) {
      return 1;

  //retrieve early server response if needed
  if (net_recv(sockfd, timeout, poll_wait_msecs, &response_buf, &response_buf_size)) goto HANDLE_RESPONSES;

  //write the request messages
  kliter_t(lms) *it;
  messages_sent = 0;

  for (it = kl_begin(kl_messages); it != kl_end(kl_messages); it = kl_next(it)) {
    n = net_send(sockfd, timeout, kl_val(it)->mdata, kl_val(it)->msize);

    //Allocate memory to store new accumulated response buffer size
    response_bytes = (u32 *) ck_realloc(response_bytes, messages_sent * sizeof(u32));

    //Jump out if something wrong leading to incomplete message sent
    if (n != kl_val(it)->msize) {

    //retrieve server response
    u32 prev_buf_size = response_buf_size;
    if (net_recv(sockfd, timeout, poll_wait_msecs, &response_buf, &response_buf_size)) {

    //Update accumulated response buffer size
    response_bytes[messages_sent - 1] = response_buf_size;

    //set likely_buggy flag if AFLNet does not receive any feedback from the server
    //it could be a signal of a potentiall server crash, like the case of CVE-2019-7314
    if (prev_buf_size == response_buf_size) likely_buggy = 1;
    else likely_buggy = 0;


  net_recv(sockfd, timeout, poll_wait_msecs, &response_buf, &response_buf_size);

  if (messages_sent > 0 && response_bytes != NULL) {
    response_bytes[messages_sent - 1] = response_buf_size;

  //wait a bit letting the server to complete its remaining task(s)
  memset(session_virgin_bits, 255, MAP_SIZE);
  while(1) {
    if (has_new_bits(session_virgin_bits) != 2) break;


  if (likely_buggy && false_negative_reduction) return 0;

  if (terminate_child && (child_pid > 0)) kill(child_pid, SIGTERM);

  //give the server a bit more time to gracefully terminate
  while(1) {
    int status = kill(child_pid, 0);
    if ((status != 0) && (errno == ESRCH)) break;

  return 0;


//set likely_buggy flag if AFLNet does not receive any feedback from the server
    //it could be a signal of a potentiall server crash, like the case of CVE-2019-7314
    if (prev_buf_size == response_buf_size) likely_buggy = 1;
    else likely_buggy = 0;



  net_recv(sockfd, timeout, poll_wait_msecs, &response_buf, &response_buf_size);

  if (messages_sent > 0 && response_bytes != NULL) {
    response_bytes[messages_sent - 1] = response_buf_size;

  //wait a bit letting the server to complete its remaining task(s)
  memset(session_virgin_bits, 255, MAP_SIZE);
  while(1) {
    if (has_new_bits(session_virgin_bits) != 2) break;


  if (likely_buggy && false_negative_reduction) return 0;

  if (terminate_child && (child_pid > 0)) kill(child_pid, SIGTERM);

  //give the server a bit more time to gracefully terminate
  while(1) {
    int status = kill(child_pid, 0);
    if ((status != 0) && (errno == ESRCH)) break;

  return 0;


  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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