
The Common Internet File System (CIFS) is the standard way that computer users sharefiles acrosscorporate intranets(企业内部网) and the Internet. An enhanced version of the Microsoftopen, cross-platform Server MessageBlock (SMB) protocol(开放,跨平台的服务器信息块协议) ,CIFS is a nativefile-sharing protocol in Windows 2000.

CIFS defines a series of commands used to pass information between networked computers.The redirector packages requests meant for remote computers in a CIFS structure(转发程序以CIFS的结构来包装向远程主机发送的请求信息). CIFS can be sent over a network to remote devices. The redirector also uses CIFS tomake requests to the protocol stack of the local computer. The CIFS messages can be broadly classified as follows:

·Connection establishment messages consist of commands that start and end aredirector connection to a shared resource at the server.(连接建立信息)

·Namespace and File Manipulation messages are used by the redirector togain access to files at the server and to read and write them.(命名空间和文件处理信息)

·Printer messages are used by the redirector to send data to a print queueat a server and to get status information about the print queue.(打印机信息)

·Miscellaneous messages are used by the redirector to write to mailslots(邮件槽) and named pipes.(混杂信息)


Some ofthe platforms that CIFS supports are:

·Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft® Windows NT®, Microsoft® Windows® 98,Microsoft® Windows® 95

·Microsoft® OS/2 LAN Manager

·Microsoft® Windows® for Workgroups




·IBM LAN Server


·Microsoft® LAN Manager for UNIX

·3Com 3+Open


CIFS complements Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) while providing more sophisticatedfile sharing and file transfer than older protocols, such as FTP. CIFS is shown servicing a user request for data from a networked server in Figure1.


Figure1 CIFS Architecture

When there is a request to open a shared file, the I/O calls the redirector, whichin turn requests the redirector to choose the appropriate transport protocol.For NetBIOS(网络基本输入输出系统) requests,NetBIOS is encapsulated in the IP protocol and transported over the network to appropriate server. The request is passed up to the server, which sends data back to satisfy the request.

Components in the redirector provide support for CIFS, such as:

All kernel-level interactions are encapsulated in this driver. This includesall cache managers, memory managers, and requests for remote file systems sothe specified protocol can use the requested server.

This mini-redirector for CIFS has commands specific to CIFS.

This mini-redirector for the Network File System (NFS) provides support forNFS. Mrxnfs.sys is included in Services for Unix.

InWindows NT 4.0, Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), and Domain Name System(DNS) name resolution was accomplished by using TCP port 134. Extensions toCIFS and NetBT now allow connections directly over TCP/IP with the use of TCPport 445. Both means of resolution are still available in Windows 2000. It ispossible to disable either or both of these services in the registry.


Featuresthat CIFS offers are:

Integrityand Concurrency(完整性和并发性) CIFS allows multiple clients to access and update the same file while preventing conflicts by providing file sharing and file locking. File sharing and file locking is the process of allowing one user to access a file at a time and blocking access to all other users.These sharing and locking mechanisms can be used over the Internet and intranets. They also permit aggressive caching and read-ahead and write-behind without loss of integrity.File caches of buffers must be cleared before thefile is usable by other clients. These capabilities ensure that only one copyof a file can be active at a time, preventing data corruption.

Optimizationfor Slow Links(慢连接优化) The CIFS protocol has been tuned to run well overslow-speed dial-up lines(低速拨号线路). The effect is improvedperformance for users who access the Internet using a modem.

Security CIFS servers support both anonymous transfers and secure, authenticatedaccess to named files. File and directory security policies are easy toadminister.

Performanceand Scalability(性能与弹性) CIFS servers are highly integrated with the operatingsystem, and are tuned for maximum system performance.

UnicodeFile Names File names can be in any character set, not justcharacter sets designed for English or Western European languages.

GlobalFile Names Users do not have to mountremote file systems, but can refer to them directly with globally significantnames (names that can be located anywhere on the Internet), instead of onesthat have only local significance (on a local computer or LAN).Distributed File Systems (DFS) allows users to construct an enterprise-widenamespace. Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) file names are supported so a driveletter does not need to be created before remote files can be accessed.



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