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原创 Joomla install SQL file (DB function failed with error number 1064)

Starting to learn Joomla recently, and here is a self-tutorial.I tried the "Hello world" component. at first, it runs ok, but after i tried to add on the database, it always shows error:SQL error... DB function failed with error number 1064.(here is the tu

2011-01-10 20:27:00 1344 1

原创 Mac OS: XAMPP localhost cannot login

<br />under Mac os 10.6, out of sudden I cannot access the localhost.<br /> <br />under safari, once it goes to http://localhost/, it ask for the login name and password. But there is never a password has been set. (An authorization site ask for the passwo

2011-01-09 14:08:00 958

原创 Mac OS: XAMPP + XBEBUG + JOOMLA installation

<br /><br />It is a truly disaster to install Joomla on mac os.<br /><br /><br />It takes me almost a week to try again, again and again!!!.<br /><br /><br />Finally I get it work. Here is my experience during the installation, I would like to share with a

2010-12-19 21:04:00 1830

原创 Android Uncaught Exception Handler邮件发送错误日志

<br />Use for "Force Close".<br /> <br />//close the activity immediately.<br /> <br />android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid());<br />System.exit(0);<br /> <br /> <br />Post from:<br />http://blog.blackmoonit.com/2010/02/android-postmorte

2010-11-18 12:08:00 2147

原创 Google App Engine: RUN JSP ERROR

I used Eclipse to try the google app engine demo project: guestbook. when i create a *.jsp file in the WAR directory,the error information appear:"Your Web Application Project must be configur

2010-03-10 17:24:00 509

原创 Android: web view loading process dialog

 when open a web it will show how much will it load.     package com.mapking.cube;   private int mProgress = 0; private static final int MAX_PROGRESS = 100; private static fina

2010-03-08 17:28:00 2384

原创 Useful Google Link

Google Address Search: http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=[address text]&output=xml&oe=utf-8 example:request:http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=SIAU LIM BUILDING&output=xml&oe=utf-8 resp

2010-03-08 17:03:00 435

原创 android disable the Auto light off

in android phone there is a function that the screen light will auto turn off. to disable this function, used the view: setKeepScreenOn  eg:  FrameLayout frame = new FrameLayout(this);

2009-12-29 18:09:00 527

原创 Android 3D view overlay on Camera view

I got this problem for a long time already. finally i got the solution.  1.must used the layout to do the overlayeg:FrameLayout frame = new FrameLayout(this);frame.addView(glSurface);fra

2009-12-29 18:01:00 966

原创 android read xml error: not well-formed (invalid token)

when used android to read local XML file, it show show up error: org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser$ParseException: At line 1, column 0: not well-formed (invalid token)  while, the xml file

2009-11-12 11:14:00 7398 2

原创 android draw arrow on camera preview

 on baidu there is really not many post which is realy relate to draw things on camera preview.(when i doing the sreach, i m going to crazy becuase can not find any useful site and the project deadlin

2009-11-11 12:53:00 2050

原创 android tansparency(透明度)

 currntly doing some project related to the draw lines and path on top of the camera view. andit require the image have to be ransparency. i did so some reasch onit, and find this "tansparent

2009-11-11 12:22:00 943

转载 Eclipse出现“jvm terminated.Exit code=-1”错误

 解决方法: 其实之前也遇到过类似的问题,基本上网上大概的意思就是说jvm版本的问题,但是我用java -version看了一下我的jdk,都是1.6的,应该不会有什么问题。后来,还是看到一些关于内存方面的东西。可以解决,方法如下: 打开安装目录下的eclipse.config(或eclipse.ini)

2009-11-01 18:28:00 439

转载 install android ndk, host-setup.sh error

when i install the android ndk on my ubuntu: build/host-setup.shi got this error:Checking host development environment.NDK Root   : /home/vera/programs/android-ndkGNU Make   : make (version 3.

2009-10-17 20:30:00 1267

原创 install ImageMagick on Ubuntu

the first time i install:1. ./configure2. makefail: usr/bin/ld: -lperl command not find  salution: sudo apt-get install libperl-dev. run all over again.3. sudo make installsuccessfull

2009-10-16 16:50:00 517

原创 normal way to install a program in Ubuntu

to set up or install something like GTK. 1. unzip or uncompress the file(.tar.gz)tar xvfz gtk2.22.2.tar.gz 2. cd to that unziped directry, run ./configure 3. still inside the directry, r

2009-10-12 11:42:00 520

原创 change the system enveriment path under Ubuntu

commands: $su root $password(system will request the root password)  $sudo gedit /etc/profile(to open the folder and the can chenge the path already.)  have to change to the ro

2009-10-12 09:56:00 518

原创 uncompress the tar.gz files in Ubuntu

inside the terminal 1. cd Desktop (i put my navit.tar.gz on the desktop) 2. tar -zxvf navit.tar.gz (it wil uncompress a folder named "navit")  or  if you wanna uncompress a file to another

2009-10-09 10:18:00 421

原创 change the root password

when login as a normal user, some times have to change some files.however it meed root permission. when it at terminal, and used "su root" to switch user,some times we dunt know the password.

2009-10-08 18:20:00 503

转载 cpywin error:fatal error - unable to remap(solutions)

解决 "fatal error - unable to remap" 问题 在Cygwin中,有时候需要执行SH命令,而这些命令调用DLL时经常会遇到类似的错误提示: [main] ruby 4208 C:/cygwin/bin/rubyexe(or perl.exe).: *** fatal error - unable to remap C:/cygwin/bin/cygssl

2009-10-06 16:39:00 1552

原创 Android forward display screen(pages), by intent.

in Main activity: HelloAndroid.java public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {    private Button startBtn;    private Button helpBtn;    /** Called when the activity is first created. */

2009-10-03 11:37:00 461

原创 use J2SE compile jar file

public static int copyFiles(String orgFile, String newFile) throws AccessControlException    {                String fromFile = orgFile;//+path                //"C://~//ProjectJ2MEWebsite//bui

2009-09-30 12:21:00 453

原创 JSF copy files

public static int copyFiles(String orgFile, String newFile) throws AccessControlException    {                String fromFile = orgFile;//+path                //"C://~//Documents//NetBeansProj

2009-09-30 12:18:00 423

原创 J2ME read txt file

public void readfile(){        InputStream in = null;        DataInputStream dis = null;        in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/string.txt");//from resource file        dis = new

2009-09-30 12:14:00 368

原创 use java to execute the cmd and compile to jar file

 try {            String cmd = "cmd.exe /c http://www.google.com/";           Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c start http://www.google.com/");           //use ping    

2009-09-24 10:14:00 436

原创 Java change contant of the ".java" files

 /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */package ChangeDocuments;import java.io.*;/** * * @author Vera */public class

2009-09-23 16:29:00 385

转载 使用J2me网络编程访问网页内容--转载哦~~

 一、请求与响应的格式我们非常需要关注请求与响应格式的一至性,比如:客户端使用:HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(urlStr);c.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xhtml+xml")表明自己识别的是:ap

2009-09-20 15:08:00 533

原创 hibernate问题

我有一个database table userinfo, DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`;CREATE TABLE `users` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `sid` varchar(10) NOT NULL,  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,  `fin` varchar(20) NOT

2009-08-22 19:31:00 330

原创 Exception: the content of elements must well-formed character data or makeup

    when i write the overlap marker google map js, my netbean comes out:“the content of elements must well-formed character data or makeup”the solution: add the tags:"*"*]]>*--

2009-08-22 18:57:00 597

MS 70-536 题库

用这个题库2011十二月7日916分通过考试 满分1000分. 考试题大概有7-10道不在这个题库当中






这个Example包括了在Camera view上画图,Thread的基本应用。


android transparent panel on google mapview

关于android透明度的sample code.画一个透明的panel在google map view上。(最好看一下我写的相关文章,里边有一些不同的看法)


Android Develpment

a book to teach u how to begin with a android



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