

  • Sensor noise.
  • Noise calibration.
  • Optimal weights for HDR

Sensor Noise

Note: we will only consider per-pixel noise. We won’t consider cross-pixel effects such as blooming , smearing, cross-talk…

Where does the noise come from

Poisson distribution

  • discrete
  • single parameter λ \lambda λ
  • function:
    N ∼ P o i s s o n ( λ )    ⟺    P ( N = k ; λ ) = λ k e − λ k ! N \sim Poisson(\lambda) \iff P(N=k;\lambda)=\dfrac{\lambda^ke^{-\lambda}}{k!} NPoisson(λ)P(N=k;λ)=k!λkeλ
  • mean: μ ( N ) = λ \mu(N) = \lambda μ(N)=λ
  • variance: σ ( N ) 2 = λ \sigma(N)^2 = \lambda σ(N)2=λ
  • N 1 ∼ P o i s s o n ( λ 1 ) , N 2 ∼ P o i s s o n ( λ 2 ) ⇒ N 1 + N 2 ∼ P o i s s o n ( λ 1 + λ 2 ) N_1 \sim Poisson(\lambda_1), N_2 \sim Poisson(\lambda_2) \Rightarrow N_1 + N_2 \sim Poisson(\lambda_1 + \lambda_2) N1Poisson(λ1),N2Poisson(λ2)N1+N2Poisson(λ1+λ2)

Photon Noise

A consequence of the discrete (quantum) nature of light. (将光视为光粒子的概率分布)

  • Photon detections are independent random events.
  • Total number of detections is Poisson distributed.
  • Also known as shot noise and Schott noise.、
    Depends on scene flux and exposure

Dark Noise

  • Electrons(dark current) are randomly released without any photons.
  • Total number of detections is Poisson distributed.
  • Increases exponentially with sensor temperature (+6°C ≈ doubling) → \rightarrow cool the sensor to mitigate it
    Depends on exposure but not on scene

Read and ADC Noise (Additive Noise)

A consequence of random voltage fluctuations before and after amplifier.

  • Both are independent of scene and exposure.
  • Both are normally (zero-mean Guassian) distributed.
  • ADC noise includes quantization errors.


Photon Noise ∼ Poisson [ t α Φ ] \sim\text{Poisson}[t\alpha\Phi] Poisson[tαΦ] ⋅ g \cdot g gscene, exposure, ISO
Dark Noise ∼ Poisson [ t D ] \sim\text{Poisson}[tD] Poisson[tD] ⋅ g \cdot g gtemperature, exposure, ISO
Read Noise ∼ Normal ( 0 , σ read ) \sim\text{Normal}(0, \sigma_\text{read}) Normal(0,σread) ⋅ g \cdot g gISO
ADC Noise ∼ Normal ( 0 , σ ADC ) \sim\text{Normal}(0, \sigma_\text{ADC}) Normal(0,σADC)
Affine noise model

L = N photon + N dark ∼ Poisson ( t ( α Φ + D ) ) N add = g N read + N ADC ∼ Normal ( 0 , g 2 σ read 2 + σ ADC 2 ) ⟹ I = g L + N add E ( I ) = t ( a Φ + D ) g σ ( I ) 2 = t ( a Φ + D ) g 2 + σ read 2 g 2 + σ ADC 2 \begin{aligned} & L = N_\text{photon} + N_\text{dark} \sim \text{Poisson}(t(\alpha\Phi+D)) \\ & N_\text{add} = gN_\text{read} + N_\text{ADC} \sim \text{Normal}\left(0, \sqrt{g^2\sigma_\text{read}^2 + \sigma_\text{ADC}^2}\right) \\ \Longrightarrow & I = gL + N_\text{add} \\ & E(I) = t(a\Phi+D)g \\ & \sigma(I)^2 = t(a\Phi+D)g^2 + \sigma_{\text{read}}^2 g^2+ \sigma_{\text{ADC}}^2 \end{aligned} L=Nphoton+NdarkPoisson(t(αΦ+D))Nadd=gNread+NADCNormal(0,g2σread2+σADC2 )I=gL+NaddE(I)=t(aΦ+D)gσ(I)2=t(aΦ+D)g2+σread2g2+σADC2

noise regimes
RegimeDominant NoiseNotes
bright pixelsphoton noisescene-dependent
dark pixelsread and ADC noisescene-independent
high ISOphoton and read noisepre-gain
low ISOADC noisepost-gain
long exposuresdark noisethermal-dependent

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

Variance is an absolute measure of the (squared) magnitude of noise:
σ ( I ) 2 = E ( ( I − E ( I ) ) 2 ) = E ( I 2 ) − E ( I ) 2 \sigma(I)^2 = E \left( \left( I-E(I) \right)^2 \right) = E(I^2) - E(I)^2 σ(I)2=E((IE(I))2)=E(I2)E(I)2

SNR is a relative measure of the (inverse squared) magnitude of noise:

SNR = E ( I ) 2 σ ( I ) 2 \text{SNR} = \frac{E(I)^2}{\sigma(I)^2} SNR=σ(I)2E(I)2

Noise calibration

Estimate the dark current D D D

capture multiple images with the sensor completely blocked and average to form the dark frame

Estimate the gain and additive noise variance

Optimal weights for HDR merging

to be continued






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