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原创 Linux虚拟机忘记密码解决办法详解

创建的虚拟机在过了很长时间之后会忘记密码甚至登录名,如果虚拟机上有很多重要资料还不敢破解,担心破解之后资料丢失,这些担心大可不必。破解步骤奉上1、虚拟机开机按shift,选择 advanced开头的这个选项2、选择 recovery mode3、选择root4、选中root之后,输入 passwd 然后根据提示输入两次密码5、* 如若两次密码输完之后报 Authentication token manipulation ...

2021-05-13 16:12:57 7013 2

原创 Linux系统安装minio文件服务器并配置

准备工作:1下载网址:https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio2在本地电脑创建一个minio文件夹,在该网址上下载文件,将下载的文件放置该minio文件夹。3使用xftp将本地文件上传到linux服务器赋予minio权限以及启动:赋予权限命令:chmod +x minio启动命令:./minio server /xxx/minio/data (/xxx/minio/data 为你存放静态文件的目录)后台运行命令

2021-03-23 14:20:29 2098 1

原创 创建IIS服务报错解决办法


2021-03-08 11:00:52 300

原创 微信小程序选择图片控件

xml:<loading hidden="{{loadingHidden}}"> 加载中...</loading><view class="add_carimg"> <block> <view class="load_iamge"> <text class="load_head_text">上传施工车辆照片</text> <te...

2021-01-17 19:38:33 517

原创 微信小程序图片上传

对于微信小程序上传图片其实很麻烦的,每次只能上传一张,所有很多朋友就会问想要多张图片上传怎么办?这里使用递归,当上传完一张图片后重新执行这个函数,直到所有的图片都上传完成后,就不再调用该函数了。具体的实现方法来为大家分享一下。示例代码如下:wx.chooseImage({ success: function(res) { var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths wx.uploadFile({ url: 'http://exampl...

2021-01-06 09:17:23 223

原创 你要活成自己喜欢的模样吖

People are never the sameLife will come after youAnd change over and over againThere's always a chance if you want toBe a go-getterThen finally live the life as you like人从来不是一成不变的生活会追着你一而再的脱胎换骨只要你愿意你就永远有机会成为不断前进的人最终活成自己喜欢...

2020-12-29 10:46:54 137

原创 微信小程序网络请求封装


2020-12-10 11:19:15 501 1

原创 你连怎么开始都不知道

If you're confused,you won't know what you're afterYou only see people running,and you run tooBut you'll never understand why people runIf you don't even know why you started,then whereis thedestination糊里糊涂的话根本不会明白自己在追求什么...

2020-12-10 09:53:43 112

原创 希望你多开心一些

Once you have a clear goal and planLife will be much happierWhen you don't know what to do nextyou will be extremely insecureAnd you don't look very energeticOnly by doing what you want todo and doing something meaningfulcan you combat this sense ..

2020-12-02 09:39:09 114

原创 卜算子.咏梅 英文版

Song of DivinationOde to the Mume Blossom卜算子 | 咏梅作者:陆 游翻译:许渊冲Beside the broken bridge and outside the post hallA flower is blooming forlorn.Saddened by her solitude at nightfall,By wind and rain she's further torn.驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。已是黄昏独...

2020-12-02 09:28:18 3599

原创 这不是孤独,而是选择

No one is going to be good all the timeMay you grow strongerAnd then one dayYou can laugh and tell the momentsthat made you cryYou can't live the life you want untilyou've walked the path you have to walkThere are roads you have to take alo..

2020-11-20 16:00:41 183

原创 虚拟机+CentOS8搭建gitlab服务器--操作步骤

VMware15安装CentOS8搭建gitlab服务器出现问题1、CentOS安装好之后先检查有没有静态IP设置IP地址教程:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43037478/article/details/1064033302、设置网络连接方式(也可通过这个教程直接安装,一直到设置网络连接方式)教程:https://www.jb51.net/article/171989.htm3、开放防火墙# dnf install -y curl policycoreutil...

2020-11-20 15:55:01 471

原创 无论如何都要向前走呀

The difference between youand others is not that you walk slowlybut you arelooking where you arewhen someone else is movingDon't be the one who looksbe the one who walks你跟别人的差距不在于你走得慢而在于别人走的时候你只是一直在原地看别做那个看的人要做那个向前走的人...

2020-11-06 09:44:52 185

原创 希望大家都好好活着


2020-11-05 13:13:11 207

原创 一定要让自己强大起来呀

Most of the timeWhen we make ourselves betterThose problems that arebothering you will be solvedSo don't focus your emotions onuseless and temporarily insoluble issuesFocus on how you can become a better personTake a long viewWhen you are..

2020-10-23 15:17:55 211

原创 你一定要努力和爱自己

You have to do two things Work hard and love yourself You're unhappy...

2020-10-22 13:10:34 134

原创 现在的生活都是你自找的

If your life is not what you want it to be You brought that on...

2020-10-21 10:17:30 164

原创 你还年轻,没有混日子的资格

You are still young There is no qualification ...

2020-10-21 10:07:13 144

原创 人生哪有什么完美的时机啊

If there issomething you really want to do ...

2020-10-20 14:54:06 151

原创 小程序点击图片查看详情

xml: <view class="img_groups"> <text class="img_text">故障影像</text> <view class="img_group"> <image class="imgs" src="{{imageUrl}}" data-message="{{imageUrl}}" mode="aspectFill" bindtap='imgYu'> .

2020-10-20 13:23:58 2405 2

原创 微信小程序底部弹窗

xml:<view bindtap="clickme">点击我可以看到底部弹框的出现</view><!--屏幕背景变暗的背景 --><view class="commodity_screen" bindtap="hideModal" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}"></view><!--弹出框 --&...

2020-10-19 16:36:11 1658

原创 秋日登吴公台上寺远眺 双语

Gazing Afar from a Southern Temple on an Autumn Day 秋日登吴公台上寺远眺 ...

2020-10-16 09:34:35 261

原创 你只是瓶没了气的甜水

He likes drinking waterbut you happen to be a SpriteYou want to be what he likesso you try to shake the carbon dioxideout of your bodyAnd then you see what you look likeYou're just a bottle ofsweet water without airHe didn't love you befor...

2020-10-16 09:26:18 310

原创 所以爱会消失对吗?| Supercuts

I thought我以为I would be good by now我现在可以过的幸福美满I'd have it figured all out我可以解决所有难题We'd skip the scenic route我们会跳过慢慢长路,直接享受美好生活And oh well好吧At least I never lied至少我从未撒谎Still, I'm always the bad guy我还是那个坏小子So much for being nice和好人差的太多'Cause I don't wanna be

2020-10-14 17:10:06 145

原创 微信小程序时间选择

xml:<view class="day-check" style="position:fixed;"> <picker class="picker_color" mode="date" value="{{dateValue}}" bindchange="datePickerBindchange"> <view class="line-left"&gt...

2020-10-12 09:56:38 403

原创 小程序tab

<view class="swiper-tab"> <view style="padding-left:5px;" class="tab-list-left {{currentTab==0 ? 'on' : ''}}" data-current="0" bindtap="swichNav">拍照</view> <view class="tab-list-ri...

2020-09-09 10:37:17 89

原创 小程序tab实现页面切换(二)

.wxml <view class='title'> <view class='titleSel' bindtap='titleClick' data-idx='0'> <text>待接收(0)</text> <hr class="{{0 == currentIndex ? 'headerLineSel' : 'headerLineUnsel'}}" /> </view>

2020-09-03 15:36:48 346

原创 小程序tab更换页面(一)

.wxml<scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="ip_tab_comtainer"> <view class="ip_tab_comtainer_padd"></view> <block wx:for="{{ips}}" wx:for-item="ip" wx:key="{{ip.id}}"> <view class="{{ip.isSelect?'ip_tab_item_s':'ip_tab_item_n

2020-09-03 15:17:49 229

原创 安卓中设置输入框属性、允许输入长度

edit.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER); //输入类型edit.setFilters(new InputFilter[]{new InputFilter.LengthFilter(4)}); //允许最大输入长度

2020-06-02 11:26:39 659

原创 安卓中创建线程

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mWeiboDialog.dismiss();//线程内要进行的操作 } });

2020-05-18 10:07:26 240

原创 判断页面键盘显示状态

private boolean keyboardIsShow() { int screenHeight = getWindow().getDecorView().getHeight(); Rect rect = new Rect(); getWindow().getDecorView().getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(rect); return screenHeight * 2 / 3 > rect.bottom;}

2020-05-09 10:37:29 261

原创 友盟第三方登录关于用户切换的问题

private void authorization(SHARE_MEDIA share_media) { final UMShareConfig config = new UMShareConfig(); config.isNeedAuthOnGetUserInfo(true); UMShareAPI umShareAPI = UMShareAP...

2020-05-07 14:03:35 523

原创 好用的图片在线压缩工具


2020-05-07 13:27:11 273

原创 关于Fragment频繁切换出现的问题

出现问题:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment has not been attached yet.问题原因:快速切换fragment,重复调用getChildFragmentManager解决方式:在报错处添加isAdd()做为判断条件if (isAdded()){//要进行的操作}...

2020-04-27 13:41:21 897

原创 安卓中的广播通知UI更新

在安卓开发中经常会需要进行UI更新,使用广播通知UI页面更新会方便很多在注册广播通知更新界面之前,应先添加广播权限<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />在需要开启广播通知更新UI的页面注册广播IntentFilter intentFilter = new...

2020-04-14 16:45:33 722

原创 Java中判断实体类是否为空

public static boolean checkObjFieldIsNotNull(Object obj) { // true 不为空 false 为空 boolean flag = false; try { for (Field f : obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAc...

2020-04-14 10:27:48 8044

原创 安卓使用zxing生成二维码取出白边的方法

//删除二维码白边方法private static BitMatrix deleteWhite(BitMatrix matrix) { int[] rec = matrix.getEnclosingRectangle(); int resWidth = rec[2] + 1; int resHeight = rec[3] + 1; BitMatrix resM...

2020-04-13 17:24:44 412

原创 关于极光推送报错6003的一些问题


2020-04-13 17:23:02 1163

原创 安卓中黄油刀的使用

需要添加的依赖:implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.8.1'implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.6.0'annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.6.0'在页面声明:ButterKnife...

2020-04-10 18:14:45 601

原创 安卓中的时间控件

<Chronometer android:id="@+id/showtime" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/dp_50" android:gravity="center" android:format="00:00:00" android:...

2020-04-09 16:00:27 809


安卓移动端连接FTP移动端获取服务器资源列表用listview展示 资源是我买的,下载跑不起来的话,新建demo,代码贴进去即可



新版Tess4J-3.4.8 JAR 图文识别训练的伸手了






TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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