spdk 入门 hello world源码解析

8 篇文章 1 订阅

hello_world.c main方法源码如下

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int rc;
   struct spdk_env_opts opts;

    * SPDK relies on an abstraction around the local environment
    * named env that handles memory allocation and PCI device operations.
    * This library must be initialized first.
   rc = parse_args(argc, argv, &opts);
   if (rc != 0) {
      return rc;

   opts.name = "hello_world";
   if (spdk_env_init(&opts) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize SPDK env\n");
      return 1;

   printf("Initializing NVMe Controllers\n");

   if (g_vmd && spdk_vmd_init()) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize VMD."
         " Some NVMe devices can be unavailable.\n");

    * Start the SPDK NVMe enumeration process.  probe_cb will be called
    *  for each NVMe controller found, giving our application a choice on
    *  whether to attach to each controller.  attach_cb will then be
    *  called for each controller after the SPDK NVMe driver has completed
    *  initializing the controller we chose to attach.
   rc = spdk_nvme_probe(&g_trid, NULL, probe_cb, attach_cb, NULL);
   if (rc != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "spdk_nvme_probe() failed\n");
      rc = 1;
      goto exit;

   if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&g_controllers)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "no NVMe controllers found\n");
      rc = 1;
      goto exit;

   printf("Initialization complete.\n");
   if (g_vmd) {

   return rc;


  1. 源码317行,上文12行 spdk_env_opts_init(&opts);
  2. 源码320行,上文19行 spdk_env_init(&opts);
  3. 源码331行,上文38行 rc = spdk_nvme_probe(NULL, NULL, probe_cb, attach_cb, NULL);
  4. 源码345行,上文52行 hello_world();
  5. 源码346行,上文59行 cleanup();


步骤3是调用函数spdk_nvme_probe()主动发现NVMe SSDs设备


步骤5调用cleanup()释放内存资源,detach NVMe SSD设备等



1、每一块NVMe SSD里都有一个控制器(Controller),那么发现的所有NVMe SSD(也就是NVMe Controllers)以什么方式组织在一起?

2、每一块NVMe SSD都可以划分为多个namespace(类似逻辑分区的概念),那么这些namespace以什么方式组织在一起呢?



struct ctrlr_entry {
   struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr    *ctrlr;
   TAILQ_ENTRY(ctrlr_entry)   link;
   char            name[1024];

struct ns_entry {
   struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr *ctrlr;
   struct spdk_nvme_ns    *ns;
   TAILQ_ENTRY(ns_entry)  link;
   struct spdk_nvme_qpair *qpair;

static TAILQ_HEAD(, ctrlr_entry) g_controllers = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(g_controllers);
static TAILQ_HEAD(, ns_entry) g_namespaces = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(g_namespaces);


g_controllers是管理所有的nvme ssd的全局链表头



if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&g_controllers)) {
   fprintf(stderr, "no NVMe controllers found\n");
   rc = 1;
   goto exit;

就是因为g_controllers为空,就是因为没有找到nvme sdd


rc = spdk_nvme_probe(&g_trid, NULL, probe_cb, attach_cb, NULL);

如上 probe_cb 和 attach_cb是两个回调函数(其实还有个remove_cb,只是上面未使用,传了个NULL)



probe_cb, attach_cb以及remove_cb的相关源码信息在spdk/include/spdk/nvme.h

 * Enumerate the bus indicated by the transport ID and attach the userspace NVMe
 * driver to each device found if desired.
 * This function is not thread safe and should only be called from one thread at
 * a time while no other threads are actively using any NVMe devices.
 * If called from a secondary process, only devices that have been attached to
 * the userspace driver in the primary process will be probed.
 * If called more than once, only devices that are not already attached to the
 * SPDK NVMe driver will be reported.
 * To stop using the the controller and release its associated resources,
 * call spdk_nvme_detach() with the spdk_nvme_ctrlr instance from the attach_cb()
 * function.
 * \param trid The transport ID indicating which bus to enumerate. If the trtype
 * is PCIe or trid is NULL, this will scan the local PCIe bus. If the trtype is
 * RDMA, the traddr and trsvcid must point at the location of an NVMe-oF discovery
 * service.
 * \param cb_ctx Opaque value which will be passed back in cb_ctx parameter of
 * the callbacks.
 * \param probe_cb will be called once per NVMe device found in the system.
 * \param attach_cb will be called for devices for which probe_cb returned true
 * once that NVMe controller has been attached to the userspace driver.
 * \param remove_cb will be called for devices that were attached in a previous
 * spdk_nvme_probe() call but are no longer attached to the system. Optional;
 * specify NULL if removal notices are not desired.
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int spdk_nvme_probe(const struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid,
          void *cb_ctx,
          spdk_nvme_probe_cb probe_cb,
          spdk_nvme_attach_cb attach_cb,
          spdk_nvme_remove_cb remove_cb);
 * Callback for spdk_nvme_probe() enumeration.
 * \param cb_ctx Opaque value passed to spdk_nvme_probe().
 * \param trid NVMe transport identifier.
 * \param opts NVMe controller initialization options. This structure will be
 * populated with the default values on entry, and the user callback may update
 * any options to request a different value. The controller may not support all
 * requested parameters, so the final values will be provided during the attach
 * callback.
 * \return true to attach to this device.
typedef bool (*spdk_nvme_probe_cb)(void *cb_ctx, const struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid,
               struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr_opts *opts);

 * Callback for spdk_nvme_attach() to report a device that has been attached to
 * the userspace NVMe driver.
 * \param cb_ctx Opaque value passed to spdk_nvme_attach_cb().
 * \param trid NVMe transport identifier.
 * \param ctrlr Opaque handle to NVMe controller.
 * \param opts NVMe controller initialization options that were actually used.
 * Options may differ from the requested options from the attach call depending
 * on what the controller supports.
typedef void (*spdk_nvme_attach_cb)(void *cb_ctx, const struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid,
                struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr *ctrlr,
                const struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr_opts *opts);

 * Callback for spdk_nvme_remove() to report that a device attached to the userspace
 * NVMe driver has been removed from the system.
 * The controller will remain in a failed state (any new I/O submitted will fail).
 * The controller must be detached from the userspace driver by calling spdk_nvme_detach()
 * once the controller is no longer in use. It is up to the library user to ensure
 * that no other threads are using the controller before calling spdk_nvme_detach().
 * \param cb_ctx Opaque value passed to spdk_nvme_remove_cb().
 * \param ctrlr NVMe controller instance that was removed.
typedef void (*spdk_nvme_remove_cb)(void *cb_ctx, struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr *ctrlr);

 接下来看下struct spdk_nvme_transport_id

 * NVMe transport identifier.
 * This identifies a unique endpoint on an NVMe fabric.
 * A string representation of a transport ID may be converted to this type using
 * spdk_nvme_transport_id_parse().
struct spdk_nvme_transport_id {
    * NVMe transport string.
   char trstring[SPDK_NVMF_TRSTRING_MAX_LEN + 1];

    * NVMe transport type.
   enum spdk_nvme_transport_type trtype;

    * Address family of the transport address.
    * For PCIe, this value is ignored.
   enum spdk_nvmf_adrfam adrfam;

    * Transport address of the NVMe-oF endpoint. For transports which use IP
    * addressing (e.g. RDMA), this should be an IP address. For PCIe, this
    * can either be a zero length string (the whole bus) or a PCI address
    * in the format DDDD:BB:DD.FF or DDDD.BB.DD.FF. For FC the string is
    * formatted as: nn-0xWWNN:pn-0xWWPN” where WWNN is the Node_Name of the
    * target NVMe_Port and WWPN is the N_Port_Name of the target NVMe_Port.
   char traddr[SPDK_NVMF_TRADDR_MAX_LEN + 1];

    * Transport service id of the NVMe-oF endpoint.  For transports which use
    * IP addressing (e.g. RDMA), this field should be the port number. For PCIe,
    * and FC this is always a zero length string.
   char trsvcid[SPDK_NVMF_TRSVCID_MAX_LEN + 1];

    * Subsystem NQN of the NVMe over Fabrics endpoint. May be a zero length string.
   char subnqn[SPDK_NVMF_NQN_MAX_LEN + 1];

    * The Transport connection priority of the NVMe-oF endpoint. Currently this is
    * only supported by posix based sock implementation on Kernel TCP stack. More
    * information of this field can be found from the socket(7) man page.
   int priority;

对于nvme over PCIe,我们只需要关注 spdk_nvme_transport_type 这一项

 * NVMe transport type.
enum spdk_nvme_transport_type trtype;


 * NVMe library transports
 * NOTE: These are mapped directly to the NVMe over Fabrics TRTYPE values, except for PCIe,
 * which is a special case since NVMe over Fabrics does not define a TRTYPE for local PCIe.
 * Currently, this uses 256 for PCIe which is intentionally outside of the 8-bit range of TRTYPE.
 * If the NVMe-oF specification ever defines a PCIe TRTYPE, this should be updated.
enum spdk_nvme_transport_type {
    * PCIe Transport (locally attached devices)

    * RDMA Transport (RoCE, iWARP, etc.)

    * Fibre Channel (FC) Transport

    * TCP Transport

    * Custom VFIO User Transport (Not spec defined)

    * Custom Transport (Not spec defined)


spdk_nvme_probe(const struct spdk_nvme_transport_id *trid, void *cb_ctx,
      spdk_nvme_probe_cb probe_cb, spdk_nvme_attach_cb attach_cb,
      spdk_nvme_remove_cb remove_cb)
   struct spdk_nvme_transport_id trid_pcie;
   struct spdk_nvme_probe_ctx *probe_ctx;

   if (trid == NULL) {
      memset(&trid_pcie, 0, sizeof(trid_pcie));
      spdk_nvme_trid_populate_transport(&trid_pcie, SPDK_NVME_TRANSPORT_PCIE);
      trid = &trid_pcie;

   probe_ctx = spdk_nvme_probe_async(trid, cb_ctx, probe_cb,
                 attach_cb, remove_cb);
   if (!probe_ctx) {
      SPDK_ERRLOG("Create probe context failed\n");
      return -1;

    * Keep going even if one or more nvme_attach() calls failed,
    *  but maintain the value of rc to signal errors when we return.
   return nvme_init_controllers(probe_ctx);


1、set trid if it is NULL, spdk_nvme_trid_populate_transport


- rc = nvme_driver_init();

- probe_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*probe_ctx));

- nvme_probe_ctx_init(probe_ctx, trid, cb_ctx, probe_cb, attach_cb, remove_cb);

- rc = nvme_probe_internal(probe_ctx, false);

3、return nvme_init_controllers(probe_ctx);

来看看 nvme_probe_internal(probe_ctx,false)

static int
nvme_probe_internal(struct spdk_nvme_probe_ctx *probe_ctx,
                  bool direct_connect)
       int rc;
       struct spdk_nvme_ctrlr *ctrlr, *ctrlr_tmp;

       spdk_nvme_trid_populate_transport(&probe_ctx->trid, probe_ctx->trid.trtype);
       if (!spdk_nvme_transport_available_by_name(probe_ctx->trid.trstring)) {
              SPDK_ERRLOG("NVMe trtype %u not available\n", probe_ctx->trid.trtype);
              return -1;


       rc = nvme_transport_ctrlr_scan(probe_ctx, direct_connect);
       if (rc != 0) {
              SPDK_ERRLOG("NVMe ctrlr scan failed\n");
              TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ctrlr, &probe_ctx->init_ctrlrs, tailq, ctrlr_tmp) {
                     TAILQ_REMOVE(&probe_ctx->init_ctrlrs, ctrlr, tailq);
              return -1;

        * Probe controllers on the shared_attached_ctrlrs list
       if (!spdk_process_is_primary() && (probe_ctx->trid.trtype == SPDK_NVME_TRANSPORT_PCIE)) {
              TAILQ_FOREACH(ctrlr, &g_spdk_nvme_driver->shared_attached_ctrlrs, tailq) {
                     /* Do not attach other ctrlrs if user specify a valid trid */
                     if ((strlen(probe_ctx->trid.traddr) != 0) &&
                         (spdk_nvme_transport_id_compare(&probe_ctx->trid, &ctrlr->trid))) {

                     /* Do not attach if we failed to initialize it in this process */
                     if (nvme_ctrlr_get_current_process(ctrlr) == NULL) {


                      * Unlock while calling attach_cb() so the user can call other functions
                      *  that may take the driver lock, like nvme_detach().
                     if (probe_ctx->attach_cb) {
                            probe_ctx->attach_cb(probe_ctx->cb_ctx, &ctrlr->trid, ctrlr, &ctrlr->opts);


       return 0;

关注重点16行rc = nvme_transport_ctrlr_scan(probe_ctx, direct_connect);


nvme_transport_ctrlr_scan(struct spdk_nvme_probe_ctx *probe_ctx,
                       bool direct_connect)
       const struct spdk_nvme_transport *transport = nvme_get_transport(probe_ctx->trid.trstring);

       if (transport == NULL) {
              SPDK_ERRLOG("Transport %s doesn't exist.", probe_ctx->trid.trstring);
              return -ENOENT;

       return transport->ops.ctrlr_scan(probe_ctx, direct_connect);

于是, nvme_transport_ctrlr_scan()被转化为nvme_pcie_ctrlr_scan()调用(对NVMe over PCIe)来说,

static int
nvme_pcie_ctrlr_scan(struct spdk_nvme_probe_ctx *probe_ctx,
                   bool direct_connect)
       struct nvme_pcie_enum_ctx enum_ctx = {};

       enum_ctx.probe_ctx = probe_ctx;

       if (strlen(probe_ctx->trid.traddr) != 0) {
              if (spdk_pci_addr_parse(&enum_ctx.pci_addr, probe_ctx->trid.traddr)) {
                     return -1;
              enum_ctx.has_pci_addr = true;

       /* Only the primary process can monitor hotplug. */
       if (spdk_process_is_primary()) {

       if (enum_ctx.has_pci_addr == false) {
              return spdk_pci_enumerate(spdk_pci_nvme_get_driver(),
                                     pcie_nvme_enum_cb, &enum_ctx);
       } else {
              return spdk_pci_device_attach(spdk_pci_nvme_get_driver(),
                                         pcie_nvme_enum_cb, &enum_ctx, &enum_ctx.pci_addr);

接下来重点看下22行return spdk_pci_enumerate(spdk_pci_nvme_get_driver(),pcie_nvme_enum_cb, &enum_ctx);


 * Get the NVMe PCI driver object.
 * \return PCI driver.
struct spdk_pci_driver *spdk_pci_nvme_get_driver(void);

struct spdk_pci_driver {
       struct rte_pci_driver         driver;

       const char                      *name;
       const struct spdk_pci_id       *id_table;
       uint32_t                     drv_flags;

       spdk_pci_enum_cb              cb_fn;
       void                        *cb_arg;
       TAILQ_ENTRY(spdk_pci_driver)   tailq;

 * A structure describing a PCI driver.
struct rte_pci_driver {
       TAILQ_ENTRY(rte_pci_driver) next;  /**< Next in list. */
       struct rte_driver driver;          /**< Inherit core driver. */
       struct rte_pci_bus *bus;           /**< PCI bus reference. */
       rte_pci_probe_t *probe;            /**< Device probe function. */
       rte_pci_remove_t *remove;          /**< Device remove function. */
       pci_dma_map_t *dma_map;                  /**< device dma map function. */
       pci_dma_unmap_t *dma_unmap;       /**< device dma unmap function. */
       const struct rte_pci_id *id_table; /**< ID table, NULL terminated. */
       uint32_t drv_flags;                /**< Flags RTE_PCI_DRV_*. */

接下来重点看下22行return spdk_pci_enumerate(spdk_pci_nvme_get_driver(),pcie_nvme_enum_cb, &enum_ctx);


/* Note: You can call spdk_pci_enumerate from more than one thread
 *       simultaneously safely, but you cannot call spdk_pci_enumerate
 *       and rte_eal_pci_probe simultaneously.
spdk_pci_enumerate(struct spdk_pci_driver *driver,
                 spdk_pci_enum_cb enum_cb,
                 void *enum_ctx)
       struct spdk_pci_device *dev;
       int rc;


       TAILQ_FOREACH(dev, &g_pci_devices, internal.tailq) {
              if (dev->internal.attached ||
                  dev->internal.driver != driver ||
                  dev->internal.pending_removal) {

              rc = enum_cb(enum_ctx, dev);
              if (rc == 0) {
                     dev->internal.attached = true;
              } else if (rc < 0) {
                     return -1;

       if (scan_pci_bus(true) != 0) {
              return -1;

       driver->cb_fn = enum_cb;
       driver->cb_arg = enum_ctx;

       if (rte_bus_probe() != 0) {
              driver->cb_arg = NULL;
              driver->cb_fn = NULL;
              return -1;

       driver->cb_arg = NULL;
       driver->cb_fn = NULL;

       return 0;


33行if (scan_pci_bus(true) != 0)

static int
scan_pci_bus(bool delay_init)
       struct spdk_pci_driver *driver;
       struct rte_pci_device *rte_dev;
       uint64_t now;

       now = spdk_get_ticks();

       driver = TAILQ_FIRST(&g_pci_drivers);
       if (!driver) {
              return 0;

       TAILQ_FOREACH(rte_dev, &driver->driver.bus->device_list, next) {
              struct rte_devargs *da;

              da = rte_dev->device.devargs;
              if (!da) {
                     char devargs_str[128];

                     /* the device was never blocked or allowed */
                     da = calloc(1, sizeof(*da));
                     if (!da) {
                            return -1;

                     snprintf(devargs_str, sizeof(devargs_str), "pci:%s", rte_dev->device.name);
                     if (rte_devargs_parse(da, devargs_str) != 0) {
                            return -1;

                     rte_dev->device.devargs = da;

              if (get_allowed_at(da)) {
                     uint64_t allowed_at = get_allowed_at(da);

                     /* this device was seen by spdk before... */
                     if (da->policy == RTE_DEV_BLOCKED && allowed_at <= now) {
                            da->policy = RTE_DEV_ALLOWED;
              } else if ((driver->driver.bus->bus.conf.scan_mode == RTE_BUS_SCAN_ALLOWLIST &&
                         da->policy == RTE_DEV_ALLOWED) || da->policy != RTE_DEV_BLOCKED) {
                     /* override the policy only if not permanently blocked */

                     if (delay_init) {
                            da->policy = RTE_DEV_BLOCKED;
                            set_allowed_at(da, now + 2 * spdk_get_ticks_hz());
                     } else {
                            da->policy = RTE_DEV_ALLOWED;
                            set_allowed_at(da, now);

       return 0;


/* Scan all the buses for registered devices */
       int ret;
       struct rte_bus *bus = NULL;

       TAILQ_FOREACH(bus, &rte_bus_list, next) {
              ret = bus->scan();
              if (ret)
                     RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Scan for (%s) bus failed.\n",

       return 0;


40行 if (rte_bus_probe() != 0) {

/* Probe all devices of all buses */
       int ret;
       struct rte_bus *bus, *vbus = NULL;

       TAILQ_FOREACH(bus, &rte_bus_list, next) {
              if (!strcmp(bus->name, "vdev")) {
                     vbus = bus;

              ret = bus->probe();
              if (ret)
                     RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Bus (%s) probe failed.\n",

       if (vbus) {
              ret = vbus->probe();
              if (ret)
                     RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Bus (%s) probe failed.\n",

       return 0;

重点关注14行 ret = bus->probe();

这里的probe()就是调研下面的mlx5_common_pci_probe,下面的rte_pci_driver struct是不是有点眼熟,对,就是上文提到的spdk_pci_nvme_get_driver()

static struct rte_pci_driver mlx5_common_pci_driver = {
       .driver = {
                 .name = MLX5_PCI_DRIVER_NAME,
       .probe = mlx5_common_pci_probe,
       .remove = mlx5_common_pci_remove,
       .dma_map = mlx5_common_pci_dma_map,
       .dma_unmap = mlx5_common_pci_dma_unmap,


mlx5_common_dev_probe(struct rte_device *eal_dev)
       struct mlx5_common_device *dev;
       uint32_t classes = 0;
       bool new_device = false;
       int ret;

       DRV_LOG(INFO, "probe device \"%s\".", eal_dev->name);
       ret = parse_class_options(eal_dev->devargs);
       if (ret < 0) {
              DRV_LOG(ERR, "Unsupported mlx5 class type: %s",
              return ret;
       classes = ret;
       if (classes == 0)
              /* Default to net class. */
              classes = MLX5_CLASS_ETH;
       dev = to_mlx5_device(eal_dev);
       if (!dev) {
              dev = rte_zmalloc("mlx5_common_device", sizeof(*dev), 0);
              if (!dev)
                     return -ENOMEM;
              dev->dev = eal_dev;
              TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&devices_list, dev, next);
              new_device = true;
       } else {
              /* Validate combination here. */
              ret = is_valid_class_combination(classes |
              if (ret != 0) {
                     DRV_LOG(ERR, "Unsupported mlx5 classes combination.");
                     return ret;
       ret = drivers_probe(dev, classes);
       if (ret)
              goto class_err;
       return 0;
       if (new_device)
       return ret;

关注重点是37行 ret = drivers_probe(dev, classes);


static int
drivers_probe(struct mlx5_common_device *dev, uint32_t user_classes)
       struct mlx5_class_driver *driver;
       uint32_t enabled_classes = 0;
       bool already_loaded;
       int ret;

       TAILQ_FOREACH(driver, &drivers_list, next) {
              if ((driver->drv_class & user_classes) == 0)
              if (!mlx5_bus_match(driver, dev->dev))
              already_loaded = dev->classes_loaded & driver->drv_class;
              if (already_loaded && driver->probe_again == 0) {
                     DRV_LOG(ERR, "Device %s is already probed",
                     ret = -EEXIST;
                     goto probe_err;
              ret = driver->probe(dev->dev);
              if (ret < 0) {
                     DRV_LOG(ERR, "Failed to load driver %s",
                     goto probe_err;
              enabled_classes |= driver->drv_class;
       dev->classes_loaded |= enabled_classes;
       return 0;
       /* Only unload drivers which are enabled which were enabled
        * in this probe instance.
       drivers_remove(dev, enabled_classes);
       return ret;

关注重点12行 if (!mlx5_bus_match(driver, dev->dev))


static bool
mlx5_bus_match(const struct mlx5_class_driver *drv,
              const struct rte_device *dev)
       if (mlx5_dev_is_pci(dev))
              return mlx5_dev_pci_match(drv, dev);
       return true;


return mlx5_dev_pci_match(drv, dev);


mlx5_dev_pci_match(const struct mlx5_class_driver *drv,
                 const struct rte_device *dev)
       const struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev;
       const struct rte_pci_id *id_table;

       if (!mlx5_dev_is_pci(dev))
              return false;
       pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI_CONST(dev);
       for (id_table = drv->id_table; id_table->vendor_id != 0;
            id_table++) {
              /* Check if device's ids match the class driver's ids. */
              if (id_table->vendor_id != pci_dev->id.vendor_id &&
                  id_table->vendor_id != RTE_PCI_ANY_ID)
              if (id_table->device_id != pci_dev->id.device_id &&
                  id_table->device_id != RTE_PCI_ANY_ID)
              if (id_table->subsystem_vendor_id !=
                  pci_dev->id.subsystem_vendor_id &&
                  id_table->subsystem_vendor_id != RTE_PCI_ANY_ID)
              if (id_table->subsystem_device_id !=
                  pci_dev->id.subsystem_device_id &&
                  id_table->subsystem_device_id != RTE_PCI_ANY_ID)
              if (id_table->class_id != pci_dev->id.class_id &&
                  id_table->class_id != RTE_CLASS_ANY_ID)
              return true;
       return false;


00 hello_word.c
01 -> main()
02 --> spdk_nvme_probe()
03 ---> spdk_nvme_probe_async()
04 ----> nvme_probe_internal()
05 -----> nvme_transport_ctrlr_scan()
06 -----> nvme_pcie_ctrlr_scan()  
07 ------> spdk_pci_enumerate()		
08 ------> spdk_pci_enumerate()
09 ------> rte_bus_probe()				             			    | SPDK |
10 -------> mlx5_common_dev_probe()                                 | DPDK |
11 --------> drivers_probe()
12 ---------> mlx5_bus_match()
13 ----------> mlx5_dev_pci_match()


static void
       struct ns_entry                      *ns_entry;
       struct hello_world_sequence    sequence;
       int                         rc;
       size_t                      sz;

       TAILQ_FOREACH(ns_entry, &g_namespaces, link) {
               * Allocate an I/O qpair that we can use to submit read/write requests
               *  to namespaces on the controller.  NVMe controllers typically support
               *  many qpairs per controller.  Any I/O qpair allocated for a controller
               *  can submit I/O to any namespace on that controller.
               * The SPDK NVMe driver provides no synchronization for qpair accesses -
               *  the application must ensure only a single thread submits I/O to a
               *  qpair, and that same thread must also check for completions on that
               *  qpair.  This enables extremely efficient I/O processing by making all
               *  I/O operations completely lockless.
               //每个NVMe SSD控制器下支持多个namespace,同事支持多个qpair,但是应用需要确保多线程进行
              ns_entry->qpair = spdk_nvme_ctrlr_alloc_io_qpair(ns_entry->ctrlr, NULL, 0);
              if (ns_entry->qpair == NULL) {
                     printf("ERROR: spdk_nvme_ctrlr_alloc_io_qpair() failed\n");

               * Use spdk_dma_zmalloc to allocate a 4KB zeroed buffer.  This memory
               * will be pinned, which is required for data buffers used for SPDK NVMe
               * I/O operations.
              sequence.using_cmb_io = 1;
              sequence.buf = spdk_nvme_ctrlr_map_cmb(ns_entry->ctrlr, &sz);
              if (sequence.buf == NULL || sz < 0x1000) {
                     sequence.using_cmb_io = 0;
                     sequence.buf = spdk_zmalloc(0x1000, 0x1000, NULL, SPDK_ENV_SOCKET_ID_ANY, SPDK_MALLOC_DMA);
              if (sequence.buf == NULL) {
                     printf("ERROR: write buffer allocation failed\n");
              if (sequence.using_cmb_io) {
                     printf("INFO: using controller memory buffer for IO\n");
              } else {
                     printf("INFO: using host memory buffer for IO\n");
              sequence.is_completed = 0;
              sequence.ns_entry = ns_entry;

               * If the namespace is a Zoned Namespace, rather than a regular
               * NVM namespace, we need to reset the first zone, before we
               * write to it. This not needed for regular NVM namespaces.
              if (spdk_nvme_ns_get_csi(ns_entry->ns) == SPDK_NVME_CSI_ZNS) {

               * Print "Hello world!" to sequence.buf.  We will write this data to LBA(Logical Block Addressing)
               *  0 on the namespace, and then later read it back into a separate buffer
               *  to demonstrate the full I/O path.
              snprintf(sequence.buf, 0x1000, "%s", "Hello world!\n");

               * Write the data buffer to LBA 0 of this namespace.  "write_complete" and
               *  "&sequence" are specified as the completion callback function and
               *  argument respectively.  write_complete() will be called with the
               *  value of &sequence as a parameter when the write I/O is completed.
               *  This allows users to potentially specify different completion
               *  callback routines for each I/O, as well as pass a unique handle
               *  as an argument so the application knows which I/O has completed.
               * Note that the SPDK NVMe driver will only check for completions
               *  when the application calls spdk_nvme_qpair_process_completions().
               *  It is the responsibility of the application to trigger the polling
               *  process.
              rc = spdk_nvme_ns_cmd_write(ns_entry->ns, ns_entry->qpair, sequence.buf,
                                       0, /* LBA start */
                                       1, /* number of LBAs */
                                       write_complete, &sequence, 0);
              if (rc != 0) {
                     fprintf(stderr, "starting write I/O failed\n");

               * Poll for completions.  0 here means process all available completions.
               *  In certain usage models, the caller may specify a positive integer
               *  instead of 0 to signify the maximum number of completions it should
               *  process.  This function will never block - if there are no
               *  completions pending on the specified qpair, it will return immediately.
               * When the write I/O completes, write_complete() will submit a new I/O
               *  to read LBA 0 into a separate buffer, specifying read_complete() as its
               *  completion routine.  When the read I/O completes, read_complete() will
               *  print the buffer contents and set sequence.is_completed = 1.  That will
               *  break this loop and then exit the program.
              while (!sequence.is_completed) {
                     spdk_nvme_qpair_process_completions(ns_entry->qpair, 0);

               * Free the I/O qpair.  This typically is done when an application exits.
               *  But SPDK does support freeing and then reallocating qpairs during
               *  operation.  It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure all
               *  pending I/O are completed before trying to free the qpair.
static void
write_complete(void *arg, const struct spdk_nvme_cpl *completion)
       struct hello_world_sequence    *sequence = arg;
       struct ns_entry                      *ns_entry = sequence->ns_entry;
       int                         rc;

       /* See if an error occurred. If so, display information
        * about it, and set completion value so that I/O
        * caller is aware that an error occurred.
       if (spdk_nvme_cpl_is_error(completion)) {
              spdk_nvme_qpair_print_completion(sequence->ns_entry->qpair, (struct spdk_nvme_cpl *)completion);
              fprintf(stderr, "I/O error status: %s\n", spdk_nvme_cpl_get_status_string(&completion->status));
              fprintf(stderr, "Write I/O failed, aborting run\n");
              sequence->is_completed = 2;
        * The write I/O has completed.  Free the buffer associated with
        *  the write I/O and allocate a new zeroed buffer for reading
        *  the data back from the NVMe namespace.
       if (sequence->using_cmb_io) {
       } else {
       sequence->buf = spdk_zmalloc(0x1000, 0x1000, NULL, SPDK_ENV_SOCKET_ID_ANY, SPDK_MALLOC_DMA);
       rc = spdk_nvme_ns_cmd_read(ns_entry->ns, ns_entry->qpair, sequence->buf,
                               0, /* LBA start */
                               1, /* number of LBAs */
                               read_complete, (void *)sequence, 0);
       if (rc != 0) {
              fprintf(stderr, "starting read I/O failed\n");
static void
read_complete(void *arg, const struct spdk_nvme_cpl *completion)
       struct hello_world_sequence *sequence = arg;

       /* Assume the I/O was successful */
       sequence->is_completed = 1;
       /* See if an error occurred. If so, display information
        * about it, and set completion value so that I/O
        * caller is aware that an error occurred.
       if (spdk_nvme_cpl_is_error(completion)) {
              spdk_nvme_qpair_print_completion(sequence->ns_entry->qpair, (struct spdk_nvme_cpl *)completion);
              fprintf(stderr, "I/O error status: %s\n", spdk_nvme_cpl_get_status_string(&completion->status));
              fprintf(stderr, "Read I/O failed, aborting run\n");
              sequence->is_completed = 2;

        * The read I/O has completed.  Print the contents of the
        *  buffer, free the buffer, then mark the sequence as
        *  completed.  This will trigger the hello_world() function
        *  to exit its polling loop.
       printf("%s", sequence->buf);

SPDK存储性能开发套件)官方文档中文版。 第一章 简介 1 1.1.什么是SPDK? 1 1.2.入门 1 1.3. Vagrant开发环境 3 1.4.更新日志(略) 6 第二章 概念 6 2.1. 用户空间驱动程序** 6 2.2. 来自用户空间的DMA** 7 2.3. 消息传递和并发** 9 2.4. NAND Flash SSD内部 13 2.5. 将I / O提交到NVMe设备** 15 2.5.1 NVMe规范 15 2.5.2 SPDK NVMe驱动程序I / O路径 15 2.6. 使用Vhost-user进行虚拟化I / O. 16 2.6.1 介绍 16 2.6.2 QEMU 17 2.6.3 设备初始化 18 2.6.4 I / O路径 19 2.6.5 SPDK优化 20 2.7. SPDK目录结构概述 20 2.8. SPDK移植指南 22 第三章 用户指南 22 3.1. 系统配置用户指南 22 3.1.1 IOMMU配置 22 3.2. SPDK应用程序概述 23 3.2.1 配置SPDK应用程序 23 3.3. iSCSI Target 26 3.3.1. iSCSI Target入门指南 26 3.3.2. 通过配置文件配置iSCSI Target 27 3.3.3. 通过RPC方法配置iSCSI Target 28 3.3.4. 配置iSCSI启动器 29 3.3.5. rpc配置示例*** 30 3.3.6. iSCSI 热插拔 32 3.4. NVMe over Fabrics Target 32 3.5. Vhost Target(略) 37 3.6 块设备用户指南 38 3.6.1 bdev介绍 38 3.6.2 通用RPC命令 38 3.6.3 Ceph RBD 39 3.6.4 压缩虚拟Bdev模块 40 3.6.5 加密虚拟Bdev模块 41 3.6.6 延迟vbdev模块 41 3.6.7 GPT(GUID分区表) 42 3.6.8 iSCSI bdev 43 3.6.9 Linux AIO bdev 43 3.6.10 OCF虚拟bdev 43 3.6.11 Malloc bdev 44 3.6.12 NULL bdev 44 3.6.13 NVMe bdev 44 3.6.14 逻辑卷Lvol 45 3.6.15 RAID 46 3.6.16 Passthru 46 3.6.17 Pmem 46 3.6.18 Virtio Block 47 3.6.19 Virtio SCSI 47 3.7 BlobFS(Blobstore文件系统) 48 3.7.1 RocksDB集成 48 3.7.2 FUSE插件 49 3.8 JSON-RPC方法(略) 49 第四章 程序员指南 49 4.1. Blobstore程序员指南 49 4.1.1 介绍 50 4.1.2 运作理论 50 4.1.3 设计注意事项 52 4.1.4 例子 54 4.1.5配置 54 4.1.6 组件细节 54 4.2. 块设备层编程指南 56 4.3 编写自定义块设备模块 58 4.3.1 介绍 58 4.3.2 创建一个新模块 59 4.3.3创建虚拟Bdev 60 4.4 NVMe over Fabrics目标编程指南 61 4.4.1 介绍 61 4.4.2 原语结构体 61 4.4.3 基础函数 62 4.4.4访问控制 62 4.4.5发现子系统 62 4.4.6 传输 63 4.4.7选择线程模型 63 4.4.8 跨CPU核心扩展 63 4.4.9 零拷贝支持 63 4.4.10 RDMA 63 4.5 Flash传输层 64 4.5.1 术语 64 4.5.2 使用方法 67 4.6 GDB宏用户指南 69 4.6.1 介绍 69 4.6.2 加载gdb宏 71 4.6.3 使用gdb数据目录 72 4.6.4 使用.gdbinit加载宏 72 4.6.5 为什么我们需要显式调用spdk_load_macros 72 4.6.6 以上可用的宏总结 73 4.6.7 添加新宏 73 4.7 SPDK “Reduce”块压缩算法 73 4.7.1 介绍 73 4.7.2 例子 74 4.8 通知库 78 第五章 基本信息 79 5.1 事件框架 79 5.1.1 事件框架设计注意事项 80 5.1.2 SPDK事件框架组件 80 5.1.3 应用框架 80 5.2 逻辑卷 81 5.2.1 术语 81 5.2.2 配置逻辑卷 84 5.3 矢量数据包处理(略) 86 第六章 杂项 86 6.1 介绍 86 6.2 NVMe的P2P API 86 6.3 确定设备支持 87 6.4 P2P问题 87 第七章 驱动程序 88 7.1 NVMe驱动程序*** 88 7.1.1 介绍 88 7.1.2 例子 88 7.1.3 公共接口 89 7.1.4 NVMe驱动程序设计 89 7.1.5 NVMe over Fabrics主机支持 91 7.1.6 NVMe多进程 91 7.1.7 NVMe Hotplug 92 7.2 I/OAT驱动程序 93 7.2.1 公共接口 93 7.2.2 关键功能 93 7.3 Virtio驱动程序 93 7.3.1 介绍 93 7.3.2 2MB大页面 93 第八章 工具 94 8.1 SPDK CLI 94 8.1.1 安装所需的依赖项 94 8.1.2 运行SPDK应用程序实例 94 8.1.3 运行SPDK CLI 94 8.1.4 可选 - 创建Python虚拟环境 94 8.2 nvme-CLI 95 8.2.1 nvme-cli with SPDK入门指南 95 8.2.2 使用场景 95 第九章 性能测试报告(略) 96 第十章NVMe-oF Target跟踪点*** 96 10.1 介绍 96 10.2 启用跟踪点 97 10.3 捕获事件的快照 97 10.4 捕获足够的跟踪事件 98 10.5 添加新的跟踪点 99




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


