1. Splunk
Splunk 是一款顶级的日志分析软件, 如果你经常用 grep、awk、sed、sort、uniq、tail、head 来分析日志, 那么你需要 Splunk。能处理常规的日志格式, 比如 apache、squid、系统日志、mail.log 这些。对所有日志先进行 index, 然后可以交叉查询, 支持复杂的查询语句。然后通过直观的方式表现出来。日志可以通过文件方式传倒 Splunk 服务器, 也可以通过网络实时传输过去。或者是分布式的日志收集。总之支持多种日志收集方法。
这个软件分为免费版本和专业版本。专业版本的价格是 3 万多刀。免费版本的功能也足够强大了。
思科斥资 280 亿美金收购收购 Splunk, 壮大网络安全和人工智能雄心
🙋♀️ Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform power the Splunk Unified Security and Observability Platform and enable a wide range of custom applications in on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.
📚 Splunk has contributed to the open source community for 18 years and counting. 👩💻 Splunkers contribute to a wide variety of open source projects and organizations including, but not limited to, various projects hosted by the Apache Foundation, the Open Telemetry project at The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Open Cyber Security Foundation (OCSF), and more. 🍿 Fun fact - Most apps/add-ons and connecters found on Splunkbase are published under open source licenses.