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原创 有趣的定律8. 手表定律


2004-11-30 23:19:00 1040

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 7. It's All About Attitude

Be sure programmers understand that writing bug-free code is so difficult that they cant afford not to use every means to detect and prevent bugs.几乎所有的程序员都相信世界上找不到没有bug的程序,但是不同的程序员因此在对待程序bug的态度上还有有所不

2004-11-30 11:43:00 877

原创 有趣的定律7. 破窗理论


2004-11-29 23:16:00 1375

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 6. Constant, Unceasing Improvement

Suppose that Wilbur, a newly hired programmer, spends his first year becoming your file converter specialist and then spends the next four years writing filters to read and write the file formats of c

2004-11-28 11:28:00 774

原创 有趣的定律6. 墨菲定律

墨菲定律:如果坏事情有可能发生,不管这种可能性多么小,它总会发生,并引起最大可能的损失。很有名的一条定律,我的老板也常常用它来比喻我们的程序,“如果你觉得自己的程序有bug, 那它就一定会有bug, 而且还是比较严重的bug。”我们即使是再聪明,也不可能再所有的事情做到完美无缺。所有的程序员不敢保证自己写的程序不存在bug。容易犯错误是人类与生俱来的弱点,不论技术再高,使用的方法再好,错误总会再某

2004-11-27 22:41:00 1025

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 5. Schedule Madness

Never allow the schedule to drive the project or to demoralize the team.在早期的微软,没有人在乎项目是否进度超前,但是任何进度落后都是不允许的。要是程序员的错虫不断增加,不算严重问题,但是只要有人的工作没有在排定的时间内完成,那就罪孽深重了。“进度”取代了项目目标和软件质量,变成了首要之务,每一个人都在疯狂地赶进度。用这种方法

2004-11-27 16:03:00 893

原创 有趣的定律5. 80/20效率法则


2004-11-26 23:11:00 1021

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 4. Unbridled Enthusiasm

这几天blog太不稳定了,真是有点烦。Try to limit the number of reports you ask other team members to write. Be sure that every report you ask for will provide more value to you or the company than would be lost by int

2004-11-26 13:41:00 837

原创 有趣的定律4. 彼德原理

彼德原理: 在一个层级制度中,每一个人总趋向晋升到他所不能胜任的职位;有工作成绩的人将被提升到高一级的职位;如果他们继续胜任,将进一步提升,直至到达他们所不能胜任的位置。所以,组织的悲剧在于:每一个职位最终将被不胜任的人所占有;而组织的工作任务,多半是由尚未达到不胜任职位的人们所完成。 在现实的层级组织中,彼得公式的影响是普遍存在的。结果,本来可以在低一级职位施展优秀才华的人,现在却不得不处在

2004-11-26 13:35:00 1544

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 3. Of Strategic Importance

Spend the first 10 or 15 minutes of each day making a list of answers to this question:What can I do today that would help keep the project on track for the next few months?项目之所以脱轨,主要的原因在于人们并未认真思考如何使项

2004-11-25 11:01:00 736

原创 有趣的定律3. 木桶定律

最近CSDN的Blog总是出错,太烦了。木桶定律:一只木桶盛水的多少,并不取决于桶壁上最高的那块木板,而恰恰取决于桶壁上最短的那块木板。,“木桶定律”还有三个推论:  其一,只有当木桶壁上的所有木板都足够高时,木桶才能盛满水;只要这个木桶里有一块不够高度,木桶里的水就是不可能是满的;  其二,比最低木板高的所有木板的高出部分是没有意义的,高得越多,浪费就越大;  其三,要想提高木桶的容量,应该设法

2004-11-25 09:03:00 1231

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 2. The Systematic Approach

Working smart, not working hardA common problem for servers in coffee shops is remembering whos drinking regular coffee and whos drinking the decaffeinated stuff. A coffee shop manager with unlimite

2004-11-24 11:38:00 857

原创 有趣的定律2. 华盛顿合作定律

  华盛顿合作定律说的是一个人敷衍了事,两个人互相推诿,三个人则永无成事之日。有点类似于我们三个和尚”的故事。  人与人的合作,不是人力的简单相加,而是要复杂和微妙得多。在这种合作中,假定每个人的能力都为1,那么,10个人的合作结果有时比10大得多,有时,甚至比1还要小。因为人不是静止物,而更像方向各异的能量,相互推动时,自然事半功倍,相互抵触时,则一事无成        社会学家认为责任不清是华

2004-11-23 23:13:00 929

原创 Review of Debugging the development process 1. Laying The Groundwork

Any work that does not result in an improved product is potentially wasted or misguided effort.Dont waste the developers time on work that does not improve the product.这些从道理上来说是完全没有问题的,但是作者的做法似乎是太极端

2004-11-23 10:15:00 875

原创 有趣的定律1. 帕金森定律

美国著名历史学家诺斯古德·帕金森通过长期调查研究,写了一本名叫《帕金森定律》的书,他在书中阐述了机构人员膨胀的原因及后果:一个不称职的官员,可能有三 条出路。第一是申请退职,把位子让给能干的人;第二是让一位能干的人来协助自己工 作;第三是任用两个水平比自己更低的人当助手。这第一条路是万万走不得的,因为那样会丧失许多权力;第二条路也不能走,因为 那个能干的人会成为自己的对手;看来只有第三条路最适宜。

2004-11-22 22:32:00 2234 1

原创 Three Philosophies in Development and Design

Test FirstIn order for complex, secure, stable software applications to succeed, proper testing must take place throughout the entiredevelopment lifecycle. Unfortunately, as the world grows and the pa

2004-11-21 11:53:00 829

原创 Using Java to process excel file

Java Excel API is a open source project.  We can use it to read, create, update excel file.1. Read data sheet from a excel fileStep 1. Create a workbookimport java.io.*;import jxl.*;… … … …try{//creat

2004-11-20 14:50:00 2071

原创 Validate With Regular Expressions

Simple validations often arent adequate for some kinds of user input—for example, credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. The fact that users like to enter data in different formats complica

2004-11-19 17:23:00 1063

原创 Redistributing DTS with your program

In one of our program, to convert the legacy data into our SQL Server, we used the function of DTS.  But now our customer tell us that they want to install the program on a computer without SQL Server

2004-11-18 14:59:00 1174

原创 Part of aspects in J2SE 1.5

Nearly three years ago the design of one of the most significant updates to the Java platform in its history was planned. So what has happened in those three years? J2SE 1.5 ("Tiger") has been develop

2004-11-17 23:53:00 2363

原创 The Strategy, Template Method, and Bridge Patterns

One of the great benefits of object-oriented programming is polymorphism; i.e., the ability to send a message to an object without knowing the true type of the object. Perhaps no pattern illustrates t

2004-11-02 08:58:00 1141



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